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Roast Beef on the Moon Tuesday, June 25, 2002 • read strip Viewing 45 comments:

A comment left by madnes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cuddlefish, lateadopter, VictoriaW)

excellent avatar/comment combo

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NaughtyByN8ture, lk, Tragic_Johnson, aperson)

A comment left by honesttom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, cuddlefish, VictoriaW)

All this talk about the phone made me realize for the first time that it is not even a cell phone, but a cordless. I like that. Also the first panel is perhaps the greatest single panel of all.

Also, the helmet is thick enough to protect against space, yet thin enough to allow telephone conversation.

It would! I asked a geology teacher about the NASA transmissions back and forth when we were studying the moon. He said it might actually work with a better signal, seeing how it's got a more-or-less straight shot to the satellite it needs (provided you have not swung to the other side of the earth yet, I think) to transmit data. Depending on your coverage, you could totally call a dude from the moon.

Even though I'll never get to put this information to good use, I feel great relief that I can indeed call a dude from the moon.

Something about the top panel makes me want to weep with joy.

I know, like it's every thing Beef ever wanted.

I see that panel and I think: "desktop background"


Chubbied for including my favorite, the oft-overlooked 1152x864.

1280x1024, represent

word up.

this is good work, thanks.

And here I was thinking I was going to do it myself. Lo, that I have but one chubby to give you.

How about a background for those of us with 16:10 aspect ratio screens?

I do 1440x900 myself, so here's a copy of what I've been using:


If you use some other resolution I can crack photoshop open again, I s'pose.

You do good work, kid.

Any chance of a 1280x800 ?

i have always loved this strip. it was always just... i don't know. sad. the first cell has always stuck in my head. this is the kind of strip that i feel sets achewood apart. i am laaamee

Beef has become Doctor Manhattan; alone in his fortress of solitude.

Oh dang Laurie, I just don't really care much about your 'ol blue world down there no more.

If someone were to recast The Watchmen with Achewood characters, Beef actually wouldn't be a bad Dr. Manhattan. Granted after giving the idea another half second's thought he would seem more an appropriate fit as Dan Dreiberg.

It is now my sincerest hope that some other people who've read the Watchmen see these comics and contribute to this concept. Right now I'm trying to think if Lyle or Todd would be better as the Comedian.

Lyle is totally the Comedian.
And come on, who is more perfect for Dreiberg/Nite Owl than Teodor?

Nice Pete is Rorschach, no question about it there.

molly is laurie because there's no other chicks in either work

What about the lesbian cabdriver?

Yeah, Lyle is definitely comedian, but I do think Roast Beef would better for Dreiberg. Also, I'd rather see Ray as Rorschach, just to increase the RB/Ray parallels. Also Ray does often enough refuse to give up on his values. Even if his values circle around water having nutrients.

Also, Phillippe might have to be Doctor Manhattan. Not because it makes any sense at all. Just because it would be awesome. He probably just teleported to Mars for fun.

Also, obviously Pat is Ozymandias.

Alt text: The alt-text writer phoned in drunk again. For God's sake.

The first panel deserves a five. That's probably the first thing I'd say if I we're in such a situation.

Some moon-cats would play golf. Others write JAVA for all the moon to see.

Beef's lack of orthographic line breaks in his speech bubbles leads me to believe he relies too heavily on automation to use the moon as a Java text editor.

Python to thee rescue?

it still says "JAVA" on the moon 'cause no atmosphere, so no, like, wind and stuff.

It will say Java...forever.

This reminds me of the Myth Busters episode where they try and bust a number of moon landing conspiracies. One of the conspiracies is that the astronauts' boot prints are too well-defined as they step across the surface, and that the dry lunar dust wouldn't keep a fully-detailed imprint of the bottom of their boot. In the moon landing videos their foot prints seem as if they're appearing in wet sand.

They use a pan full of this dry material with similar properties to lunar dust (the name escapes me), in a NASA vacuum chamber and use a robotic device to make a foot print in the pan with a real boot from a space suit. Despite the fact that the Earth has stronger gravity than the moon, a difference they couldn't really simulate, the boot makes a perfect imprint that maintains its shape after the boot is removed.

In closing, unless disturbed by lunar impacts, that JAVA is going to be around for a while. SCIENCE!

Apparently rayolith(?) is quite possibly one of the most frustrating materials ever. It's rough, coarse and it gets everywhere.

i love how the burger king mod had sex TWICE.

Wrong strip. We're talking AErosTwiceChastened, and frankly I big time do not care at all to delve into what that name means.... at all.

And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

I read somewhere that the moon smells like exploded firecrackers. I'm willing to bet we showed up late for a moon kegger.

How about in a 16:10 aspect ratio? Some of us have new fangled laptops, gosh dern it.

How about in a 16:10 aspect ratio? Some of us have new fangled laptops, gosh dern it.

At first I was like this is meh, til I realized that it in fact reflects my own level of desire for solitude.


The first Achewood strip I read.

It would take about five months and three more tries before I got legally hooked.

after such as eighty years, a cartoonist finally recaptured the otherworldly feeling of a krazy kat strip