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The Airwolf GUI Shortcomings Tuesday, May 2, 2006 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

Setting the time on a cheap oven... this is a place we have all been. Especially when we accidentally kill our friend in the process.

My oven did not come with missiles.

Man, I live in a dump.

A comment left by spicyponyhead was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CygnusX-1, LordPretzel, obipam)

Your avatar looks like he is saying this, and like he will now launch into an infomercial about an exciting new product to cure this problem.

Dude when I get rich I am gonna buy hella copters.

A comment left by heavymetaljesus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Unfun, kenthegod, isunklower, _cheesekayke, J-Man)

Ray has more money than the Pope.

Teódor's design has never looked as good as it does in this arc. Lookit is head! So snuggable.

everyone I know says helly-copter

Really? Where do you live? I have only ever heard it hella-copter before. (I live in Boston.) Heely-copter just sounds unnatural .

I say hilla-copter.


Now, is that Shwartzeneggar [sic] or Hesh from sealab 2021?


"Alright, good news. Philippe's floatin' in a cooler about two hundred yards offshore." Why is that so damn funny??

Between the unique pronunciation conversation and Ray's clumsy handeling of dangerous equipment, I'm getting twice as much laughter out of this strip than any other strip I've read so far!

Because that is not usually considered "good news."

File panel 5 under random Téodor trivia.

Does anyone that anyone reading this knows actually say "heela-copter"?
I figure Onstad had a friend with a strange thing like that. I have a friend who rhymes banal with anal.

That's actually an accepted pronunciation of banal.

Accepted by WHOM?

This is what I was wondering.


" Usage Note: The pronunciation of banal is not settled among educated speakers of American English....Some Panelists admit to being so vexed by the problem that they tend to avoid the word in conversation. Speakers can perhaps take comfort in knowing that...three [different] pronunciations each have the support of at least some of the Usage Panel and that none of them is incorrect. When several pronunciations of a word are widely used, there is really no right or wrong one." American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition (discussion of specific pronunciations omitted as the specialist symbols seem almost certain to be screwed up in BBCode, see link for...What? Yes, I have Dictionary.com in my favorites, what of it?)

Our high school English teacher used to yell at us when we would pronounce it a certain way. Same story with our Spanish teacher and the word "pagina".

It should be noted, however, that it is quite possible to have banal sex.

I've learned that after you and your date have had enough tequila, you're going to get one pronunciation or the other...

Right here. I've never heard it pronounced any other way. Does the other way rhyme with canal?

I can't stand that this isn't answered, a year later. As far as I know, you could be still sitting there, waiting for an answer so you can use this in conversation.

Yes, rhymes with canal.

Weird, that's one I've never ran across. But on another not, my dictionary says that both hel-i-copter and hee-li-copter are accepted American English pronunciations.

I do it the other way around.

You do anal... the other way around.

Wait, there's an accepted pronunciation of banal that DOESN'T rhyme with anal? I have never heard it any other way.

apparently it's bah-naahl

or something stupid.

Isn't that how you say it? Now I have to look it up.

That's how I say banal.

I know someone that calls them "Heelos" for short. How's that?

That's the military slang. They don't subscribe to the low civilian abbreviation copter.

Also banal comes from the root word 'bane' so why wouldn't it rhyme with anal?

I think at least two of the different pronunciations come from pronouncing the "al" at the end with either a short or a long "a", which is how it could rhyme with anal.

It could be "bane-all" (rhymes with fall) or "bane-ul" (rhymes with anal), or if you are weird, "buh-nal".

I thought that's how it's pronounced...unless it's supposed to rhyme with annal (as in annals of history).

Alt text: "Jakob Nielsen could have prevented this." Better still, Albert, the College-Educated Cat.

I remember the alt text saying that. I am fairly certain I do. Now, however, it says "Remember, this chopper was written way before usability became fashionable."

Either I am imagining things or there is alt-text history revisionism at work.

That's tomorrow's alt text.

How right you are!

Judging by his pronunciation of helicopter, is it safe to say that Teodor speaks with an Italian accent? His accent is the only one out of the dozens of Achewood characters that I can't pick up from the language used.

Teodor's supposed to be from Belarus (I forget where it says he's from Minsk). I think the only thing Italian about him is his reliance on risotto as a main course.

Yeah, he says his parents were Belorussian immigrants here . Teodor's accent is likely just American, as I think is usually the case with American-born children of immigrant parents.

His cell phone is not pictured but is on Airwolf's dahsboard with the speakerphone on.

That has to be an old interface, the graphics are in lo-res.

it looks straight out of that old DOS game MIG-29 or a cooler 3.1 game, USNF.

As a pilot, I feel obligated to mention that nowhere does the FAA say that you cannot have an open container in the cockpit, just that the pilot can't drink or have consumed alcohol within eight hours prior to flight.

Knock one back, Teodore.

Holy shit, too fucking funny

Today's Blogs

Onstad: A story with a medium ending.

I don't care if I've been drinking, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, usability being fashionable is getting to be a problem. Very little human activity is a well-defined task. And you know what else? Edward Tufte can blow me . Get a sense of cognition before you go making up rules for everything you jackasses .


He can't shoot a missle at Philippe!!!!!

While reading panel 9, I contemplate the outcome of this story had Ray not had Airwolf and become very very unsettled.

Oh. Oh! Hmm. [sigh]

First time I read this one = genuine fear.

My heart skipped a beat in horror when I first read this one. Philippe!

Oh shit.


Airwolf doesn't know how to do anything but KILL.