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Trashspotters catching up with Philippe Tuesday, April 18, 2006 • read strip Viewing 76 comments:

Emeril's mad trashspotting skills are put to excellent use. Good sleuthing, E.

CSI: Trashspotting

It's really revealing of what an intelligent group of folks Beef hangs with.

The only thing that bothers me about them is that Emeril doesn't believe the moon landing happened. I can see that in Lyle (and he doesn't either) but I would think Emeril would be smart about it. I guess intelligence and a wide range of knowledge about literature can attract conspiracy theorizing, but STILL.

Law & Order: UTI

I don't think I want to watch any show about Urinary tract infections.

Your loss.

Oh wow, I had totally forgotten about trashspotting. I remember getting quite a chuckle out of it first time around.

the bear is visibly shaken

Mad props to the first five panels.

Also the way the trash-hobo thinks there is a distinction between having a dollar and having a dollar your mommy gabe you.

A comment left by mcnubbins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, MisterSpook, Footbullet)

You seem to know an awful lot about this Mr. ... Mcnubbins, was it?

Why don't you have a seat over there...

Little Teodor just wanted to pet that duck. Tragic.

This still happens to me. I see a cute fuzzy animal and I just want to pet it, but they always run away, and in the distance I can hear them mocking "quack quack you have no father quack quack".

need a hug?

All waterfowl are jerks.

In my Achewood that is also the duck that bit Pat.

I don't uh I don't think ducks live that long.

Well that certainly applies to the one that bit Pat and made him a vegulon.

this is how his childhood was ended.

there's joke in here about T never getting the chick but i just can't bring myself to it.

Although when it comes to taking care of himself, Roast Beef can be pretty useless, when Philippe is in danger, he rises to the occasion. Nice.

When you have depression, there's nothing better for you than helping a friend.

Agreed. HELLA agreed.

To the MAX.

This is the truest thing.

A comment left by slalvation was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, NeoNaoNeo, Semiquaver, skjames)

Four lames?

People hate that you are helpful.

someday you may be tricked. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

This is valuable life advice. Not even joking.

word to thy mother.

I'm pretty sure that this is the reason that Others exist.

that is because he has wicked sack

undead squirrels pay better attention than trash hobos looking for dollars.

There is not nearly enough Emeril & Spongebath in Achewood, but whenever they come on they don't disappoint.

It's hard because Spongebath can't do the varied terrain stuff.

i think i had young teodor's sweatshirt as a child.

Philippe is just priceless in the last panel here


There is so much to enjoy in this strip. Child Teodor, the music in Beef's car, trashspotting put to good use and, of course, crabby Phillipe.

How many times has Beef's car been portrayed as playing Lovely Rita?


Honestly, Téodor, what are you doing with those $6 cans of pork and beans and a $300 antique ladle? And why are you leaving them lying around where Philippe can get at them? I thought you were all about the whole cheap-gourmet thing and all that.

And it's funny the way he's keeping his shit together by focusing on material goods. He knows his irresponsibility started this whole mess, but he can't help letting his guilt slop over into a bit of resentment.

And I'll bet those six-dollar pork and beans are no better than an 89-cent can of Van de Camp's pork and beans you can buy at Walmart like a normal person.

I do wonder what that bum is going to do with a dollar that Philipe would give him.

Baby Teodor is cute as dickens gets. Also, Onstad writes 5-year-olds perfectly.

~What the Hell is Téodor wearing as trousers? Are those like renaissance pantaloons?

I have often wondered this myself.

Not every stuffed animal as the luxury of being able to change it's clothes easily. Theodore is likely cursed with permanently stitched on pantaloons...and patent leather heeled knee high boots I guess?

Theodore? Theodore?

It's Tacodore, nucka!

T%uFFFDodor would also have been acceptable.


I imagine Spongebath's voice to be exactly the same as the nerdy fat guy from the Simpsons, who works in the comic book store

too bad Spongebath doesn't really talk.


Apparently I wanted to start in bold but end in italics. I shall braqce myself for the lames/death threats.

No outcry from me, just a gentle admonition to heed Philippe's--and your own--suggestion:



it wasn't your day at all.

And The Achewood Presidential Award for Cunt-Slammingest Fuck Up goes to...

Cunt-Slammingest Fuck Up was the name of the band I started in junior high.

I love how tough Phillipe gets in the last panel.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, fosters, Ceres, Doc_Rostov, blarghamagarky)

Pretty sure the anchor is just indicative of baby clothes. Ray wears a similar getup when Todd steals his thong.

You are trying WAY too fucking hard to be deep, and it's kind of annoying.

falseprophet. this bullshit is inspired. tongue in cheek, yes?

In a way, yes. I am well-versed in the art of liberal arts English-paper writing. If the academy got off their asses and started teaching Achewood in schools, this is something I probably would have written for a class and gotten a fairly good grade on.

So it is not completely sincere but it is not sincerely tongue-in-cheek since I may have to make a living as a literary critic like this someday.

So, tongue in cheek then. Your cognitive dissonance notwithstanding. I studied Lit and Creative Writing... and now, quite obviously, Psychology. I can be a convincing wanker too. It pays the bills now!

Or perhaps it is a Lacanian statement on the nature of the lack and the elusiveness of the phallus. Teodor is drawn to the duck by the objet petite a, but then is kept from progressing any closer to the kernel of the Real by his own mental self-defenses. Then, he suffers.

(I'm being tongue in cheek, but this is still how I immediately interpreted the first half of this strip).

This received a 5 on the merit of Teodor chasing and loosing that duckling.

hang on a sec

why do they need small bills?

because the transients on the way, and from whom they'll need help in order to find Philippe, are generally expecting "dollars that your mommy gabe you" as a reward for their complicity in the recovery.

Uh, the bums will want some cash if they're gonna answer questions. That's probably what I should've said.

Today's Blogs

Onstad: Into the Memory Box

Big update tonight.
Trashspotting Manifesto, 1st Edition.

Poor Li'l Téodor.

Emeril uses his trashspotting skills to help the guys rescue Phillippe! That is some badass plotting!