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Brain practice Tuesday, January 22, 2002 • read strip Viewing 24 comments:

When angels read your email, you realize how horrible a person you are.

blister is pretty bad-ass

Sort of, but here's a question I have unanswered: if angels can read your mind just like that, then why do they need computers to read your email?

What if you're not thinkin' about email, or haven't even read it yet because google is bein' a bitch about recovering my password? What then, smart guy?

for that matter who has all their email memorized?

I read your e-mail.

V1AgrA xaNaX from canada

Enjoy... sciuridae coitus.

TODD - we need a Todd t-shit

Onstad make this happen dude

If Todd can't read, why is he getting e-mail? What could possibly be lurking in his inbox?

I'm pretty sure he knows how to spell key words like "porn".

and there are two other possibilities besides him being illiterate:
1)suckin' dick did in fact but that van
2)his license plate wouldn't stay on and he happened to have that frame, and he's not picky.

Foil will not keep the angels out, but it does block the government's rays.

What kind of email would a drunken squirrel get


I love how Blister's just kinda standing there, letting it all soak in.

I can't decide if it would be more or less surreal if Blister was in his usual spread armed stance.

He can read my mind all he wants, but bitch betta keep his hands off my CraigsList 'casual encounters' leads...

Also, if you give Blister a swiffer, he could clean off your heat sink.

He looks pretty sinister just standing there like that

Apparently Blister remembered his purpose for coming back from the dead after all.

i like to imagine that he lowered his arms in disappointment over todd's depraved outbox

Why would you want to read Todd's mind? He is a terrible man!

Thursday's recipe: Chicken!

I think this might be the first time Onstad did the "interrupt a storyline with an unrelated strip" thing he does so well.

(That is not sarcasm, I really do anjoy it when he does that.)

Is anjoying when you enjoy something angrily?