+35 -1
Last panel is genius, you drink inadequately and incorrectly if this strip doesn't rule you.
Last panel is genius, you drink inadequately and incorrectly if this strip doesn't rule you.
+3 -1
All paper umbrella in a drink that is pink. Tittering when you order a Sex on the Beach, thinking to yourself "OMG how naughty!"
All pronouncing OMG to yourself the way it is spelled.
All paper umbrella in a drink that is pink. Tittering when you order a Sex on the Beach, thinking to yourself "OMG how naughty!"
All pronouncing OMG to yourself the way it is spelled.
+0 -0
A comment left by helenthebum was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by alphagator, Connellingus, farqussus, mystkmanat, Boyd, clintisiceman, STUART)
A comment left by helenthebum was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by alphagator, Connellingus, farqussus, mystkmanat, Boyd, clintisiceman, STUART)
+4 -0
I'd pay upwards of fifty dollars for a bottle of "Ancient Situation". Also, its cousin, "Ancient Shennanigan".
I'd pay upwards of fifty dollars for a bottle of "Ancient Situation". Also, its cousin, "Ancient Shennanigan".
+3 -0
I believe Ancient Situation/Shenanigan is the name under which Ancient Age is marketed to the Underground consumer base .
Someone should fire up Photoshop and make a label.
I believe Ancient Situation/Shenanigan is the name under which Ancient Age is marketed to the Underground consumer base .
Someone should fire up Photoshop and make a label.
+3 -0
I'm still on the lookout for a bottle of Liquid Banjo myself.
I'm still on the lookout for a bottle of Liquid Banjo myself.
+1 -0
don't forget "Ancient Circumstances"
don't forget "Ancient Circumstances"
+0 -0
All my Shenanigans can now be considered 'ancient','heirloom' even, but my Situation is Currently Improving.
All my Shenanigans can now be considered 'ancient','heirloom' even, but my Situation is Currently Improving.
+0 -0
A comment left by zem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dennycrane, Connellingus, farqussus, doomsdaybadger, morbo)
A comment left by zem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dennycrane, Connellingus, farqussus, doomsdaybadger, morbo)
+14 -0
The thought of picking a fight with a meat packing plant is both horrifying and awesome. I'd play a video game where one of the bosses was a meat packing plant. A mobile, pissed-off meat packing plant whom you stole the liquor of.
The thought of picking a fight with a meat packing plant is both horrifying and awesome. I'd play a video game where one of the bosses was a meat packing plant. A mobile, pissed-off meat packing plant whom you stole the liquor of.
+2 -0
Someone seriously needs to make that. I think Rockstar would probably take that project.
Someone seriously needs to make that. I think Rockstar would probably take that project.
+0 -0
woah hey, 6 months later and i realize i never mentioned that I made this game. (the meat packing plant doesn't move because i was being a stupid lazy freshman and had to cut a lot of plans short, like for instance an ending) i'll see if digipen ever lets me post it.
woah hey, 6 months later and i realize i never mentioned that I made this game. (the meat packing plant doesn't move because i was being a stupid lazy freshman and had to cut a lot of plans short, like for instance an ending) i'll see if digipen ever lets me post it.
+2 -0
You know Gusano Rojo is actually not that bad
You know Gusano Rojo is actually not that bad
+0 -0
It is difficult to find a good equivalent of "ankle drunk" in Norwegian, so I just translated that directly.
It is difficult to find a good equivalent of "ankle drunk" in Norwegian, so I just translated that directly.
+22 -0

+1 -1
Hvorfor vil du skrive på Norsk?
Hvorfor vil du skrive på Norsk?
+3 -0
Onstad mener at posten ikke kan oversettes til et annet språk, og jeg tok utfordringen. And by the way, I meant to reply to Zefiel's post, which was much more appropriate. In my excitement, I posted it above his. I am sorry about this.
Onstad mener at posten ikke kan oversettes til et annet språk, og jeg tok utfordringen. And by the way, I meant to reply to Zefiel's post, which was much more appropriate. In my excitement, I posted it above his. I am sorry about this.
+4 -0
...and I read it, in my innocence.
...and I read it, in my innocence.
+1 -0
I don't know what it means, but I'm pretty sure your second sentence is the title of a black metal song by Old Man's Child.
I don't know what it means, but I'm pretty sure your second sentence is the title of a black metal song by Old Man's Child.
+0 -1
"og jeg tok utfordringen" means "I took the challenge". We may have something here
"og jeg tok utfordringen" means "I took the challenge". We may have something here
+47 -0

+8 -0
+5 -0
It does not make you drunk, it makes you the way you THINK you are when you're drunk.
It does not make you drunk, it makes you the way you THINK you are when you're drunk.
+5 -0
Hrm. I would say that a mescal-drunk is drunk, and all other drunkenness is a parody thereof.
Hrm. I would say that a mescal-drunk is drunk, and all other drunkenness is a parody thereof.
+3 -0
Invincible and the sexiest man on earth?
Invincible and the sexiest man on earth?
+0 -0
Definitely NOT afraid of the fucking Police now!
Definitely NOT afraid of the fucking Police now!
+0 -0
Really, because when I'm drunk I think I'm pretty awesome, so maybe I should try some.
Really, because when I'm drunk I think I'm pretty awesome, so maybe I should try some.
+0 -1
total touristy poseur Quote:
fucking thing isn't even opened. saving for a special day or what?
total touristy poseur Quote:
"Look what I got in Mexico! It's like Tequilla and has a real worm in it!! [i]Ewww!![i] Gross!!"
. fucking thing isn't even opened. saving for a special day or what?
+2 -0
I'm definitely not afraid of the POLICE right now!
I'm definitely not afraid of the POLICE right now!
+0 -0
This strip would be very difficult to translate into a foreign language.
This strip would be very difficult to translate into a foreign language.
+29 -0
Difficult yes, but not impossible. Ha!
(that's Mexican spanish. Only fitting, yes?)
Difficult yes, but not impossible. Ha!

(that's Mexican spanish. Only fitting, yes?)
+0 -0
Awesome. I only have a couple of questions: what do "alcohol del 96" and "teporochos" mean in the second panel? I can make sense of pretty much everything else (and a Chubby with Oak Leaf Cluster for "alcohol del barrio" and Beef's line in the last panel), but I can't piece together what those would mean without the original translation and/or context. But then again, yo hablo el español como un gringo borracho.
Awesome. I only have a couple of questions: what do "alcohol del 96" and "teporochos" mean in the second panel? I can make sense of pretty much everything else (and a Chubby with Oak Leaf Cluster for "alcohol del barrio" and Beef's line in the last panel), but I can't piece together what those would mean without the original translation and/or context. But then again, yo hablo el español como un gringo borracho.
+0 -0
Hey, hello. Thanks for the interest! Alcohol del 96 is basically rubbing alcohol. A Teporocho is a wino. In fact, I just started a blog i think you could be interested in.
Hey, hello. Thanks for the interest! Alcohol del 96 is basically rubbing alcohol. A Teporocho is a wino. In fact, I just started a blog i think you could be interested in.
+0 -0
jaja, bebida de teporochos.
jaja, bebida de teporochos.
+1 -0
I could bring up a couple grammatical issues, but this is the Internet, where people are polite to each other and never point out such things.
I could bring up a couple grammatical issues, but this is the Internet, where people are polite to each other and never point out such things.
+0 -0
Man, I just started browsing through the 4.4 strips when I saw this come up, and I couldn't believe it was so low (relatively). I went right to it, determined to make my 5 bring it up a point, and, fuck yeah, it did.
Man, I just started browsing through the 4.4 strips when I saw this come up, and I couldn't believe it was so low (relatively). I went right to it, determined to make my 5 bring it up a point, and, fuck yeah, it did.
+0 -0
A comment left by cdtm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by envika, gbeaton, sncether)
A comment left by cdtm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by envika, gbeaton, sncether)
+0 -0
You don't drink to feel better, you drink to piss off cops.
You don't drink to feel better, you drink to piss off cops.
+0 -0
This strip amazes me.
And fits my hangover.
This strip amazes me.
And fits my hangover.
+1 -0
I went to the Guzano Rojo Mezcal wiki page, and I noticed that there is no mention of Achewood in the references section. So I tried to edit it, but I've never edited a Wiki pge before and got scared and ran away.
Someone should go do it, though. It's important.
I went to the Guzano Rojo Mezcal wiki page, and I noticed that there is no mention of Achewood in the references section. So I tried to edit it, but I've never edited a Wiki pge before and got scared and ran away.
Someone should go do it, though. It's important.
+0 -0
I tried to but I couldn't find it. I have failed you!
I tried to but I couldn't find it. I have failed you!
+1 -1
Also, Beef should know better than to strand a preposition (cf. panel 6) . It should read "What you LIKE is hat you are holding something for which the police will wrestle you. Sorry, but it had to be said.
Also, Beef should know better than to strand a preposition (cf. panel 6) . It should read "What you LIKE is hat you are holding something for which the police will wrestle you. Sorry, but it had to be said.
+6 -0
Stranded prepositions are just something up with which you won't put.
Stranded prepositions are just something up with which you won't put.
+2 -1
They just look so lonely...
They just look so lonely...
+1 -0
This comment makes me happy.
This comment makes me happy.
+5 -0
Yeah, about that Charchar. You know how in high school they tell you not to end sentences with a preposition? In your first year of college they'll tell you that no legitimate publication has taken that rule seriously for about 150 years, and no publication outside of England ever did. Might as well hear it now.
Yeah, about that Charchar. You know how in high school they tell you not to end sentences with a preposition? In your first year of college they'll tell you that no legitimate publication has taken that rule seriously for about 150 years, and no publication outside of England ever did. Might as well hear it now.
+3 -0
The disillusionment in shattering. I feel all broken up inside.
The disillusionment in shattering. I feel all broken up inside.
+0 -0
Hahahahahahaha... hoo.
Hahahahahahaha... hoo.
+0 -0
Especially if you're studying Linguistics. Then they also tell you that everything you ever believed about grammar is ridiculous and that you are ridiculous for believing it.
Pleased me to no end, I can tell you.
Especially if you're studying Linguistics. Then they also tell you that everything you ever believed about grammar is ridiculous and that you are ridiculous for believing it.
Pleased me to no end, I can tell you.
+0 -0
Hypercorrection sometimes results in clumsy and hilarious constructions.
Charchar: What are you on about? Oops, about what are you on... no, I mean, on about what are you?
Agent Bork: Chief! Ya know that guy whose camper they were whackin' off in?
Agent Fleming: Bork, you're a federal agent! You represent the United States Government! Never end a sentence with a preposition.
Agent Bork: Oh, uh... Ya know that guy in whose camper they... I... I mean, that guy off in whose camper they were whacking?
Hypercorrection sometimes results in clumsy and hilarious constructions.
Charchar: What are you on about? Oops, about what are you on... no, I mean, on about what are you?
Agent Bork: Chief! Ya know that guy whose camper they were whackin' off in?
Agent Fleming: Bork, you're a federal agent! You represent the United States Government! Never end a sentence with a preposition.
Agent Bork: Oh, uh... Ya know that guy in whose camper they... I... I mean, that guy off in whose camper they were whacking?
+2 -0
My friend and I went to Puerto Vallarta a few years ago and on our first trip to the liquor store we grabbed this bottle as we felt it looked very "Mexican". We shot the whole bottle with cerveza chasers and shortly thereafter my friend jumped up onto a retaining wall and shouted Viva Mexico! He then fell off the wall and into some very scratchy bushes. It took us quite some time to get all the nettles out of his skin. Good times.
My friend and I went to Puerto Vallarta a few years ago and on our first trip to the liquor store we grabbed this bottle as we felt it looked very "Mexican". We shot the whole bottle with cerveza chasers and shortly thereafter my friend jumped up onto a retaining wall and shouted Viva Mexico! He then fell off the wall and into some very scratchy bushes. It took us quite some time to get all the nettles out of his skin. Good times.
+0 -0
Never pick a fight with a group of men who put meat into packages.
Never pick a fight with a group of men who put meat into packages.
+0 -0
A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mikeronomicon, Mangtastic, Centipede_Damascus)
A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mikeronomicon, Mangtastic, Centipede_Damascus)
+0 -1
lamed in defense of crappy booze.
lamed in defense of crappy booze.
+7 -0
Is the trick "don't bother, because why would you eat a worm?".
Is the trick "don't bother, because why would you eat a worm?".
+0 -0
If anyone didn't know, Gusano Rojo means red worm
If anyone didn't know, Gusano Rojo means red worm
+0 -0
It's the evil Earth-3 version of Tequila.
It's the evil Earth-3 version of Tequila.
+0 -0
This strip has the most insane metaphoric dialogue.
My god I love it.
This strip has the most insane metaphoric dialogue.
My god I love it.
This is one of my favorites. I love the phrase "stiff coal."