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Super-Secret Ice Cream Parlor Monday, November 3, 2003 • read strip Viewing 55 comments:

This is the beginning of one of my favorite Achewood arcs ever. It got so dramatic and even serious!

This is where Onstad's art starts to get really fucking good. Absolutely brilliant arc. I'm on an archive trawl, and I'm excited.

Oh Philippe. How did you get into this situation.

Nice Pete is right. Try it sometime.

Tap out 8 full seconds with your fingers and try just exhaling for the entire duration at audible volume.

As you can see, Nice Pete is a professional screamer.

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wildcat, shadowlink_97, hellsfruition, mugi)

Is that going full-out blast at the top of your fucking lungs so that your face is red and your nose might bleed, or just singing an even A?

Don't forget, this is while people in the McDonald's are going all crazy trying to get you out of there before you upset their bloated customers.

Exhaling is different from making noise. It's harder to just breathe out audibly for a sustained period than it is to continually make a sound with your voice

I like to walk around Wal-mart alone at 3 am reapeating Nice Pete's lines very loudly.

A comment left by mrmacky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, Taidje_Khan, Darthemed)

Sadly, those people are trained to ignore you...

Those people are fucking BORN to ignore you.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, nighttoad, atom, Jesler729, mortshire)

Because you repeat a line directly from a comic on the same page as that comic?

Because he put that chicken head in that woman's box of Mcnuggets, obviously.

It was just another afternoon in the life of Nice Pete

This was the first Achewood strip I ever read. It made me laugh like the dickens.

I got so distraught when I first read this comic. I believe I had difficulty breathing.

time for a trip to mickey d's

For some reason when I'm bored at parties I will actually start talking like this.

I mean, the hell with all these people, I'm never gonna meet them again anyway.

That IS a hard thing to do.

You people are all so talky.

Nice Pete owns the Mystery Machine.

If by "owns" you mean " Corrected its previous operators," then yes.

Didn't Phillipe's mother warn him about this type of situation?

One must wonder how many McDonalds Nice Pete is still actually allowed in...

Um, 0. He said he's not welcome in any of them.

there are Notices about him in break rooms and under counters.

All with grainy security-cam photos

Nice Pete is probably a fan of Chris Cunningham music videos.

chubby for that avatar

I assume you're referencing the Aphex Twin video for "Come to Daddy". Very apropos.

Yeah, I like to think that Nice Pete's creation myth is very similar to that video.

That is a straight up serial killer van.

Looks like a Dodge. I had a white Ford van like that. Piece of junk except the motor was an unkillable beast.

It looks confused. Like the headlights are eyes going all opposite of cross-eyed.

I don't know I guess what I am trying to say here is that I think serial killers should drive vans that look less confused. I'm sorry.

Man the most I could ever pull off was six seconds

Nice Pete was a workin' man

A sparkle was in his eye
And Philippe's life was in his hands.

Early in the morning at the break of day, I think we all know what Nice Pete used to do.

Sometimes the best response is just to scream and shake. Doesn't matter who you're talking to, you win that argument.

I like the van's face in the first panel.

Yeah, it sort-of looks "retarded", you know, all, eyes pointing outward in two different directions, stupid flat grin on its face

I can't help but wonder where he got that van since he drove his last one into a bunch of dental workers.

*points to corner of room*

there are some of their hands.

Panel 3 happens to me way too often.

Nice Pete breaks at least two driving guidelines in this strip.

Haha, this was on my 21st birthday!

lol i went up to the top after i read this comment to check how old i would have been, and it was on my 17th birthday :D you're exactly 4 years older then me :P you're nearly 27 oldie :P

awww dammit >.< i forgot those were american dates and not english that to me reads 11th of march but it's the 3 of november isn't it lol

I can put my legs behind my back, but I don't see how that helps during sex.

Especially since I'm male.

and don't like the freaky stuff

Nice Pete is one of those characters I feel kinda ashamed for enjoying so damn much, and this is a pretty clear example as to why .

5, 5, a thousand 5's, ten thousand 5's!