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Talking Wallpaper Tuesday, December 9, 2003 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

I did a spit take.

And this is, indeed, what I fear hell is like.

I ate it, Ray, in my innocence

I always kept coming back to this one days after it was posted and I think every time I would cry laughing

To me the best part of this strip is the "guaranteed." It's just exactly the kind of thing Ray would say, and I can see him dropping it nonchalantly as he walks away from the register, looking over at his companion for emphasis.

flipping his hand

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Gompo, equinn2006, dinner, dr_sexlove)

Atleast he gets some sort of karmic comeuppance when he goes bald and starts not gettin so fresh with the fine women.

man that happens to like 80% of every guy even those who don't do nothin' wrong.

The wallpaper in Hell hotels is made from the souls of the wronged.

No matter how empty and barren it seems, Hell has a way of getting to you personally.

It seems a little harsh that both Hell's inhabitants and their victims wind up there. Perhaps those flowers are printed from their victim's pain, which when they forget, sinks through their shoes, into the ground and drips directly into Hell's Printing Press.

New Titles this Spring!

That makes more sense. Otherwise, folks (and puppies!) are ending up in Hell just because a stranger was a dick to them.

That ain't right. We'd all end up there.

On the other hand, Achewood Hell doesn't seem that bad...

It may not seem that bad, but it's pretty humid down there.

That's what ... "she" said?

Are you implying I'm... female?

Not at all. Just trying to employ one of those pre-packaged witticisms that are so popular with the kids.

Also, I think it implies that one of us has known a female who was humid down there.

I can admit that I have. I think about her in my private moments.

Ah, well, very good then.

This strip combines solemn melancholy with an ironic humor in a truly masterful way.

Who would lame that, that is, like, exactly what this strip is.

The wallpaper isn't doing this because it is Hell Wallpaper; it is doing this because it is Best Western Wallpaper. Place sucks.

Best Western does indeed suck.

Wallpapers all giving people guilt trips.
All hella haunted.

something about our obsession with Beef's complicated structural choices has resulted in you saying "all hella haunted" and I like it. There's a line in the Beck song "Dark Star" (Off The Information, which was bad), "listen to the noise on the battery tape deck" and the sound of his consonants clicking into place do wonders for me every time, despite the presence of the hulking beast of depression that roamed that album's countryside...


Comfort Inn is where it's at, dogs! Holla!

I wish I could double chubby this. Maybe a post is fine too?

I imagine the flowers as having a gravelly voice like the chest-mutant from Total Recall. Anyone else with me on this?

I hear them more as a high-pitched child sounding voice, sort of like the little girls from The Shining.

I hear them azs really soft, breathy, whispery voices.

Ditto. Slightly monotonous tone, but with a forlorn echo behind it that just sticks in your ears and follows you until you hear that echo behind every sound; and like the tick of a clock, the more you pay attention the louder it gets until you can't STOP STOP HEARING IT NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY.


Yeah, I kinda got that vibe too. I think it was from the repetition of 'Raaay... Raaay' in panels 4-5.

Combine Zeal and Stormagnet and that is just exactly what I hear. All whispery, echoing, forlorn...

I hear 'em as more monotone, robotic voices.

Breathy male voices mixed with the sounds of calm but steady wind and faintly, in the distance, wind chimes. But if you listen close enough to hear them you are too far gone.

Hey, This is where I started--I've now come full circle and seen all the strips. I love you Achewood. Thanks for the funny, Mr. Onstad.


this is like taking shrooms except they aren't laughing with you theyre laughing at you

Your chuckling avatar gives the impression that Beef, too, is having a big ol' slice of schadenfruede.
I like.

Chubbied for "big ol' slice of Schadenfreude."

I feel like this wallpaper is what the Shining was missing.


I was a boy you chased with an axe, Jack

thank you, tekende, for this.


I think this is illegal! I don't think you can keep someone in a bathroom like this!

I thought vanilla vodka plus orange soda was an orange creamsicle? "fifty-fity" does not sound like it is accomplishing a nostalgic flavor.

i could very well be wrong, but i took that to mean if you have vanilla vodka and orange soda, you mix your drinks with as much vodka as orange soda. 50% vodka, 50% soda

I always thought a fifty-fifty was a dry martini with half gin and half vermouth. That might be a newer thing.

you could conceivably call anything with half of one thing and half of the other that

In hell a fifty-fifty has 100% of being vomited out.
50 & 50.

A comment left by lk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by snowman, Deusoma, Wulvaine)

Poor Chinese dude...I wonder if he was monk dimin'. Probably...suicided.

I've probably read and re-read this strip I don't know how many times but I only noticed now that the flowers are coming out of the walls.


You ripped off the money-making part of my mandible with your bare paws

I had it surgically reattached, but that's not the point

This comment is awesome

too bad the Fight hadn't happened yet

Ray should go back to hell and have to deal with all the people he screwed up in the Fight

Hell is so terrible, it knows all the sins you've done even you haven't done them yet.

That's why most people never try to get out. Don't want to add to the pile.

Dude, if you voluntarily take part in the Great Outdoor Fight, then anything that you do - and anything that is done to you - is automatically on your own head. You cannot incur karmic backlash for doing what you're supposed to be doing in the GOF.

I did a Christian thiiiiiiing~

Raaay, I am a prostitute.

Jesus Hotcakes Christ I love vanilla vodka and orange soda. I used to drink it in my first studio apartment before I had glasses, so I would drink half of a can of generic orange soda and then fill the rest up with vodka. One night me and my so-gay-he-flies buddy got so fucked up on fifty-fifties he peed in the sink and started singing the national anthem in hopes I wouldn't hear him do so. But he forgot the words to the national anthem, so he just screamed "NATIONAL ANTHEM" over and over while he defiled my toothbrush.

Holy fuck. Chubby.

Hilarious story. (Hey, it wasn't MY toothbrush.) Did he scream the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner", or just scream?

It wasn't exactly tuneless... I would maybe say that he scream-chanted it.


so funny. hot damn.

This should be a scene in a movie.

congratulations xi,
you are the whiz-my-pants funniest comment
of the day.

This should be submitted to Spinynorman Quarterly.

How odd. I just came across that strip where you made what I called a Spinynorman-esque comment and it fostered a Discussion about Spinynorman cliches.

Maybe...maybe I should get off the computer for now.

There's something just so insidious about that last line. It's been weeks since I've read this strip and I Just. Can't. Get. It. Out of. My. Head.

Hell does that to people.

Am I the only one that notices that, not only does ray not have an actual man thong (more of a speedo) but that his but cheeks begin above his tail?

I mean tails just don't work like that, sure it makes him more humiliated to have his crack a showin' and he is a cat that walks in his back legs, but it just don't seem right, that it is not a real thong, feels so wrong, though it would would feel pretty wrong to see Ray ass just starin' me in the face, but I think that would feel less wrong.

also he's a cat that talks

Surrealism is one of the hardest things to do in any medium. Accomplished here so easily and it makes so much sense it's unmistakably the work of a master artist.

we finally get to see the other side of ray's thong. thanks onstad.

While i was re-reading this arc my playlist shuffled to Porcupine Tree's "Arriving Somewhere But Not Here"....rather poignant?

This actually happened to Bukowski.