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Who is the Cat / in the Yurdish Dying Hat? Tuesday, August 25, 2009 • read strip Viewing 373 comments:

Comment left by chubbied ignored.

fuck you and fuck what you've done.

A cat is about to DIE and that is how you pay your respects?

At least the pillow Roast Beef is lying on in the last panel is happy.

And in the previous two panels it's trying to eat him.

That pillow does seem way, way turned on. I guess it figures a soon-to-be-dead guy wont be able to go to the police...

Have you heard the one about the corduroy pillow?

It's making headlines.

I swear, if you are not my brother, Greg, I will eat my Yurdish Dying Hat.

Sorry, although I am brother to four, I can give you no quarter.

Doubly sorry that the pillow joke is a Bloom County reference.

Damn - I accidently lamed you!! So sorry! I meant to hit "reply". Oh well, I knew it was from Bloom County (who could forget Milo waking his father to tell him that joke?) Damn, you and my brother are just so much alike you could be... related !

I'm sure I deserved a lame for something I did. Karmic justice will be satisfied.

Milo? I haven't read them for a while but the only person with a dad was Binkley, but I might have missed mention of any others.

...Unless you're talking about Milo's grandfather?

Dang, Carlyle, thanks for pointing that out! Of course I meant Binkley! (Must have been "sort of stoned" at the time...) :)

That crack really made an impression on me.

Florida did have a crippling addiction to crack, but it didn't come up on the show all that often.

Kinda racist to mention a black woman's crack problem biznart.

That's what she said!

About my ass.

Come to think of it, I'm really not sure what she was getting at.

And in the last it's smiling! What the hell?

That's because RB's slide to the right has provided him with a better view of the mystery person in seat z-1.

It's looking dire. Smuck's melon is twained, RB is resigned, and CH moves with swift, elegant certainty. Please, cartoon monster, please don't kill this cartoon cat.

now hang on a second. Paper does not do that when you pour vinegar on it... or does it?

BRB Assetbarbarians, I'm doing science .

That paper is ever so slightly alkali.

The results are in:

The paper does slowly form bubbles - I'm not sure the reaction going on here, but I suspect it is some equilibrium situation between the acetic acid and air - but the vinegar does not change colour.

What with the terminal velocity, gravity and now chemistry stuff ups, I'm starting to think there's something fishy going on here.

Neither the paper nor the "vinegar" have been concretely established. Until that is done it is not feasible to properly replicate the experiment. We don't even know it this was performed at STP!

A proper scientist also needs to know the construction of the reaction vessels in case that might have affected the results.

Chubbs for rockin' the STP. You gots to do your science proppa .

Well my house is about 1km from the sea, and roughly 55m above sea level, so I'm going to assume the AP was about 101.3 kPa. The temperature was roughly 20°C. The paper was standard Reflex White A4, and the amount used was 18 square centimetres. The vinegar was Cornwell's White, and the vessel used was an open glass container, properly cleaned.

I didn't post all that because it was boring.

To you, maybe. I need to go home and change my pants.

I meant for CH. We cannot properly replicate his results because we lack the necessary data.

Science chub.

Did you try with bleched or unbleached paper? Was it a closed or an open reaction? Did you pour the vinegar at a uniform rate?

I fie upon your ill-documented findings. I believe you would shoot a theory.

I fie the findings as his father!

...D-Daddy? You've been gone so long...why did you leave us?


My Father, he leave me for SCIENCE too!

I'm Thinking maybe Ju and Me are amigos!

Who the hell uses unbleached paper for gods sake? It was paper I got out of my printer. I tried to replicate the experiment as done in the comic so it was all at once in an open container.

seriously, don't do that again.

It's called the Ignore Function. It will save you Indignities.

Oh aye, but I try to use it sparingly. There's only maybe one or two posters beyond the preloaded list I've added myself.

"preloaded" is a good list to be on.

The risk of being preloaded is if you accidentally zip-up to quick; you could end up going off half-cocked.


He knew they would be wandering around Target after his death, but he never knew it would be ... this ... bad ...


how does that video get 1,000,000 views?

how the hell does that warrant merchandise?!


I need one of those. Lately, I've been mostly in the doghouse. An angry dome would be a pleasant change.

that kid is pretty funny. man I bet so many chicks and gay guys want to fuck him. I bet even lesbian chicks want to fuck him. self confidence is sexy

see what I did there... I inserted a comment that is inappropriate according to mainstream gender role norms...

there's a fine line between self-confidence and being stupid, asinine cunt with self-confidence but no dignity.

well you let me know when you find just where that line is won't you. ;-)

(link to a video of Dylan performing his song "Dignity"... Assetbar have mercy...)

A comment left by ampkit5 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UncleRifle, nbgreene, 21echoes, daidai, cunty, HamScout, gladi8orrex, brianwaka, Overman, philophobe, edd36, ummagumma, flazisismuss, anticitizen, Courtland, jay_wish, AdroitCelerity, Sweetlips, DunkOil, MortisInvictus, Bobothebum, cmr, Troy_Convers, jaypage, logic, agentstinky, lateadopter, cailetshadow, Hexjumper, usversusthem, NotCool, smooveb, hardelicious, greyfield, colorlessness, icecube, kestral)

A comment left by farqussus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, wingspan, camidumas)

A comment left by ampkit5 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by 21echoes, ifergott, HonestTom, gladi8orrex, ummagumma, flazisismuss, anticitizen, noooo_oo_oo, Sweetlips, MortisInvictus, Bobothebum, logic, lateadopter, usversusthem, colorlessness, kestral)

You failed at ironically failing.

A comment left by ampkit5 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dangelder, HonestTom, gladi8orrex, c_dizzle, anticitizen, mistlethrush, mrblank91)

i noticed that your display is breasts. subtle.

If that were true it still wouldn't be.

Everytime I see "ampkit", I read it as "armpit". What the hell is wrong with me?

Accept Jesus christ as your personal lord and saviour and everyone here at the Lynchburg Old Time Gospel hour will be happy to tell you.

Almost more than anything else in this arc, I am terrified of Roast Beef's Dying Hat. Is it a moustache? A paper sailboat? A snail which cannot bear to witness the Sadness of life, and has thus retracted its eyes?

Chubbied for being the first comment that wasn't a "fRisT poTs!"

Some people are being added to my ignore list this afternoon. Fuu-uck mee!

Dude, I didn't even put chubbied on my ignore list, and he's being ignored. He made it to the Big Time all by himself, and he's only been around for since the last strip. That's a record for anyone who isn't AIU, isn't it?

Hey, choco, no offense.

I saw that too but thought I might've simply clicked *ignore* by mistake.

Dang. Kid's climbing.

what? You realize I *am[/i] AIU, right?

I long for the days when a man could sport a proper dying hat and not be thought a fool or a collector of obscure illustrated comics in the style of the Far East.

I think it might be a riff on a kalpak. ( This thing. ) They're worn in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz people can get kind of weird about it.

It has mysteries that they feel when they wear it

So somehow the boys save Beef's car loan, right?

I'm picturing that scene from Breaking Away , where the son offers a refund, and the father starts shouting, "Refund?! Refund?!" and has to take bed rest.

So THAT'S what that movie is called! Thank you.

I like it when my older patients tell me that they took a cold. Makes me feel all avuncular inside.

Who is the Cat / in the Yurdish Dying Hat?
that is Roast Beef

That's right crying eagle... that is roast beef... now rest your pretty little bald head and forget about all of this.

A comment left by troy_convers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by possums, HonestTom, JonBob, edd36, ummagumma, gingerbreadman, MortisInvictus, lateadopter, skjames, icecube)

Target does have great prices.

...and he had a full life. Oooh, Michael Graves funereal wreaths are on sale...

And Martha Stewart Living offers some delightfully tactful handkerchiefs which, when wetted with tears, break down into a rosemary-lemon potpourri which can then be placed in or near the casket. Y'know, for the prevention of the Odors. And of course, you might as well stock up on toilet paper while you're here. Maybe a few batteries. Hell, I'd better get a cart after all.

And an extra large condom to carry it all?

Ain't Martha Stewart just Kmart, though?

Who goes to Kmart anymore?

Roast Beef, you has been dead before. Couple time, actually. Let's hope this one aint permanent on account of some strange CH voodoo...

According to the handbook , the hastening process (ingestion of vinegar and chopped paper) will cause the afflicted to be placed in the queue of Samsara for reincarnation.

Yes...to be reincarnated as an "unfortunate being". However, I put it to you, what is more unfortunate than being Roast Beef? Discuss.

He has been hugely fortunate, in his latter days.

I don't think anyone who finds himself lying in a bed waiting waiting for a soft-skulled monster to help him off with his mortal coil, while his best friends is strapped upside down in the desert with cerebrospinal fluid pooling on the ceiling of his overpriced status car, can really call himself fortunate.

Well he isn't Showbiz.

Then again, I always envied that peculiar white-trash obliviousness, wherein they think that they are where its at.

An existence unfettered by scruples, hygiene or an acute awareness of ones own mortality is appealing.

I think that meth can help me reach my desired state.

This heaven can be yours, doppelganger. It exists, this Paradise Earth, and is otherly known as "North Carolina".

Where I lived for twenty years but did no meth.

did no meth

Is that why they kicked you out?

I was actually in NC this week -- You get some motherfuckin' harsh rain.

Yeah dude, Hurricane Alley represent.

And yessir. I made the mistake of telling a friend in public that I didn't do meth. Dude cold turned into Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and I had no choice but to flee.

I guarantee that meth will help you reach your desired state. You'll be as unaware as it is possible to be. I know.

Don't forget the Tequiza. Showbiz needs meth AND Tequiza to get to his "happy place."

I miss Showbiz, and Vlad, and Liebot, and Pat, and Rod, and Phillipe.

I even miss Todd.

Which is saying something.

I miss the Kennedys.


what's this hair doing in my dang nachos?

This is the worst episode of Romper Room ever.

I'd rather have my journey from this mortal coil hastened by the hand of Dixie.

Man there have been a fair few hamlet references today.


Dixie? I thought her name was Ophelia.

We'll disagree then.
It looks to me like a very noble dying, compared to burning to death helplessly strapped in said self-same overpriced status car, while ONSTAR gibbers some horribly irrelevant finding and tunes you in to Sirius XM RawDog Comedy to fritter away your last breathing moments on Earth.

Is Roast Beef is going out like a Shakespearean king?

It's not over until the fat black mama says, "Fuck THIS guy!"

mortal coil is the best phrase in the english language

I'm still partial to titties and beer.

And Zappa references. It is Zappa, right and not #wince# Rodney Carrington?


(who the fuck is Rodney Carrington?)



Oh Charlie Brown, sorry but ...you died, you are dead.


Dat Charlie Brown - he always a cracks me up (in a juvenile manifestation of existential angst kinda way).

yea, you too!

Where's Marcel Marceau when you need him.

Père Lachaise

I'll use an accent if I want, Assetbar be damned!

Two rows diagonally to the upperer left of Morrison.

Ha ha ha, you guys and your jokes. But seriously...

I myself have often thought that Charles Shultz dutifully picked up where Jean-Paul Sartre left off.

You mean Huis Clos? Yeah that's what's so great about Achewood is that it isn't the same old characters stuck between the same 4 walls ad nauseum. Certain comics tend to answer that riddle of what's beyond the edge of the infinite... answer: not much...

...4 hours and only 21 chubbies WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!

My general dislike of Peanuts.

How do you feel about cashews?

If I cashew eating a peanut, I'll fuckin' kill you.

I can clearly see you're nuts.

Dats not a my fault - these shorts shrunk.

Watch out for Todd. Winter is coming and he's . . . collecting. (But he'll forget where he put them.)

I regret that I have but one chubby to give for hamscout's comment.

Roast Beef is already an unfortunate being. you have assuaged my fears

Beef reincarnation puts him in Ray's vacated dome?

I'm going, what?

"Roast Beef, you has been dead before. Couple time, actually" would sound hillarious if read out in a Forrest-Whitaker-in-the-last-king-of-scotland kind of a way.

Not like this. Those were judged accidental death by dipshit or fuckwittery.
This is Cartilage Head Blue Plate Special Night.

God, look at his fingers as he cuts the paper! I shriek with disgust every time I see them.

I noticed that too. At first I thought it might be a boy scout-style precaution against cutting his own fingers, but then I realized that if he was worried about such things he wouldn't be cutting toward himself. Then I thought that maybe at the point of the perpendicular cut the paper takes on some special property that shouldn't be touched with the fingertips, but it seems his fingertips are involved in the next panel. I settled on the same conclusion you reached: Cartilage Head is quintessentially creepy and does things in strange ways that we are not to understand.

Do you see that the pillow is smiling in the final panel? This Onstad - he is a clever one.

I wonder if Onstad knows where this is going or if he's just making it all up as he goes.

Which would you prefer, honestly?

He does not. He has said he makes it up during each panel. Presumably he has a general idea of where it is going but this arc, more so than any other in the history of the strip, demonstrates how malleable his process is.

How would this arc have looked different, had it been meticulously planned to turn out exactly the same way?


I believe Roast Beef's depression has given him an inaccurate view about how his wife will receive news of his death.

Wives generally aren't in favor of it, no.

Nowadays, I wouldn't take that for granted. Not like they would straight-up rejoice and whatnot. Most of them, anyway. The grieving period varies wildly.

Then again, I probably shouldn't leave the TV on while I internet. Especially when those judge shows come on i.e. Divorce Court...

Man, I'd probably grieve for years and years if I was a widder. Different people react to different things different ways. Now now. Emotions.

My wife says the same thing. But tax-free insurance money is a sure way to assuage any emotional pain. My wife is not insured, so I will truly grieve.

Getting life insurance seems like a great way to cause people to see your death as a way to benefit themselves. Yet it also provides no benefit to me. I'm amazed they can actually convince people to pay for it.

Not every man is pathologically self-asorbed, son.

Perhaps not, but it still seems like a poor idea to give people a financial incentive to have you dead. This is not exactly a new scheme.

Life insurance doesn't incent your loved ones to see you dead. It simply neutralizes their burning financial incentive to have you keep living. Think of it as an antacid tablet the whole family can enjoy.

Double Indemnity and, well, a hell of a lot of other noir disagree with you most strongly.

Belgand's girlfriend is also forbidden from wearing anklets for this same reason.

"Oh, did that slip down there again?

it does mine, or so they tell me.

Sit 'eeself down lad, today's the day your old man tells you about consideration for others.

I always feel like life insurance is a brilliant thing for a grieving other. I mean, one of my close friends died recently, and I wish there'd been something in place so that I could have just shut myself in and friggin' grieved properly without having to worry about bills and such. If it'd been my husband, there isn't any kind of way I'd be doing much in the way of self-supporting during such time as I'd be busy busting out in tears at seemingly random moments.

So yeah, I don't think it'd really help in that way, other than not adding a financial burden on top of the actual sadness.

[disclaimer] I don't actually think about this on a regular basis, but it's been a really fucking heavy summer for me.

I sorry :(

Emotion! Empathy! Concern!

This is why chicks on the internet should be restricted to porn objects.

I empathize so hard sometimes I cry with them and BLOOD COMES OUT. Best not be stepping to me, I will show you womanly tenderness, motherfucker.

On a semi-related note, apparently Myers-Briggs thinks I am like Jesus.

I was genuinely torn between giving this comment a chubby and a lame. I want to chulame you. I've given a chubby, but you should imagine that I handed it to you on the end of a stick, through a small iron grating in a heavy oak door.

I giggled. I like to be a dick for comedy purposes too.

Thanks. Things just tend to Happen, you know.

Yep. Anytime. And by "anytime" I mean "a futile expression of vague sympathy anytime."

It was even worse in the days (the days are still here for many families) when women stayed home to care for children. When the old man died, there was no income. They would go on stamps. Little children, no shoes. Just because papa bear got heart problems. 300K properly invested can make a pretty passable life for someone in that situation. A policy that covers that much isn't too hard to get.

Of course, in situations where you have double-income, no kids (DINKs), life insurance is a dumb idea. You would be far better off just using the money outright

Slightly off on a tangent but: thegoblins you're avatar change seems to have bought out the worst in me. Before I saw a witty, inteligent, pretty woman. Now all I see is pussy.


sorry dude, you know we're cool. i'm just a grammar fag.

I'm sure glad I'm not a colon right now.

Chubby for wittiest comment of the day!

It's just that I've become a bit kitten-obsessed lately. My friends have this little fluffball who lost her mother at two weeks (she's now five or six weeks older). She's the cutest thing. I run my finger over her back and she closes her eyes and PURRS. I offer her a bottle of kitty formula and she goes APESHIT, all grabbing at it with her paws, wide-eyed and scrabbling, mewling piteously whenever I take it away. I just...I love that cat, okay. Don't judge me.

*five or six weeks old, not older

Just don't let her go to a palm reader!


Also, thanks for the oblique/ slightly creepy compliment.

change of topic here. you're a girl, maybe you can help with this. ya know how some girls clap. you can catch a bit of it in this video.. some chick in the audience. the hands all cupped in some unnatural Cartilage Hand sort of way. all slow and measured and just... just evocative of the entire image of restrained propriety. yeah guys do it too, but girls seem to do it so much more often. it's so much more visual with girls, it's a single element of an entire body language of a culture that idolizes gender roles and Hannah Montana and Pat Robertson. What's up with that?

She's mesmerised, whether by his monotone delivery or Harpo hair, is uncertain.

I'm fascinated by one aspect of body language: when, in a play or due to drag-king related hi-jinks, a woman tries to act like a man, one thing she always does is put her hands on her hips. However, in reality that is a far more common gesture for women (like walking with arms crossed, though I think that may be something to do with breasts). Where did women get the collective idea that hands on hips is a masculine gesture. Did they learn it in PSE?

Males standing hands on hips was much more common in 19th and early 20th centuries (I speak from a anglo-centric perspective.) This, and arms crossed, was often a statement of resistance as in a picket line.

There may be an evolutionary element since folded arms make the upper body appear larger and arms akimbo makes the whole torso appear larger.

For women it may be more a statement of assertiveness than aping a man, but I agree there is often a breast issue. I know if half the population spent most of their time looking at my chest I'd be looking for cover too.

Further to our discussion


Yeah, I'd agree that it's the whole thing of taking up more space. When I cross my arms across my chest, sometimes it's because I'm being overly conscious of my breasts. Sometimes I just want to knwo that they're still there.

See, I can't help you here, because I'd personally be having a grand mal seizure right there in the aisles.

But anyway, the answer is very simple: girls don't want to look like spazzes. Guys just don't care.

Husbands either - even if they could pay off the house with your life insurance. It seems that spouses usually take this sort of thing personally.

It's pretty sad when you're comparing yourself to a burdensome car loan.

Also, first post! (that I have ever made on assetbar)

Beef, you silly bastard...everyone knows cats have nine lives! By my count, you've still got to suffer the agony death five more times! That's nothing like paying off the car loan...more like trying to pay off the student loan, and the bank keeps on calling you even though your payments are on time, just to offer you products...

Beef died several times in his youth. He never told anyone, although one time he missed most of double maths.

I just realised - every one of Achewood's characters who has gone to the afterlife and come back is a cat - Beef, Ray, Molly (and family), Charley.
No-No looked like some kind of cat, and Trouble Man might have been one (not that these two seem to have left the afterlife).

Just a coincidence, or is it only cats that have the ability to recorporate, due to their multiple lives?

Possibly a moot point in this case, as Beef is being Hastened off to the queue of Samsara.

Also, vinegar and brown paper are a folk-lore remedy for a broken crown. Not sure if this has any relation to vinegar and white A4 being used to Hasten...


You forgot Todd, and maybe another squirrel or two.

And Teodor, briefly.

Teodor was a special case, simply because he sucks so hard at being a ghost.

so hard.

Teodor didn't die all the way, but I am ashamed to have forgotten Todd.

Maybe I should slip him a ten...

A4? That's unamerican. Also, CH doesn't really seem like an ISO kind of guy to me.

But he does seem American to you?

Well, stuffed animals don't really die, as they can't fully be considered living.

Even if they're five.

Stuffed animals never die, they just fray away.

Welcome to our company official website
The Yurdish Group is fruit's importer and exporter
in Middle East, Asia, Europe and Turkey since 1997

Chubbied for hilarity. (The hilarity is doubled because this is an actual quote .)

I am fruit's nemesis.

I am vermicelli's son.


Oh wait...

You keeled my father. Prepare to die.

That steak you just ate was my uncle. I think we have more in common than you realize.

A comment left by puguglypress was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Aelindil, HonestTom, ummagumma, chivalress, groen, lateadopter)

Is that vinegar and brown paper that Cartilage Head is preparing? Is there a Jack & Jill subplot I'm not aware of?

The vinegar is there to destroy Roast Beef's already highly symptomatic, acidic stomach

The paper will poison his body after it leaks out of the holes in his stomach

You are the only person other than my own mother I've ever seen make reference to the vinegar and brown paper aspect of the Jack & Jill saga.

An elderly female relative taught me this: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water/ Goodness knows what they did, they came back with a daughter. I love my family.

Old females cannot be trusted. Has assetbar taught you nothing?

This one doesn't have an annoying gray box hovering over her head providing her age, sex, some pseudo-witty status, and a disconcerting double image of her face.

At present you don't even have a double image. When I mouse over I get a picture of a kitten. Not quite the same.

Unless, that is, you're secretly a kitten and have been fooling us all along in which case I say "Good show!"

On the Internet, no one knows you're a kitten.

A lot of old females have a gray box.

Is that your Creation Myth?

Did Mom and Dad ever point at a hill to you and say, "It was that hill, dear." ?

Armchair psychology, courtesy of assetbar.

No, actually, they just told me I was born a chewed-up wad of vinegar and brown paper, dripping in pus and mucus and blood.

But you got better . . . well, some better.

Eh it could be worse.

Your nose could be gushing blood.

Cartilage Head didn't need to bring the full piece of paper just to remove a few shreds, but he needs an excuse for throwing it away to get rid of his surplus.

Cartilage Head is left handed. All the great people are, really.

George Michael, Hitler...

*George Michael/Hitler

never seen 'em in the same place at the same time, I'm just saying.

You gotta have faith.
just not the Jewish faith?

Wake me up before you pogrom.

I can be your fuhrer figure.

Young Guns (go for it) Polish Tour.

Seems like someone don't like our escapades into Judaism.

We also would have accepted:

Wake me up before you gulag.

hitler seemed a bit more moody/angsty. like, if he'd got caught whackin' off in a public bathroom, it doesn't seem like he'd go out and make a music video parody of the whole thing.

Hitler would cobble together some terrible excuse, and stick to it religiously. If anyone ever bought it up, even in a really jokey affectionate way, he'd throw a huge paddy, and storm out of the restaurant or pub. Someone would have to go after him, to persuade him not to walk the six miles home through the rain.

He's also been caught slumped over the wheel of his staff car, photographed apparently sleeping at traffic lights in Berlin. He awoke after someone knocked on his window for five minutes, and was "sweating heavily and had his iPod on". He drove away weaving, and then hit a traffic bollard. Later the same month, he was questioned by police after colliding with three cars in the strasse in which he lives.


He can even make the simple act of holding down a piece of paper icky and cartilageous.


Cartilageanous delinda est.



cartilagelingus. noun. vicious (well...viscous too) kissing of cartilage with the mouth.

Hopefully he doesn't have hyaline halitosis.

A bad hyaline halitosis and hairball review can kill a playa in this town.

"Coughed various types of epithelia up on me. Smelled like something organic undergoing a transformation, dreams into coruscating visions, cobwebs creeping upon my soul...will not be engaging in surreal and erotic acts with this inexplicable being again."

Cronenberg isn't going to happy to hear about this.

a faint odour of wetted ashes

I made this account for no other purpose than to chubby this.


Mmmm, cartilage anus....

From the title of this comic in my email I thought Beef was about to get saved by the cat who can use a toilet.

I am continually impressed (I'm not sure that is the appropriate word) by how accurately Onstad can convey the thought processes of debilitating clinical depression.
Although, I thought Beef had been doing so well! Can't blame the dude for sadding hard at this sudden ostensible demise.

I love that trippy wallpaper background. Upon closer inspection, however, I realize that it is the exact same background in frames 1-5 and 8. Probably Onstad was lazy, as the background does change in the two previous strips in which we see it. But a more interesting idea is that Cartilage Head has magic, perspective-changing wallpaper. It's like one of those paintings where the eyes follow you, only it's a crazy-ass wallpaper.

In conclusion, I want one of those.

A few posts ago I said I thought C.H. was somehow trying to be helpful. I take that back.

CH is an artist. Artists tend to be self-centered and unhelpful.

Gee, I guess I'm an artist too.

Last night I was such an artist that now there is broken glass all over the lawn.


A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, Rhadamanthus, YorkshireTea, HonestTom, bigtom, noooo_oo_oo, ladyface, gingerbreadman, Stonecrab, Jar, aHatOfPig)

Unfortunately for you, the comic strip cannot be shut up. Fortunately for me, you can be.

"more mopey Beef coupled with Asshole Head"

Mopey Beef and asshole head were (incidentally) the names of my childhood pets.

and the punk rock band I formed in high school.

boys and girls, the word of the day is "dooshbag."

Duodenum head.

Goddamn it, I'm having all sorts of strange histology thoughts.




She looked GOOD
She looked FINE
She looked good she looked fine wedding bells are gonna chime

Vous les copains, je n'vous oublierai jamais.

Heh! What?



"My friends, I will never forget you all."

but actually, the second one.

I think you ended up at Achewood by mistake. You must be looking for Garfield, that's the cartoon featuring a cat in acceptable "humorous" situations.

It sounds likes someone came from some cartilage related Circumstances

...oh my gawd, C.H.'s fucking hand in panel nine.

It's like he's doing the Shocker to the paper

That hand has shaken the hands of four American Presidents, although only one of them was alive at the time.

Cartilage Head goes from having three fingers to four. His supernatural abilities know no bounds...

Pins and needles, actually. That's what I'm on here. Never thought that would happen

Get out of my sewing kit.

What if Beef takes off the Yurdish Dying Hat and puts it on CH?



But I like your username, so have a chubby.

Put on your Yurdish dying hats, boys 'cuz tonight we're going drinkin' !

Put on your Yurdish hats when you feel down and out
Strut down the street and have your heart ripped out
This man's a dream and his face churns about
That sickly sweet smell, oh you can tell
that it is no use to shout!

The man in the Yurdish Dying Hat
In the pig pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten.

them good ol' boys
drinking whiskey and rye
This will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die

OLD SCHOOl style of alt text.

I believe that would be Roast Beef.

The fluid that perpetually seeps out of Cartilage Head's eye sockets is...

a. Blood and pus; as a consequence of CH's condition, his eye sockets are essentially open wounds.


b. Tears; as a consequence of CH's condition, he is in a perpetual state of agony and cannot stop crying.

c. tears, he constantly seeps tears from his tear ducts that were damaged when he was shot stopping a truck hijacking that involved David Caruso.


He saved Caruso -- now I'm crying.

Stop it Pagliacci.

abattoir of retarded children this, tire tread/burst stomach that

Cut the guy a break Jeff, he just found out his wife cheated on him and now he has to go ride a unicycle and make balloon animals. You would cry too if it happened to you.

And seven million Smokey Robinson fans will go around mumbling, "So who is this Palyachee dude, anyway?"

the fluid is tears because he is emo.

I hate to break it to you. It's cerebro-spinal fluid.

Cartilage Head weeps for Roast Beef, and subsequently, for the world.

Jesus, I keep wanting to type Pyramid Head. That is the last thing that needs to be associated with this arc.

It would make sense though, a simple cut to Pyramid Head doing something creepy off in the corner. In the established setting, it wouldn't be out of place in any way at all.

Cartilage Head is more then Pyramid Head can ever hope to be.

Pyramid Head? Is this a BOWFINGER reference? Are we still afraid of Terrance Stamp?

nah, boyo.



Well ... he was pretty creepy in Teorema.

(Jesus Christ but I need to stop hanging out with film geeks.)

And by "doing something creepy", you of course mean "standing".

Just standing.



With his eyes.

CH is safety-conscious when it coms to knife usage.

He got his Whittling Chip, in addition to his Macabre Performance Art merit badge.

They had a special seeping ribbon made especially for him.

Don't forget his dis-orienteering badge.

But he failed First Aid after he took the boy pretending to have a compound fracture and gently wrapped first the arm, and then the entire body in a tattered shroud.

when the bemused instructor removed the shroud from the boy, she found that where the boy had once stood there was an ornate wrought-iron coatstand. hanging alone on the coatstand was a tattered and faded bowler hat, weeping softly from within its concave depths.

I really don't like what's going on in the last panel. It's like the pillow is so in love with Roast Beef that it is content to be lying there with him, which is nice, but it's completely oblivious to Beef's state of despair. If that's love, lock me up in a convent.


I can't stop thinking about School of the Holy Beast now. But I don't think that's exactly the sort of love that The Goblins is looking for.


Am I the only one that interpreted "use your death" as some way of saying Beef's not going to die? That CH is going to use the powers of death to somehow do something insane that I thought of because I'm pretty baked while writing this.

I think you are on to something. I was just looking at this strip thinking that it doesn't make sense that it could be so simple as CH killing the cat. Where's the interest in it? CH is up to something more... is it selfish? Is it selfless? I have no idea as of yet. I will probably be the last to know.

I predict that CH is going to hold Roast Beef's hands and drink the confetti. CH's body being made of cartilage, perhaps it is malleable such that his hands can 'take on' the lash of thanatos simply by being pressed against Beef's hands.

Beef awakes mysteriously in his own bed the next morning, thinking he's dead, until he finds a note in his shirt pocket from CH and finally figures out what happened, and figures out that Teodor and Ray are in hospital, having been rescued by the 5-0. Somehow or other they figure out that the pamphlet which contains the key to Beef's long-term viability is what rearranged Ray's noggin, and there ensues a hilarious Seinfeld-like wild goose chase to find it. Agents of the SUV maker have hauled away the SUV in a bid to cover up any possible evidence of a mechanical or design defect in the beast, and it all climaxes in a car chase with a van and Mr. T. and Airwolf and they get there just in time to shut off the crusher which has already partly crushed the SUV. They retrieve the CH pamphlet from the half-crushed SUV, and it's doused in week-old sauce that burst forth from KFC honey mustard packets, and then our comrades have a hearty laugh as Todd tumbles out of the glove box covered in honey mustard and his own vomit, wearing a tactical vest stuffed with mini pipe bombs, drunkenly brandishing a Todd-size samurai sword and screaming angrily at everyone "WHATCHULOOKINGATWILLS!" as the frame freezes in an ending reminiscent of Francois Truffaut's Les Quatre Cents Coups.

1) How dare you taint Achewood by referencing Seinfeld.

2) Unless you give an illustration to compliment your anticipatory fanfic, methinks you should let Onstad finish the story he started...because yours is booooriiiing.

I agree, Let the man work!

sorry for partying!

there is nothing up the man's sleeves, and yet with one swift sweeping motion the Spectre of Death is become a bouquet of flowers! oh, what whimsy!

Again? That trick never works.

Dude, Don't go on the internet when you're high, nothing good ever came of that. Read a book or walk round a forest instead.

and don't come crying to us when two days later you realise you outbid everyone on Ebay for some glasswear with pictures of Roger Ebert on it.

When I was about twelve or so, I remember a friend of mine stopping by my house to say hi, stoned out of his proverbial gourd. He was only there for about three minutes before he decided he just HAD to go shopping.

He came back the next day, furious, with two big shopping bags under his arms. "Dude, what's in the-"

But he'd already emptied them out onto the floor. There was a good $120 worth of "WORLD'S GREATEST GRANDMOTHER" apparel and merchandise.

"FUCK. YOU. DUDE." and he stormed off.

You were a grandmother at 12? Good lord.

I hate it when I forget to tell my wife I am dying.

I often find it hard to fall asleep because of Doubts; did I leave the stovetop on? is the front door locked? did I forget to tell my wife I am dying tonight?

it must be pretty hard to pick up confetti when your fingers are all cartilage.


Confetetti is hard for anyone to pick up.

agreed, but I'm sure the confetti prefers it that way.

Maybe I've been misreading it this whole time, but I'm pretty sure his name is "Cartilage Head", not "Cartilage Hand". Way to be insensitive, jerk.

I'd feel bad, except his hands are probably just as unpleasant.

Not Sufficient

cartilage head doesn't seem to be a very good putter-inner, for such a meticulous cutter-upper

it's a shame; given his height, he could have wrecked the NBA.

you ever try dropping paper into a jar? it is like they have some kind of forcefield.

I dropped this really small piece of paper once. It had this picture of Daffy Duck on it. It made me do strange things. In the middle of winter I took my nice warm boots off to paddle in the sea because the moon was soooo bright it had to be warm, you know? To avoid freezing to death I spent the rest of the night playing Mario Kart(N64) and listening to a bootleg recording of Smile.

Having cartilage in your finger seems to disturb the motoric a tad.


I like the wallpaper.

Either the wallpaper goes, or I do.

It;s typically as an unfortunate being. For Beef coming back as a happy go lucky type would be about as unfortunate as it gets, but it's exactly what he needs to do. You know, get a taste of how the other 90% live.

while we're on the subject... it seems pretty unfortunate to be Cartilage Head, doesn't it?

I love 'Beef and all but sometimes his punkass depression and lack of self-worth makes me want to bitch slap him, with a Gangsta Grillz mixtape and a eightball.

i did elote o finkinlin' ove teh weekend, was ma berf day (i did cry. and the only time someone sang happy birthday 2 me was when i did it for myself, tears streamin' don ma face sitting on my heels in the corner of the bathroom in the basement.) an' i m not like h8r's, 1: an i guezz dat wat am do is i donno wot. it's crazy transitive periud 4 me rite nah i m troubled pote with a knack 4 story tellin' ib u r a female who is n2 fascin8n people plz lemme know an' i can get bak 2 u.

i hab 1 pair of raybanz and 2 different hats. wat i do eery day is shower. thx n edvance n keep doin' ur think peoples don' let teh h8ers get u don' jus' b urself no mattah wot but plz ladies i--

for those hue stil havn't heard it yet. song change'd ma life plz give a listen

I have to give props to gladi8orrex. That song/video is indeed pretty cool. Young rapper meets old crooner. W221 meets W100. And despite the years that separate them, they find a common bond.

dude calls 'em like he sees 'em.

Glad, I am a female, I am definitely n2 fascinating people; send me a Twitter name or an email address and let's correspond. Even if you're not Onstad (although the 'i--' is an interesting literary device that Onstad would use; either way, I approve heartily). And, happy 20th birthday, belatedly!

Also: to Assetbar douches who restrict new posters to one comment per 'day', when a new strip doesn't go up for a WEEK, that's a long time to go without commenting. Sheesh. Guess this is my one allowed comment for the next however long. :}

click here how many times you can post is based partly on how many strips you've read.

THANK YOU. I have been reading Achewood since 2003; just haven't wanted to deal with Assetbar before. 'Neu'...sigh.

I have been reading Achewood since 2003

Why join now ?

Its 'cause thegoblins is showing a little pussy, isn't it?

And as the yang to thegoblins yin, your cigar is giving me Freudian wet dreams.

why does THAT turn me on a little???

Fuck, I'm damaged.

Shee-it, wanna talk damaged, it turns me on that you're turned on!

I like where this is going

I like that you like where this is going?

I like like you.

I like, like you!

thx 4 helpin' my new girlfriend out mang. u always got ma back

are those the new Raybans (made in Italy by Luxotica) or the old school Bausch & Lomb?

made in italy. look sorta like karel gott's

"How does a 20-year-old know of an Eastern European singer born in 1939?" she czeched.

jus' gotta know abot bushido den karel naturally step eway form

Watched the vid finally, it's a stirring tune. What is the story and its meaning to you?

I'm gonna reply to my own post to correct ts form: "How does a 20-year-old know of an Eastern European singer born in 1939?" she asked Praguematically.

gladi8orrex Quote:
i did elote o finkinlin' ove teh weekend, was ma berf day (i did cry. and the only time someone sang happy birthday 2 me was when i did it for myself, tears streamin' don ma face sitting on my heels in the corner of the bathroom in the basement.) an' i m not like h8r's, 1: an i guezz dat wat am do is i donno wot.


I did elope to Finland over the weekend. It was my best day. I did it! Crazy! After the lonely times, someone even sang happy birthday to me. It was wonderful, if I do say so myself.

Tires screamin' during the motor race, second [second-place contestant] on my heels in the corner. Off the brakes, zoom in the best manner.

And I'm hot like heaters. And I guess that what I aim to do is eat donuts. Woot.


Glad decided it was time to live life to the fullest. He moved to Finland, got married, and became a race car driver, all in the same weekend. And that was only the beginning. After winning the big race, he ate a whole donut, with a candle on top to celebrate his birthday. Bavarian cream, people. Bavarian. Freaking. Cream. Because that's how Glad rolls.

sure ain't no jelly roll.

It helps that he's died twice before, so he knows the deal

so yurdish.


CH's folded over hand in panel 9 - it looks like a squished Ziggy. So gross. So ill.

I hope this arc wraps up like the end of Newhart .

Or if you really want to use an MTM show, this:

I am so sad right now.

i know that ray and beef have died a couple times before, but i can barely contain my sense of dread everytime i look!
dang cartlidge head, why you gotta do a thing?!?

Oh Beef. Always thinking about everyone else but never nourishin' that little heart of yours.

i think about the last panel sometimes.


but seriously, if there ever was any person who could so come to terms, it'd be Beef.

I love how CH gets the perfect no-glug pour on the vinegar even though the fill level of the bottle and angle of the neck in panel 11 suggest that is impossible.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

an improbable thing, indeed.

also, i'd wager Molly's gonna be hella pissed and get daddy to come lookin' for her husbin'.

This is a five for the alt text because it made my stomach do a dip.