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I am the LAW and I am the LASH Wednesday, November 17, 2004 • read strip Viewing 89 comments:

I just realized that Ray's AIBO improved Roast Beef's life at least as much as Molly has.

Not only that, but he seems to get incredibly more worked up over Weldon than he did over Molly. With Molly he mostly just rolls over and dies when something goes wrong.

Mos def. Molly's boss stares at her tits, Beef just belittles her and tells her to sleep with him; if someone bad mouths his robot dog, he gets all Mr. Hyde on them.

Well, arguably the fact that Molly's left him is part of what galvanizes Beef to stand up for himself in the first place.

Yeah, that's the whole ticket right there. Molly was a 400 lbs bag on a 6 inch tall camel with 3 legs.

I think it really speaks to the quality of Achewood's writing that readers can have in-depth character discussion. Can't say that about family circus.

As you can see in this panel, Jeffy wonders if God has to go to church. This is because he is a child.

You don't really need to say "this panel" with Family Circus, because there's only one panel, much like you don't need to specify which character, because there's really only on character.

A comment left by tourach3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, JimTS, mikeronomicon, StoatLad, wildcat, GSurge, VFXNinja, Ananke, glorify, lordatog, GTPBearSuit, wittyname, fosters, needanycarp, goocifer, Vweep, StagnantDisplay, Spenham, jay_wish, Koremora, farqussus, Ebessan, NDCaesar, woodenteeth, 762, DougTheHead, atticusonline, Sleaw, JesseDaniel, luckypyjamas, SpinyNorman, ConnorMc, aHatOfPig, therealsnazzle, foetus_punch, ravindra108, Fcannon, nutmeg, empy, achilleselbow, smilebuddha, prowle4763, echidnaboy, rumblefish, Appers, ffwhhros12, kestral)

On Sundays there can be more than one panel. Still no more characters, of course.

In a similar vein, there is never any question of "which god".

They could redeem the whole decades-long series and turn it into a long buildup for one punchline if he ends the series with a comic that's just Jeffy's face filling up the whole panel, saying "You should always do what God says, right grandpa!" and above the flames reflected in his eyes a thought bubble would read "Yes Jeffy, they're all with me now."

I always saw this more to the fact that Jeffy was an "idiot."

'Course I ain't a fan of that comic, no sir.


so is phillippe...

Ellison goodness

A comment left by ezcmac was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, Ebessan, DigDugz, SurelySmack, skjames)

That was the joke.

I don't see why Achewood has to bear any comparison to Family Circus. Just because they're both comics? Come on, dude.

I don't think I'm the only one to have noticed that Philippe is sort of a parody of Jeffy.

I will say that about family circus and you will like it!

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, masterofmetroid, sarmatron, Vice, tourach3, wittyname, HeyMan, sneechles, farqussus, Paperypip, NDCaesar, aHatOfPig, ravindra108, Fcannon, salvar, pberard, whoppin, peterjoel, Chromancer, slalvation, ovenface, Carten)

Nobody has to see that comment man, that comment so... nasty

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, farqussus, Doc_Rostov, slalvation, ovenface)

part A is kinda... stupid. that's why it was ignored.
roast beef sticks up for Weldon, as we saw when he sort of kind of propositioned Pat.

oh. okay. thanks for the explanation. i'm going to go stick my head back up my ass now. talk to you later.

apologies for not really registering the earlier comment that had mentioned "mr. hyde" until just now. had I done so earlier I wouldn't have lamed.

That is mega nasty

That is dog shit

Why would you even write that down? :logs off:

(Also, I'm certain he's banging on the door.)

That is because Molly is clever enough to stand up for herself and Beef is probably afraid of appearing overprotective/smothering of her. Weldon, however, is definitely Beef's PET.

Beef's gettin' his sack on. A devoted, loving dog will make a rough hombre man out of a cat.

Beef has displaced his feelings about Molly and his life to the AIBO. I would think that because the AIBO is a thing, he feels less vulnerable about expressing his love of it. Therefore he fights for the AIBO because Molly meant too much for him to even speak about it. While it's one thing to love someone, it's quite another to tell that person or someone else, and even moreso to publicly do something about it. Specially for Beef.

: (

But there's a big difference between something inanimate that you get happiness from and a person you open yourself up to. Inanimate objects, pets, hobbies, things like that do not ever go wrong and you can't let them down, so there is never a low point in that relationship and when you have Depression, that is a big deal and very defendable. But when you're vulnerable to someone, they can hurt you just as much as they help, if not more so, because that tends to be the most important relationship and the very idea of it not working is cataclysmic and paralyzing--imagine losing grip on your life preserver because you are weak and can't hold on tight enough, and when you let go the life preserver floats vigorously away from you. It's not that Weldon is better for Beef than Molly because he can stand up for himself; if anything, it proves that Molly means that much more to him because Depression tends to make it so that rolling over and dying about a person is a tender sentiment.

Roast Beef speaking up for himself is inspiring.

The words "Sweet Jesus" did in fact pass through my brain as I read the last three panels.

I've wanted to tell my parents off like that all my life!

Beef really does love some moussaka.

Also, this is one of the funniest, most uplifting strips of this entire comic.

A comment left by howard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, hectik, mortshire, equinn2006, apricotta, mattfish, Jesus, TTAGXAMM)

maybe he doesn't beat her up; maybe he just unloads a revolver into her.

He just bangs on the wall; see the next strip. He's still Roast Beef; even at his most defiant he wouldn't do something so overtly aggressive.

A comment left by djwhiterabbit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mortshire, apricotta, farqussus, Zem, STUART)

maybe, but i like to think beef is just a good man that gets pushed too far too frequently yet still has the restraint to never lose it all over some candyass

I think he stamps around, notice how the 'bangs' get smaller.

The bangs get smaller because the "camera" is panning out past the pool shed.

fight the Circumstances, beef!


I have had these moments. 5/5

The Roast Beef Redemption, part two. He never thought he was good enough for Molly, but Weldon gives him the unconditional love he never had before. And for the first time in his life, Roast Beef has a little self-esteem. And God help anyone who tried to keep him in Circumstances after that. Although I agree he's not beating her up, just banging on the door. "Punching an old lady" sounds would be considerably wetter.

Beef is too passive-aggressive to beat on Gramma K, I think.

Wow, you really put a wet, granma-beating sound in my head. That is nasty. That is no good. I think it might be kind of a Splut.

Come over here and get your slap!

I am the LAW and I am the LASH.

Is that from something? Too bad either way; I stole it.


Technically, that would be Aah erm ther leur!

Dredd was a comic book character before he was Sylvester Stallone.

Roast Beef > Judge Dredd

(It had to be said.)

Roast Beef often uses exclamation points, but I believe this is a rare case in which he unleashes The Serious Period.

Wow. Good eye - I didn't even notice that.

This is one of the few times (3 that I can recall) that Beef eschews a spce before his punctuation.

Beef Released

I like the horrid sense of demeaning routine that is implicit in "Come over here and get your slap!"

not uncommon for old-school parents...... like the whole 'go cut a switch' dealie.

Beef got wicked sack.

You dis my dog you fluff my hog

The cartoon cat is the law and the lash.

Damn I was some moussaka now.

you were?

wheldon = rb's balls

Which is very odd, considering that he don't ejaculate.

Today's Blogs

Ray: What's Wednesday for?
Teodor: Christmas List!
Molly: bronco
Onstad: Local Restaurant Makes Good

Xiaomimi you are doing a service to this community and it is nice to be here while you just get down and do the stuff that the higher ups really could stand to be taking care of themselves. You. Are. Rad.

I swear you made this exact comment somewhere else.

I don't think so. Maybe. I get tired and sometimes I forget I've done things.

Yeah, xiaomimi! You are the best filthy assistant ever!

I feel like I ought to reply here, based sheerly on my avatar choice.

This takes me to levels of geekdom and fanboy-ism that I never even contemplated before, however...

RAD spiderman. I just started re-reading that shit what with the political process being of interest lately in my country. It just gets better every time and particularly so when one's own electoral passions are all het up, I've found.

I've never actually read it during election fever. I have been planning to bring it back out soon for another re-read myself, though, so that'll fix that. I'm also very anxious to see if it's in line for the "Absolute" mega-expensive hardback treatment that DC has been doing for Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Sandman, Dark Night, etc. Despite the price tag, I'd gladly trade in the unwieldy set of 11 skinny paperbacks for 2 or 3 big hardbacks. Oh, and yes, it definitely gets better and better with each read. The story and the art are both so complicated that there's always more to notice... RAD, indeed.

This is a pretty sweet deal, I just want to let you know that the Christmas List! one is for Philippe's blog, not Teodor's.

Cool beans regardless, tho. I mean, that's just niggling shit no one really cares about. I don't even know why I brought it up. GOD what the hell is WRONG with me

Well dang, thanks for the correction! Don't feel bad, people should know this information.

Fuck yeah, go Beef

What's the deal with the door slam? Is he slamming the door to the bar area? Her room? Is she leaving the room and slamming the door?

This is a great strip, that just always confused me.

He's facing the door that she has just slammed in his face. She has sensed that a Reckoning is coming.

That's my reading of it anyway.

Yeah, you know, I'm pretty much the exact same way about my cat. Even if she was a fake cat made out of generic macaroni, I would cut a bitch if said bitch dared to disrespect her.

She totally hides, what a coward.

If I ever have an uppity room mate I shall say the last two panels loudly at his closed door (if he is behind it)

I used up my five chubbies on the first five comments on this page. One of the better discussions (at first, as always)

Beef is righteous.

There comes a time where you cannot push a man any further, and Beef has come to that time. I love the slow shift in Beef's character, from the cat who ain't Ray or Pat to the milquetoast guy on the moon to the guy who speaks for the belittled everywhere.

So much anger in a cat so depressed...