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The Sewage of Sodom Wednesday, March 2, 2005 • read strip Viewing 92 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sleeps, mikeronomicon, SharkOfSomerton, atticusonline, Jeet, chatterjee, Afkpuz, littlefatdog)

He had to give it back to Holden Caulfield.

Literature chubby.

A comment left by boredom_man was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, drago25, dullard, slysa, morbo)

I think your lamers have never been nerdy in the South. Here's a commiseration chubby and a washcloth to wipe the spittle-spray off your face (Damn Baptists can get worse than sprinklers).

That sounds like a reasonable guess. It's not a comment I find particularly lame, but I've made some comments here that weren't lamed enough, I think, and I'm at peace with that. Also I intend to drink whiskey and beat my kid until I feel better.

Healthy lifestyles are for people that watch Oprah and talk about their feelings.

people WHO watch Oprah.

hey thanks.

helluva guy, that one.

Or Ignatius J. Reilly.

Yeah, I'd say that T falls pretty much right between Caulfield and Reilly. Personality- and hat-wise.

Ahhhh, that kills me.

A comment left by mystkmanat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by patkun, Carlyle, TonyHighwind)

Chubby because I wanted to chubby asherdan, but couldn't bring myself to do it. But you did, and admitted it, and took the lames like a manatee. I respect that.

I respect manatees that tell it like it is.

Little known fact: manatees are incapable of guile.

(PS- thanks)

Living bean bag chairs with dopey, adorable faces and without the capacity to lie. No wonder I feel the instinctive urge to hug them.

Maybe this is why-

Tomorrow's menu: Hog with Prawn.

Chubbied for diving in the filth side of life...

Because your a massive douche.

Not pulling any punches there are you, carlyle?

Of course not. The man's got some good comments and he's got a lot of bad ones.

((also, just discovered the whole inbox mechanic so I can see all the comments that are replying to me is this basic knowledge to everyone else?))

So was it that the whole "Oh man, a good post by asherdan how crazy" thing is played out? I would have to agree. I guess that was sort of lame of me.

((Yes, I am pretty sure it is common knowledge.))

What a bitchin hat!

It's a good hat to have on.

It is the hat of an honest man.

Ray clearly hates the sound of Teodor's banjo skillz.

Ray's lyrics in this and the last strip are the most metal things screamed ever...right after "Bein Fat Rocks!"

Retroactively applied joke. Next time, ti

It does not appear to be aaaiiiiight.

Satan Banjo Ray is the greetest. And I meant to misspell that.

Now he must leave Earth for no raisin.

Chubbied for both your Futurama avatar and a Futurama quote.

3 chubbies for 3 futuramas!

Oh my God I just changed my avatar I'm so sorry.

:-O How do you retract chubbies? You are dechubbied...unless you quote your favorite "Scruffy" moment.


*Bender fails to forever fix the Plasma Fusion Boiler*
*Plasma Fusion Boiler releases considerable amounts of steam*
Scruffy: Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived.


You have softened my heart.

"Name's Scruffy, I'm the janitor."

"Then why aren't YOU fixing the boiler?"

"I've never seen you before!"
"I've never seen YOU before neither!"

I think we entered the Endless Futurama Quoting Frenzy loop.

Fry: I'm Santa Claus!
Hermes: No, I'm Santa Claus!

Amy: We're also Santa Claus!

Dr. Zoidberg: And I'm his friend Jesus.

Mayor: None of you are Santa Claus! How dare you lie in front of Jesus!

Prof. Farnsworth: This is a chance for Fry to test out my experimental anti-pressure pill.
*shows the extremely huge pill*
Fry: I can't swallow that!
Prof. Farnsworth: Well then, good news! It's a suppository.

Goooooooooooooood timessssssss

They really were, weren't they?

Have you seen any of the Futurama movies? I have. Can't say I liked them. :/

I saw the first one. It was ok, but I don't think they'll ever top what they had.

"Nice eyeball, eyeball."
"Nice ass, ass."

Good to see you back on the old strips, apricotta!

Fry: He stole my clover, he stole my name and he stole my life!
*punches the statue*
And now he broke my hand!
Bender: His legend lives on!

Oh, I'm always around. Good to know some people care!

God, get a room, you two.

We're in a room!

"I hid it in a secret hiding place whose location I never told anyone, not even Scruffy!"

Well then lose some weight!

In terms of favourite Scruffy moment, I fully enjoy the bit in The Beast With A Billion Backs where Fry's going through his phonebook...


"Scruffy's wheeling in a large pill."

"I've never seen him so down... or ever before."

And this makes it the first page I've ever run out of chubbies on. Chubb on, Scruffy-lovers.

The opposite of what I was thinking.

I guess she told you.



Ring ring ring ring, Bananaphone!

Wow, hilarious!

Alt text: Don't worry, he's not going to play him Hog and Prawn.


If you're a phone, and you say "ring!", you ought to say it in a very upbeat way.

Or else you might give some one the Depression.

You ever think maybe this banjo was what caused Mr. Band?


Ray's lyrics seem even funnier when coming out of an innocuous cell phone on the dresser.

Hogs and prawns: not kosher.


Sound like fixins for a mighty good gumbo though. We gon' put ever non-kosher thing in we can thank. Bugs an clams, oysters shit like dat.


Some of the best lyrics ever written all up ins.

The hog shall lay with the prawn

It sounds like a Jethro Tull lyric.

5 for the alt text

I really enjoy the "whump" alot more than I should.

Today's Blogs

Pat: Why do fat women always think they have a chance with me?

Being a Christian, this strip actually scares me quite a lot. :(

Don't fret, dude: Jesus could probably kick that cartoon cat's ass.

dude, Jesus would only have to look at Ray and the floor would open and posit him into the 'neath.

Teodor answered his cellphone, with his mind .

Or there was a cut scene I missed....

No, it's a walkie-talkie. No answering necessary.

Yes, which is why I imagine that the "Ring!" was not the phone, but Ray shouting "Ring!" into the phone.

I count five alrights (and variations thereof) in this strip.


I chortled so hard that my stomach gurgled. So awesome.

Don't fugue, Ray!

You peons are missing the point. I really really need to know why Ray keeps fuguing on the lyrics to his banjo-driven melodious songs, and why he is almost aping Nice Pete's bible slash fiction. Is it just because he is wasted?

Calling us peons makes me want to give you a hug.

A sad hug.

a SOSAD hug.

Also I hate you.

Hey, I hate people like me.

On another note I still haven't quite figured out what was going on in this story arc. It is most intriguing.

The banjo is imbued with the soul of Satan. Ray is becoming possessed and is having fits.

This is causing Teodor some chagrin.

all jarring.


Death metal.

canuhbull corps, aaaiiiiight!

5'ed so hard for the alt text.

my own rad hat of similar design: