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Agua Wednesday, June 6, 2007 • read strip Viewing 101 comments:

Alt TEXT_ De Niro has let himself go and will often eat Bananas Foster

Bananas Foster is Hell of New Orleans, but does he eat it at Commander's Palace or Brennan's? Brennan's invented it, Commander's Palace perfected it and the two restaurants belong to warring factions of the same family.

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, sevenarts, tttt2, theoneyouwant, handsome, FoundationStepper, ubersplat, aperson)

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, GregChant, theoneyouwant, handsome, ubersplat, aperson)

Philippe is standing on air

He is leaping for joy I believe. (One year later, the mystery solved).

This is how my wedding should have been. We did play the Imperial March from Star Wars during the procession, at least.

Rage Remix version is a must.

Y'all some nerds.

Is that Ray? If so, the graduation cap is a brilliant touch. Well done.

What's with the G in panel 5? Was Onstad having a hard time with his Illustrator as i was with the BBCode? (I think it's unnecessary to say, but Agua is spanish for water)

We could all hella start guessing what Molly wrote on the screen.. but I think we all know already anyway ;)

A comment left by featurelessvoid was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stopeatingmyeyes, theoneyouwant, Magb, LocusCosecant)

that's 7 taps


A comment left by handsome was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, Zefiel, entropyends, riotdejaneiro, fallow_fields, wae, mike24, RMJ12345, Fermatprime, lucidaconsole, Sargasm, BillyLK, Crater12, nutmeg, MrCreighton, J-Man, Mastronaut)

this is a very good strip. i'm not poet enough to tell you, exactly, why, but i'm sure that somewhere in the following ocean of discussion my thoughts, in aggregate, will be expressed.

i guess i just like it more than i'm capable to say.

How about some thoroughly inadequate haiku?

Desperately searching
The cat from Circumstances
Doesn't feel the kiss

That blinking device
Won't do for..De Niro? -zzzz
"I will, I love you"

Years alone, depressed
He fears he will disappoint
Her love is enough

My man from Heaven
Can barely see the sun shine
He brings me sweet gifts

All clever and cheap
Why you gotta do a thing
She's worth all you got

Molly comes home early
Startled, Beef gives up the ring
He frets, while she smiles

Morning keyboard face
Acid tummy, drool on his arm
A message on-screen

Roast Beef in Winter
Always seeks a place to hide
Molly shows him Spring

Shoulda read farther
These are maximal Senryu

Don't proper haiku got to have some sorta reference to weather or seasons in them? I seem to recall something like that as a thing missed by most.

What a sweet little strip.

Google: It's not your dad's avoidance behavior.

Aw hell, she totally typed "I accept" or "I love you" or something on the screen for him to wake up to. I... *sniff*... excuse me.

Man I always thought she went back and checked his back history and saw that he was looking at ring prices or some such but now I see that I am a fool.

But that is rad semiquaver! You should use that idea in a novel!

Maybe I will use it in some X-Files fanfic and then go cry the tears associated with the waste of one's own life

Oh man. I can't remember the last time I felt this much anticipation for a storyline in Achewood to continue. I want to just go to sleep for a week so I can wake up and read what happens.

On another note, Roast Beef's internet surfing habits are almost frighteningly close to my own. I often find myself wondering "I wonder what [celebrity x] looks like these days" and doing a subsequent Google Image Search.

Great Outdoor Fight was the last time I was this racked with anticipation.

Can you be racked with something other than guilt?

Yeah. I've been racked by something other than guilt before.

hunger is the first thing that comes to mind

Actually, I was thinking about the time the neighbor's kid nailed me with his wiffle ball bat.

I know what you mean. I had a one-day vacation yesterday and this morning when I logged on I remembered: !!!!!! I get TWO strips today!!!!!! (yes, six each side)

Fuck. This is all so nice. You guys are good people.

Even more "AWWWWW <3".

Note that Molly set a glass of water up for Beef in the last panel. Very sweet.

I _hadn't_ noticed that. This is why I love the message board.

A comment left by phthoggos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, chaesar, StickManBen)

Damn. I need a strip where Lyle and Vlad fight with bicycle chains to cut through this run of sugaryness...

A comment left by widdershins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, kylank, Andrew_, differentdog, chaesar, nutmeg)

A comment left by bacter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, GregChant, atticusonline, YossarianLives, Audhumla)

don't marry cats

Nice touch: she leaves him a glass of milk. As someone who suffers from heartburn regularly ("acid tummy"), I can confirm that this is indeed the best thing. Molly knows her man.

Hmm, I thought it was water, but it could be milk. As far as heartburn/acid tummy goes, I get it every so often, and have you ever tried any of the modern acid-blocking medicines like Tagamet (cimetidine) or Prilosec (omeprazole)? That stuff works .

Although milk goes much better w/ Oreos.

stuff like prilosec stops you from breaking down your food completely and leads to vitamin deficencies

The strip title is a clue to what's in that glass, I think.

'course as it's 'agua' maybe it's mexican magical realist water that turns into milk when required...

not to split hairs, but the substance in the glass is white and opaque. if it was water we would most likely see the edge of the table through the glass. plus, he is a cat after all...

grown up cats get hell of pimp skitters if they drink milk.

Ridiculous. The title of the comic is "water". Besides, Molly is too thoughtful a character to leave a glass of milk out for an undetermined amount of time.

Also milk can make acid tummy worse - when digested it becomes acidic. Bicarb soda is best for acid tummy, followed by proper antacids.


(man, this is a great comic)

There is a G in panel 5 but only in Acheworld. Why is this?

perceptive! how odd...I wonder why.

The people who check the Google Search statistics have noticed a dramatic rise in searches for images of Billy Crystal today.

That is the most endearing damned thing I have seen in a while.

She even left him a glass of water.

This is totally going to end badly in a classic "Fraser" misunderstanding... Fuck...

...like Brendan Fraser?

it is indeed going to end up in a classic Monkeybone situation

Dang that was an awful movie. My wife insisted on seeing it in the theater in 2000 or whenever that was. I still want my $20 back.

How to tell if a movie is awful:

Is Brendan Fraser in the movie?

If yes, then the movie has a 99.8% chance of being awful.

Who would've thought that a girl who perished ages ago aboard a Welsh ship bound for America could touch the life of a guy who was dressed in Wonderbread bags as a baby?

Thank you, Chris Onstad. You've made us believe in the impossible. God Bless you.

this is just so sweet. i'm more excited for mollie & beef getting married than i've been for any of my friends. what is it about these cats?

A comment left by nbgreene was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by solobuttons, pitseleh, lateadopter)

This precisely illustrates my internet habits, even when I am not freaking out over a lady.


What does beef mean, "at some point"?
Also what is with the floating "G" right by him in panel 5?

Billy Crystal is seeing how this did wonders for Cody Travis' career.


I guess it was an unwanted artifact of the comic's creation, something to do with the preceding panel perhaps?

the female cat knows that sleeping in front of the computer gives her man cotton-mouth. She considers this.

things are getting ominously sweet

i have Fears

I think we shouldn't allow img tags in comments just maybe.

I thought she typed the ring she wanted him to buy her.

When it comes to websurfing versus showing the love, Beef's priorities are clear .

Where's this "G" everyone is on about?

she could have wrote "i love RB" in 7 taps

Spacebar, dude. Spaces.

Man this strip was so hilarious and yet completely sweet. Once again Roast Beef's thought process is errily similar to my own.

what a tragedy that Roast Beef reads Drudge Report. Reading Drudge Report is as bad as reading Fark.

It's worse. Even Fark has more of worth.

It's just too bad this won't end well for our friend Roast Beef.

A comment left by nessotron was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dwilow, Methadone, aperson)

Don't bother, she will never be like Molly, it's HER loss. Look for someone else, you won't find Molly (she's a cat) but i'm sure there's someone out there.

/founder of the Nerd Always Dating Support (N.A.D.S.)

Hahahaha,(she's a cat) was gold.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. You have found her, now go and get her.

I gave you a chubby because I think it is ridiculous that anyone would give this comment a lame, let alone three.

Awwwwww. Molly is a stand-up dame. That is a keeper.

Hey BEEF! Molly left you out a glass of water, man. Get up and buy her a diamond immediately.

Man I was hoping the "the strip that falls on my birthday" strip would actually bring them to making wedding plans or something, but I suppose Beef and Molly being cute will suffice. I wonder if Molly was typing in debeers.com, considering that is also seven letters, but I'm with the majority, she doesn't seem like a diamonds girl.

That's not 7. You could type 'debeers' but you still couldn't ctrl enter.

And I thought that yesterday's strip would take care of my "choked up at work" for the year...

If I was shopping for my engagement ring online I know I couldn't resist a quick sidetrack to check Achewood updates. Though I think if I was caught in the act I would be on the receiving end of a slap rather than a peck on the cheek.

Is it wrong to feel ecstatic about a cat knowing she's going to marry a cat who knows nothing about the first cat knowing? It is, isn't it? I've been reading too long :D

She's definately a winner dude, GO FOR IT BEEF!

The background music for this arc is "The Trapeze Swinger" by Iron & Wine.


Even though it was already used in In Good Company , it could stand some more. I predict that in twenty years, that will join the ranks of many overused Oldies songs in movie soundtracks.

I predict this.

That strip is so much character insight. I love it.

This is pretty much what happens every time I have to write a paper. Except for the last four panels.

The "... THEREAFTER" totally caught me off guard.

People that dislike this strip fail to realize that it is not about comedy in this one.

I love Beef's sitting at the computer pose. It's adorable.

You know what? Molly is from heaven.