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Euro Trip 2 Thursday, March 18, 2004 • read strip Viewing 30 comments:

I would never ever get in a plane that had Todd as the pilot.

not even with those sweet-ass teardrop windows?

I never noticed that. The windows are the same shape as those of his van

They remind of the eyes on the magical mexican realism chopper.

Well, the MMRC Mark I has a luchador mask, the eye shape is kinda similar.

which in turn look like the eyes of the stork that todd killed. Continuity people.

full circle.

Philippe is standing on it.

what did Todd have to kill to metamorph
into that airplane?

It is made of Beef's giant condom.

I really thought that since he loved Blood Beagle so much, he bought a mobile blood bank; y'know a van with blood drop decals?

i agree with you, somanywhales.

i agree with you on this.

I wonder what the license plate says.

Rigorous study and comprehensive training earned me the right to pilot this plane.

"Not Making My Child Support Payments Bought Me This Plane"

Squirrels have many offspring.

Bitches sometimes forget to take they cunt pills.

This is Circus Penis' plane minus bellend.

Todd's plane has a teardrop for every time the FAA has revoked his pilot's license for flying while huffing hydraulic fluid.

Ah, there's nothin' wrong with him a hunnerd dollar won't fix.

(Seriously, AssetBar? Am I the first person to make this reference? I am shocked!)

oh man those windows would put hell of strain on the aircraft frame it would likely breakup over the atlantic

hella de Havilland Comet styles

I've always thought the Comet was a beautiful aircraft.

Everybody did. But style only counts for so much in aviation.

I bet he's running smack and/or acorn liquor in that plane.

Is this a cabaret reference

I ask for information

What's great is that the alt-text predicts Ray's tangle with the Ein Currywurst guy. Or maybe it just means Chris had a weird time in Germany.

It is because of this strip that I now say "Awww frick yeah, baby" upon starting a car, then turn to my passengers with a look of expectant glee on my face.

Why would you even rate this lowly?

...aaand my journey through the archives is complete. Kind of fitting, as this strip reminds me of the last episode of M*A*S*H.

Same here. Now it's time for me to go from first to latest!