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Lyle threatens to play a trumpet with his cock Monday, February 27, 2006 • read strip Viewing 100 comments:

So many great things in this strip.

"Is SO cool."
"I could play a trumpet with my cock", and Cornelius' subsequent reaction to that statement.

Don't forget "You know how computers suck!"

I have a degree in computer science and have contributed to publications in the field, and am firmly convinced that computers suck.

oh definitely. the more you study them the more you know this is true.

...also refers to surgical techniques, quarks, and post-colonial studies.

I just read through a couple of medical journals at the library. I have now become deathly afraid of doctors.

Every single article seemed to start with phrases like "existing treatment proves ineffective/fatal" and "Despite thousands of cases being treated the area has seen little research." Also loads of stuff about nurses not washing their hands.

In fact, every Ph.D. thesis in CS has a chapter on how much computers suck. It may be oblique, but it's there, trust me.

Lyle just doesn't trust anything that can be on, and apparently working, but not moving .

Or the penis pun in the alt text.

A comment left by davidbowie was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, DeimosRising, goocifer, equinn2006, bookofsand, Quartzblade, aperson)

I originally thought that Cornelius was going to take Lyle's suggestion, rather than hiding the trumpet.

You know that's what I thought for a long while.

Now I feel dirty.

Oh my god. This is easily the fifth time I've read GOF and all this time I thought Cornelius Bear was about to play that trumpet with his cock.

You're not the only one.

All you need to do is reverse the order of the last two panels and this interpretation becomes a lot more likely.

Oh man, I JUST got that. I was sure that, while Lyle would just talk about playing the trumpet with his cock, Connie was a bad enough man to actually go and do it. In fact, I still feel that way, even though I've been proven wrong.

Show of hands, who thought Cornelius was about to rock the trump-cock?

HAND! Just now, 2 and a half years later, did I realize.

I'm prety sure I did.


I saw this when it was first posted, and it took re-reading the hardcover for the third time to see the proper panel sequence here.

I honestly just thought he was hiding it to avoid such an act to be committed against his own trumpet.

I interpreted it to be Cornelius who was about to quietly and with great dignity and pride play The Star Spangled banner on the trumpet with his cock.

yeah, the missing frame. Onstad probably has it locked up in his personal archives.

Yes! I as well. That's why Assetbar is useful-- for making you feel like a complete dumbass with a dirty mind and to learn what's actually happening.

just perfect I think


Yeah, who won the fight? Vlad or Lyle! I couldn't watch that fight, I love them both too much.

Can you please, from now on, just like, make every comment just one word and an exclamation mark. It just works so perfectly with that avatar. Thanks.

best stand-alone comic in the GOF story line, for sure.

I had to read this one like ten times before I got why Cornelius was doing that. Am I retarded?

I think the few seconds (or views, whatever) it takes for the punchline to sink in make it glorious.

Cornelius is not one to take a chance, where metaphors are concerned.

Lyle doesn't strike me as the metaphorical type.

Lyle is straight up describing the Achewood fanbase's feelings upon reading the GOF.

How this one isn't a perfect 5 or at least 4.9 is beyond me.

"two buns in a pickle", "fairly arseholed", "play a trumpet with my cock". this comic is so, so good. and faintly homoerotic too. i loves it.

My Russian friend once confided in me that he tried to fit the flower tube from his lady's VW Bug over his cock. We rarely talk these days.

Note the PROMINENTLY displayed keyhole in the drawer in the final frame. Lyle aint gettin' that trumpet.

unless he's feeling powerful to open a lock with his cock.
I'm gonna get lamed out of commission just for the alliteration...I know it, and I accept this as my fate. Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.

I don't think you know what alliteration is.

yeah, I mistook alliteration for rhyming for some reason. I realized it after I posted...I just hoped no one would notice. Dumb dirty dick.

No biggie. We can say that you did a three letter reverse alliteration, on two of the words, I suppose.


Having a cock that works as a lockpick would be the opposite of a good thing.

Um, chastity belt problems anyone? No need to fear! You have the power of the lockpick cock!

It would certainly have made "Gone in 60 Seconds" more interesting.

i wonder if lyle implied that in his jubilation he has the newfound ability to expel air from his urethra in a forceful and controlled manner, or if he could simply use it to press and hold the valve keys of the instrument.

I have often wondered this too... I mean you have to buzz to play the trumpet too.... JEEZ.. every time I think of this strip my legs instictively cross. Playing a trumpet with your cock just sounds unpleasant.

oh man, is SO cool.

No offense, but just to clarify, I accidentally chubbed this while rapidly scrolling on an iPad. I now keep my fingers safely in the margins.

Maybe he'd be playing with someone else, maybe a lady, who would do the blowing. Or maybe he'll press the buttons with it, and blow with something down there that's used to blowing.

i thought he would probably just end up parading it. or something

The silence in the last three panels is what TOTALLY makes this strip.

too bad cornelius was not as careful with his drum.


Eye of the Tiger on a trumpet?

you know which eye he means

Synergy chubb.

...one eye of the tiger, anyhow

I have heard Eye of the Tiger played on the trumpet. It is a fairly basic song to learn on it, often played by enthusiastic High School Band members. In this case, it also doubles as a pun, as lyle is a tiger and his urethra can be considered an eye.

Cornelius seems to be a very devoted player of brass instruments. Not only does he play a french horn, but the trumpet as well.

Well I hope he locked the French horn up as well. It's possible that Lyle knows the difference between the two, but I doubt he cares.

The Tenmen have a gaspworthy level of fame to such as a blogging cat from the United Kingdom? I remember back when they played in Ray's bathtub.

Their rise to fame is best described as "meteoric."

Meteors do not rise!

Also : Ted seems to get on about Arse-nal a lot.

another reason for me to stay out of the 'burbs: tetchy suburban cowboys

I wish Lyle had gone to the Fight. He would've been a good edition to the Stubbs Army.

Maybe gin and/or JD are banned under the Fight's performance-enhancing drugs policy? Brandy is ok, though.

I've always thought of playing my boy-hood trumpet with my man-hood, but Grandma always walked in at the last second...

Weekend Blogs

Pat: Great new game.
Nice Pete: A second car.

for some reason Vlad's "recipe for two buns in a pickle" is funnier to me than almost any single line in the GOF arc.

Agreed, that one almost had me on the floor.

This strip reminded me why Lyle & Vlad are two of my favourite characters.

When I very first read this, I thought the "squeee" referred to the noise made by...

"Quick, hide the trumpet!"

So why isn't Lyle in the GOF?

Because he's nothing more than a drunk-ass brawler. His only technique is to run at you full speed, all fists n' elbows, hoping something connects. We're not talking strategy or savvy, here, just brute force. The moment Lyle came across a dude with any skills it'd be all over. He's basically the Kimbo Slice of Achewood.

And Ramses Luther is Fedor.

Ditto Chubby

Ditto Chubby

Chubbied for the MMA knowledge

UH OH. Gasps and Giggles is still written by Barry Best in this one. It should be Barry King. Onstaaaaad, ju got some splanin' to do!

He writes under a soubriquet rouge. You know, to protect his family an' all.

i can play eye of the tiger on clarinet.

not only can i, i *do* sometimes

haha nice! And I as well, but on the harmonica. We should start a band.

I'd be interested in how the actual trumpet-playing would occur. The only thing I can think of is unspeakably dirty (so dirty, it's unspeakable).



This strip is TOO GOOD.

I wish i could give this a higher rating than five.

this strip has always caused me to picture a small cartoon penis with a mouth and teeth. not playing a trumpet, mind. he's singing.

hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal... send me a kiss by wire, baby my urethra's on fire

Hilarious strip all around, but Lyle calling Vlad a commie pig is what did it for me. Lyle doesn't pull any punches.

Daaam. Didn't notice until I read these comments! I thought Cornelius was gonna try it... Kinda like dyslexia or else i have a dirty mind...

Phillipe peeping over the chair, trying to read off the screen alone made this a five for me. I have such a soft spot for the little guy.

Aww, I just now saw that! Hee!

Vlad develops eyebrows in the second panel.

I was eating yogurt (I feel like that is not how one spells yogurt) when I read this, and a soon as I read I could play a trumpet with my cock I was laughing so hard a bit dribbled down my chin and on to my shirt.

O mi god, o mi god, 5-ed into infinity for the slow, deliberate Corneliun securing of the trumpet! (also, to the nay-sayers... i think that it wouldn't be impossible or even necessarily unpleasant to play a trumpet with one's wangdoodle... how wide spread are the peaks and troughs of YOUR resonating wavelengths?!?!? )

Every boy ever has done panel 4 thru 6.