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Ray's Chaka Session con't Friday, August 10, 2007 • read strip Viewing 174 comments:

A comment left by estutius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phillipe83, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, GregChant, Mysogynista, linnea, SurelySmack, blarghamagarky)

[Henry Miller]Naw, kid. Thank you .[/Henry Miller]

A comment left by ubersplat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stabones, dreamerman91, Flaaron, Peppermint, Madoushi, brenhan, Darthemed)

A comment left by ubersplat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, crawfomp, Howard, Peppermint, Madoushi, Darthemed)

A comment left by ford was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, GeyserShitdick, shammack)

If it makes you feel better, the dude who lamed this was just trying to prove your point.

far too many fucktards with fluffer nutter for brains bro.

*seem to be

Wow it took me two full years to notice that.

With that avatar, I prefer the idea of you screaming "E-EIGHT-PERCENTAGE SIGN-U-TWO-OH-TWO-TWO-LEFT SQUARE BRACKET."


A comment left by paperboy_2000 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Crowpaw, NeoNaoNeo, rechelon, Shinkicka)

I feel there is still some unresolved issues lingering. I suspect that Ray refusing to cherish Beef's face will lead to tough vibes down the road.

Best part about this strip? Ray and Beef have their own private chat software.

And it's gone through two revisions since this strip.

the most recent revision is to detect lolcat-style phrases and cut them short before they get too out of hand.

Probably because Ray couldn't figure out AIM or MSN.

It has been rumored that Chaka and Ali G have never been seen at the same place at the same time.

no way man, Chaka obviously moonlights as Jim Crow from The Invisibles.

I think Jim had a more american accent? I don't think he used words like bloke and mate...

Last I checked, nor does Sacha Baron Cohen.

Dude. SBC is in Sweeney Todd. Go see it.

This gets a 5 from me solely on the merit of Beef saying 'CHERISH ME. NOW.'

Tell me about it.

A comment left by sionar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GregChant, crawfomp, veck)

Post pictures please?

are you . . . the Queen of England?

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, straw, madnes, apocowarg, entropyends, lucidz, riotdejaneiro, qleblat, Dezufnocosem, Vondicus, Vice, aargh, wae, omnidope, songbirdspectre, whoper, Spenham, Girdag, farqussus, pitseleh, IggyMoonbeam, Sargasm, DigDugz, Crater12, sigmacoder, aHatOfPig, logic, dzieger, Circadin, JimmyK, lazarusloafer, Doc_Rostov, poot, littlefatdog, Audhumla, lorifury, Chachibenji, Mastronaut)

My favorite part was when I gave it a 5 right after you to put it back up to a 4.6

Those were seriously some good memories.

A comment left by lucidz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, hargbarf, hellofyellin, katal, BillyLK, I_Love_Kate, pulkbaby, SotiCoto)

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, madnes, apocowarg, fox, HassanOLeary, Vice, Cypher, wae, equinn2006, biacat, Sargasm, radishes, DigDugz, shades, ShebaJones, Crater12, sigmacoder, Mastronaut)

Gee, puh puh perhaps instead of simply posting to tell us all that you gave it a 1, you could talk about why you didn't like it. It's like you took a shit on the floor and you're just standing there, pointing at it, waiting for us to acknowledge. Yes, we see it, neonfreon, it's a big one from a big boy, now tell mommy and daddy why you did a dookie on the floor. Help us understand!

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, dayvancowboy, apocowarg, layzerblade, Girdag, equinn2006, farqussus, Sargasm, atticusonline, Crater12, Mastronaut)

Everyone's awfully up in Neon's grill about giving it a 1. I don't agree, but I also don't really care - why does anyone?

Apathy is the best policy

I know what you're saying, but this is not so much apathy as a case where people genuinely should not care ( it seems to me) and not a 15-year old "fuck the world" sort of thing.

Apathy just means not caring. You are caring too much about the implications of the word apathy.

Apathy is the best policy.

You're probably right - but who really cares?

(today is predictable response day!)

No one gave a shit about predictable response day, frankly.

I knew you'd say that.

I don't care.

Global chubby to the entire preceding conversation.


He is kind of a dick about it

And kind of a dick really often.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, Cypher, Semiquaver, atticusonline, Aaron_Haynes, Doc_Rostov)

How does this not have more chubbies?

Mostly because SotiCoto is fairly unpopular.

he is pretty certainly a dick about a lot of things, and being a dick enough times gets people sick of you quick.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, HassanOLeary, Sargasm, glue, Mastronaut, dr_sexlove, Nictusempra)

Ah, it's the most beautiful thing... all this arguing with neonfreon, and I haven't got a clue what he said in the first place. Bless you, new system that allows me to ignore certain commenters....bless you.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, aHatOfPig, Epicurus, Doc_Rostov)

No one cares that he gave it a 1, it was just annoying that he was so proud of giving it a 1 and couldn't wait to tell us all about it. Like nearly everything I've seen him post, it was Lame.

yea its a lot like that overextended metaphor, huge props, you are the next Onstad.

Why should he? Most of the people that DO like any given strip merely quote a line at random from it and rake in the chubbies. Or say "Definite 5" or "Best strip ever." Or lame the hell out of anyone who doesn't like it.

i think you're a tiny sad piece of bored hair. go see chaka.

I often give strips 1s for about 15 seconds just to play with the vote.

These are the things that amuse me.


We all do this, late at night, alone.

(Five'd for "I HANDLED this")

All things end well with crunchy Stellas at Ray's.

I've never figured out what a Stella is. Can anybody help me out?

Stella Artois Belgian beer

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Overmedicated, Sargasm, mrdavid, dannygutters)

Perhaps Crunchy is the same as Crispy.

Beers are often described as crisp.

I think crunchy means that it is so near to ice cold that the liquid is partially crystallizing but barely so, so as to prevent the prevention of enjoyment.

andrew_'s explanation is the correct one. In fact, Stella's are so incredibly crisp at all times as to be crunchy. I have drank many a crisp beer, but very, very few that were so crisp they were crunchy. Stella Artois is one of those beers.

Stella is so crisp, there is a clean snap that accompanies every sip.

It is so golden crunchy that Caramel Corn be all like, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn."

you win

that comment was almost as pointless as this one

i am trying to atone for my wrong doings

like Santa Claus?

The real magic of Santa Clause is that he's LEGALLY not supposed to be within 100 feet of children. This is why he resorts to supernatural stealth instead of knocking on the door like a sane person.

It is so hell of crispy an apple covets.

Mmm, I actually had a couple Stellas this evening. I don't usually go for lagers, but damn, they were in fact crisp and delicious.

stella is also known as 'wifebeater' in my local bar. that doesn't mean it's anything other than fizzy pish, right enough.

I'm assuming you're in the UK. Am I right in believing that Stella is known as "wifebeater" b/c it's a higher alcohol content beer (not the Stella you get in the US) and the local trash gets their buzz on harder, better, faster, stronger?

it's fighting juice. it's about 5% abv, but it seems to send people into more of a frenzy than other beers of comparable strength. i hate the stuff, it's nothing more than the european equivalent of budweiser, but it's got a fancy-ass marketing campaign that has convinced most people that it's somehow a 'prestige' beer. fizzy pish. urgh.

Man, not to knock you, but just because a beer is light and refreshing doesn't mean its pish. When you talk about beers with a lot of heft but nothing going on, I think of Boddington's. Flavor-wise it is like drinking a soggy-crust milkshake, and it's seen so rarely over here, its become a fashionable beer. Listen, I like a pint of bitter as much as the next guy, but just because a beer doesn't weight as much as three small children doesn't mean it's not worth drinking.

I agree with your point, but I'm not sure if that's what chien was arguing. I actually dig on Stella, I'm a great appreciator of lagers, but even I have wondered if it's growing prestige among American moderate beer-lovers is more due to a perceived respectability. This may be the case, but still, to compare an at least decent lager like Stella (that has some distinctive flavor, and yes, a noticable crispness) to Bud is like comparing, well, Deep Blue to one of those shoes that people with clubfoot wear. Bud is horrible and has no redeeming qualities (besides not costing too much), and I can say that, because I even had 6 bud lights in the last 32 hrs. I'm making up for it with a passable Bordeaux.

All I am saying is that I am about as fond of disliking things because they are popular as I am of seeing every dumb ass with an unusual hat drinking Guinness. It is a double-edged sword. Or a two-way street. Or a double-dicked shark (a normal shark). Something like that.

I understand, and friends of mine sometimes prefer to simplify my tastes to being "fond of disliking things because they are popular," when I prefer to think of it as a healthy, and deserved, skepticism. I've drunk Stella like it was going out of fashion since it became available in my neck of the woods (02/03-ish), but I, as a still untested appreciator, still wonder if my appreciation is amateurish.

Oh I feel you on that point. I know my appreciation is amateurish, but I don't let that get in my way. You read, you listen to more knowledgeable people, and you trust your palette. Eventually you become better. Don't let inexperience stop you from diving face-first into a glass of hops.

Stella is also often very cheap. The nightclub I work at (don't go there) sells stella at £1.50 a pint on certain nights. Translated into dollars that's pretty expensive, but for here in comparison to other drinks it's dangerously cheap.

I believe that Stella is called 'wifebeater' because of A Streetcar named Desire , specifically the iconic scene where Marlon Brando bellows "Stella!" outside the apartment after he has beaten up his wife.

That's a more preferable explanation, and probably a more likely origin, but the "Stella is 'wifebeater' b/c white trash jackoffs drink it to get more drunk, go home and beat up their wives" story is actually one I've heard from 2 different friends who travelled to England, on separate trips and to different parts of the country (Hull/Birmingham). Now, obviously, this could be a kind of urban legend type of thing, where the origin has become confused...or it's just a lie they like to tell the Yanks.

To go with your icon, could you say.

"Nooooooooo" for me?


Fvck Stella... Bring on the Scrumpy.

A comment left by supergeorgina was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fuckyoufriday, DigDugz, Darthemed)

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cthulhu235, shammack, supergeorgina)

It was actually on purpose. I think it's funny. :)

Yep, see RAS Syndrome...kind of covers both the concept and (being an example itself) the good-natured use thereof...

Pet peeve: when a dude cold fails to understand irony.

pet peeve: https://youtube.com/watch?v=myJaYq_qkRM

I hope you die in a car crash.

I hope you're at the scene of the crash, looking all smug until the police arrest you on suspicion of causing it and all the witnesses confirm it.
And then you get thrown in jail with a cellmate who plays special games of basketball with people...
And nobody ever breaks you out.

I hope you flip some guy the bird,
He cuts you off and you're forced to swerve,
In front of the Beatles' tour bus,
A Bookmobile and a Mack truck,
Hauling hazardous biological waste,
The light turns red you have no brakes,
And "Hard Copy" gets it all on tape,
So you can see the look on your face.
I hope your Pinto begins to spin,
Takes out a disabled Vietnam Veteran,
Mows down a Nobel Peace Prize Winner,
And maybe some orphans having Christmas dinner.
Perhaps even the British Royal Family,
And the Rabbi that's clutching the bottle-fed puppy,
And we can't forget the newlyweds,
And those Jerry's Kids are as good as dead.
I hope this helps to emphasize,
I hope this helps to clarify,
I hope you die.
I hope your cellmate thinks he's God,
But C.N.N. refer to him as "Bowling Ball Bag Bob",
Serving time again for abuse of a corpse,
Only this time the victim's a Clydesdale horse.
While he masturbates to photos of livestock,
He does the "Silence of the Lambs" dance to Christian Rock,
Eats feces and quotes from "Deliverance",
And fights with his imaginary playmate Vince.
I hope he grins like Jack Nicholson,
And forces you to play a game called Balls On Chin,
And whatever happens next is all a blur,
But you remember "fist" can be a verb.
And when you finally regain consciousness,
You're bound and gagged in a wedding dress,
And the prison guard looks the other way,
'Cause he's the guy ya flipped the bird the other day.

1st place! S-S-S-Seriously how easy is that?

The La Brea Tar Pits

You just know know Ray_and_Beef_Chat 8.0 is going to become Ray_and_Beef_and_Molly Chat CS1.

Just you wait.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, wae, Sargasm, DigDugz, Wolfslice, CloseFriend)

Beef and Molly probably have their own client, and it's much more stable and feature-laden than Ray_and_Beef_Chat

It's AIM through Google.

This strip is great. I have an awesome internal voice for Chaka. Beef is the man for coding his own chat software, bonus points that it's easy enough for even Ray to figure out how to use.

CHERISH ME. NOW. That also elicited a "5" from me. I really like this strip.

A comment left by molesticide was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, silver_lake, Vondicus, twohundredninety, estutius)

I agree with you, and your rhymes are tite which also helps.

call miz cleo now wid alla ya queztions abaout'cha starrs! me readin' ya tarot cardz!

"i want to throw a cream pie right directly in his eye."

Pornography has absolutely ruined that word. What a terrible mental picture.

but pornography has also given us the words 'bukkake', 'milf' and 'miami slaps'. although that last one might be hip hop videos. i forget.

In these days there are differences between hip hop videos and porn?
Ha Ha! Ubiquitous. *monocle*

Notice how he employed a lolcat-ism to break the ice.

I think it was to needle Beef just enough to provoke a response.

I've been making my way through all the Achewood strips as such and arrived at the most recent today. Now I get to obsessively check the site everyday. As well as reread all the strips since I neglected to create a username to track my progress. Yes, I'm that thick.
For some reason I imagine Chaka sounds like the record shop owner from Brak. Anyone else?

This is a process I suspect many of us have been through. Welcome, twoply, you're home.

Hee hee, completely reading through Achewood for the first time is lifechanging. Webcomic nostalgia!

Brak. Is that the one with the landscapes, monkeys, kids sifting through garbage and chickens getting their beaks burned off? That's weird, man.
I don't think any of us cherish our friend's faces enough. I should go do that right now.

seriously; my first achewood was August 31, 2005 so i had to go reread the archive just so it'd stop telling me i hadn't seen every strip pre-assetbar. it was, however, time well spent.

Tomorrow morning I begin day one of many. It shall be done...... it... shall... be...done!

man, when I first read your username, i mentally pronounced it "twop-lee".

Whenever you get a chance, sit on a genius' lap.

Achewood makes my day every single time. Gotta love those crazy cats.

Heh. They sure do have funny goings on in their little lives.

I expect "The Cure" now to at the very least have a song with the lyrics "WALLOW IN YOUR CHERISHES/CRADLE IN THE CHAMBER OF MY FERTILE PAIN"

Let Ray Kryptonite That .

Man, I *totally* found out the other day that my friend is going to see The Cure in autumn. I really, really tried to get him to stop liking The Cure, but he just wouldn't do it.

So, I hit him with a piece of wood. You know, to remind him of eternity. (Also because he likes The Cure)

Beef HANDLED this!

Get out here! Cherish me!

I do cherish you, Tom Waits. I do cherish you.

Don't you lie to me, son.

i'm on ur komputer chattin' on ur... komputer, is how that one ended.

"CRADLE THE CHAMBER OF MY FERTILE PAIN" is the most psychedelic sentence I've come across in a long time. This is my favorite strip in weeks, pretty much exclusively based on Beef's chat text. The esoteric emoticon is pretty great, too. [p.s.- what's a "dap"?]

"give me some dap"! You know, like, fist pounding? Other greetings? That's what I think he is talking about.

Wikipedia describes the dap greeting here--in its simplest form, the participants make fists and briefly touch them together. Ray and Beef exchanged the greeting [url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=03102006]here[/a], in panel 6.


Ah, I see. Thanks! I'm glad I can get dudes to wikipedia stuff on here for me. I guess I'm just that lazy.

Ahh, it's good to have Ray back.

The "CHERISH ME. NOW." line seems to have a lot of fans, but I have to say, it was "I HANDLED this!" that really made this a five for me.

Also, I don't care what anyone says, but Chaka is awesome.

The tiny "I HANDLED this" graphic is great. I need that in the lower right corner of some personal stationary. Occasionally I will replace the text with, "Nice work down there, by the way."

Ray-and-Beef Chat also has the optional milk-and-eggs calculator module in lieu of video chat.

"say that you cherish my face". I liked all the cherishing, but that one particularly tickled me.

What makes me especially excited is that I use "handle" as well, usually in the context of gaming (e.g. "The man shooting at you, teammate? I handled it").

what made it the best for me was ray getting advice from someone who spoke like miss cleo.

This Chaka guy is pretty much Ali G.

What's a dap, my friends?

All-time most tender Achewood moment!

Not by a longshot: https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuabrnRCw

this is actually how men work. not that there are any females here.

to learn from my wisdom. yes

Assetbar DOES seem to be a predominantly dudely pursuit.

Interesting. Because I am a lady, and was hipped to Achewood by a lady, I always assumed the gender balance among fans was pretty even.

Assetbar members are actually predominantly female. As of today 2300 dudes, 3800 dames. That's the truth.

Recent studies have shown that men yammer on as much or more than women. More truth.

au contraire, there are quite a number of females here. you underestimate our sex, chien. say that you cherish our faces.

I certainly cherish a person's hypothetical Winslet face.

I saw Papa Pung V. Alan "Chaka" Pung and immediately laughed out loud. My brother gave me an odd look, and I gave the comic a 5.


So...Chaka is a cat?

crunchy stellas are ray smuckles' go-to method of handling things.

I'm not one to go sprinkling 5's all around the Achewood corpus, but this one? Clearly deserves it.

I wonder if Chaka prescribes weed to his patients. He probably does. " Rx 5 joints q.d. prn "

Funny, round my neck of the woods Stella is seen as a drink that encourages violence.
And the rhyming slang is 'Nelson Mandela'. As in: "Ah'd hud a few tubes ay Nelson and he said ma maw's got baws. So I glassed him."

Sir, do you happen to live in a Irvine Welsh book by any chance?

Roast Beef is hella IM programmer. Beats AIM everyday.

Wait a second, cat smileys have little pointy ears! Why did I not spot this before?

I thought that was a furrowed brow?

this is one of the greatest if not the greatest strip not only in Achewood but in the known universe.

I fucking love this comic

That cat looks like Ray Liotta.

'Cherish My Face' Urgh. Beef's got some hold on his feminine side; work it Earth-Sister; take the Ray patriarchy to school.

Absolute solid gold.

I'm predicting some kind of "I HANDLED this"-related merchandising.

At least I'm hoping.

My vote: Rubber "I HANDLED this" stamp.

that really wasn't how i pictured beef's voice coming across in the instant message format. oh well.

any comic with crunchy stellas is good

this is exactly what it is like IMing with my housemate

"dude did you just sit on a genius?!" is my new slogan.

I like that Beef managed to get "Ray and Beef Chat" up to 8.0

I am in love with the way Beef talks. Hell of Beef dialogue always gets a comic 5 Beefs.