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Philippe and the Flower Monday, October 7, 2002 • read strip Viewing 31 comments:

That last panel is amazing.

Somebody needs to pass that tidbit along to all the guys I knew in High School who had to get their moms to babysit their kid on game night.

Wait, the guys you knew in high school actually took care of their kids? Here we always kind of assumed that was the female's problem.

sad thing is, the chicks werent any brighter. they brought the baby in to class to show all their friends(as if it was the coolest new accessory...).

I have a feeling Philipe will be having this exact same conversation in eleven years.

But he'll still only be five.

A comment left by jstegall was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, Connellingus, Audhumla, Darthemed)

Liebot sometimes has the best take on things. I remember the first time I made a mistake, and the court ordered family that was summarily issued.

It's the sideburns, they just ooze wisdom.

Oh shit! He has sideburns.

i waited till i was 29 to make that mistake. omg my wife and baby will read this while browsing the archives and get a divorce and probably a restraining order!

Mistake solved, then.

your baby reads.

Well, if evolume's age in his profile is correct, that baby is 4, so I really hope so at this stage.

again, liebot is the best bastard

Discounting the fact that this whole conversation is based on a lie, Lie Bot is brutally honest.

A comment left by talix18 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Rachelskirts, hairymoonstone, miaou)

Man stop doin' philosophy.

i've never laughed harder in my life. this is the strip that hooked me onto achewood.

This strip is underated

agreed. this is probably the one that 'did it' for me when i first discovered achewood and started from the beginning in the archives. that last line is solid.

Now if only Lie Bot could deliver his lies in the awkward-yet-amazing accent of Vlad... we'd be set!

i took six paxils today.

I just pictured a half-flower/ half-stuffed-otter and the cuteness of it melted my hippocampus. I have no more long-term memory and the last memory I will ever have is of that baby.

This is the best day of my life (forever).

Your entorhinal cortex was all "LOL!" and then the darkness set in. It is an cute idea, in sort of an H.R. Geiger meets Teletubbies way.

This is why parts of Asia have billions of people and end up answering tech support phone calls.

Panels One and Two is nearly exactly what my first love said, half in jest, after we did it the first and only time. (It was not a successful embryo implant.)



Thank god Lie-bot doesn't have an infomercial. He could sell dog poo to the slimiest of lawyers and convince them the smell was a good thing.

Do Liebots need sleep? Maybe he does have an infomercial. If he says he doesn't, it's just a lie!