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With Ultra Peanut Monday, November 11, 2002 • read strip Viewing 91 comments:

I will play Philippe's song at my wedding

Goddamn, every time I have a reaction to a comic, I scroll down and the first comment is exactly what I'm thinking.
Now it's just a race for who can get married first...

It is a race in which there are only losers.

Unless you find true love and live in happiness for the rest of your days. You know? Then it's a victory.

This would be a good song for dean martin. for this strip, phillipe is using his voice.

DEAN: Here, phillipe, put this bowtie on and have a voice like mine.

"What's this?"
"Scotch. Don't sniff it, just drink it you little Super-Sized-Homo-Jackass."

This was the heading on my wedding invitation.

What was?

She really is touched at the end, but she still treats him like crap. I think we've all had an Ultra Peanut in our lives at some point.

I would like to hear a full version of this song one day, even if it's just lyrics. Onstad? Are you out there, buddy?

Yeah, me too.

If I had a dollar for every time a girl called me a Super-Sized-Homo-Jackass. I'd have 8 dollars.

I want to give you a chubby for that, but you have exactly eight.
Who am I to ruin this wonder.


Now YOU are the one with 8 chubbies!

Not any more. Now we have to get started on this one. Come on, people, don't fuck it up this time.

Alright... aaaand we're good.

Even if it may not be on the original comment, it still carries on in spirit.

Psst. Get started on wigglestick's comment, just in case.


No, it is now YOU.

And now it is you, my good chum!

And now it's you, as someone keeps putting all the rest of them one over. Jeez!

Goodness. I thought I would NEVER get to add the 8th chubby to one of these comments.

Buuuuut I did. I was really sweating over that one, too!

After all of the others reached 10, I just gave this one the 8th chubby. Hopefully, things can now be at peace.

I naturally felt compelled to ruin everything, but to compensate I gave you a chubby too quazifuji

It is done.

two more needed for nice-on-water...



Bwah ha ha

Now it has 88 chubbies. Awesome.

Man, too bad it's not seven dollars, that'd open up the "Are you seven dollars? Yes you are !" branch of derivative jokes.

I don't think she's actually treating him badly. She just learned English from watching South Park or something.

" I like to marry things I find, I'm glad that I found you! " sounds an awful lot like a proposal.

Philippe is a cold playa like that.

The dude is ravenous for love.

chris's romantic side comes out in this one

The last panel contains probably my favorite Philippe expression ever.

There is something of the Golden Age leading man in it.

Sung to the tune of Al Bowlly's rendition of "Guilty" (as featured in Amelie)

Aw, damn... now that i'm looking it, he totally has a Bruce Campbell thing going on...

D'awwwwwwww. Phillipe is cute.

A comment left by shmuckeles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, Jesus, zaer, usversusthem, RoboticSpencer)


aaah, so all the questions of whether or not phillippe is retarded are answered here.

i think i am ultra-peanut. good thing i have her t-shirt.

Here comes a special girl.

i have her face

also, it is a continual source of disappointment in my life that whenever I call somebody a retard, they do not respond by laughing and proposing to me through the medium of song. why?

Here lies aliiis

The world was just too complex for her.

I imagine Philippe's voice in the last panel as having a Sinatra quality.

I give this a 5 purely for teaching me the phrase "Super-size homo jackass".

Yes, this is what those eyebrows mean to me as well.

I love Phillipe's song

I think I just found a new endearing term for my friends.

This strip has officially made Philippe my favorite Achewood character. That song just did it.

Ultra Peanut is a stone-cold bitch.

I think she's hot.

Pedophile AND a furry? Terrible, terrible man.

And that's terrible.

This is extra awful with your icon.

I mean avatar, shit, SHIT

In woman matters, I admit to having judgment as poor as Phileppe.

everyone's bad at cricket when they're six. It doesn't make them redundant.


Prince Charles


Rhyming with "Douche," for no reason but that i am suspicious of accent marks and Assetbar playing together.

that song is almost exactly how my current boyfriend won me over

update: now EXboyfriend.

I like to think that making this post was pretty much the first thing you did after the break up

haha 'bout three months too late

so, by "almost exactly," were you saying that he changed something in the lyrics? I'm assuming he didn't propose marriage to you as a first date, so did he sing something like:

I like to nail things I find
I'm glad that I found you !


well yea, but it was also a rap.

and its true. he does like to nail things he finds...
especially dirty fucking whores in that cheap ass purple dress with those damn heals FUCK I HATE YOU BRITNEY
sorry about that. sorry everyone

I can't help but hear the song in any tune other than that of "These boots are made for walking/and that's just what they'll do..."

But, with a Sinatra-esque voice and a more swing-based accompaniment. YOU KNOW IT WORKS.

These Boots Are Made For Walking: originally performed by Nancy Sinatra.

This strip is pretty much the main reason to love Philippe. If I had children of my own, they would be a constant source of disappointment for me, simply by not being Philippe.

Who taught Ultra Peanut to swear in English? When I took French I had to look up all my own cusses.

When I took Spanish my instructor covered cusses on the second day of class. I assume it was so the frat boys in the audience wouldn't harass her concerning cusses for the rest of the semester.

My best friend is Puerto Rican. That's where I got my Spanish cusses.

French cusses are AWESOME.
Almost as awesome as bilingual Quebec cusses, like "Tabarfuck".

Are the flipper movements in panel 5 Phillipe's way of doing those quotation marks you can do with your fingers? On account of he has no fingers? Since he's an otter? A stuffed animal otter?

Ah, young love.

What's with her ears? Why are they so different?

Probably because they're made of hair.

I have a major Soft spot for Ultra Peanut's use of capitalization. Anyone who can capitalize in their Everyday speech is a hero to me.

Is Nice Pete a Hero to you, as well?

I was going to ask if Margo Roth Spiegleman was a hero.

Phillipe cocks his eyebrows as if asking her to dance along with him..

Phillipe is a straight playa. Guys, we could all learn a thing or two from the man.

What kind of name is ultra peanut?


Yeah, all those Asian countries are pretty much the same. Japan, China... What's the difference when it comes down to it, eh? What's the difference?


Seriously, Ultra Peanut is the proverbial shit.

ok-- "super-size homo jackass" has my co-workers looking funny at the chuckling idiot at his desk

inverting an eyebrow turns on the mega charm.

Philippe, unbeknownst to him, delivers one of the five greatest romantic saves in history.