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Antonyne Cheops, Man of Claims Friday, December 15, 2006 • read strip Viewing 45 comments:

Somtimes Chris will write something that gets stuck in my head for days, wanting to come out at the most awkward time possible. Having "Dear lord spare me from that awful group sex" stuck while I ate Christmas dinner with my family was fun times.

Had the same thing happen to me, but over a Thanksgiving, and it was the "her uterus would shut like an airlock!" comment.

Sounds to me like you were too fixated on what was inevitably going to happen after dinner.

Aw, dude. I cannot believe you went there.

I totally had "soured on beer, and given to claims" stuck in just that way.

It's a lovely parallel construction which can accommodate a variety of circumstances:

Soured on whiskey, and given to fits of cussing.
Soured on women, and given to celibacy.
Soured on the yoke of monarchic dominion, and given to Boston Tea Parties.


chubbied for humor.

this is my favorite strip

Yeah this is just genius. 'All that commotion '

Totally! Brilliant play on words.

A true bluesman can find woe in anything.

That was my first thought. What a miserable man one must have to be to dislike the splendors of a good orgy.

This man was goth before goth was cool. (Or, honestly, existent.)

The truly disturbing part is that that is exactly how my grandma talked (except the sex part).

So, she liked the group sex.

A comment left by ford was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sarmatron, goocifer, the_dingle, habnabit)

People I am not a violent man, except when I am hunting down and killing people from the internet, which is all the time.

Recently unearthed!


Drat! That didn't work. Time to tinyurl that shit:


Amazon advised me to co-purchase this with "Jewface".

To be fair, Jewface goes with pretty much anything.

Your avatar disapproves of me. :-(

Deserves a lot more than 4.1 just for the phrases "soured on beer, and given to claims"

Rustmouth may be given to claims, but he must try things at least twice before his opinion is settled.

Pretty much this strip sums up my lack of interest in group sex. I really dislike commotion.

i've gotta start quoting this

Problem is, there's pretty much exactly one circumstance under which you could quote this.


Sound quality is damn good on those vax recordings!

Yeah, most folks don't know that VMS had a really good audio player built-in.

the earphones on lyle make him look kinda like he's wearing a mask of his own face, heh

My high school had a uniform, and you could only wear civvies on certain days. In their infinite wisdom it was decided that on Halloween, you could either wear a costume or your uniform. So a friend of mine blew up a photo of his face, stuck it on a piece of cardboard, tied some string to it, and went to school dressed up as himself. It was epic.

I had a friend who went as his own (much-enlarged) facebook page, with his head stuck through the profile pic. It was ridiculous and kind of awesome.

both of these stories are chubby worthy.

Why thank you, good Captain.

Where'd Lyle hat go

He had to take it off so he could listen to the sounds. It is likely to be in his left hand.

I like to think it flew off of his head in cartoonish surprise at hearing someone disliking group sex.

when Rustmouth can't go anywhere without ending up in group sex, he has no choice but to look to the skies above

Now the Diamond Queen saw Rust's ordeal
And began to think of his long lost son
Fell to his knees with a lover's mercy
And prayed to the angels, every one
The Diamond Queen, he prayed and prayed
And the Diamond Angel filled Rust's i'll stop

Awww ya some Townes up ins.
Ever work those lyrics out? It really describes a real workable game of five card stud. Eat your heart out Lewis Carrol.

Man, I don't remember leaving this comment. At all, or how it occurred to me. Musta been something tttt2 said. But now that I see it, I'm deeply concerned by how easy it is to change that game of stud into a... game of... studs.

Lyle's face in panel two...one of two thoughts:

1) Why does he have this on his iPod? is he really that into his family's sexing?

2) ...i'm into sex and all...but do i really want to hear this..?

How can an individual claim 'first group sex'? That's a mobius mind-fuck right there.

If this were an actual audio snippet, I would SO put it as a sample in front of a grindcore song.

Every time someone wears headphones in this strip I think something's wrong. Like here, Lyle looks like his face is painted white, like a mime.

I'm guessing Leadbelly?