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Roast Beef Self-Origami Friday, January 16, 2004 • read strip Viewing 95 comments:

I think that traffic makes us all feel the bitter road rage.

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, ohmygooses, Connellingus)

I used to have this one printed out and stuck on my wall.

The traffic is the manifestation of the disease. The disease is called commuting. Makes crack look like birthday cake. Just say no to commuting.

My Favourite Achewood

starring Peter O'Toole


God. Damn. Every time I fall into this strip with the randomness button I just get all lovely about Achewood all over again.

I wanna choose the dropdown for Pro twice.

All going back through my rating history going minus 1 on every rating I've done before this.

Hell of rebooting my rating universe to a new canonical fiction.

you are poetry in motion.
i chubby you in this glorious moment.

A comment left by ssddr was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bex, lovelibeam, stormagnet, Darthemed)

This is one of my favorite strips ever, and I don't even understand what Beef is getting at in panels 5 and 6.

From the looks of it neither does Ray.

Seriously though, beautiful strip.

The best part is the very last panel. I was like: what?
You gotta admit that sometimes Achewood just doesn't make any sense, and that makes it a bit like marmite, there are people who love Achewood and others who just don't get what it's about.

Though it doesn't make sense, I feel the last panel has a kind of rhythm that fits with the strip overall.

But yes...there are people who don't "get it"

I avoid these people.

A comment left by nessotron was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, tttt, rowboat, king_of_pwns, josher, Flaaron, Wulvaine, Doc_Rostov)

The strip overall makes sense, I was referring to the last panel which kind of comes out of nowhere.



Can we all agree that it is the best panel

I don't know why people don't get the last panel. It's just a "ROAST BEEF: BAD ASS" type thing. Ain't no need but it doesn't make it nonsensical.

Dude, here's him: "the last panel doesn't make sense"

and here's you: "yes it does! the only thing that doesn't make sense is the last panel"

I hope you liked my impression.

Spot on, spot on.

I don't think it's quite that.

He's just pulled a big hack, he's DAMN good at what he does, and he had to endure all this frustration (sitting around, doing nothing) immediately afterward. He's not so much venting his frustration on himself as he is showing how a hollow image of himself is so much less powerful than he really is.

The dude is tall and ICE COLD.

Is anybody else reading that last panel in the Leeroy Jenkins voice?


A comment left by sredni was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mr_lostman28, Connellingus, SatelliteTV, Wulvaine)

The 280 might have been a better choice.

Yeah, even if you get caught in traffic, the scenery is way better.

Actually, I Google Mapsed it, and y'all are wrong. Yahoo! headquarters is in Sunnyvale, opposite 101 from Palo Alto. 280 is way out of the way.

this man knows whats up. no way you get caught all dealing with page mill when you can hit up embarcadero straight in

Well that one depends on whether you want to get to North or South Palo Alto. Ray, if I remember correctly, lives in Menlo Park, so Embarcadero's much closer.

I want a sticker with the last panel on it.

I want a life size origami of Roast Beef.

I want TO FOLD a life size origami of Roast Beef.


try what i did. only $10k up front

Any strip with Beef getting all sassy is an instant 5

It is nice seeing Beef develop some sass and stop being so mopey all the time. I enjoy his character much more now that he's not one-dimensional.

This was my first ever Achewood. Try to imagine someone reading this out of context.

Yeah, WTF

Now try reading it in context.


Can someone give an example of Ray or Beef drinking a beer that wasn't Stella?

ray also likes to url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=06122007]get all spry on grolsch[/url]

dammit dammit dammit

grolsch is badass. it is truely bad ass

Ray knocked back some Bohemian with Envelope Martinez.

Looks more like Negra Modelo to me.

And Beef had Cuervos in Heaven and immediately prior to Hell.

we talkin' Ray here.


Beef drank two Asahis on his "me day."

On their road trip, Beef orders himself a Guinness, and he likes Guinness the most, I believe. Ray is the Stella guy.

Most likely he drinks Stellas with Ray, as kind of a ritual. There are certain beers I only drink with certain friends (Newcastle Nut Brown) and then there are beers I drink by myself (mainly IPA's).

Three strips down the line - Guinness


Ketel One and Bud.

and I just remembered that Beef had Guinness in Heaven.

Ketel One and Cuervo are not beers. /pedant


as in, THIS IS roast beef etc.

this is what/who he IS.

imagine the image coming down hard on the last panel, like a big stamp, alongside this like heavy clanging metal sound, like when you hear a jail cell close on tv. picture the final image in the way the "married with children" logo stamps down on the end of the credits.

this makes perfect sense to me.

Plus it kinda calls back to when Roast Beef was first introduced: Roast Beef, The Middle Cat, Not Ray, Not Pat.

He's no longer just the middle cat.

This is significant, maybe.

Ha, yes! You described it exactly as I saw it! It's just saying "this is fucking roast beef - Fucking Roast Beef!"

Well said.

The last panel has the same three-circle moteif of the old LOONY TUNES bits with Porky Pig-- only this time, the entire little 15-minute cartoon you just watched was not the Looney Tunes, but ROAST BEEF KAZZENZAKIS. Good times, man, good times.

The circle and his name are already on the screen; his face emerges from inside the circle and strikes the pose you see in the last panel. A chorus of female vocalists circa 1951 who are used to singing cigarette jingles such as Blow It In Her Face and She'll Follow You Anywhere sing his name in a pleasant melody.

I was wondering why the hell that table/dresser thing was in there... then I realised that the alt-text refers to precisely that. So I don't know why it's there still, but at least I can refer to it by name correctly, Gustavian Demi-Lune...

Oh, god, so that's what that meant! Thank you.

I read "demi-lune", and I think demilunes and ravelins. You know, 18th and 19th century fortifications.

I had assumed it was refering to [url=https://books.google.com/books?id=J5PgapzD6FoC&pg=PA276&vq=demi-lune&dq=demilune polearm&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0]this[/url] (not to be confused with this ).

aww hell yeah

It's 101, not the 101.

Obviously, you've never been on the 101. The 101 is a beast that consumes good will, filling drivers with hatred and bile for children. The 101 is a long metastasized tumor along the spine of the San Francisco Bay Area.


101 indeed sucks, but what Rhino was saying is that Bay Area natives (and perhaps people who have migrated to the Bay Area who don't want to be mistaken for Southern Californians), refer to numbered highways without employing "the" before the number (though "the" is used before highways referred to by name, as in "the MacArthur," "the Embarcadero" [though the latter no longer exists]). "The" has been creeping into newscaster speech there occasionally, much to the dismay of locals. I used to think the "the" was only employed in SoCal, and thus I detested it. Like hating the Dodgers. Now that I've lived 5 years in Portland, I realize that it is used by people from all over.

Damn it! Please mentally delete the comma following the first parenthetical phrase in my post above. Oh, oops again (or should I say, cool!) My horning in here makes it look like confusion likes what I'm saying. All dancing all with a big "YES."

I'm laming myself on the last bit of the previous post . . . once I put it up it no longer looked that way. fucking noob.

holy shit I don't even think I need to read what you wrote, your avatar is fucking rad

Do people in Portland actually say "The 5"? or "The 205"?

I like how rays eyebrows raise a little bit after every sentence beef says. if there was one more panel, they would flip upside down


Every time I read this strip, I love it more and more. Beef's intensity is just rising to a crescendo and at that point there's nothing he can say to express his passion; the only appropriate climax is to black out everything except his own existence.

Can you imagine what impressions you'd get of Roast Beef if you were reading Achewood for the first time, and this was your first comic? You'd never peg him as the sort of guy who occasionally gets too depressed to bite all the way through toast.

I wish I were tall, so I could use Beef's line when ordering a drink.

Use it anywany.

I can use BBcode but I can't spell.

i believe the life size roast beef origami would be a representation of his current state, all arms falling off, all abused, all flat.

This strip is a straight 5, a 6 even

Shove on its stomach a little bit and watch as its face deforms all slow like the TRAFFIC

This has got to be one of my favourites. This could be used as an example of How Achewood Works.

This is the strip that made me sign up to rate and comment. Watch how Ray's face changes ever so slightly while Beef's stays all but frozen in a mask of demented rage.

First time Beef has been Angry?

He usually thinks no one will let him get away with it, this time he knows Ray has to stand back and say "you're the man". Beef is obviously not used to being the man, as evidenced by his strange boasts and non-sequiters. He will get better at it as the strip progresses.

I se what you mean, he's pretty much gained a huge self-confidence boost from hacking Yahoo .. Damn, that's far more depthy than i would expect from a (free) internet comic .. I .. Love .. Chris .. Onstad.
Also i can't believe i capitalised "angry".
Also also, have a chubby for blowing my mind.

i can totally imagine Beef's mood.
his actions are so well conveyed .

i feel (t)his way right now, like i could make a large origami of myself and tear it (myself) to shreds while screaming.

this is the power Achewood has.

(also, never call i-25 'the 25'. we will hit you.)

I also feel all kinds of worked up after sittin around in traffic, I suck at origami though. My crane's are ok, but aren't Animatronic.

I've always wanted a shirt of the last panel, but one was never produced.


Fine... just fine.