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Outside the Grounds Wednesday, March 15, 2006 • read strip Viewing 47 comments:

Judging prior employment by knuckles? I must have missed that epsiode of House .

My old man's childhood best friend lays floors. Their knuckles are indeed distinct.

My old man's friend was an Italian ninja. Hard to forget those boobs.

It sounds more like Sherlock Holmes to me, actually. That sort of attention to detail is accompanied only by a cocaine habit.

House and Holmes.



That's better


Gregory House: The Holmes Connection

Please work.

Not if you've seen any other episode of House you haven't.


The Latino Health Crisis does not enjoy Thomas The Tank Engine.

in short, he hate dat train

Come on, people. "I hate dees train." Instant In-joke, Instant 5.

I hate that goddamn train, too. Maybe me and him are amigos!

Dammit, spinynorman...
Try as I might, there is no way to envision Stephen Fry saying those words that doesn't just make me sad...

"Fleet Street" is an acapella group at Onstad and my school, Stanford U. They are a pretty annoying archetypal acapella group. I wonder what he's got against them.

I wanted to join when I was at Stanford, but um... ovaries.

Reuters moved out of Fleet Street some nine months before this strip was put up. They were the last Journalists still there. DC Thomson, who publish the long running British Comics the Beano and the Dandy still have offices there, but Fleet Street really is dead as far as journalism goes.

They live on through The National Enquirer & Co.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, _cheesekayke, mystkmanat, STUART, Darthemed)

It's a little unsettling to see Leander talk after all this time. Dude doesn't have a mouth!

Yeah, that made me uncomfortable. I had to get up and leave, gather my head. Also, he was being a dick. Weird. Eerie.

It takes a stone-cold man to hate Thomas dee Tank Engine.

Even a stone cold man couldn't stand up to an Italian ninja with drawings on his boobs.

This comic is the first to give a hint at that odd, redneck, authoritarian control that will eventually send out RV's to kick Ray and Beef's asses. First three panels. Pretty damn effective.

Mr. Bear looks so cute!! *girly squeal*

Man, you gotta watch out for those Italian ninjas with drawings on their boobs.

They will ruin your shit.

Leander's neck-vein contest links in with his Black Flag tattoo. I love how such minor characters get those little frissons of continuity.

Is the Italian ninja some kind of reference I'm not getting? either way this is awesome.

For a while I was sure they were talking about:

Vega from Street Fighter 2...

... But then I realised Vega is Spanish, and Latino Health Crisis would totally not mistake him for an Italian... right?

It does seem too close to be coincidence though.

(Subtext: I loved playing as Vega back in the SF2 days, because it took real skill... not like those Blanka button-bashers or Hadoken-spammers.)

Wait a sec. LHC didn't actually call him Italian... so it could still be Vega!



The Latino Health Crisis does not speak english very well. I choose to believe that the perpetrator was merely "a possibly Italian looking fighter with tattoos on his chest", and that the LHC's English vocabulary could only come up with "Italian ninja with drawings on his boobs."

Why is Ted on Barry's Blackberry? In this strip, Ted is using Barry's Blackberry.

All British people are interchangeable to Onstad.

Isn't that right, I Love Kate?

Barry is a cross-the-pond version of Ignatius Reilly.

One must have a firm grasp of theology and geometry to win the Great Outdoor Fight.

It's comics like these that show the minor things that make this comic so awesome. Teodor has been hitting the refresh button so much he has a callus, and Cornelius, despite his refined ways, not only has a pennant to support Ray, but passed out while waiting for information on his boys. Onstad's story building is unmatched in the comic world.

Agreed on the character development, but Teodor has a callus on his finger from refreshing? I think he's just been sitting there with no sleep, is all. I believe you'll find that It'll update automatically.

Leander is the guy with the Black Flag tat. Huge Henry Rollins hardon apparently. I can imagine him outside the GOF. All in a cover band with his dad, living with his parents at 34...

NOONE hates Thomas The Tank Engine.


"Was a bit too busy catching up with Fark" pretty much sums up the state of journalism these days

How are they getting TV, let alone Tivo, out there anyway?

I'm inclined to believe that if the guy who dropped Ted wasn't Nice Pete, he was at least a distant relation. I can't imagine anyone else who could get on The Acres making conversation before they hand you your ass, and killing in those context is something Pete would see as amateurish and/or desperate.

That context, sorry.

4'd. Then it dawned on me: sub-Saharan comb-over . 5'd.

You know I think Mr. Bear there just looks adorable.

(also I originally typed out delicious instead of adorable what does that say to me)

I like to think that pennant Cornelius is slumped on reads simply " YAY ".

Even if I find out later it doesn't, this is what I choose to believe