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Nice Pete finishes his book Monday, August 1, 2005 • read strip Viewing 73 comments:

Now that is a threat

When most people make threats like that and you can laugh it off. It's a different proposition with Nice Pete; Nice Pete does not believe in the Sin of sayin' lies.

This summarizes Nice Pete very well.

And Pat, come to think of it.

Did... Did your avatar just... blink at me??


I totally thought I was losing my everloving mind just then.

I definitely just had a staring contest with that avatar.

That avatar scares the crap out of me, for some reason. I even jumped when I knew it was coming...

Nice Pete Does Not Appreciate Criticism.

This is not true. He has asked for it before, I think he just knows that Pat is a dick.

he's asked for it, but he didn't take it well.

His experience with Blister - especially the fact that he was unable to visit bloody retribution upon an already-dead critic - has soured Pete on the whole process.

The title of Nice Pete's next book, I assume.

i found your face, it was in my mind.

The last panel dialogue needs to be put on a shirt.

Amen to that. I already have it written very badly on my bedroom wall in masonry paint.


Gotta keep the wall wet...or the monster will escape.

Nice JTHM reference. Here, have a chubby.

Yes indeed. Chubbies for everyone

Manson ry, more like.

It would fit in here.

Dude, the only way Roast Beef would buy that shirt is if someone had just threatened Weldon right before he went online shopping...

Or a thong.

A comment left by johnnyelectrifying was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, blastradius, Vondicus, fosters, atticusonline, Art-Vader, BrianNotBrian, aesop_punk, Afkpuz, DanS, nutmeg, bixschmix, Xaxx, STUART)

I have seen enough. I will kill his parents.

Finally someone is scaring Pat!

A comment left by closefriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, tekende, blastradius, Jesler729, SaintTim, fosters, gormster, farqussus, stop, atticusonline, erinye, Xaxx, scraggg, ford, philosophe)

I like to imagine Pat meeting artistic greats from all of history, pointing at their magnum opuses and asking them if they thought they could just fool around.

A comment left by atticusonline was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ariamaki, trisha, Cracklewater, jezebel)

I love the capitals on Ask and Assume.

I've been reading chronologically, and I'm pretty sure the last Nice Pete strip (where he and Pat are at the therapy session) is where this capitalization of verbs starting with "A" began. I wonder if Pete will retain this idiosyncrasy throughout.

i never Saw that before.

I don't think Pete's vocal capitalisation is alphabetical. It seems to be applied to things he considers Important.

Also: where does Pete live these days? Pat and Rod seem to share a house, so is Pete their rarely-seen roomie?

On one hand, Rod seems too level-headed to stand for such a thing. On the other, Pete definitely has an appreciation for Men having Times of Men (not to mention good Country etiquette), so maybe he makes an excellent flatmate?

I can hear the capitals in my head. What does this mean?

A comment left by blastradius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by solobuttons, JuanCarlos, Darthemed)

for that matter, how do pat's glasses stay on?


Note to self: Do not Assume serial killers want you to criticize their writing.

For some reason, I'm wholly amused that this is the strip that opens up the volume 7 book.

Panel 8 makes for a nice away message, especially when used on people who don't understand what auto-reply is.

Alt text: "Grade school would have been so much more interesting if we had had lines like this"

This is so very true.

I thought it said "grad school" for a while

It works either way, really.

Nice Pete's face in the last panel is the angriest face.

Pat's reaction here is fascinating. On one hand, he displays his typical arrogant and vicious sense of smug cultural superiority (echoed in other strips by his insistence that Beef rent his Noam Chomsky dvd and Pat's apparent preference for "intelligent" programming). On the other hand, he plays the ultimate philistine card by describing Picasso's work as "weird crap."

Pat is such a dick it boggles the mind. He manages to be an uncouth dick and a couth-and-don't-you-forget-it dick in the same strip!

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pumpinpedal, mashisoyo, puguglypress)

Fuck you. Cubism is ridiculous in its influence. I wrote a paper on that shit and keep the research articles in a drawer. Fuckin, Demoiselles de Avignon scared the bejesus out of those people with good reason: it was three-dimensional art snuck into two dimensions.
Dali was interesting, but don't mouth off about things you can't reference.

Ahhh it is late (birds starting to chirp) and I am worn out, stoned. Apologies about this half-coherent slur.
I do stand by the "dimensions" bit, however.

Soticoto: he was never a couth dick.

If anyone can find a strip in which Pat is more hateful than in panel four here, I will reward them in theory.

I submit panel seven.

I submit his blog.

I agree! That finger-wagging thing...oooooh >=|

The text from panel four, along with an animated .gif made from the Daedalus_X strip, was my avatar for the longest time. One of the few tangible benefits from a humanities degree is knowing when not to spend your money on what is obviously a bad job.

what the fuck is up with Pat's arm in panel 7?

Good point. It looks from the angle like his arm is emerging from his groin.

Good call, I guess Onstad momentarily that anatomy was a thing.

The "K" indicates that Nice Pete has grabbed Pat's arm German style - KLAMP.

For some reason I am fascinated by Nice Pete's lower jaw being under his upper while Pat's lower being over his upper.

I knew someone who would look over my shoulders and edit my papers as I was writing them. I wish I still lived with her, so I could use this line from the last panel.

Nice Pete has fantastic retorts.

There's only one Achewood character that I would like to see immeasureably removed from the strip... Pat, you win this honour.

Pat actually looks conciliatory in the last panel. To think it only took an occasionally mild-mannered serial killer to pull it off.

Nice Pete, why do I love you so?

nuh-uh, mister! *twirls finger*

Pat's so much more of an ASS than Pete. But Pete would kill him if need be

Man look at Nice Pete's face in that first panel. He's staring at Pat's hand as if it were reaching for his momma's throat.

You know he really means it

i find nice pete's armpit hair in panel three to be disturbing.

That is how to deal with critics

Real alt text:
I'm gonna punch the farts outta you

god, pat is a dick... Yes i know this has been stated many a time before but still...Jesus.

It seems that nice Pete is getting a weensy bit more or less sane.