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Christmas Eve 1981 Wednesday, December 24, 2008 • read strip Viewing 1947 comments:

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rolotonybrowntown, daidai, roger_wilco, gladi8orrex, Mattsolo, BPMead, myfirstpost, Belgand, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, atticusonline, galbraith, mystkmanat, coldfrog, Hyetal, andrewthepig, bixschmix, Ravigotte, Footbullet)

A comment left by zapatos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cavebaby, fancypants, Sweetlips, deovalente, morbo)

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by overgrowth, NeoNaoNeo, chomskyftw, Marcus_Brody, Kommienezuspadt, Sweetlips, Magb, pettytyrant, morbo)

I read this and immediately thought of the Rod Huggins flowchart. Chubby for you sir.

Yeah, thinking of the Rod Huggins flowchart does that to me, too. Good to see I'm not the only one.

I'm impressed that you could keep the camera steady after drinking that entire case of wine.

i'mimpressed taht you... that you are impressd haha i know right? a whole case of winee!

A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rockstarsatemy, Marcus_Brody, desert_donkey, Darthemed)

It's almost cool.

do you think it is rad to have alcoholism?

No, but I have it so I might as well be true to myself.

I'll take a make-believe disease over a real one any day.

I can't stop drinking!

Why not?

Because life feels better and girls talk to me!

Oh fuck, why quit then?

Um... Thank you.

You are welcome.

Your post gives me the thinnest pretext to relate the following anecdote. Richard Harris was on with David Letterman once, and they had roughly the following exchange:

Richard Harris: I had the best times of my life when drinking. I loved every second of it, and don't regret anything about it.

Letterman: So why did you stop?

RH: [very matter-of-factly] Oh, because I wanted to live.


BTW, if you ever see him on a talk show rerun, let it roll, as he always reeled-off* 12 minutes of great stories.

*almost wrote "came with", but decided I couldn't risk initiating the ensuing enendre-fest.

Make that "entendre-fest".

Entendre'f spagheeeetttiiii, all covered in cheeeeese....

Would you rather a boring meaningless life, or a rock n roll bad ass happy time mother fucker?

Yeah I have to make up words.

"Rock 'N Roll Bad Ass Happy Time Mother Fucker"
As Made Famous By

Skill Level: EXPERT!

I think Harris timed it just about right, since I don't think he quit drinking until he was well into his 60s, maybe 70s.

Cast off*

I remember seeing that episode. Good times.

chubby for "thinnest pretext." always props to a man who acts true to his motives.

Thanks, mawk. Sometimes the story must be told, whether or not anyone wants to hear it .


speaking of drinking...

i turned 21 today (well, the 30th.)

as new year's eve is the day most people get a head on, i thought i would ask those respectable enough (you know who you are.) what you think i should enjoy (or attempt to enjoy) on this excellent event.

serious replies only, puh-lease.

comic related:
ain't seem like anybody's bangin' on all cylinders in this comic sometimes.

My first legal purchase on the night of my 21st was a bottle of Jim Beam with I finished without sharing. I'd already been drinking illegally long before that, but it was still excessive. I would in no way suggest that you follow that lead. It was sort of a questionable idea and it had tragic results for my insides.

If I were to go back and do it again, I would buy a middle-of-the-line bottle of vodka, some Kahlua and half a pint of cream. The White Russian is much more than just a cult fad drink; it's maybe the most perfect cocktail ever cocktailed.

If you're looking for beer, then I suggest Stella Artoi, or perhaps Hoegaarden. These are good beers an honest man can enjoy.

Also, happy birthday.

I concur, two of my favourite beers ever.

It's probably too late, but I'd recommend a bottle of Prosecco, a white Italian wine that is slightly sparkling and pretty cheap, while also being good. Much better than any champagne I've ever tried, which tend to be astringent and dry.

Hey, I have your same birthday. Do what I did, get a whole bottle of Rye whiskey.

I thought Night Train was the beverage of choice. That is, unless you prefer Thunderbird.

What's the word?

What's the price?

Beans and rice.

Who said that?

Cat in the hat.

Go get a tat

A fight in every bottle!

Thirty twice!

Before you fall, you have to learn to crawl
You can't see heaven when you're standing tall
To get the whole sky
On the ground you have to lie
I remember now
I remember now
why they called it Thunderbird...

My new years resolution: to reply to as many posts as possible with TMBG lyrics.

I like that song. I like that whole album, actually.

It was OK, but I've found it took a lot longer to grow on me than Mink Car , even though I too complained a bit about having heard almost everything off that album beforehand.

The Else ... well, that's taking even longer to grow on me. Some good songs, but I'm still thinking it's Their worst album. Venue Songs and some of the stuff on Cast Your Pod to the Wind was better.

"Thunderbird", "Damn Good Times"... some good songs were on The Spine, but it was a tough go at first. "With the Dark", however, was just plain awesome.

The Else isn't a favorite of mine either. Feels uninspired. I do like "The Shadow Government" though.

Yeah, that was good too. One of the few early standouts for me. But "With the Dark" was just... inspired and original and great.

After listening to it again I think it has the same problem as Factory Showroom in that it has some really good songs on it and a number of really weak songs or just mediocre songs that bring it all down. It's also, well, it doesn't really entirely sound like Their usual output in many places.

I did note that it has some great basslines on a lot of songs. "The Shadow Government" is rather rollicking and drives the song well. "Withered Hope" brings some almost unexpected slap bass.

Ultimately it seems to be the Dust Brothers produced tracks that are the weakest and tend not to sound much like TMBG and more like, well, a bit more like the Dust Brothers produced them. I mean, "Withered Hope" really bears the marks of their production. The TMBG produced tracks tend to be much better. When they all worked together I think the blend of styles shows through a bit more and you get a nice, gentler influence that brings out the best of both.

It also really doesn't help that the album has many of the weaker tracks earlier on. Not that they should front-load the hell out of it, but I'm not entirely sold on the track ordering. Ending with
"The Mesopotamians" though was, well, how could you do anything else?

I'm a huge fan of their early stuff, but I haven't heard a new TMBG album since Factory Showroom. It seemed like they were nearing the end of their run. Was I wrong?

Yeah. Factory Showroom is largely regarded as their worst album. They certainly slowed down there for a while and the next release was the live Severe Tire Damage , but Mink Car was rather good and the next full release.

I recall it came out on 9/11/01 along with Ben Folds' first solo album Rockin' The Suburbs (and while that was a great album and a revitalized sound after Ben Folds Five had been meandering with Rheinhold Messner it was also his last decent album before he basically just moved into adult contemporary garbage).

Rheinhold Messner is my favorite Ben Folds Five album.

Weird. I thought they clearly declined from the first album. A lot more weepy ballads and by Messner they had added so much extra instrumentation much of the time that it was turgid and overproduced much of the time. I mean, the horns absolutely made "Army", but much of the rest of it just wasn't that good in my opinion.

Interestingly I saw them on tour for that album and it was much better live once the production was stripped away.

Belgand, everything you disliked about Messner is what made it my favorite, although I would be interested in hearing the stripped-down live version as well. Loved the self-titled debut, too. Other than that I'm not much into him. I mean, not even the stuff of his that I love is something that I'd ever put on around other people. He's a little embarrassing. But I can dig those two by myself sometimes.

Fear of Pop is mine, no wait, thats Ben Folds, and I like it (I am not a big fan of Ben Folds athough his cover of Bitches Ain't Shit is pretty cool)

You guys know that Ben Folds Five just reunited (one time only) and played Rheinhold Messner straight through? You can see it on myspace... my production company filmed it for them. FYI! The show was awesome.

I liked "Prevenge."

And you know that the girls are just making it up
And you know that the boys are just pushing their luck
And you know that the right doesn't really exist
And my name's not really on that list

what's the time?
diaper time...

i threw down hell of ducats on a bottle of absinthe which we drank the new year in with. spicy licorice. i had three jagerbombs and 1-1/2 washington apples and a um...'something' brain.

it was all purdy good. my third time of alcohol ever touching my lips and the world was ever so slightly tilted. my eyes were almost trying to cross themselves and no hangover the morning after! (i don't know why i feel like i need to share all of my drinking experience with y'all.)

i'm excited to have a Guinness with one of my buddies and have some crispy stellas at Gin Ocean. whenever that's going to be.

Bloody brain? Brain hemorage? IIRC they're the same thing and I've known friends who liked them.

Quit mocking my failure to execute Gin Ocean.

i'm not mocking it! i really am up for doing a thing.

stuff like that just takes time to set up.

a long.





hope to see y'all at Gin Ocean '09.
Phoenix Convention Center.
August 15-17.

A thing would really be fun (I have done such things in years past.) But we need Momentum.

Current discussions have involved my discussions on hosting such an event in San Francisco at some point in the future. Elbox and Zapatos have stated interest.

We tried, man. We tried so hard. I guess it was just not meant to be.

Two days ago I was wandering around my local liquor store to put my hands on one of these fine St-Emilion (to refill my french organism with old yet fresh blood, you know...) when I stumbled upon a few bottles of Ketel One. I'll raise a toast to you upon my first sip!

... of orange vodjuiceka.

I'm sorry for being late to the party.. but if you can find it, there is no finer shot than Yukon Jacks Permafrost.. a little bit of ice.. a bit of fire.. and a lot of drunk.

Ketel One would have been the obvious choice.

i appreciate how your comment is referenced as number 1944 on this comic.

dang, peeps, we went NUTS up ins.

I wish people would think of the big picture before going on a god damned laming spree... I don't always want to spend 5 minutes logging my parents shitty computer while im home for the holidays just so I can read the comments. Even if the comment you are laming are actually lame, I still have to read them to understand the following comments that you chubby. 69 chubbies and 4 lames = hidden. Cool.

Look just below the "post a comment" box.

His point is that you have to log in to change that.

...I said "log".

A comment left by sweetlips was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tingly, Belgand, woodenteeth, clintisiceman, biff)

What is called christmas? I celebrate something different, I celebrate giving presents to people.

A comment left by sweetlips was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by BPMead, atypicaloracle, FablesandBlues, carlos, CEOKasen, seren_tremio, clintisiceman)

I would get one that never needs ironying, myself.

What, you iron your t-shirts?

What, you don't iron your t-shirts?

Ironically, yes.

My T's are 90% cotton, 10% irony.

mine are mostly just made out of regret

My shoes are laced with irony.


Oh wait, were you being... ironic?

I got a text message on Christmas from some random person in Missouri that said, "Merry Giftmess". No idea who sent it. It haunts me still.

Some people do not believe that Jesus was the son of God, or even a real life person. These people may consider it hypocritical to spread goodwill in his name, but may also want to spread goodwill at the same time as the 60% or whatever of the Earth's population who do believe in Jesus.


Can you explain that last sentence (not the douche part) because the sytax seemed weird to me.

While I understand that there are plenty of atheist and agnostics out there who do good things for the world, and plenty of religious folks who just fuck the planet up, usually it's the religious people spreading goodwill and the non-religious people Bah, Humbugging it up.

And Christmas has become BARELY about the birth of Christ so can we just still call it Christmas and not whatever ironic name we can think of to make us sound cynical and cool.

Or if we do have to give it an ironic name can we call it Giftmyass?

I stopped believing in the Christmas story about 30 years ago. But I still find myself saying "Merry Christmas."

Jesus was a pretty awesome dude. He didn't create any art, he didn't invent anything, he didn't originate any theories, and he didn't kill anyone, yet we still remember him thousands of years later.

Offhand, I can't think of anyone else with those credentials.

I don't have to believe any supernatural stories to think of Jesus as a pretty cool guy. The way I put it is, I believe in, and venerate Jesus, but I don't believe in Christ.

I think the world would be a much better place if everybody acted a little more like Jesus. That's actually one of the reasons I don't really like Christ. If Jesus is Christ, he is supernatural, and I can be excused for not emulating his behavior. But if he is just a man, I can believe that I have a chance to follow his example.

But anyway, after saying "Merry Christmas" for over 40 years, I still say it today. And it doesn't bother me to say it, even though I don't believe the underlying story.

This may make me a hypocrite, but if so, that's OK with me.

But I also don't mind the calling it Giftmas. It is an apt description.

Wait, what? TALKING CATS???

If you're going for original ideas it's hard to say who really thought of anything. Jesus or Buddha, preaching generally good things but did they think them up? Difficult to say. Buddha's about 500 years older though.

Buddha fucked up though.

He didn't get a holiday named after him.

"Happy Buddhaday"

Or would it be "Buddhamas"?




I think his birthday is celebrated in some places. I don't think it's a major thing, though. Probably something along the lines of our Presidents' Day.

double meh

Yes, it's called Wesak Festival, celebrated in some place called Asia. It is still something of a big deal 2600 years later.

Well, yeah, maybe, but.

Anyway, I have never been to Asia.



Christmas is a day of Santa and presents. I don't even think of Jesus. I couldn't care less if he existed and do not feel like I should venerate the guy, whether he existed and was cool or not. Some guy said cool things 2000 years ago. Some people think he was magic. Who cares. Where is my stocking?

BUDDAH. MOHAMMED. SANTA CLAUS. YOU ARE FAIRLY IGNORANT. THE LIST GOES ON FOR A PRETTY LONG TIME. LIKE, UNTIL CHAUNNUKA(from new year's.) Although I agree with your sentimate, I just needed to do that. Like a wise man once said, "But there's someone wrong! On the INTERNET!"


Man would you shut up?

That would be awesome.

. . . . . .

Man, i approve,
I love both these comics, why the need for such hatred ?

Chubby Par Sympatie

I have made it clear that I'm probably the biggest fan of xkcd here. It is one of my two favorite comics.

I remember the time I visited the xkcd forums and I saw you there. Two different parts of my internet were connected. It was a little weird.

Haha. It freaks you out, don't it?
What thread?

I see sje in the xkcd irc and it's like... I know that guy.

The first time I saw you there I was like . .. what?
You should play mafia with us sometime.

Oh I think someone just quoted you in their signature or something.

My good friend Brandi! I sigged her back :)

What? I'm not faulting anyone for believing in Jesus, nor was I making any sweeping statements about religious people. I'm just saying that, while it might not coincide with your opinion on the subject, some people might feel bad about referring to "Christmas" when they actually have no interest in possibly-real first century thinkers and just want to give presents or celebrate the evergreens or whatnot. Don't go takin' offence that I ain't offerin'.

Okay, I am willing to concede that I have a problem with run-on sentences.

All religious people are made out of candy.

See I was a Christian, until I decided I didn't want to worship the Lord anymore. I know what Christmas is "all about" and I don't celebrate that holiday.

I do however love to give and receive gifts, so I celebrate Giftmas.

Actually only about 30% of the world believes in jesus.


Really? Unholy mackerel.

Is that including Muslim? I think they believe he's a prophet.

No, not including Islam. Otherwise they'd have to include Judaism and whatnot as well, and that would be silly.


Judaism doesn't have any spiritual investment in Jesus. Islam acknowledges and considers him holy, even if he's not the messiah.

As far as I'm aware, Jews believe in the Old Testament, Christians in the Old and New, and Muslims believe in Old, New, and the Koran.
Someone please inform me if I'm wrong, which I probably am.

I'm almost like, 100 percent certain you are wrong on that last part. The Quran is the main Muslim holy book and they have no other.

See, Judaism and Muslim(inity?) diverges do to Abraham trying to father a child with his Arab housekeeper due to him not having faith that YHWH would allow his own wife to have children. He shunned the housekeeper and his son, who ended up being the main ancestor of the Muslims, so I would imagine that his descendants would shun anything representing Abraham.

(Man, please let me be right about that, otherwise I just looked a fool on Assetbar.)

I dunno, and am too lazy to research.

Damn it, I knew that didn't look right.

I'm sorry I looked like an ignorant jack ass up there by not knowing the difference between Muslim and Islam.

It's fine dude. You know that other thing about the housekeeper.
Can't most amerricans not even find new jersey on a map?
we all don't know a few things most other people know.

Well it's a story I've read/heard/been told several times. Whatever your belief system, the Old Testament is very intriguing read, especially the early stuff (the later parts of Genesis and all of Exodus) and the stuff about King David.

I agree actually. I don't know too much about david, though. I've read parts of the Bible (not a lot though, haha).
Old Testament>New Testament. The story of Jesus' life is interesting and all, but they tell it four times. And then have a bunch of letters. Snoozefest.

You're confusing the origin story of the Arab Semitic people with the Islamic or Muslim teaching, which was transmitted through the Arab prophet Mohammed.

They recognize Jesus and Moses, etc as prophets, but regard Mohammed as being the last upgrade, like SP3.

Oh, you already schooled, them. Well, I agreed with you.

You fool, I have read Al-Qur'an (got my copy right here, the Ahmed Ali translation), and Mohammed goes on and on about Abraham, Mose, and Jesus, and how everyone seems to have ignored their message, so now the Arabs are getting a version. Muslims consider Jews and Christians to be "people of the book," and respect their prophets.

Ok, I admitted that I might have fucked up the exacts of the details, but where did I say they DON'T respect their prophets?

SJE was implying (from what I thought) that Muslims used both the Old and New Testaments of the Judeo-Christian Bible AND the Quran as their holy books, and I was correcting him on THAT, NOT whatever the fuck you guys are talking about.

I respect you pogo, and I respect what you are trying to achieve here, and if I am wrong in anyway with my implications I apologize, but I think you are wrong in what you are trying to pin me with.

Are we sure that Muslims don't use them both?

Muslims swing both ways, pass it on

pogo has read the Achmed Ali translation from the back to the front, pass it on

I pretty certain. I'm hoping I didn't piss of pogo fully and he comes back to set us right, because he apparently really does know more than me on this subject and would probably be able to explain.

Pogo doesn't seem that mad.

You're right, I'm never really very mad. Just craaaaaaazy.

No harm, no foul. Sorry I didn't read your post more closely before shooting my mouth off.



Taking theology seriously chubby.

The housekeeper in question is Hagar.

The record will note that, in addition to the 5 lames, this comment has 71 chubbies.

A comment left by belgand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rolotonybrowntown, BPMead, Telescreen, NDCaesar, Zebra, starch, LRosetw8)

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rolotonybrowntown, Balboa, fancypants)

A comment left by belgand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rolotonybrowntown, BPMead, NDCaesar)

You won't believe it, but I hit refresh one time. That's why I've never had the chance. I don't do that.

First post should not be something that people race for.

...For haste can lead to typos.

And typos lead to this .

A quadruple first post which led to much hatred from some. I, for one, found it hysterical. Most wished me dead.

Let this be a warning for you who seek the first post. Be ready.

I had my taste and it was delicious. Now I'm done with it.

I got you a chubby, and a showbiz sign.

Where is Showbiz during all of these Beef flashbacks

My guess is he's somewhere in Tijuana drowning in Tequila and stereo magazines.

in jail

In Corliss?

I don't generally think there are giant time gaps between the births of the first and second twins (RB looks about 10 here), so I'm gonna go with no.

And if you were going with an Oedipus thing, then eww.

I believe that you are correct on both counts.

Where is Showbiz during all of these Beef flashbacks?

In Juvenile Hall, no doubt.

Presumably not living with Corliss, or she'd've gotten three thighs/three biscuits. (For X-mas breakfast? Wow, dude is from hella circumstances).

I like pogo's suggestion, personally; if Michael was a stereo and Tequiza addict at, like, age 10 then presumably Beef would've been living with Gramma K long before he was.

It's all shiny, sir.

As long as we're putting benedictions at the front...


(I do too.)

Mine was the first post on the first post, so it'll be the second comment people see. Sadly yours will be

down here.

Is the Tom-Waits

I hate to say it and it's totally out-of-character for me, but sometimes you have to realize that it could always be worse.

I think a part of Beef, the part that knows enough to be able to lament his terrible Christmas Eve sees in this encounter that it could be that much worse for him.

A tiny moment of, well, not quite joy, but certainly something.

Does it seem to you that this strip is full of clues? I mean, not like Riven-style clues, but there are so many random specifics that they seem to lead somewhere ...

Like, for example, is this a thing? Maybe it's a thing.



I live in Kingston. Get out of my head Charles, etc.


That is anxkcd forums meme, but with "randall"


Oh, Sje.

I def have this feeling, which is the reason for my comment below.

Are you saying this is the start of some sort of Achewood alternate reality game?

I'm so happy with these last three strips, by the way. They were sorely needed.

This strip is very good.

"Because I Got Depression", in its depressing nature, made me happy because it made Achewood better.

"Because I Got Depression", in its depressing nature, made me happy because it made Achewood better.



::playful chin punch and wink::


You truly want this chicken dead.

The screaming that chicken has endured over the months is enough to kill the both of them.

I find it disturbingly fitting for Beef, being from circumstances.

When he yells at that chicken, he's yelling at Circumstances.

The holiday depression series continues.

No wonder Beef hates the Cure


roast beef will soon create a module to calculate the efficiency of each dryer, taking into consideration proximity to the door, calibrations and the possibility of double loads.

thus the saga begins.

Happy/merry Christmas to all!


I love you all so much.




oh, assetbar philippe!
may your holidays be merry and bright.

aww... happy kwanza to you to!
seriously tho, that's sweet (something that can't often be said about message boards)

Ahhh, _________. 'Tis truly the reason for the season.

a) KFC
b) Laundry
c) Illiteracy
d) Mary Kay
e) Misfiring cylinders

f) Cocaine thumps
g) Store-bought Instant Mashed Potatoes
h) Nipple Slips

Try getting anywhere with 2 misfiring cylinders in your import!

Maybe American cars would be better if instead of making them run well after they break, they designed them not to break in the first place. Kind of like imports do.

The mid-70's-to-early-80's were the saddest time for American cars.

Pretty sure Ford would argue for the present to win that coveted award.








Ah well, I tried and that's all that matters.

Wait, I got a better one:

Hot pickle tumor.

I will never forgive the 80s for what it did to the Mustang. Mid 70s I do not hate because no other time before or since or to come gave us/ will give us an average car weight of 4000-some-odd-lbs. When cars were Automobiles.

Here's looking at you, 76 Cadillac Deville. You are this week's Car of the Week: Christmas Edition.

No, man... just, no. Do you really want to hear a lecture on automotive history and the drastically negative effects of government regulations?

Let me just put it this way:
I've owned a 1967 Chrysler Newport, and a 1976 Buick LeSabre, both cars being good representatives of the medium-priced full sized sedans of their period, both very close in size.

The '67 had superior build quality and durability of the interior, exterior, and mechanical componaents. It weighed less by a couple hundred pounds, was far more powerful, and averaged around 15 mpg compared to the '76's 10 or so mpg.

Similarly, government over-regulation and excessive safety standards are the reason why modern economy cars, including "green" novelties such as the Prius get worse mileage than what some imports achieved in the early 70's. Ditto why the latest generations of Camaro/Mustang/Challenger are all pushing 4000 lbs.

I don't care, this is purely from an aesthetic and slightly ironic standpoint. Of course those behemoths were shit. But they're bitchin' to look at with your eyes.

What do you mean? Imports break just as fantastically as any other car. I used to think they were much better cars until I started working at the auto centre and found that they knock, leak and burn oil, interiors made of paper and melted down transformers action figures. Car trouble usually happens because of the operator and not the car. Most people dont even lift their hood once a week and shout "HOW ARE THINGS GOING IN THERE" let alone perform scheduled maintenence...AGGRH it makes me angry.

Corliss' car just needs a new cap & rotor, and a set of plugs. 30 bucks back in '81. It'll probly run just fine after that but she is from circumstances.

Sweet Baby Jesus in a basket, it was just a joke about having to drive shitty cars. In General. Because you're too FUCKING POOR to get it fixed!

Part of the joke being that those detroit honkers had 8 cylinders, so they actually could limp by ugly on 6, whereas that ain't happenin' with a 4-banger.

Yes, gazdatronik, Corliss' car may get some healing from plugs, cap & rotor, but more likely it's burnt valves, so she's screwed until she works out a deal with someone like Lyle to redo the heads on it. And the cylinders are probably needing rings also, so just redoing the heads is a big waste.

ah, retraction of previous statement. we've got a car knowledge geek off here. i should step aside

I hate to diagnose a fictitious car, but misfires are ignition sourced. My roomate has the shittiest Ford Taurus on earth(and the moon). It runs nice and smooth despite burning 2 quarts of oil a day. It's gonna run forever, but badly forever. I love that car.

Okay, Gaz, you are absolutely correct. Missing can imply several different causes, misfiring implies fire not being present.

I also have a Taurus story you may enjoy. It's what we call a shaggy-dog story. We have a '95 little red wagon with 3.8 6-banger that looks like it rolled off the showroom floor. We got it 1 1/2 years ago with < 50k miles. Immaculate. Maybe 1 little scratch in the finish. Interior still smelled new. It had sat in garages most of those 12 years. Why?

You know the story with the '95's and shitty headgaskets? Ford was doing recalls and cashback because those crap gaskets would fail around 50k. Back to that later.

The reason it was basically unused was the first owner, a woman, developed cancer shortly after purchasing it. After a few years, she died. It sat in garage a few more years, then her husband sold it to a friend.

Next owner, a woman, also developed cancer. It sat garaged, she died. This was in Dallas.

Her widower sold it to a friend, who sold it to a retired Federal Penitentiary warden, who we later bought it from. This was a nice old guy, but a hard guy too. You can imagine.
He felt obligated to tell us the car's history before signing it over. This guy was living in my hometown less than a mile from where I grew up 40 years ago. Okay, we know it may be cursed. My wife writes out a check, but forgets to sign it. He doesn't notice it either.

My wife wanted to drive it so she could haul stuff around. He calls next day. Oh, sorry. We can get you cash. No, he just wants to get the correct check, he doesn't like driving around with that much cash. He's driving through to OKC, so we meet and fix this.

After 6 months, the tranny case cracked one morning. Out of the blue. Nothing wrong mechanically. You know what that runs, it's like a full rebuild. Everything, planetary gears has to be swapped into a new case. Okay.

A month later, it starts overheating on her. It had never had the cooling system flushed ever, so I did a thorough flush. Pure rust water, as you can imagine. Cancer of the cooling system.
Of course, that rust was what was serving in place of the rotted headgasket, which soon failed right on schedule after I had totally flushed it.

Wife is ready at this point to just ditch this car. My mechanic agrees. He saw many of this model with the headgasket issue, but of course, years earlier. Online, there is plenty of corroborating evidence.
I call Ford Service and tell them I have this car they had issued recalls and rebates for exactly this issue, here's the VIN, blah-blah. They say, well, it is past the date, and I explain that is because it sat in a garage while its previous owners were dying of cancer, I'm sorry FORD for that slight inconvenience of timing.
They of course, won't budge.
I tell the guy I am cursing his company, screw you Ford, FUCK YOU. May you FAIL! I have had maybe 6 Ford trucks and vans that had lots of heart. That's probably the last.

I tell my mechanic, okay, let's fix it anyway. It never seriously overheated, let's get the heads resurfaced, get a good gasket kit. This bad gasket is a known issue. This guy is like my brother, he is so conscientious.
Okay, he'll do it. He is so much more worried than me that he's taking my $, putting his work and part into a doomed vehicle, and I'm going to drive out the door and the car will overheat and die. Because that exact thing happened to him a month earlier with another person with a Ford. Maybe a Festiva. It was sitting in his back lot when I drove the Taurus up, all blowing huge clouds of steam out the exhaust.So he fixes it, goes through everything he can think of related.

A few months later, my wife is driving to work, by way of a rural route, and hears a thump on the side. Last time she heard a thump, it was the transmission case torquing a crack in itself. There are 2 deep little dents on rear passenger door, an inch apart like 00 shotgun pellets. No one in sight. Nothing.

This is the car we took to Dallas for Thanksgiving at my sister's last month. Halfway there, around the town where I grew up, and where we'd bought it off the guy, it starts overheating.
I pop the hood and there's antifreeze all over the manifold. Crap.
Limp it in to a station to top it off with water and antifreeze, and I see a topside heater-hose spewing with a pinhole leak. This is road-fixable with a hose-clamp and some rubbery gasket material. All you need is a common screwdriver or a 5/16" socket for the clamp nut. On down the road we go, no problem. I later replace the hose.

But I'm still smelling that faint, horrid antifreeze smell, and I suspect another hose is developing a leak.
The motor is tight as a drum, however.

What do they call it...

V-Chub? I have one for you.

Post too long... ADD setting in... looking at lolcats... argghh damn you.

But it is a very fun story, you should try again.


Yeah those 3.8's are hellish. His is a 3.0, fortunately. In fact I will be buying it soon for 250 dollars. I'm going to chop the back and make it into an el camino type vehicle. When it rolls over 300,000 miles I might get it a new radio.

The 3.8 is a stout motor, it was just those few years they put a cheesy headgasket in it. Zippy, good mileage.
That's a lot of work to chop the roof, put in a window? put a bed in the trunk?
Surely there's a few El Caminos or Rancheros out there somewhere.
If I were you, I'd be looking for a salvage motor instead of pouring 2 qts of oil a day on the highway. Just my 2 cents.

I have to create things. some people are happy with buying what they want but I'm more of the "journey being more important than the end" type.
Unless its about ending the band Journey. This is on my global list of things that need to happen.

Sorry, this was way too long to read. What's the punch *hick-up* line?

I believe you mean hiccough.


You hate to diagnose a fictitious car do you? Because you sound like you enjoy it very much indeed .

yeah, but the dude had car knowledge and a need to show it off. let him have his moment

i'm scrolling down looking for the icon with the bouncing boobies and i'll take a break to respond to a random comment:

i got nothin...

back to scrolling

There're are websites...you know....places you can go.

Wow. That's odd.

What's odd?

There're are websites....

I mean, how the fuck does that even happen?

Oh, I didn't even notice.

Nor did I. Until I did.

ashoykh has Kids Only, so he is unable to go on those sites.

Kids Only .. .Grown-ups are boring and poopoo heads!

I will have you know that I shout at my car engine AT LEAST every other day.

Just the other day I hit mine with a tree branch in a cathartic display of futile anger.


Coming, my little pirahna fish.

I feel like this is something about this comic that I don't quite understand and thus I will wait until I rate it. I suppose it's probably just being atmospheric. There sure are a lot of names in this one though.

There was a couple in Naples that took to only whispering to one another. They withdrew together and stayed indoors, avoiding the company of others. Soon they began not to speak at all. They took solely to their room, and there developed a system of signs to converse with by their hands. Eventually their sign language became more and more abbreviated, until, lying together, they had developed such a close attention to themselves and each other that they came to speak only by their heartbeats.

After many long years their hearts ceased to beat, and they spoke to one another solely in spirit. But it is said that if one enters the room in which they are still entombed and holds one%u2019s own heart close to theirs, their blood begins to run again, and with the faintest of oscillations their hearts beat once more, permitting one to eavesdrop but never understand, as if listening in on distant crickets whispering in the walls of the highest hermitage. They repeat the same single rhythm until one draws away; no one has yet divined its meaning.


Sometimes a guy just wants to cut and paste some deep non sequitur on a message board for a comic. I understand.

[I do not understand]

Don't scare people on Christmas.


Langsam, Wozzeck!


Vhy do you people keeps telling me to slow dwown?

I'm sorry, you just got a little too excited while giving me a shave, and I needed you to just chill out for a sec. We cool?

...Du, deine Mutter ist tod!

I don't understand this but my instinct tells me it deserves a chubby from me.

Outdated sensationalism. The Majestic Council of Radical Machinists discovered in 1853 that those heartbeats were just a redundancy broadcast for the local Number Station.

I must admit an unfair disappointment that, even after the information from that year's periodical was leaked in 1854, that the popular consciousness decided to remember the investigation of von Kempelen's Turkish Chessplaying Automation over more groundbreaking inquiries.

As you've so uncouthly demonstrated, though, nothing more can be expected from the unstudied public.

Who is to say the Lovers of Naples aren't the ones doing the broadcasting, you faithless automaton?

Hear hear! I am not so unstudied as eikre would have me appear--though I fear that the sheer weight of his sneer will drive the unassuming masses to clear from my response here, for which I would shed not just a single tear. My further research has shown--and you would know this if you had read this year's Machinista, where it was published--that the Lovers of Naples appear to have generated a resonance field through a specialized type of ectotonic spread and have utilized it to broadcast their rhythm from the local Number Station in addition to their own hearts. The assumption that the Number Station is the origin of the single, and the lovers a redundancy, is understandable, given the overwhelmingly greater presence the government has over two resting lovers in a hovel, but false.

On a lighter note, Wozzeck, I completely agree with you about being hanged--at least then I'd know where I was, indeed!

I find your jib as well-cut as your muttonchops, Zwab. Truly, a most agreeable fellow you are! In the aft of this Christmastide repast I shall endeavor to drink an entire magnum of my finest Burgundian red to your good health and fortune.

Ah, thankee! I much appreciate the gesture--I'll down some fine Scottish whiskey in your honor.

How did you know about the number stations? Have you ever heard those on shortwave? It is excellent. I picked up a broadcast from vietnam on a shortwave radio unit from a B-17 bomber that I was repairing, and a russian numbers station was blasting out their transmission at 50 megawatts making the greatest sounding interference I have ever heard.

Oh dangit Mr. Onstad, there's two "and"s in the last panel of your wonderful holiday comic.

Those are good eyes you
you have there.

I didn't believe them on first glance, this comic tends to be immaculately spell-checked.

Hurry, screenshot before he changes it!

For posterity:

Two ands?

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Man, the human brain is amazing, because even with this version I had to read it like seven times to even even see the problem. Why is it so hard to turn off your brain's auto-correct? That fuckin' paperclip, man, it lives in my brain.

The paperclip pulls the strings, you are his meaty puppet.

Like the day he followed our meme, he put substituted bary for very in the alt-text. It was awesome.

For five minutes.

It was "barly" for "barely", I baryve.

I'd go look, but I'm wrapping gifts.

I think you're right though.



Preemptive Diamonds!

Two thighs, two biscuits, two ands. Is this not the way?

God, I'd like two biscuits and some chicken right now.


Is it Peta ?

Anybody else want to get some KFC?

Hells yeah.

I wish this was really a sign outside a KFC


That's the sound of a misfiring cylinder, fool.

It looks like Beef's short pants change color between the 7th and 10th frames. Y/N?

looks like that would be mistake number 2, after the double "and".

I forgive Chris.

I live so close to Edina, MN! Like two hours away, I think.

I live even closer! When I'm at school. Maybe Stephen Lokis can help me. With my problems.

That man is like the ghost of Christmas future.

for some reason, this strip is sort of... sweet, almost. aw, I just love the little cat roast beef.

Ah, laundromats. Awkward silences, reluctant smalltalk, outdated flyers taped on the walls. A choice between a mind-numbing wait of hours, or wondering uneasily who moved your underwear when they needed the dryer.

Merry Awkward Christmas everybody! May your interactions with family or total strangers be strange and bemusing.

My god what a fucking masterful depiction of a Bic pen.


In furtherance of the spirit of Saddest Things:


Holy shit! Raven Riley!?


God damn, how the hell could you possibly know that? You can't even see her face here!

Are you not looking at the picture?

Raven is the hottest mchottie around!

I can see enough of her to know. You seem to underestimate the number of free clips featuring her with which I have spent the night. Seriously, from the shape of the nose to her skin color to the belly button piercing, there is just no doubt. Not one.

She is one of only two porn stars (contemporary or historical) for whom I would drop everything and marry if she were to ask.

I know what she looks like.

Rowboat's a fuckin' creep - PASS IT ON!

Well, now we have to ask the obvious question - who is the other? I don't feel like I know you well enough to guess, but I'm just gonna throw some out there. Allie Sin? Tory Lane? Alektra Blue?

aurora snow? she's my favorite. such a cutie pie.

Hey, we have something in common; we should, you know, go out and junk.

John Holmes.


He turned out to be a real douchebag. Ever see Wonderland?

That was Val Kilmer. DUH!



[and my real answer to the above question is Ivana Fuckalot, a real class act in spite of the ridiculous nom de guerre]

That girl needs a sandwich or 60.

I wouldn't have guessed her because she's not so much a porn star as she is one of those self-run amateur people a la Heather from ideepthroat.com. Plus I think she's taken - I always see her boning the same emo-looking fucker.

Amateurs are the real stars, these days. And her apparent monogamy is perhaps the greatest turn-on for me.

God, what a weird thing to appreciate when you're spankin' it in front of a computer screen....

And, yeah - she's a little on the lean side. Not usually what I go for. But she's just got this certain... something..... Can't put my finger on it.....OH YEAH! She's basically the da Vinci of giving head! That's it!

[And now I am done discussing porn stars on the internet on Christmas day. I will now go to my girlfriend's grandparents' home and gorge myself on dead animals and try think of anything but Ivana and Raven in the process]

Wouldn't mind feasting on some Raven myself.

i finally checked out this ivana chick and oh my god this monogamy thing totally rubs me the wrong way.. dammit, why... dirty.. I DONT LIKE WHAT SHE'S DOING HERE I DON'T FEEL LIKE I HAVE A LOT OF OUTS

Lucky, there are one or two other sites out there that feature 100% monogamy-free porn. You may have to do some searching, but they're out there.

It does feel slightly like voyeurism. These people could love each other, or whatever. Wait, it's worse than voyeurism! It's a chick-flick!

I never came to Thelma and Louise, is all I'm sayin'.

right, exactly. dude all loves her and stuff. like the way he touches her, you just know he's all attentive to her needs and worships her basically, all running out to get her a nice juicy cheeseburger just because she looked like she might have wanted one, all buying her presents on her birthday and just every month probably, all spending hours giving her sexual pleasure without even asking for nothing in return, all smart probably reciting pushkin poems to her right up to her climax. oh my god i will never find anyone like that i am so lonely.

You fucking know that Ivana Fuckalot has never had a juicy cheeseburger.

I'd give her a juicy cheeseburger if you know what I mean hur hur hur

She'd have to wait in line for seven hours and drop 3 months of dick smoking money.

I was that guy once, except I had to write things or cook for her because I was too hilariously poor to buy things.

On another note, while porn is not my thing, I think it's a hell of lot better for a monogamous couple to go at it on film than the soul-destroying glorified prostitution that's the norm of the industry.

Thank heavens for soul-destroying glorified prostitution!

Women don't want to date that guy. It is a fantasy that doesn't remotely translate to reality.

When a guy worships a woman and treats her like that, she gets bored and dumps him.

Women always burden themselves with dream men that they wouldn't like at all in the real world.

Men never do that.


I think this depends largely on who you interpret what was said up there. Worships as in would fight eleven men with knives to defend her honor , or would grovel at her feet and depend on her to make all decisions , and then there's even would spread rumors that she has herpes to keep other men away from her .

One of these is not like the others.

Remember, you're defending this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did!

It doesn't matter how you define "worship." If a man is always catering to the woman, he ceases to be a challenge.

As soon as he ceases to be a challenge, he becomes boring.

As soon as he becomes boring....

I think you know the rest.

You're terrible at reading the words I wrote, biff.

I went back and reread them a couple of times.

I am still terrible at it I guess, because if you weren't discussing different definitions of "worship," I have no idea what you are talking about.

I saw one definition that probably is a good thing, one definition that is pretty clearly a bad thing, and one definition that is really talking about greed and covetousness, not worship.

But I am open to an explanation of what I am missing.

uh wozzeck i don't think any of your definitions of "worship" were what i interpreted mr. ivana to be doing. a friend explained to me the other day that there are guys who will take care of you with regard to big things (protect you if eleven guys are attacking you) and guys who will take care of you with regard to small things (getting you things, making you feel comfortable, being sexually attentive). i think i've only really had experience with the first type of guy, and i would not call that worship. perhaps he values me and is thus willing to protect me in extreme circumstances, but in the day-to-day gestures he falls short.

biff may be onto something though. i mean, i'm sure it's no accident that i end up with these types. perhaps lack of attentiveness is just a by-product of being with a guy who's superior to you in some way, and of course this superiority is why you like him in the first place.

but it'd be nice to get a little "small scale" attention from someone you already admire, is all i'm saying.

If we're going to get into personal experience to define or views...

Let me put it this way:

I would very much fall into the first category I mentioned. I also do the small things, more so with my ex than ever another, because I damn well know that the small things are important . If she coughed at night, I would be in the kitchen getting her a glass of water before she had a chance to ask. If she fell asleep curled around my arm, cutting off its circulation, oh well. She worked her ass off, and I wasn't going to disturb her sleep for the sake of my own comfort. Often when we were going out or coming home, I would pull her onto my lap and put her shoes on or take them off for her, giving the top of each feet a quick kiss as I did so, simply because I damn well felt like showing a little affection, and to assure her that I found her, all of her, beautiful.

To me the idea that you would give your life for someone, or take another's to defend them, but lack the willingness or consideration to attend to the small things is just asinine.

That having been said, the above is not at all what I intended when I mentioned those who, " would grovel at her feet and depend on her to make all decisions ". That sort is a whole other tirade, and you should be warned now, if you haven't already learned, that they are also often the sort that turn into the third example the moment their object of affection is denied them.

wozzeck you are a sweetie pie.

I have done some of these things, suffering "discomfort" in order to make your lover's life better. It is a great thing to share.

Zapatos is relatin a story where he was pegged because a lady wanted to try it and he thought it would please her.

Belgand is telling everyone that I got rocked in the can by some chick with a strap-on.

Is he wrong?

Belgand is not wrong.


Even though it hasn't happened, Belgand isn't wrong.

It hasn't happened... yet.

daaammnn, wozzeck you are like some old school Cornelius-style gentleman! glass of water fine but if a dude took my shoes off for me and kissed my feet i think i'd be like dang man shucks you don't gotta do all that now i gotta give you extra oral or buy you a watch or something. i'm pretty sure i'd be pleased if it happened though.

i had a roommate who would insist on taking my shoes off for me and rubbing my feet. she would text me while i was in class to ask when i'd be home, then have a fully cooked meal waiting for me, timed so it wouldn't get cold. we were good friends for a couple years before she admitted she had a crush on me. i'm pretty sure lots of women turn gay cuz girls are just more thoughtful usually.

I am not so obsessed with receiving oral as the typical male. I prefer to do most of the work during Relations Time, and no matter how good the oral, it makes me feel like I'm spending the party leaning against a wall in the kitchen. Like I am treating sex as a boring party.

Now a girl who will walk on and/or rub my back at the drop of a hat is another matter. My spinal cord has met Misfortune more than once and this has given me a great appreciation of such displays of affection.

I would have suggested that you gay marry your roommate. To spare yourself family shaming you could have told your parents you were just co-concubines. I guess if you don't want to have sex with another lady, though, the relationship would have been rather more farcical than usual.

Oral is nice, but it's like an appetizer, not a whole meal. I mean, yeah, sometimes a snack is nice or maybe you just sit around and eat nothing but nachos all day, but you feel a bit empty like you missed eating a proper meal.

Thank you for sharing my opinion on blowjobs.

I bet this is a phrase you never thought you'd say.

How many things that you say in the average day have you predicted beforehand?


Extra oral would be great. I'll take two.

Let's see how many I can fit into my mouth at once.

I believe our disconnect lies in that I was taking "worship" far more figuratively than you were.

Note: I censored this image to prevent it's deletion by photobucket, a sad thing of its own.

Never censor Raven Riley


I don't know who that is, but I'm pretty sure this isn't her.

Unless she's a stripper in South Carolina?

It is without question Ms. Riley . I should know.

hours and hours of tearing my dick off.

Look, don't think I came happened across this magnificent display of human failings without looking at the rest of her pictures. This is not the porn star you are obsessed with. A lot of women have olive skin and dark hair. Those are brought about by dominant genes, you see. It's science .

This is quite simply the genuine article: A young mother expressing her grief at the loss of her first born by displaying the goods to all and sundry (whilst being fabulous ).

I'm afraid we'll have to end this in disagreement. Which is OK.

No, it isn't.

Alright. You're wrong.

And thus, I win.

The End.


No, no I do not .

I've reviewed the evidence, and you are correct.

Thank you.

I felt it was my solemn duty to watch one month of RR stripping and/or smoking pole, so that the world can rest easily knowing this dispute is well and truly settled.

That was very brave of you.

Who is this Raven Riley and why have I not jerked off over her? I thought I knew everyone in the business but clearly I have some more learning to do.

get the fuck out of the internet, you lose.

Lurk more noob


You have some nice photos.

Gracias senor

She used to be a stripper before she ran off with an old bear named Cornelius, and subsequently changed her ways.

Or has she?

Polly doesn't seem like the type.

The sub-literate, post naked pictures next to a statement of remembrance for your (unfortunately named) dead child, next to "mood:FuK!n FaB b!TcHz" type, that is.

Running off with an old bear named Cornelius is another matter, and one which I personally feel reflects well upon her character.

I came.

Ok, boys, can we end this little discussion now?

Oh let them encourge each other to masturbate and pollute their brains with porn so they can never have a normal relationship. There will be more work for shrinks and counselors.

More work for me when I finish college.

Then, finally, will SJE have time to masturbate. You should make the time now.

I've been waiting since I turned twelve. :(

For marriage?

Sometimes I sin when I'm asleep. >_<

Sleep is sin. Haven't you people seen my avicon?

Pogo has strange ideas about the effects of pornography on the psychological makeup of adult males - PASS IT ON!

It ties in with his choice to represent himself with a picture of Larry King, a man who has had multiple wives. He is just saying that King is a serial masturbator, or porn addict, or both.

Actually, what he's saying seems pretty accurate.

I guess "normal" can go a lot of ways.

Thanks 'Bow, and I'm glad you still have an idea of what "normal" means.

All I'm saying is that I have enjoyed a lot of porn throughout my life and I am in a very healthy, normal relationship by any standard. You just can't go across the board with it like that. Everyone's different.

My porn collection consists of one of manflesh's fanfics.

Gets me every time.

... Which one?

Please tell me it's the one where Seven of Nine shits in Kes's mouth.

It's funny cause I have no idea who Kes is.

I just imagine a smaller Janeway. It's still hot.


That is Kes.

I want to ruin her innocence.

I wish you well on your quest.

You just can't go across the board with it like that. Everyone's different.

That's a laugh. I guess you never took a psychology course or studied human behavior. We're amazingly alike inside. We all need love, feel empathy, etc. You probably just haven't realized the damage porn has done, like the guy in a band who will go deaf at 40.

Taking a psychology course doesn't make you a psychologist, and a human behavior course doesn't make you a counselor.
There are people who are so different they might as well be on another planet. They are not like you, they are not like me. They're not even like Stereo.

I can't make the connection what that has to do with porn. I think porn is a sort of infantilism, but that's just me.

Well I'll just sit here not being psychologically damaged and you'll be wrong.

Seriously - I appreciate your wisdom, Pogo. But you don't know me and I resent that you feel like you can call me a degenerate pervert just because you yourself have some pervasive fear of pornography. You must understand that nothing is as simple as you're painting this to be.

On an unrelated note, I am in a band and I am on the fast track to Townshendville. So there's that.

Check out Etymotics. They make some very nice earplugs that don't interfere with the sound itself (well, not too much). They offer a basic model for like $10-15 and a much pricier custom-fit model for more. I've been very happy with mine. I no longer leave concerts with my ears ringing until morning.

Now to just get shows where people actually have fucking decent sound mixing and don't feel the need to turn everything up so loud that I get better sound standing outside. Seriously, I understand the joys of loud music, but some places just take it overboard. It does not need to be that loud and by making it that loud you end up with a lot of booming, muddy sound, and the inability to hear or discern the vocals.

I'm a freak because I look at porn :(

I think the more fucked up you are, the more aware you are of what 'normal' is, by pure negation. On the other hand, is it the chicken or the egg? What is it that makes people seek out perversion with such ardor in the first place?


The desire for new things combined with total lack of discretion.

Being raised in a post-feminist PC culture that worships moral relativism.

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful.

For a moment, I was fruitlessly trying to decipher exactly what the pretty lady was attempting to say about Rip Taylor.

I hate myspace.


I think it is important to note that my mother also uses a photo of an amateur pornstar as her profile image on myspace.

Her mood: Sh0TTaz 4 LYF3

Well, at least you're alive to see it.

I wonder if Taylor Cheyenne Richardson would really WANT to see his mommy's myspace.

or *her* mommy's.

It is the saddest thing because it has been taken away from us.

and and

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed and and

It took me 3 days but I got it.

yeah aaaahhhhhh sometimes I notice things like this and just think 'oh hot DAMN I am not getting paid now!'.
Because I do a lot of proofing and copy editing at work, you know because otherwise that comment wouldn't make sense.

also, is that actually yourfirstpost? If so then welcome, myfirstpost.

It isn't.

He just didn't at all plan ahead when giving himself that name.

Actually I just realistically considered my usual level of committment to things.

Like spelling? Hah-cha-cha.

But seriously, your avatar offends me on many levels.

F-A-C-E? It's been a while since I've read treble clef as opposed to bass clef.

Yeah, it's face.

I can double any letttter I want.

Also, that show sucks.

I enjoy finally seeing some humanity in Corliss. Maybe it's only the word "gently", but even that hint of maternal behavior humanizes her in a way we haven't really seen before, to my recollection.

Alt text: Corliss was faster for all the wrong reasons. That bodes poorly for her humanity. She drops the little depressed cat off at the laundromat and hightails it to get some Christmas strange. The bucket of chicken was bought so the manager at KFC wouldn't call the po-lice on her and her swain as they knocked one out in the parking lot.

and yeah, I know it wasn't called KFC back in '81 so before anyone feels the need to be a dick about terms...

Apparently they changed the name because "fried" had negative connotations regarding health. I still call it Kentucky Fried Chicken. Or, for that matter, would if there was one anywhere remotely nearby.

You don't have one nearby? I'm sorry about this, belgand. That's terrible.

I'm not 100% on this, but I think it's very likely that I've never eaten a meal from KFC. Seems odd, I know. If I did, it was when I was a very young child. That's just a guess. I have no recollection of it.

Ive only eaten there once, it was greasy , tasted horrible.
Luckily, my village is small enough that only a McDonalds and a Subway can survive. My possibly futur children are safe !

Musta been a bad batch. The Colonel makes the best chicken on the planet, IMHO.

Have to politely disagree, the wings at a local bar (Morts for anyone in Waterloo) are easily better.

Meh, they're overpriced usually. I mean, I know of where one is, but chains and fast food places are rather rare in the city. Except McDonald's. You can generally find those fairly often. Far more often than any other fast food place. I guess they've owned the spaces for a long time or something.

You know you're in a bad, or at least poor, neighborhood when you find a Church's though.

I heard from an unreliable source that it's now KFC because what they sell is technically not chicken because of all the genetic altering.

A quick check shows that's an urban legend. Unreliable source, remember.

That is false, they changed the name so that the word "fried" is less prominent, since fried foods are now regarded as the least healthy thing since cigarettes were invented.

I know, I called myself on it. But also they're started using it again sparingly since last year.

Yup. Probably because they have grilled chicken now too, and maybe also because they probably don't use trans fats now?

They probably print all that shit on the sides of the bucket now. It's LAW.

You know what, they should introduce coq au vin. That would be awesome.


He is a racist Southerner!

Ridiculous. Black children don't know what "bankrupt" means.

I have a christmas present for you guys!

The Battle Of Witch Rock

I took some liberties with the lyrics, since if I only did Nice Pete's part the song would be 2 seconds long.

More like Aphex Twin - Logon Rock Witch





ps - link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfmt5-i8ohk

I dug the first song there.

Also, that is exactly how I envisioned (enlistened?) Nice Pete's voice.

It's the complete opposite of how I envisioned it .

The first track is pretty decent though. Kinda reminds me of Hot Chip.

THANK YOU. i always imagined it as rob halford but i was afraid that other people heard lemmy. theguitarhero cannot sing his rendition with a clenched first, i know that much. and what's up with you kids and your.. electronic music ? FAGS*.

*you have a very nice voice theguitarhero. you also have a girlfriend whom we are all aware you bone with great regularity, therefore you are not a fag in the sexual connotation sense of the term.

Unfortunately I'm still under the cloud of the cold so my voice was a bit off. If I was at 100% I could have done a clenched fist with it too! and a snarl like that fellow in Metallica!

Hyeah! You betcha!

No. That is not metal. That is the opposite of what is good.

i will never fucking get sick of this song. anyone who listens to this song in my presence and gets totally into is basically half way there to getting into my pants. sje, if you're reading this, maybe you should get into metal. girls will be all over you after that. it is the BEST. APHRODISIAC. EVER. power metal especially i think arouses this kind of battlefield camaraderie where you're thinking this man is my brother in arms he understands glory and honor and will always protect me from the forces of evil, so it is ok if he does seriously nasty things to me, or something.

i think i remember belgand saying at some point that he can't take screamy vocals? yo belgand, check out these lyrics.

Our king he cannot lead, our king is growing old
With a courageous cry, a young man rises form the fold

Astonished faces look his way, as the hopeful carry horror in their hearts
Uncertain of a power that malice forged in steel
I must face this threat that challenges our lives
I'll strike out with vengeance, I'll reap from their demise
No! You must not seek the blades, it's said that they are cursed
They'll possess you if they're found, to the dreadlord they are bound

On the fourteenth morning's chill, from the rampart he is spotted on the hill
With a look of burning poison that fills his eyes with rage
I have returned to put an end to all your lives
With no remorse I will reap from your demise

basically i will not rest until every dude on assetbar concedes that 3 inches of blood is the shit.

That's 1 more inch of blood than Dexter got.

And that's terrible.

Did you ever realize that song basically ripped off the storyline from Warcraft 3?

I'm so conflicted right now. Should I
1. Get into your pants
2. Never listen to that terrible music ever?

I'd go for the first option but that's just my opinion.

(I probably will too)

Good. Just remember, PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN


I think, in light of photoshop and etc., that that needs to be amended to DNA SAMPLES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.



What I did NOT want to imagine was sje sawing through daedala's index finger, both of them crying and looking into each other's eyes. Daedala, looking resigned that it's what has to be done. The gob-smacked FedEx courier waiting with an open esky...


nah, more like the nipple scene in Ichi the Killer.

I saw the first 10 minutes or so of that film cause some guy told me it had the most semen ever used in an opening sequence. Is the rest worth watching?

That was real semen too. The actor playing Ichi didn't have enough so some of the other members of the crew had to help him out. At least, according to the commentary.

It might be worth watching, but it can be a bit of a tough call because it's the sort of thing you have to be into. Sort of like how it's hard to recommend Lynch or Cronenberg without knowing the person better.

Usually it's The Birthday Party that gets me laid. Nothing like a long, slow fuck to "Deep in the Woods", I always say...

i just listened to that and for the first 2 or 3 minutes i was like "whoa this would be pretty hot" but then i got kinda bored after that.

i always wanted to have a "long, slow fuck" (quotes, because i'm not really sure what this means or how it is acheived) to Tinderstick's Another Night In. Raindrops or Jism would probably work too. Stuart Staples is a god. i'm pretty sure if i saw the orchestra live i would actually cry.

The live version is better, and if you haven't had a long, slow, forceful fuck...
Then you have not lived at all.
(And are a further disappointment to your parents?)

I've never wanted a long, slow, forceful fuck less. Seriously, it sounds like something you'd do to a whole chicken at holiday time.

It's something a man does to a very special lady in his life when he wants to express how much he desires her to worship his penis, rowboat. You'll understand when your older.

Unless you were talking about the song's lyrics, in which case... basically, yeah.

And furthermore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrodaLzfi5s

You mean, like, when I turn 29?

Age is more than a number.

Good save.

I knew you were thirty. I've always known you were thirty. I will always know you are thirty.

Rowboat is thirty .

Philippe is five.

Pi is three.

Until next year.

not if he dies

I like to pretend that fully italic posts are presented in a sing-song voice. Also I don't want rowboat to die.

Maybe if you wish REAL hard, I won't!

[I was kind of singing that, too.]

*zapatos wishes so hard*

This will actually only be accurate until tomorrow. If I don't die tonight, I'll turn 31.

My timing on this was basically whoreshit.

I hesitate to mention this wozzeck because I don't want it to be taken as bragging. However, these types of fucks may only be possible for men who are well endowed. I'm guessing boredom or faking on the woman's part can only be drawn out so long.

Not to mention dudes who find ladies so damn sexy that they get off super easy. They, however, know a lot about wanting to please a lady super bad and crying for hours afterwards.

Minor auto-biography?

I've never cried after, during, or immediately before sex, no.

My cousin used to be in 3 Inches of Blood. He was the drummer.

Do you mean Geoff Trawick, Matt Wood, or Alexei Rodriguez - the one that they fired for getting into a drunken fight with the guy from Saxon? If it's the latter, your cousin's an asshole.


Whoa, did you ever ask him what the deal with that was? I mean why would you assault the drummer from Saxon? Or did he have some other version of the story?

I read about it when it happened, but while looking him up just now, I found out he was also in Walls of Jericho. I never really listened to them much, but I saw them a few times and was a fan nonetheless:


I don't like, know him personally. Most of my family doesn't talk to each other.

how do you guys feel about girls and arm tats? i know sje is con, but you know, the guys that actually don't mind tats on a chick. i think i'm not really down with whole sleeves, but they look nice on some girls (not sure if this one's one of them).

walls of jericho sound like shit, btw. ditch the chick. i mean keep her around for the boning, but seriously, she sounds like a banshee with aids.

how could some dude from a metalcore band even think he was within his rights to assault someone from saxon? isn't that like punching your great-grandfather in the mouth?

Depends on the girl and the tattoo. The places I used to run around, I don't even notice tattoos anymore than someone's shoes.

I kinda wish I actually knew Alexei now so I could ask him these questions.

I am totally pro girls with tattoos. This is the last time I'm going to talk about my gf on assetbar, I swear, but when we first met she wanted to get the full body Trill tattoo. I had to talk her out of it actually.

You should also ask him if he's ever seen that girl naked while on tour or something.

It doesn't look like all that metal has done her hands any favors, though. What the hell is goin' on there?

yes it looks like she decided to bake cookies

on her hands

she used her hands as cookie sheets.

which is pretty metal actually

One to many handjobs for Satan?


Not an actual handjob executed upon Satan, but rather, performed in his dark honor.

She's never shook Satan's hands. Look, see for yourself. You'd know it if she had. That shit don't come off.

i_love_kate, I think it's time we had an important talk about the meaning of "handjob".

It may be the most important talk of his life. Unless, of course, he's being Brit-ironic and Taking the Piss .

I was willing to make the stretch for the sake of a Pearl Jam reference.

Also, she's never sucked Satan's dick. Again, you'd see it, y'know, right 'round the lips.

Only "Taz" tats on my bitches. And lots of 'em.

As long as it's not some generic rose/unicorn/butterfly on the hip or a tribal tramp-stamp, I'm pretty much okay with it.

Tattoos enhance the beauty of a woman in exactly the same way that a crayon mustache would enhance the Mona Lisa.

You mean, hugely?
The Mona Lisa is the size of a post card, and she looks like a dude.
(also I like girls with tattoos)

You know, that's been done. L.H.O.O.Q.

You know, that's been done. L.H.O.O.Q.

Achilleselbow, where are you?

Achilleselbow, where are you?

I'm right here. I require a three post minimum to make an appearance. Besides, Daedala made fun of me last time and it made me cry.


It's been done twice now.

My apologies, Mr. Churchill's crippling depression.

How are all those people gonna answer for all those tattoos? You know there's bound to be some regrets!

I am not pro tattoo, but I am definitely pro boning that girl.

If you had to ask me to state a preference it's definitely going to be against it, but I'm not close-minded about this. I can admit when they look hot and it's not really a deal-breaker sort of thing for me. More of a not being into it and being sort of generally against it kind of thing. Like how I'm also totally against all forms of body piercing (that is, including ears... it's still just sick and weird like an untended-to industrial accident), but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. I bought my girlfriend earrings a few years ago. At the same time I do find it hot that a friend of mine, last I knew, had never pierced hers.

Oh and how are 3 Inches of Blood metalcore? I mean, I just heard about them a few minutes ago here, but they seem more solidly power metal to me.

Eczema is HOT.

3 Inches of Blood are not metalcore, but most of the members were originally in metalcore bands, and that particular drummer was in Walls of Jericho.

A little gossip for y'all I just found out: apparently Alexei is getting married to some chick with tattoos from Alaska?

I'll do whatever you want Dae.

I admit that 3 inches of blood is the shit.

So now lets turn up the Dragonforce and let our inhibitions float off in the wind!

haha, i was really into dragonforce for the longest time! i went to see them and "whoaa-oaah-ohh-ohhhh"ed my little heart out. then i realized they were kind of silly. i am still of that opinion.

zapatos, i dig dudes who are self-deprecating, riddled with insecurities, and bordering on pathetic. not that this is anything a normal dude should strive to be, but i'm just saying. i go for the defective toys at the store. sorry. just be glad that 99% of other girls would prefer you instead.

My girlfriend likes Dragonforce. I don't know why.

but she likes Star Trek and Lovecraft too so I keep her.

She likes Lovecraft ?

Aw shit man, shit

Is that a good "ah shit man"?

Yeah I bought her a collection of short stories for Christmas.

That's a good one, Nobody up here know about Lovecraft, especially gent ladies.

What about guys who are kind of pathetic, self-deprecating, and used to be riddled with insecurities but are now getting over them and developing like a "hey man" attitude?

What about girls with sagging titties, tekende? That's what.

that depends on what you mean by a "hey man" attitude.

is it like "hey man don't FUCK with me. i'm pathetic. YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WITH THAT?"

or "hey man do you think you and your gf could fuck a little quieter i am trying to make a list of the reasons why i don't think i am qualified for this job description"

This is very important, Tekende. Choose wisely.

I think he means "hey man" like a greeting. The type of guy who wears jeans and they have a hole somewhere...but when you ask about it, he is genuinely unaware that it's there.

Or "hey man, let's order a pizza...like bros should do"

As long as it's not "Hey man do you like Okkervil River sometimes I like to listen to them while I am out walking wearing a scarf in the summertime or when I am in bed at night cutting myself..."

Or "Hey man, this comedy-mystery DVD collection sure is tops!"

Groucho Marx is "The Sneezing Bandit"

No, I mean like "hey man, whatever, life is too short to worry about feeling insecure or whatever, let's just go out and have some fun!"

Hey Man, I just drove across the country to have some beers with a stranger I met on the internet. Its cool.

Zapatos is most definitely a "dude". He clearly exudes dudeness and, in doing so, makes us all better people. Our lives are enhanced by knowing him and his casual rapscallionish ways.

You are all better for knowing, "you aren't me."

(Does this mean you want me? No, no. I'm not ridden enough with insecurities for you to be attracted to me. No girl will ever be attracted to me. I'm so pathetic =[ )

nah i think you've got the insecurities part down pretty well. but the trick is to be like a pathetic sneering dick of a man who's not gonna take life's beating laying down, but takes it nevertheless. you're assetbar philippe, not assetbar underground man, not assetbar george costanza. someday you'll become angrier and more cynical. you come see me when that day comes.

I am a sick man, a spiteful man ... . .

you gotta hate your friends

and then a prostitute and stuff

that sounds like the best advice ever given by Advice Puppy

It all comes down to how much Burger King you eat.

The real question is:

do u like whoper

I can't decide whether to chubby or lame this.

Good show.

If you chose the former, you chose wisely.

Yeah, 99% of girls are annoying though.

It's like I'll never be happy... I'm so mainstream and boring *sigh*

Just be glad you never had a thing for Dragonland. A friend of mine apparently knew them in some form or another and they did some decent music.

Dragonforce, yeah, I don't know what I ever saw in them. It was a short thing and I thankfully never bought any albums or went to any shows or anything, but yeah.

Studioforce ftmeh.

Opeth > all. Your lives will go much better for you once you realize and admit that.

The feeling I get 90% of the time while listening to Opeth is that this is brilliant and I should find some way to enjoy it, and then I feel of low mind when I don't. Then the pretty singing passage or melodic interlude comes on and I just know the fact that I only enjoy that part means I suck somehow.

See also: Between the Buried and Me

nah, BTBAM have songs that are enjoyable in their entirety, like All Bodies. and what about Selkies? didn't you like 90% of that? i mean if that soft singing and acoustic part didn't start at the middle of the song after the death vocals and blasts, i don't think i would've liked it as much. then it just would've been emo. then you could just go listen to further seems forever or something.

I have heard very little of BTBAM, but I have also found a lot to hate. I mean, before the vocals started on "Prequel to the Sequel" I was totally with it, but after... I don't think I could shut it off quickly enough.

It is my God-given duty (God gave me this duty personally to enter any and all music conversations and mention the Melvins. As such, I just wanna say that all bands mentioned so far seem so theatrical and absorbed in pretty obvious imagery. I dont know why but the whole "elves/swords/crimson/dragons" thing has always bothered me. I prefer my more metal-ish sounds to be straightup heavy and tense, and hence i want to share this song with you all. If there's one band that can play the hell out of a basic riff for eight minutes, it's the Melvins.

Thank you for your time, and I can only hope God lifts this wonderful, horrible affliction.

That's hardly metal. Just because Pitchfork calls sludgy post-rock metal does not make it so. If you cannot sometimes appreciate theatricality or swords and dragons (unfathomable!)... well, that sounds like a personal problem.

Oh I'm not saying that the Melvins are metal, I'm just saying that when it comes to bands that take heavy influence from Kiss and tune down to A and have a drummer that people cheer for the Melvins are in my top two. And sure I can appreciate Iron Maiden, Slayer and early Metallica, But bands that formed 20 years after those bands' heydays, and just play faster? I could never get into it.

Don't mind me. I'm a creepy snob.

Unless I missed something, Opeth =/= LotR metal.

Also, Diabolical Masquerade.

You realize that you never closed your parenthesis?

Also that song kind of sucked, I only listened to the first little bit. Sorry. I got bored.

That's not screamy. When I say screamy I'm talking about the effect-ridden Black Metal sort of vocals where some dude just sort of growls into the mic. More Metalocalypse (which is, however, awesome) really.

This is just hmm... can I still call it "bitchin'" or has that been co-opted entirely as ironic.

I assure you that I was totally rocking out to this. All long hair head-banging along.

Power metal is awesome. Have I ever related my idea for a power metal band called "Eternia"? At first it just sounded like an appropriate name until a friend immediately stated the He-Man connection (must be subconscious, I was a huge He-Man fan when I was a child) and then, c'mon, what could be better than He-Man themed and costumed power metal? All Skeletor bringing the vocals and rhythm guitar, He-Man on lead guitar, Evil Lynn rocking bass, and Orko on drums (Orko must be on drums!). Truly a thing of beauty. This must be made to happen.

Orko must NOT be on drums. That is totally Beast-Man's realm. Man-At-Arms can be their roadie.

I see your claim, but you are still completely wrong. If we expand it to a five-piece we can have Beast-Man on rhythm. Maybe .

Man-At-Arms is totally a roadie.

Skeletor would be the best frontman ever.

I remember when they remade He-Man on Cartoon Network, the commercials were boss.

"Mah! I'm Skeletor!"

I see him getting into it, he goes down on one knee, fist clenched as he sings with passion and intensity.

a voice so shrill it melts your innards.

He slowly opens the jaw of his skull and the song that will end the world emanates. It is beautiful and terrible and you are compelled to listen.

I can only think of Claudio's Crowing-Herald.


He "will open one of [his] sis mouths and sing the song that ends the world."

SHIT. Six*. Six is what I meant.

This is what I get for posting while puzzled on brew.

Hello. I like Blind Guardian.

Oh hi!

Yes hello! Do you like Iced Earth, Demons and Wizards, Samhain, and Skeleton Witch?

Are you ready to rock?


What time is it?


heh. funneh.

damn my comments are getting less and less substantive to where eventually i'm just going to grunt and nobody's even going to know whether i'm pleased or displeased at what they have said. i seriously feel soulless right now, having just spent $300 at the mall on one "outfit" for interviewing that i feel loathe to wear. mom all yelling at me all the way home for not starting earlier with job stuff and being "always one step behind everyone else". worst christmas ever. sorry guys. life really sucks right about now. i should just stop posting until i get out of this funk. shit's annoying, i know.

What you should do is post pictures modeling the new interview outfit. Then we can all say nice things about you.

Or you could get all dressed up pretty, go out for an hour, then return in defeat to simply mope around your apartment listening to your zune and wondering if you should just drink until you pass out, but you can't look away from the mirror and you can't stop wishing you were better looking.

I had a great night.

What? No! I don't think your comments are less substantive. Keep posting.

I'm sure most people here feel blue most of the time. We are a miserable lot.

*hugs* It'll get better!


You (and I'm guessing your mom) have made an assumption. It isn't a race. One step behind? One step behind who? Everyone's life is different, measuring your life based on another's achievements is pointless. That might seem hollow at the moment, but it actually makes life much more pleasant than trying to race others until you die. What's the point? I'm not saying give up on life...but why treat it like its a race against others? There are better ways to approach things like careers and family.

I think you misread Daedela's post. Her mother has the problem with competing with the rest of the world. Daedela's problem is with her mother.

I had to buy two suits this year as well, and that threw me into a depression. I just got the cheapest ones that still looked vaguely suit-ish. Becoming the type of person who wears suits is not much fun, I have decided.

unless you wear them ironically .

Are....are those the flavors du jour at Demonic Ben & Jerry's?

They are delicious.

That is also just a plain awesome song.

It's a lot closer to what I imagine, but I was thinking there was a bit more growly scream (perhaps elements of Mustaine, but not quite Lemmy) in his voice and not quite so high. He is not singing so much as he is SHOUTING these lyrics. I'm definitely with you and Dae as seeing a Halford-esque delivery, just not the vocal tone.

wow. i love this one so far. not funny. but brilliant in other ways. the dialogue is cool.

thanks Mr. Achewood and Merry Christmas,

- d_d

This is almost like Philippe at the transfer station.

Except with fewer people, and more faces?

Holy shit, this might be the most depressing Achewood ever. I really can't think of another strip that made me want to vomit into a wall socket, if only to block out the image of Beef's Circumstances. Sheesh.

Not to say it isn't good; it's well-done in that Achewood way.

Holy shit, it's not depressing, it's just a webcomic, it must be you!
Holy shit, if you want to vomit into a wall socket, find a live one!

Holy shit, I knew a guy once who vomited onto a 20,000 volt hi-line!
Holy shit, it knocked him dead for real!

Holy shit, have a Merry Christmas cause his family won't!

wow. that was mean. but it felt right. oh well.

Your "tasty dudes" avatar makes up for it.

PS: I am aware that it is just a webcomic, but please - is so much more than that!

Okay, you have totally busted me. It is so much more than that.

sry 4 postin frst last tim u guys


Hey! That's not a real address! I should know, It's where I am right now! Way to take me out of the moment, Chris!

Also there's never been a Bank of America here. Eugene's playing an angle...


You know how I feel about the last panel.

Beef's broken thumb-claw makes me kinda sad. It's just the little things.

Wait just a damn minute.

How is he holding the business card with ONE finger?

He probably chews on it because he's always so nervous. =(

I worked as a math teacher in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.

It was the worst job I ever had.


Achewood has actually been pretty great these last couple of strips. My heart grows two sizes larger. (I have a congenital vascular defect.)

Merry Christmas!

Um...am I insane or does the illiterate cat remind anyone else of Phillip Seymour Hoffman for inexplicable reasons?

Dammit I'm trying to read those lines at Phillip Seymour Hoffman now, but fucking JOHN GOODMAN'S VOICE keeps playing in my head.

Someone needs to call these numbers.

Both give me a, "Sorry but we are unable to process your call" message.

There is in fact a Maple Street in Okmulgee, but I have no idea what S. Walker is supposed to be in Edina.

Tekende or Hedonismbot need to investigate .

What? Why should we investigate?

ese lives in NYC, he thinks that Oklahoma/Texas (I know all you midwestern AB'ers live in one or the other) is only on the other side of a beltline from Minnesota.

Yea, I mean they only take a couple of hours to fly over, so it can't be that far, right?

Actually I meant they should investigate that street in Okmulgee. Apparently it only runs for a block, and from the picture it looks like there's only one house on it. Not to mention that it's a weird place for Google to have a street view of. I'm just saying that it all seems mighty suspicious.

I don't even know where Okmulgee is.

It is actually in one of the less fucked parts of Okmulgee.

I made a vow to myself, when I left Okmulgee the last day I taught there, that I would never enter that hellhole again. I don't even want to go into Okmulgee County.

A small anecdote from Okmulgee:

The school was about one third White, one third Black, and one third Native American. The town is the capital of the Muscogee nation. About 90% are lower-middle class, or poorer.

It was the last Friday of school for the year, with classes only on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, with the last two days being finals. At lunch, a Black girl and an Indian girl got in a fight. Over the weekend tensions mounted in the town, and on Monday gangs of Indians roamed the halls at school looking for Black kids to jump, until about 15% of the student body got sent home. I had a significant number of my students miss their finals because the were involved in the racial violence. I was instructed by the principal to give them all Fs.

I heard from one of my fellow teachers that he had been standing in line at the movie theater, and he overheard some Indian parents discussing how their children were obligated to participate in the race war, in order that they uphold their racial honor.

About one in 20 of the female students was a mother by the time she reached graduation age.

Fuck Okmulgee.



My dad worked in the hospital there for a few years... The stories he told me are like nightmares. It's exactly that bad. I hate that town.

F$#@ Indian parents who live in Oklahoma.

Hey, uh, let's not over-generalize here. There are an awful lot of Indians in Oklahoma, they hold a variety of views and ideas.

Didn't mean to over-generalize.

Didn't mean to generalize at all.

I only meant to discuss the specific members of the Muscogee Nation in Okmulgee who thought a race war was obligatory.

I think he was talking to SJE, who in turn was possibly being ironic.

Oh, I see.

Kind of makes my comment irrelevant.

Continue, as you were.

Biff ignored me, so he probably didn't see my comment.
Also, I meant to say "Indian parents in Okmulgee", not Oklahoma. That was a mistake on my part.

Also, I was indeed being ironic.

Also, sorry Biff, for being a douche before.

Ha! Typical Okie.

Oh, I had a horse, a mule and a sow
They all up'd and wemt to Okmulgee
I'd go fetch 'em, but I don't know how
geographical lack of direction has left me lonely

You can go to school there to learn watchmaking.


The talking penis head with glasses and AIDS jokes is against the family. God-fearing, righteous, upstanding Christians everywhere are in shock; more at 11.

Richard Dawkins?

The more I look at my avatar, the more it looks like Michel Foucault.

Oh boy-o. I'm taking a Modern to Postmodern philosophy course starting next month. Foucault is the author of like half the required texts, and I feel it will be difficult to take any of it seriously now. Thanks, ælbow.


Also, Foucault would totally try to build a spaceship made out of dicks.

In tonight's episode: Several shocking truths about the ATHF writers' views on Structuralism are REVEALED . Stay tuned.

I would think a spaceship made of dicks would be more Dada.

So, what, are you saying I don't know dick?

My spaceship is a dick.. no er...

Foucault's feelings on this asset are



OK, really, what the fuck is this?

Not this specific instance, but this guy with the sign in general.

It has been used repeatedly on Assetbar, and usually to humorous effect.

I don't have any problem with it. I just have no context.

This is a movie star dude, a guy I have seen before. I can't think of his name. (John Cusak?)

But anyway, this is some guy from a movie that most of you have seen, and therefore it is more meaningful to you than just some random guy with a sign.

Could someone let me know who it is, and what the significance is of him standing there in from on his car holding something?

Thanks so very much.


Standing there in front of his car.

Oh, and I forgot to say please.

Could someone let me know please ?


He's holding a boombox, which is playing a romantic song for a girl at her second story window. It's reference heavily on TV, actually. I think it is Say Anything, but I'm not sure. Looking at the Say Anything wikipedia discussion page, there is mention of references to this movie made by both xkcd and achewood. I will investigate.


what. a. good. movie.

this and sixteen candles.

i'd go watch movies with Beef if i wasn't afraid of his huge code knowledge squashin' me.

Yes, it is a scene from Say Anything where John Cusack goes to a girl's house after she has dumped him because of a variety of issues (she will be leaving to go to college in England at the end of the summer, her father disapproves and is being investigated by the IRS, etc.) he goes to her house at plays the Phil Collins song "In the Air Tonight" on a boombox held above his head.

It is an iconic scene that has been heavily referenced in a variety of places and is well-known among those of us who have strong feelings for the 1980s as it was a time of our childhood or teenage years.

I wasn't even aware it was a Thing on Assetbar until TGH responded to my mentioning it with an image much like this one. I presume it is more common on Assetbar because of the Roast Beef/Molly referencing of the scene in the strip.

Thank you.

Biff, am I still on ignore? I answered the question before he did. And I'm sorry dude.
Someone tell him I'm sorry, please.

Hey, Biff. Sje's sorry. He'd like for you to take him off of "ignore." He's says he's all better now. He says that a message board in which you specifically are not getting his posts is no message boards he wants to be a part of. He says he loves you as much as he ever did and he just wants one more chance, baby. Can you forgive him?

I don't need sje to love me. I need him to pay attention to what I have to say when he and I disagree. And ask for explanations when there is misunderstanding.

Not make ad hominem attacks, especially when those attacks make it clear that there is a lack of understanding.

I am not asking for anything I don't expect from myself.

Correct on everything except the song. It was "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.

FUCK!! I knew it was a Peter Gabriel song, but somehow I was confused into thinking it was "In the Air Tonight". In my defense both songs start off with "In", they were both in Genesis together, and both songs sound kind of similar and suck.

It would be really weird if it was "In the Air Tonight" because the first time Cusack heard it in the movie it was when he was f-f-fuckin'.

Neither of those songs suck.

While that is a matter of opinion they were both definitely in Genesis at the same time. You cannot dispute that.

I've read Genesis and I didn't find either of them in it.

Upon further thought, this confirms that they were in Genesis at the same time, if you include nullity in the set of all possible times.

I definitely was not trying to dispute that assertion. Just saying that I like both of those songs, and actually quite a few other songs from both of them. Genesis was pretty good, too. Back in the "day," of course.

Whoops, I didn't scroll down far enough to see this and made the same correction. Sorry, dude.

I'm pretty sure it was "In Your Eyes", not "In the Air Tonight".

I have always thought it looks like Harry Caray.

Or a young Jaba the Hutt.

I know right? Family is okay, but obligatory hang-outs are totally stupid.

Do you want me to post a bunch?

Because today I had the best cereal, and I wish to tell you all about it.

Did it stay crunchy in milk? That's what I want to know.

I often do not desire my cereal to stay crunchy in milk. The milk is there as a moistening agent only and any leftover milk will be disposed of once the cereal transaction is over. I will often tilt my spoon to drain off excess milk as well.

It depends on the cereal, but there is an ideal place where it is no longer especially crunchy, but not yet soggy. That is often the ideal. Flakes tend not to lend themselves well to this. Granola often needs extra softening.

Oh no. Dump as much milk in there as possible, eat the cereal, and then drink the eight ounces of warm, cinnamonny milk at the end by tipping the bowl.
Oh yes. Yum.

You are a fiend. The milk must be thrown away. It has served its purpose and it is now worthless trash.

Drinking the milk is the act of a degenerate.

A degenerate with good bones .

Not all milk, just the filthy slurry at the bottom of a cereal bowl.

All milk (other than soy) is delicious. The bottom of the cereal bowl is the best milk of all, as long as it is whole.

Whole milk = awful

I was raised on skim and that's the way it's gonna stay. It's hard to make the switch. I believe we all know this. I am happy that skim is what I already like.

I am annoyed that my family only buys 1% now. And I can't get whole milk at school either. The best I can find is 2%

YES. Whole milk is amazing. It's gotten to the point where I don't drink milk because my mom only buys chalk water.

Chubby for good taste in milk.

whole is good once in a while. two percent is most excellent.

death to the blue water of skim.

Yeah, I hate whole milk too. I get 1 or 2%.

Ya'll some dairy connoisseurs.

The worst possible kind of degenerate.


Then you must have had Cookie Crisp.

What the hell is the deal with that wolf on the box now? What happened to the Cookie Crook? That's what I want to know!

I hated Cookie Crisp too. "Cookies for breakfast" my ass. That shit did not taste anything like cookies.

You're like that dad in the commercial where the kids are having all sorts of fun, all skateboarding and riding bikes and playing guitar while simultaneously eating Cookie Crisp as a hip modern rock song plays in the background, and you come along looking hella lame and doing something boring like mowing the lawn, and you ask them why they like Cookie Crisp when it doesn't taste like cookies, and they just roll their eyes at you because you don't "get it". That is what I am doing right now.


Sometimes I think I talk about xkcd just to annoy you people.

That was well placed and not annoying though.

Get off my damn lawn!

Shouldn't apple jack at least taste like, well, applejack? Even as a child I often wondered why a cereal was named after an especially hard liquor.

That "cereal" did taste just awful, I agree.

My young palette never complained.

hahaha, haha, hahaha, ho, hahaha!

(i am pretending you were preforming oral on a man at such a tender age)

I was going to allude to it myself but I figured someone would at some point anyway, and why ruin your fun?

If it "looks like cookies, tastes like cookies!", then what makes them not cookies? They're small and you can put them in milk? Still cookies! This is a cereal that I do not eat on principle. I expect only the most logical of cereals!

Hearts, stars, horseshoes?? NONSENSE!

Clovers AND Blue Moons?




I always went with Weetabix.

Looks like a box, tastes like a box.

Now that's a practical cereal we can all get behind.

Did someone say- "Weetabix?"

Because I think I just heard someone say "Weetabix."

::brandishes paddle::


Rice Crispies with marshmallows? They came in a purple box and the last time I had them was in like 1986.

My life sucks.

Dude yeah the Rice Krispies Treats cereal? That stuff was so tasty.

i used to love a cereal, I used to love a cereal more than I've ever loved any person.

That cereal was Oreo-Os. They tasted like Oreos, but better, and cereal. My god they were just so perfect

no human can ever compare to that cereal...

I tried that cereal once. It made me want to throw up, because I strongly felt that the taste of vomit would be preferable to Oreo-Os.

That seems a bit excessive.

Cereal is for losers.

(This post covertly brought to you by the Toast marketing board.)



They no longer make that? I totally wanted to try it.

I also lament that I missed the Power Puff Girls cereal. I'm told* it had what were basically pop rocks in it. How could I not have tasted that? It sounds amazing.

* by Brunching Shuttlecocks

that cereal was very, very good. i'm bummed it's gone.

my favorite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch, followed by Raisin Bran Crunch and Cinnamon Life.

yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmman do i want cereal now.
(special mention: the shaped-like-the-fruit version of Trix. i love those little guys so much. also Reese's Puffs.)

Sorry. The best cereal ever was formulated in the early 1980s as the product of genetic splicing, as somehow human DNA was spliced with baked goods to form a unholy doo-wop group of edible comestication.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: Powdered Donutz Cereal

I remember that cereal, and I donut think it was good.

If you want an unholy alliance of flavor, you need not look any further than:

OJs - The cereal that tastes like orange juice (in your milk??? )

I don't know if OJs failed because of the horrible flavor, or because boxes of the cereal were later found in the grocery store next to torn-open boxes of Nicole Brown-Sugar Adulter-ohs.

Sorry, I was busy moving across town. Just finally got my Internet access back up and cleared out some of the boxes.

hey cats and kittens, merry jesusmas or whatever winter based holiday you prefer. i hope you get an ipod.

meowy catsmus!

hey it says you're in memphis that's where i am right now maybe we should party

You shoud.

Yeah you definitely shuld.

I think when they say "party" they are imagining two ladies wearing very scant or little covering and making the sexies with one another. I am not certain if this is what was intended, but that is the impression that the talking penis has given me.

Pics please.
Video would be better, though.

i would be down. just find me on social networking sites on the intarwebs.


I just got back from dinner with my parents and grandmother. We went out to dinner for the first time ever on a Christmas Eve, since it was a small group; I had ahi tuna, a Ketel One martini, though I normally do gin, not exactly Diamond Juice, and a reasonable Pinot Noir (glass, not bottle). creem brulle to finsh up lol. Thanks for the dinner, Nana.

Now I'm drinking a Guinness (14.9 ounce can with the widget, poured into a stolen-from-a-bar Guinness toucan glass). Maybe graduate to either some Bushmills 10 or Redbreast later. Probably the good stuff.

Listened to Christmastime is Here, both vocal and instrumental on my iPod (I got one two years ago from my generous brother for xmas, soupkaty, but just a nano), but now it's onto Smog. Not very traditional, but hey, I'm just drinking at the dam. Could put on the Phil Spector holiday album...but no. Got my only holiday decoration, the store-bought Peanuts xmas tree replica up; a friend bought if for me last week, it's all I really need.

Might do a Williams Street christmas: SGC2C, Aqua Teen, Squidbillies xmas eps on DVD, then tune into TCM at 11:15 to watch Remember the Night. Why? Because Barbara Stanwyck is a Woman.

I hope everyone is drinking and content, drinking and contemplative, or drinking and sad. I am not drunk yet, but hopefully will be around 1:00 am.

What are you doing this holiday evening?

In the bahamas with my family, where it is 81 degrees and the drinking age is 18. Had about 5 mixed drinks with my mom, including one white russian just so I could throw Big Lebowski refenrences back and forth with the bartender.

Then went to an extremely nice dinner (which my dad thankfully picked up the tab for). Ordered a diving scallop in a truffle-infused butternut squash soup, a bleu cheese encrusted beef tenderloin au jus with white carrot puree and fresh broccoli, and a pineapple tart with vanilla gelato.

They also brought a complimentary pineapple sorbet and a conch ceviche (or however you spell the thing where the citrus juices cook the shellfish).

Between the wine and the liquor I am rather thoroughly drunk and am now chatting on facebook with college friends.

I'm listening to Andrew Bird's The Mysterious Production of Eggs and Radiohead's Hail to the Thief .

How about you, next person to answer fineoakstructure's query?

Enjoyed a holiday repast with my sister-in-law's family. Traditional Ukrainian meatless/dairyless Christmas Even dinner fare, with potato/sauerkraut pirogies and potato and rice golumpkis (Polish spelling on this as I am not Ukrainian), sauteed mushrooms and onions, and with a raft of vodka to wash all down. Vodka, and several 500 mL Austrian lagers in flip-top bottles that the local beer distributor is trying to get rid of at $20 a case.

Currently wearing my loudest holiday sweater and listening to Joao Gilberto's "A Felicidade" as I type this. Weather in Philadelphia has turned damned well balmy for such a day, for such a night on a Christmas, and to all my fellow Assetbarrians, I pass along my fondest wishes for a good holiday.


Got stressed the fuck out by my family going to church, then getting chinese food, then driving around to look at fucking Christmas lights.


I've been hundreds of miles from all my friends for years.

I'll never see my "Polly" again.

My future plans are to join the Army, at what I consider to be the worst possible time to do so.

I'm pretty much broke.

Oh, and this:



That is fucking terrible. Given your reasoning, it seems like you are basically committing suicide by proxy. I urge you to reconsider. Do something like that thing where you go to some country and teach English for a year.

Also, is that music yours? I notice one of the songs says the photo is taken in New Brunswick. I've been asking for the longest time if there's anyone here in the NYC area, just saying.

I volunteered for the Marines in 2001. A temporary medical disqualification and a smashed ankle nixed that, and delayed a second attempt for a little over a year. While conditioning myself for a second trip to the recruiter, I injured left hip, which has caused me almost constant grief for the past several years. It's better, now. Not %100, but good enough to try again, and someone has to help hold the line.

The music is a close friend's. We're collaborating on the visual side. We're both from Jersey, but I'm now in South Carolina.

If you're in the NYC area, you should hit the Court Tavern sometime. Youtube has all kinds of videos taken there, and they have a myspace page that lists all their upcoming shows.

I chubbied your comment for pluck, heart, and spirit. But please re-consider: the US military has a noble tradition, but it is now under the control of the single most corrupt organization on the planet: the United States Federal Government. The reason they, (I don't say "we", because we are not in control, "they" are), invaded Iraq was to kill Saddam Hussein for defying our orders. We have killed the leaders of many other nations for the same sin. Please read the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man before you make a commitment like that. Then try to integrate that the things that John Perkins tells you in that book are only a small and extremely horrid piece of a much larger and grandly more ghastly truth; a truth the whole of which we will never know. Please.

If you are too broke to afford to buy a copy, and you can't find it in the library, write me your address at public at randolphmlee ddoott C O M and I'll mail you mine.

Let me put this as politely as possible:

A- Spare me.

B- Be so kind as to keep politics off of assetbar.

please send your physical address and work schedule to rocket shobbs AT hotmail DOT com

I will find you.

Well, ain't I the asshole then.

Well, yes, yes you are considering some innocent could wander by looking for affirmation to write "I loves me the little cat ROAST BEEF, 'specially when he was little ", then read your f-f-frikken REALITY CHECK! and lose their ever-lovin' innocent mind forevermore, ending up institutionalized drooling, going "a-jibblie-jibblie-jibblie" and mumbling "But, I really do love the little cat Roast Beef".

Very irresponsible, Randylee.

Let them eat porn.

Wow, um, I don't want to start a whole thing here, and I'm not saying the US government isn't pretty messed up, but, dude, there are governments far, far more corrupt than the US's out there.

I'm not trying to start a whole thing here either, but if I may just be permitted to quickly respond to your very understandable statement.

That's what I used to think too. Read the book. Just because the US government is not torturing its own citizens does not mean that its vast power is not being used to totally fuck over millions and millions of people in other countries. This sort of fuck over is not something that is paraded on the evening news. In fact we hardly ever hear about any of it in mainstream media.

Take that, add the round and regular ripping off the citizens of the 50 states, and then add all the stuff that is truly secret, the stuff that we know nothing about and are never allowed to know anything about, (do you really think that category is empty), and it adds up to a very high corruption score. Read the book. It's no joke.

Just saying...

dude, there are governments far, far more corrupt than the US's out there.

whew, that's a relief!

I'm not familiar with American political criticism. Is this guy being lamed because this stuff is actually very well-known to everyone, or percieved as such by a naive few? Or is this just an off-limits conversation subject, like abortions at a wedding reception meal?

I would think he's being lamed either because 1) some people, like myself, don't want political discussions taking over assetbar and 2) he's taking the information presented in one book and assuming it to be gospel truth.

But I'm not the one who lamed him, so I don't know.

It was largely the first. The second is something I have come to expect.

Abortions should always be discusses, and practised.

Practice makes perfect.

Just three weeks, and you too could be on the way to that perfect abortion.

Once again, my eugenics-themed humor falls on deaf ears.

We should have discusses about abortions.

It's not needed if the ladies take their damn cunt pill's

There's one lame as of this writing. Chill.

Tomorrow I will go to my grandparents' house for presents and meals and such. This evening I went to my aunt and uncle's house, ate food, and played Rock Band 2 with my cousins. When I got home I watched A Christmas Story and drank beer and delighted in discovering there was a new and wonderful Achewood strip up.

On Christmas Eve we had my father-in-law's funeral. Then we got some pictures and stuff out of his house so they don't get stolen when the house is burglarized, and drove 6hrs back home. I set up the Polar Express train set that Santa brought for my son. So here I am now, knowing that life goes on and this strip is really not all that depressing.

geez, i don't know how to feel about that last comment, except a combination of god bless and can i buy you a beer.
anyway, i rode in a car for 3hrs with my family today and have 6 to look forward to tomorrow. we just got to the hotel not to long ago after spending a pleasant evening with my sister and brother in law, who live in a cozy if somewhat tiny and old apartment that's a little on the drafty side. it's walls are covered in posters from original tim burton's nightmare before christmas theatrical posters to pink floyd to an drum head signed by the members of system of a down. we opened presents (not to brag, but i got my sister the acme novelty library by chris ware, who i totally heard about thanks to this comic - she got me a 60 gig ext. hd which was already half full with music from her!), and ate a fantastic meal of ham and potatoes and stuffing and greenbean casserole. my sister was concerned because she had never cooked a meal like that for so many people before, but it turned out great and i could tell she was very proud of it.
after dinner, we toured the rotary club light show- imagine a park full of christmas lights and trees and animated christmas light displays put on by local area businesses club and organizations, which you drive through bumper to bumper at about 0-3 mph while me my dad and brother in law chain smoked and listened to bob dylan's like a rolling stone on the radio. the event is organized by the salvation army, and at the end of it we handed a grocery bag full of canned goods out over a not quite broken but just about to die driver side window that rolls up very slowly and doesn't roll down all the way (the way the salvation army folk looked at my brother in law "merry chri- stupid motherfucker!" as he hammered the window down with his bag of canned goods - priceless).
after that we sat around and my dad brother in law and i smoked a few more cigarettes while we talked about friends, insurance companies, psychology, and whatever else drifted in to the conversation. my sister told a particularly heart rending story about her work (at an outpatient clinic for extremely autistic children) about a girl whose brain tumors cause her to have seizures, and this girl can feel these seizures coming on and she's like 8 years old and she'll beg my sister to make it stop but most of the time there isn't much they can do and they just have to wait it out. and that nearly made me tear up, but then after the girl comes out of her seizures she's always just pissed off and screams about how it isn't fair and broke a lamp one time, and that made me put my fist up in the air and say yeah, and then at the end of the story my sister calms the girl down by getting her a cookie and putting in her spongebob dvd, which made me laugh and know the world is okay, sort of.
and then we got back to the hotel and i saw this news item on my e-mail inbox home page:


so, merry christmas everybody! next?

I'm not next, really, but yeah, meet me at The Colony in Tulsa Saturday night and I'll buy you one after you buy me one. It's never too hard to find someone who has it tougher than you, and it's not a bad exercise, I think.

Okay I'm next!

I was laying on the couch playing Chrono Trigger on my DS, waiting for everyone to wake up and open presents. My dog wasn't very good conversation but at least he was there.

My Mother and Father and Sister all came out, we opened gifts (i didn't get anything i didn't want) and had a good morning. Lyssa made a rockin' breakfast casserole and we ate that. We also drank. I was drinking booze for about twelve hours yesterday, that was fun.

Um... After gifts we pretty much sat around the house all day. I played on Assetbar and Facebook, read a bit, and shovelled snow in my swim trunks. We went to friend's for dinner.

So I'm really drunk, dinner is awesome, I can't stop hitting on a past babysitter of mine. I couldn't stop. I tried to stop, but I could not. It was okay I suppose, I didn't get yelled at for it.

Also Wii played Rockband, and I was very drunk.

Now I am at work, it is going to be a very slow day.

Next! Is there anyone left?

I went down the state to visit with a group of friends who constitute my family these days. It was a very nice time, particularly after the excessive drama and tribulations of my past few weeks. And, I got a new Achewood t-shirt! The awesome Achewood bierdeckel shirt! I have wonderful friends who indulge my Achewood passion, no matter how mystifying they find it.

Now I'm planning for Naked New Year!

Next, I guess.

I worked for the last 5 days, enoguh that i forgot that it was Christmas 2 day ago. From what i remember i woke up at 7, got back to work, came back to my home, slept.

I left behind 3-4 feet of snow and 10-20 degree (minus 20 wind chill), flying with only a slight (1.5 hour) delay to Raleigh/Durham, and 60-70 degree temps. Two hour drive to my brother, his wife my new "Little Nephew", Mother and Step-dad.
Thoughtful brother had stocked Sailor Jerry rum and Coke Zero, which I concentrated on depleting (success!) Home-cooked dinner of deep-fried turkey, two styles of sweet-potato pie, french cut green beans almondine, fresh giblet stuffing and garlic mashed potatoes.
Finished the night off with some rounds of 'Phase 10' card game with entire family, then broke in 'Boom Blox' on the Wii with brother and our wives after the parents had gone to sleep.
Trying to catch up on Assetbar before we head back to the frozen tundra in a couple days. I will miss seeing grass for another couple months.
Happy New Year's Eve's Eve's Eve, Assebar!

Should auld aquaintence be forgot?
I say, nay.

My feelings on your assets are pro.

aw you guys and your traditional christmases. it sounds really nice, heartwarming even. this makes me want to be part of your family hamscout.

i think i was traumatized when my first boyfriend invited himself over to my house for thanksgiving dinner. we spent a shitload of money buying this and that with my mom screeching the whole time "why did you agree to this, huh? and why do we need a turkey? what if i just make him some dumplings?" and my idiot dad chiming in "what if we just make one huge dumpling in the shape of a turkey? or make lots of small dumplings and shape them into a turkey?"

then at dinner the bf asked us to say grace.
me: uh.. amen?
bf: no you have to say something before amen.
dad: *elbows me* jesus. heheh heh.. say "jesus, amen" *more chuckles*

Your dad isn't an idiot. He is a genius.

Also, your then-boyfriend sounds like a freak. Who walks into his Asian girlfriend's parents' house and asks that grace be said? Who the fuck walks into any house and does that?

people who live in the south/bible belt, that's who.

i think he knew i wasn't christian, but thought he was going to teach me to be, or something. he was also of the opinion that we should only kiss and hold hands, which was cute. i think at one point my stupid little hormones actually had me offer him my virginity, to which he said "i would love nothing more, but we are not married and i know you would regret it in the future when you meet a better guy". thank you for having more foresight than me, stupid ex-bf, thank you.

Your dad is awesome.

Your exboyfriend is a fucking loser.

that's the thing, he wasn't. he was kind of a jock, and often liked to assert his alpha maleness through various forms of violence, humorous insults, and not so humorous insults. he vented his rage by playing rugby and counter-strike but would lash out at me sometimes.. like throwing things at me and then apologizing. i believe he has struck his mother.

the south is seriously fucked up. i don't know how soupkaty handles it (she is from the same place).

Come on. The south isn't really any more messed up than the north. We just have a different kind of douchebag.

Like I said, he is a fucking loser.

Those are "qualities" only a mongrel would consider qualities.

very true.

i like the term mongrel. it kinda reminds me of all those trojan commercials with pigs and such. i wonder if that ad campaign is successful at all? it's quite classy, but feels like it's more geared towards chicks. which is weird .

Women buy condoms.

I very much like it when I'm going to grab my rubber, but she already has one. That makes me feel safe... like this chick is prepared.

I like the term mongrel, it reminds me of a low level monster I'd fight in a video game.

Condoms AND lube. That is a chick who is prepared.

This post based on personal experience. I'm tekende, and I approve this post.

A woman who is prepared makes her own lube, in her vagina.

Is it social conditioning that makes that sound like such an ugly word, or is it really an ugly word?

What, woman?

I think you're just sexist is all.

Depends on what you're doing and how you prefer to do it, but most ladies they make their own lube. If they do not, well, that is not good.

That silicone lube is amazing though. Some spilled on the dresser a while back and that thing's still hella slippery. Can't get rid of it. Long-lasting and it doesn't get all tacky and nasty like water-based. Plus it's good for use in the shower or maybe the hot tub without running off.

Blood on the other hand, is not good lube.

Actually, you'd be quite surprised...

Blood starts to clot and then it's not so slippery.

Depends on whose blood it is. While goat blood seems so romantic and traditional it doesn't work as well as donkey blood. Goose fat, however, is still excellent. Classic French wisdom wins again!

I'm sorry to say that I cannot for the life of me come up with a coherent "missionary" joke at this time. What a shame....

Your dad sounds funny.

A few Christmasses ago, my cousin (he's like 45, or something) was giving grace, and our family holds hands. My brother decided to tickle my hand while he talking about his sister who had recently died of cancer. Yeah ... I got blamed for ruining Thanksgiving due to my autonomic nervous system.

My turn!

I got engaged on Christmas Eve. A lot of you know that already! Then I had Christmas day, where I showed off the big shiny thing on my finger and then played Animal Crossing on the Wii until I thought I was going to throw up from awesomeness. Then the next day, I bought a laptop! I AM TELLING YOU THIS FROM MY COUCH WITH A RING ON YOU GUYS.

(will your fiance get mad if I hug you now?)
I did know though, when I saw the photo of your ring on my newsfeed for Facebook, but I was too shy to say congrats.
But congrats!
(Can I come to the wedding? I can be the ringbearer!)

Nothing is more hilarious than Wolfensti's apparent reply to the news of the Goodwill Girl's engagement.


My fiance is a fan of hugs, so he will have no problem with those! And I plan to have sixty or seventy ring bearers, so that's a-ok with me!

thegoodwillgirl has a lot of fingers .. ..

Yay for you, and may you, um wed on an auspicious day in the, uh..Chinese month of...Auspiciousness.


Also belated yays to Pogo, as I hadn't noticed him mentioning his GF as affianced before.

Thanks, Scorp, I've only mentioned the engagement a couple of times. We're zeroing in on May for the hitchup.

Congrats! :)

Do it on my birthday! That way I won't feel too terrible about not being invited.

Also you live in England while I like about three towns away from her. Although I doubt very much I'm being invited either. XD

just show up, it will probably be in the paper.

whoa congrats! that is seriously a special occasion. i am glad that lots of people on assetbar have spouses or close significant others because you are all good people who deserve to be happy. i am glad you are so happy thegoodwillgirl and i am glad that you had a wonderful and memorable christmas.

(sorry i can never do the whole girl gushing thing but just imagine me saying all of this in a super high voice and shaking my hands like a small bird trying to fly)

I always do.

Women are a clear space that screams.

You need to warn people when you send shit like that, wozzeck.


Why? Isn't that normal?

I'm bad at it too, but I appreciate the sentiment! And you!

I don't think I've walked into your good will store since I was like 10. you haven't been working there for nine years, have you?
(You do work there, right?)

I have not been working there for nine years. I have been working there for eight and a half. And now I feel old and terrible.

Are . .. you serious?
You're not old at all!
You're in the prime of your life, crazy!

Dae, most sweet, one requires neither spouse nor close significant other to be happy. Maybe companion animals are a bedrock necessity for happiness, but that might be just me.

When I read Agoodwillgirl comment i totally heard T-Rex from dinosaur comic. It felt warm and fuzzy

Sorry i_love_kate, i tottally blew it out.


Chrono Trigger On Ds is out?!?


There is still time, there are more copies.

Spaghetti and meatballs.

Bread Harrity?


I'm sitting in my apartment. Just cracked my third 24 ouncer of High Life. My girlfriend and I just got caught up on the last few episodes of Top Chef on the DVR. She whipped up a nice sweet potato curry with rice which is digesting quite well. Now she's in the bedroom playing Animal Crossing. I'm smoking at the computer which is a treat reserved only for when it's below freezing outside, which it certainly is. I'm listening to a playlist that we threw together for a party we had last weekend. Right now it's on some J Dilla joint.

I shouldn't have said joint. That's what I really want for Christmas and we ran out. Besides that, everything is nice.

Now here comes "Some Mother's Son." That was jarring.

I forgot that I was supposed to type "next."


I'm sitting in my apartment. I just woke up from a three hour nap after having spent a third consecutive day trying to finish a paper that is already two weeks overdue, and not even bringing myself to open the file. If I don't do this and other things soon, I might not finish my degree. I also really need to shave.

I'm not trying to make this depressing (though obviously it is). I did make chicken with garlic & creamy mushroom sauce and baked herbed potatoes, which turned out okay, but I have that fairly often since it's one of about five things I know how to make. I also have two cats at the moment, which makes me somewhat more at peace. My friend who went home for the holidays asked me to take care of his fat cat. Castro reminds me of the cheezburger cat, looks like an armadillo if you see him from the back, and is a lot friendlier than my scrawny little kitten, who keeps jumping at him and then running away. Right now though they are both sleeping on the couch and the size disparity makes it cute.

Shit, talking about my cats makes this even more pathetic, doesn't it? Um... well, my mom is going to a dinner gathering of middle-aged Russian people tomorrow and wants me to go, but the only other kids there will be the host's successful computer programmer son and slutty 17-year old daughter who had an abortion last year. Maybe I should go after all.

Christmastime Slut Bonin' 6: Gulag Edition

Gulag Edition is the new Electric Boogaloo.

Oh man, reading wozzeck's talk about joining the army and then hearing that Some Mother's Son come on. Tragic mix.

I have no idea what that was doing on my "party mix." I'm glad it didn't come up that night.

here is a tragic mix:
I don't even bother to have a 'party mix'. I have a forlorn mix, an anxious mix, and a Carpenters mix.

I've seen her LastFM profile and this is almost certainly true.

autrepoupee can we all see your LastFM? I am obsessed with that website to the point where i won't listen to certain bands anymore.


but i think ya'll gonna be like... d-a-m-n?



"Your musical compatibility with lollinoutloud is Super"

Your musical compatibility with lollinoutloud is Very Low

Music you have in common includes David Bowie, Genesis, Nine Inch Nails, The Cars and The Smashing Pumpkins.

David Bowie is what the world has in common.

I hear he's huge in Mogadishu.

The Carpenters make me pretty anxious.

i have a forlorn mix, an anxious mix, a fuck shit up mix, a sexy mix, a horny mix, and a megalomania mix.

they each consist of Rammstein's Mutter , repeated over three times.

with some Bella Morte thrown into my forlorn mix and some She Wants Revenge thrown into the anxious/sexy/horny mix. fuck yea.

FuckMeRunning mix, mostly Electric Six with some Cobra Starship and Metrostation sprinkled overtop.

Love my Pandora Stations: Placebo, Royksopp, Golfrapp, Minus the Bear, Built to Spill, Iced Earth, Cold War Kids, CobraStarshipp... LOVE IT

How fucking old are you, 12?

No one out of high school should like Cobra Starship or Metro Station.

Re-read that last line of yours, and think about who I might be sharing this mixed tape with.

Let me reprhase this TGH.

"Who do you think are my target audience?"

Why are you sharing mix tapes with 12 year olds with intent to sex them.

The last line, not the first line.

Also because they are sexy.

Oh ok. I get it now.

i worked at walmart for 8 hours

Why do hillbillies think they can only buy shit for their greasy, macaroni-and-cheese covered children ON Christmas Eve?

Why does some dude think its toadally ghoul to ask for some girl's number all slimy on Christmas Eve, right in the middle of the crowded lane? its like brah, listen, nah

hey guys iffin you were thinking of doing it, don't ever work at a big box retail store

When I lived in Ohio, I actually heard an old woman refer to working at Walmart as a "good opportunity".

I like it when God throws me those little one-liners.

it is the most depressing thing. Merry Christmas, my fellow employees! Be you retarded, widows, or unwed teenage mothers!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a night without skin diseases!

There are no doubt many employees who consider eczema to be the defining force in their lives.

I worked at Walmart a few years ago for a year. I liked it. But I was in Lawn and Garden where there is virtually no management supervision.

god i used to only go to walmart at specific times on specific days because there were these two guys who worked there who would follow me around and hit on me even if i was with my PARENTS. i can't imagine having to work there and deal with those sleazebags.

autre, can't you just be a waitress? it's easy and you're old enough. you make lots of money just by smiling and making small talk with people. i mean there's more to it if you work in fine dining, but if you aren't clumsy and your memory and multitasking skills don't totally suck, you should be able to work at a mid-range place and make $100 a night for a 5 hour shift. and that's without wages. just a thought.

Even easier: bartending.

don't you have to go to "bartending school"? That seems like a waste of money, for a job that might just end up being too ...drunk for me to enjoy.

Waitressing seems like it could be alright, but I couldn't really find any places hiring. I'd love a solo style job, or at least one where I don't work with the public--because so far it has been sleazy, depressing, or forced. They don't make jobs like that for entry-levelers, though. Data entry, maybe? I type at least 90 wpm. Eh, I suppose I should've started school earlier.

Merry Christmas, Assetbar! I'm a total hypocrite right now, and I apologize for being all bloggy.

It's okay, it's Christmas.

Bartending school is a scam. Buy a fat book of mixed drink recipes and learn on the job. Most places you'll only end up ever making maybe half a dozen different nonsensical concoctions regularly anyway, often some simplified cheap-assed version of the original drink to save the house money.

That would be good advice, except you usually need a license.

Not in any place I've ever worked at or frequented.

Not if you have a gun in your pocket.

My stepson's H.S. buddy got him a job as a stocker 10 years ago, after he dropped out of college. He was, and is a gifted programmer. Had an online rep, actually, for RPG characters.
The hardest thing for him was to commit in his mind to Walmart's 'philosophy'. One part of that is to promote smart, hard workers from within. His friend (a smart kid) crapped out and turned into the white trash model you see on wikipedia.
My stepson stayed with them and vice versa, as he moved up their food-chain. He worked his ass off. You have to commit to that.
Once you're management, it's like the difference between the nobility and peasant class.
He was a hard-ass to work for, but fair, and some of his subordinates were old enough to....well, be his parents.
My daughters went to his store once, and kind of snickered to each other recalling how his bullying ways had turned into an asset.
I never taught him or my son woodworking because I didn't want to ever have to face my wife if they cut themselves up on a table saw. And with her spazz genes, it would have been inevitable.
He's very successful doing something I never could have done.
He's bringing his family over later today for the big feed.
The bottom line, autrepoupee and wozzeck, is that Walmart rewards hard work combined with smarts.

Which would be why we never see those people meandering about the store awkwardly offering assistance in wispy tones.

i was supposed to go over to my best friend's house but my mom is making me look for jobs online and write cover letters for them. so that's what i've been doing. asian people don't really understand holidays in the same way they don't understand vegetarians.

that's ok, my birthday five days ago was good. i was supposed to do the lsd i snuck on the airplane by way of slipping it under the aluminum wrapper of a dove chocolate, in a package of like 20 dove chocolates. pretty clever huh? except i ended up getting so into god of war 2 that i decided i'd rather spend my birthday beating it instead. and i did. and it was awesome. and i had some wine. so much more awesome than my last birthday, when my best friend and i did way too many shrooms at my house and my mom came home to me crawling on the floor in my room with my friend trying to keep her from seeing me, only to faint herself because it was too much to deal with, and then me telling my mom that if i die, i'm sorry for having been a bad daughter, and to please forgive me (i was 100% positive that i was going to die). i still think about it sometimes. it makes me pretty grateful to be around to do much of anything.

though i'm sure i'll have some crazy drug stories to share with you guys before the break is over, never you worry. now i'm going to take a break from looking at job descriptions that contain words like "fast-paced", "competitive", "strong quantitative skills", and "team player" and play with my guinea pig for a bit. and for your curious minds, i am currently wearing baggy pants and a shirt that makes a man want to buy me another shirt.

I'll buy you another shirt ;).

oh my god what the hell dude did you just wink at a lady on the internet and say innuendos at her what the hell is wrong with you.

Well played. You looked pretty self-deprecating, riddled with insecurities, and bordering on pathetic. Word is that la_x is down.

Pshhh... amateur .

actually, tgh isn't really any of those. he's more in the zapatos camp if you ask me, which is a compliment, tgh, it means you are socially competent and get fresh with the fine women.

I would agree to the point where I am zapatos but not as oversexed.

Zapatos is not oversexed. He seems to me just-about-right-sexed as far as desire is concerned. Sex is a great thing; everyone should have lots and lots of it.

They aren't always so fine, but they're there.

I should probably try to get some community service hours out of all the 'charity' I put out.

Also I bought you a shirt Dae, its baby blue with crazy tigers and diamonds on it. Do you like Modest Mouse? It is from their store.

Real diamonds? Real tigers?

Real tigers made of diamonds .

Don't think this hasn't been lovingly airbrushed onto the side of a van.

Pix Plz.

Basically that would be an awesome van.

unless it was paid for by fluffing hogs...

If you enjoy bartering oral sex for artistic paint jobs (or any other thing), then everybody wins!

We need more awesome vans. I would kind of like to be the kind of guy who owns a customized van, but living in the city makes it sort of impractical. Also, I cannot grow a proper mustache. I feel that that is essential to custom van ownership.

An improper mustache works just fine. In a way it's better.

When I try to grow a mustache I look like a cross between a teenager and a guy you would not want to buy a car from. It barely comes in at all. Not even enough to qualify as a pencil mustache.

I lament also that my beard mainly just sticks to my chin. I totally want a full beard. Why must I fail at something where I don't even have to do anything? I'm a bit tired of looking Amish all the time, but it's better than shaving or not having any sort of beard.

I feel your pain, My goatee is growing since the wee day of last spring, yet I can't still do the Shavo Odadjian. I'm in for a few more decade i guess

The goatee kinda comes in, but it's also a different color. Much more reddish when most of my hair is more of a deep chestnut brown with auburn highlights. But my soul patch? Hell no. I am cursed with genes of some sort. Fuck you follicles!! I wanted to be friends, but you had to stick your dick in the mashed potatoes.

A tip from a fair-haired gentleman with a randomly-varied beard growth:

1) let everything grow for a couple days (get a good stubble on).
2) use beard trimmer (or sideburn trimmer from shaver) to trim down the parts that grow rapidly. (leave the slow-growth sections alone)
3) allow beard to continue to grow. This allows the slow sections to get a head start.
4) do not mock me, for this worked. (just be wary of the areas you are trimming back--no one wants an "inadvertent hitler")

No, it's not varied so much as thin. I don't really even get stubble. Or proper sideburns.

I just let it grow out to the point that it's long enough to more or less cover up how thin it is. Sadly I'm not getting the length I want. Ideally I'm thinking something more along the lines of wizard or ZZ Top and it just won't happen. *sigh*

I accidentaly grew a full beard while reading this post.

Who are you, Tycho?

Funny story about that strip, I had a similar conversation with my roomate the day before it was posted

Also Yes.

Hell yes, all Penny Arcade references up in this page.

All talking about PS2's.

All referencing Final Fantasies.

my inbox is getting flooded with all sorts of men talking about beards. this is not a conversation i have ever witnessed or imagined men might have, but it is awesome precisely for this reason. i have never wanted to join in a conversation more! *hates being excluded*

belgand, your lack of facial hair makes me believe that you are fair skinned and fair featured and have no body hair. this is most attractive. now could you dye your hair black, put on some eyeliner, and wear a black tank top and fishnet shirt please? after you do that, you and zapatos can make out a little bit. come on guys, is so hot. COME ON.

While I would like nothing more than to feed your fantasies (if you do not want to be disillusioned just stop reading now) this is not even remotely true. Brown hair with auburn highlights, slightly dark complexion, average amount of body hair.

I don't have a lack of facial hair, just crappy genes resulting in weak facial hair. I have an Amishy chinstrap because, well, that's what happens when I stop shaving. The mustache won't connect and comes in ludicrously thin like I'm still a teenager or something. Pretty much just like Gabe.

Dude I will make out with you if it gets Dae to show up at the AssetFrisco party. I promise I won't grab your butt though.

Also I am a hairy dude, with a beard. Dae does this mean I am ugly? Oh that would be tragic.

what's this about a party?

i dig beards. i think. they go well with flannel shirts.

I have a beard! My facial hair is just thick enough to grow a respectable beard, and I highly enjoy having beard. I do not wear flannel shirts, though.

I have extra flannel shirts for lumberjack-style make-outs.

belgand's a lumberjack and he's okay...


We are going to Belgand's place to party.

Planning for an assetbar party in San Francisco at my place. It would be a wonderful time indeed. Nothing doing until at least February though.

gabe looks like an overgrown awkward teenager. i hope this is not the case with you (though if it is i will still like you belgand, plus both of you have rad ladies so it doesn't even matter yo remember the strip where gabe proposes to his lady that was just sick as hell .)

i am just trying to turn the tables and objectify you assetdudes for a change. fun, isn't it?


Keep it up, tell me it is impressive that I can do one armed pushups. Please?

I have always dreamt of being objectified by a lady. I think this is the case with most dudes. Usually the fear is that a lady would never even dream of objectifying me. Except as an object of scorn and disgust.

Yeah, it is pretty much terrible when you try so hard to look nice and then you don't even hear anything about it. You just go home alone and never get any new text messages.

No, you don't ever try to look nice because it's not like anyone would ever care anyway. Why go to that much wasted effort? Nobody would think I'm attractive no matter what I do.

That shouldn't stop you from brushing your teeth, though.

When I was a bartender/doorman my female coworkers engaged in a pretty constant game of grab-ass, with me as the target. This is a strange experience for an asocial male who's used to unintentionally intimidating, not attracting total strangers.

Although, it was probably pretty goddamn hilarious to watch me pretend I wasn't being constantly molested by over-sexed bar wenches. Ignoring them does not make them go away

That constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace. You should sue.

He did Sue. And Maryanne and Chelsea.


I frequently refer to gaggles of loud, boorish people being such as "those Municipal Grab-ass Semi-Finalists".

Perhaps my own deep shame at never advancing past the Tri-Country Grab-Ass Invitational quarter-final round is showing though.

Oh and no lady has ever been over-sexed. It is simply not possible. Maybe when your Son of Jonathon turns purple with overexertion and tries to fall off and scurry away to a place where maybe it could just lie down for a little while then it is too much, but until it is so bruised that you worry whether you'll ever, physically, be able to get it up again due to the constant advances of horny ladies you have not encountered and over-sexed woman.

I will give you my mustache free if you want to buy my van.

I only pretend to be so outgoing, I'm actually terrified the whole time.

You can have one of my shirts, I'm not in a buying kind of mood tonight.

Consider me a fan of the baggy pants.

If you see any jobs for quiet workers who like to work alone, with a bachelors degree in Math can you pass that along to me? I'm striking all kinds of out in the job market.

uh basically all 30 or so job descriptions i've looked at so far have had the phrase "team player" in it. seriously, they are not kidding around, they really want us to be those.

have you looked into being an actuary? i thought that was what i wanted to do for a while, i even took the P1 exam (the first exam in a series of like 7) and passed it. how are you at statistics? like 50% of the exam is just conditional probability questions. but yea idk, having to keep studying for and taking tests my entire life is basically my definition of not a good time. but it's ideal for dudes who are good at math and want to work more or less alone. i am pretty sure people like you and me would keep from becoming About Schmidt cases.

I'm strong on math and probability but weak on finance/business side of being an actuary. Maybe I'll look into what kind of thing the tests do.

I'd rather be Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest really. I dunno if they still have places like that though.

Speaking From Personal Experience

A bachelor's degree in math is fairly worthless. It will get you a job teaching high school. It might get you a job in the software industry, but you totally have to be a "team player" in the software industry.

To get a job actually doing math, such as an actuary, you need a master's at least, and lots of statistics.

What is your minor? My minor is computer science, which helped me get a job in software. But the only interacting with computers for ten hours a day, plus still being a team player part, plus the 60-80 hour work weeks, burned me out after a couple of years. The money was good, but still not worth it in the long run.

What is your minor? Maybe that is where to look for your career. But you are totally going to need to go back to school if you want almost any job that uses math.

Yeah, I figured that out a few months ago... hopefully heading back for a Masters in the fall. I guess I can live off my parents another year or two.

My minor is basically in geophysics, though I think it's labeled "earth sciences". It interests me but I'm not sure it's the career I'm looking for.

My dad used to publish Geophysics until he retired.

Geophysics was my first major.

I think I had seven or eight before I settled on math.

There are some pretty lonely factory jobs out there. You can use your math degree to wipe the sweat from your brow.

haha. usually i wouldn't make a post just to say haha, but it's been a whole day and we still haven't broken 300. so haha. ha.

i decided i'd rather spend my birthday beating it instead.
Does this mean that you Happened to yourself?

I am wild with envy that you have access to such wonderful substances. Lately I have been experiencing nearly overwhelming nostalgia for my hallucinogenic days.

A friend of mine had the day off work because Google is actually not a dick to their employees so I went over to pick him up and we got way too much Chinese food for lunch. We drove over to the butcher shop I like and got a ham even though they gave me a butt end when I requested a shank end and they only had lame "water added" ham and not one in natural juices. Still, it was an honest ham cut by men in the shop without any glaze packet or spiral slicing or such. It was smoky and delicious. The bone is now sitting in my freezer. I also braved one of the smallest, most cramped Safeways I've ever been in in my life to get some supplies I needed for dinner. We went back to my place and played Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on the PS3 and Smash Bros. Melee late into the night. We tried going out for dinner, but the Japanese place we like was closed and so was the burger place we like so we ended up going to another Japanese place nearby that is pricier and nicer, but not better.

The next day I woke up fairly early and lamented that I had forgotten to make cinnamon rolls the night before because they would have been ideal, but now I wouldn't have enough time to let them rise and such. We walked over to the Asian supermarket that we assumed would be open (and was). We were unable to find packaged cinnamon rolls, but did find that they now offered char siu bao and some other dim sum options. The pork buns were inferior, but the beef shu mai (pork wasn't ready yet, sadly) were pretty good. We had also needed eggs or something.

I made the glaze from Good Eats for the ham (cover with brown mustard, lightly pack with brown sugar, lightly pack with crushed ginger snaps) and it was excellent. The same friend from the day earlier came by as he was the only other person we knew in town that was not currently traveling to Central America for vacation because they're Israeli and Christmas doesn't matter.

The day after we started packing heavily to move over the weekend. It took the entire weekend.

I have no plans for New Years. Everyone else I know in town except my girlfriend is now gone away and we don't drink so we can't even just head out to bars. It feels very empty and sad.

I had cinnamon rolls that my dad made on Christmas morning! They were delicious, despite some early-morning drama (I had not known about the plan to make rolls, and I was making biscotti. Luckily I didn't preheat the oven before I discovered the dough rising inside of it.) Anyway, it turned out all right and we had both cinnamon rolls and biscotti :)

Throw that bone in a pot with some water, a few vegetables, baby, you got a stew goin'!

That is more or less the plan. I might use it for a nice pot of beans though.



That's why you do shots of water before you go to bed.

You wake up, piss away your troubles, and go about the rest of your day hangover free.

I, for example, will piss away my hangover, head to the beach, and get thoroughly drunk yet again.

I have just realized that Nice Pete giving people advice is an absolutely hysterical idea.

Good advice even.

Although I knew it somewhere in my brain, my drunken self could never work up the give-a-fuck to be drinking water the night before.

I have done it the last two nights out and it has saved my ass.

why is that odd drunk girl sending rip taylor xmas wishes?

Dear Santa,
I would like very much to have a Beef biography, all graphic-novel style.

Interesting that Onstad knew the historically accurate 1980s insignia of Bank of America, but [i]crucially didn't realize[i] that the 952 area code was not instituted until nearly two decades after this supposed vignette. Shame on you for breaking the spell of history! [i]Shame.[i]

Stupid douche.

Go easy, man.

yeah, its krismas!

I'm sorry. A talking genitalium told me that people will like me better if I'm a jerk to people.

That may be true, but I think total strangers should probably be exempted. There are plenty of people here who you know are actually stupid douches. Save it for them.

Okay, poopoo-head.

That'a boy. Save it for the "first" douche.

stnerap ruoy llik

nataS pihsrow

Yvan eht nioj

But, but but I'm afraid of water!

I honestly thought you were doing Ukrainian for a second, there. I guess I'm getting a little drunk.

%u0427%u0442%u043E %u0442i %u0431%u0430%u0447i%u0448%u044C?

I have no idea if that's right. I don't actually speak Ukranian despite being from there, since it wasn't the official language at the time. I can understand about half of it though.

Hm, thought Cyrillic shows up with Assetbarista, oh well.

ACHILLESELBOW. Aren't you the one that posted about the crazy Soviet Santa a while back? I've been searching for that simple nugget of joy to no avail.

Yes. Here is all you need to know about Grandfather Frost .

You say just one more mean thing to him and he will jump onto the rails of the Kharkov metro.

While we're on the subject of gray-scale European Christmas "'celebratory' figures", who wants to explain their home country's thing with Santa having murderous demon friends?

In France he's the spirit of a butcher Santa caught red-handedly turning three lost boys into sausage. After Santa raised the spirits of the unfortunate lads, the butcher repented and began to follow Santa... making amends by beating naughty children with a switch.

It showed up for me.

Assetbarista fixes up the display of the Cyrillic when others view it, or when you reload the page. It doesn't do the Unicode fixup when you've just posted a message. This is a Deficiency in Assetbarista and is on my list of things to remedy.

Dude, I hope you are leveraging this coding aptitude you are displaying, and have someone paying you for your skills.

I think I have a fix figured out. %u263A

Considering the issues it has with the plus sign, Cyrillic was probably a stretch.

I'm just kidding, dude. I hope you realize this.

Man. I realized my bbcode-fail immediately afterward, but didn't expect the backlash. Why is there no edit function, anyway?

Lack of an edit function makes you a better man.

don't worry, dude. I was kidding.

Hey, I heard Sje was kidding.

This is a man who pays attention.

This is a man who pays attention.

This is a man who doesn't pay attention to how many times he's clicked "Post".

Or maybe I do and it was a conscious decision?

... or was it?


It wasn't.

It was.

It wasn't.

This shows that you did not quadruple click.

It wasn't.

Oh lord. I'm in a laundromat right now reading this. On Christmas eve. Oh lord. I've never felt so alone.

Cheer up, kid. There's plenty of life down the road yet.

At least you're doing your laundry and not in jail or passed out in some alley, homeless.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the 'Bar.

Not a poster was stirring, both near and far.

The chubbies were hung on the Photoshops, made with no care.

In hopes that doc_rostov soon would be there.

SJE and catgrl were nestled all snug in their beds.

While visions of BARY'S danced through their heads.

With me wide awake trying to fall asleep,

I hit F5 repeatedly while counting sheep.

When out on the internet it popped up with a clatter!

I sprang to Achewood.com to see what was a matter!

Away to the window I switched in a flash

In hopes that finally Firefox wouldn't crash.

When what did my wondering eyes did appear,

A Christmas strip with young Roast Beef was quick to be here!

What a dry sense of humor, so dark and bleak.

It's basically what makes Achewood so unique.

and I pictured Chris Onstad in California, drawing the last panel with delight,

saying, "Merry Christmas to All, and to all a good night!!"

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, Deusoma, nerdinexile, howl, Jar, Lumus, sje46, SomeDarkHoller, achilleselbow, Fathington, thing)

Man, you are just so awesome desert_donkey.

Just so awesome.

Ah, live and learn...I hath ignored mr._donkey.

Dammit how did you know that all I wanted for christmas was to unignore you just to lame you for being a gigantic fucking twat, desert_donkey?

Thank you thank you thank you!

Lamed for being you.

Green'd for awesome

you need 33 to be awesome on MY server!

I'm going to pretend that the two lames I got was because that shit didn't scan AT ALL.

First that horrible rendition of Nice Pete and now this. Awesome Christmas to me!

Don't worry. They weren't real people.

It's a shame you didn't get this in for glabi6orrex's poemry collection.

I had been off and on on whether or not to write it in the first place, but I just came home from a stressful night with the family, had just finished watching A Charlie Brown Christmas (number 1 on my christmas movie list) and was letting the final strains of the live-action Grinch (number 5 on my favorite christmas movie list, mainly for set design) wash over me when I said to myself, "Fuck it. Merry Christmas!"

That is what my dad said when deciding to buy Taco Bell for Christmas dinner or a singing Christmas tree.

I know what I'm putting on the Christmas Cards next year.

Live-action Grinch makes your list? That is horrible. That... that... thing is an abomination!

Mainly for the set design. The movie itself is ridiculous but the whole thing just...LOOKS like a Dr. Seuss book. It's perfect.

I like Elf too, is that ok?

Nothing even remotely to do with Will Ferrel is ok with the sole exception of Stranger Than Fiction which was kind of clever in a Charlie Kaufman-light sort of way. Also, it had great typography and credits.

No offense to the homosexuals but go suck a dick belgand with your uber-pretentious views on what comedies are good and bad.

I can like Anchorman and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind just the same.

Yeah. Anchorman had some pretty damn funny moments.

Most of his movies are similar, and are funny anyway. I just love that character.

and I like Stranger than Fiction too.

I can enjoy comedy movies, but generally can't take them seriously as artistic pieces because I'm such a film elitist. The only film that I've recently found to be at once evocative and laughout-loud funny is In Bruges. (Which I recommend to everyone with both brain cheeks.)

Hell yes. I loved In Bruges and in fact I just bought the DVD like two hours ago.

Is it not incredible.

Eh, because of you I moved it to the top of my Netflix queue. It didn't quite do it for me.

Yes, in places, it was very funny. But it was also too serious otherwise and I felt that it didn't mesh very well as a result.

I laughed many times, but it was not at all a comedy in any way that I could think so.

It is a dark comedy and has a serious plot. It is not meant to make you laugh out loud at every moment.

It is very dark. Shortarse!

I like dark comedy. But it was too serious of a plot. Too much moping. I don't give a damn about shooting the kid, but everyone else did. It was just too much whining and moping around and seriousness.

I felt that as a result it didn't work quite as well.

It's not bad, it just didn't quite blow my skirt up. Like eating a peanut butter and carrot sandwich. It's not disgusting, but it doesn't go together in the way I want.

Belgand could not empathise with a character who would feel sadness over accidentally murdering a child.

Sadness, but not being suicidal or being suicidal to save someone else or believing that strongly in this code to execute someone else and yourself because of it.

Belgand would perfer Clive Owen's turn in Shoot-Em-Up to Colin Farrell's turn in In Bruges .

FACT: Colin Farrell is apparently such a great actor that he warrants a box set of his movies, yet there is not a Samuel L. Jackson collection.

Snakes On A Plane DEMANDS a Criterion DVD.

I am looking at these DVDs. I am shaking my head. I am driving away from the video store at an angle.

These conflicting "codes" made up the entirety of the film's moral subtext. Ken was willing to die for justice, Harry was willing to die for honour, and by the end Ray simply wanted to live despite it all. That, at least, you should be able to empathise with.

Coincedentally, one of my favourite last lines in film.

True, but I wanted less moral subtext in my comedy.

I also found that, yes I understand why, but I think it was rather silly that Ken prevented Ray from committing suicide when he was just about to kill him. He should have just let it work itself out. Saved everyone the bother. In the end he just made things worse.

It was just too mixed. Give me either all moral subtext crime drama with maybe a few jokes as is the natural way of all things or give me more comedy and less heavy subtext and drama. It was like oil and water to me.

Great movie. Excellent cursing.

That was just cocaine talk.

Btw, i wonder if Wake up, Ron urgundy, is woth a rent. I've heard theres more Brick-y goodness.

Nibble my Nut'S and call me skippy, i meant Ron Burgundy!

I won't nibble your nuts, but I have not heard of Wake Up, Ron Burgundy. Here I come Google.

It's not pretentious (oh, I can go there, but I'm also a guy who owns [i]Dude, Where's My Car?[i] on DVD because it was $2 and actually kinda funny in places), it's just that he sucks.

He is the Joe Piscopo of the modern era.

Dude, where's your car? I don't know man it was right here. (outside a bowling alley)

Then they made a movie about it. That movie was awesome. So awesome.

Those panties were cute. I would be interested in having sex with a lady wearing those.

You like Dude Where's My Car?

Okay, I'm never going to take your opinions seriously again.

I never said I liked it, I just said that it was amusing enough in a Bill and Ted sort of way to justify spending $2 on the used DVD.

It also looks nice sandwiched in between all that Kubrick and Criterion.

If you can't enjoy foolish debauchery on occasion, then you need to enjoy some more foolish debauchery.


That is a Good Movie. You are simply too young and inexperienced in the ways of drugs to appreciate it.

Also, the llama/ostrich scene.

While I agree that Dude is a rather excellent movie, and probably, unfortunately, the peak of Ashton Kutcher's career (besides That 70's Show ) I just find it weird that belgand criticizes my love of Will Ferrell and then admits to loving a comedy movie that is decidedly more low-brow than anything Ferrell has put out.

I like Dude, but I do not like Will Ferrell. I think the difference is that Dude's stupidity relied more on random and extreme absurdity in the vein of Aqua Teen, whereas to me all of Will Ferrell's movies seem to be about laughing at his bumbling mannerisms and him wearing silly clothes that expose too much of his hairy legs. I have met intelligent people who like Will Ferrell though, so I am content to leave this in the realm of opinion, as opposed to most of my other preferences which are based soundly on incontrovertible facts.

And yet you are not an objectivist.

No one should be an objectivist, ever.

From that description of your preferred brand of humour, I must assume that you aren't basing your dislike of Will Ferrell on the most important item of his filmography, Anchorman. Very much random and absurd.

Yea, that is the one that is most often recommended to me. I'll have to check it out.

I saw Anchorman opening weekend, and have seen it on DVD something like 10 times now.

I recommend the "Unrated" version, only because it has better lines from Steve Carrell.

The only movie I've seen as much as Anchorman is Rushmore.

I feel about Ashton Kutcher how you feel about Will.

What a terrible application of ones self.

But... You don't like films. Can you have opinions on film actors? Is that allowed?

Shut up
[I mean that politely. I like you :) ]
Will Ferrell is hilarious!

I realize I come off as a douche in my comment, but that was not my intention.

Belgand, I am ok with you, but do not go Pretentious Movie Critic on me, I will destroy you.

I muft.

Actually I didn't see your comment at all. We just had the same reaction. That was odd.

Elf is actually really great. I know a lot of people who generally hate Will Ferrel movies but love Elf .

Stranger than Fiction was pretty good but I feel the movie didn't quite live up to the concept behind it.

look, Zooey Deschanel is in Elf, that is enough for me to consider it a good movie.

Bank of America doesn't exist in Minnesota. Edina does, though. Also the area code is correct. Nicely done, Mr. Onstad.

okay, so i had i read down far enough to see where my post would land, i would've just put it as a reply to this. to sum it up, walker st. doesn't appear to be in edina, it's in south minneappolis.
second, bank of america does to exist in minnesota; you're crazy.
third, it ain't like looking and area code up is hard. please complement chris (why's everybody insist on calling him mr.?) for his excellent work, but don't compliment a dude for tying his shoes. it's patronizing.
fourth, i wasn't the guy (lady?) who lamed you. i'm feeling fat and sassy right now, but not that much.
fifth, why is eugene dressed in a heavy winter coat and breathing fog while roast beef is wearing shorts and a t? where are they right now? in minnesota? and we haven't seen ray in any of this, so are we getting close to a (i hope i hope i hope i hope so!) roast beef ray friendship origin story arc? i have always desperately wanted to see that but know better than to direct an artists work.

why's everybody insist on calling him mr.?

Because it is polite. You should never address anyone by his or her first name until they have given you permission to do so.

polite is holding a door open for a person, lighting their cigarette for them, offering them something from your cabinet or refrigerator when they come to visit, etc. calling somebody mr. ms. or mrs. is the sort of thing you're doing when you're applying for a home loan, talking to a professor you don't like, or testifying in a court of law. obviously, this is clearly a matter of personal taste - and i'll be the first to admit mine is at best highly idiosyncratic and at worst seemingly completely absent - but formal titles seem too impersonal to me. y'all can do what you like, but i'm just going to wonder if he prefers christopher or chris until i see a message from him on here saying he prefers to addressed as mr. onstad.

It's pretty easy, actually.

You call him "Mr. Onstad" until he gives you permission to do otherwise. No wondering necessary.

I get the feeling he doesn't mind what we call him unless it's 'Stad.

I don't feel any need to call him any particular thing. But it is not my choice. He decides what he wants us to call him.

I will call him whatever he wants me to call him.

But I have not heard anything from him concerning what he wants to be called. Absent any input from him, I will continue to address him as "Mr. Onstad."

As soon as he lets me know, either explicitly or implicitly, that he prefers a different form of address, I will use that form.

This is a messageboard about a comic about talking cats.

Nuh uh.

It is Emily Post Revisited .

Post-Emily Post posts?

On Post-Its.

*turns to camera*

We're talking about preferred modes of address.


Call me crazy, but calling a professor, judge or loan person Mr. or Mrs. is polite. So.

Always call cops "Sir". Never be a cock to a cop because they carry shooty and beaty things, and some of them get scared way too easily.

Also, if you end up in a fight with 6 cops trying to subdue you, they're going to win one way or the other.
As it happens, they did call me crazy.

Maybe it was only 5.

You know why they beat you? Because you call cops "officer," not "sir." They should've given you the CHAIR.

offy Sir.

Good save

Very true. Be polite and respectful and they're far more likely to be polite and respectful back. Either they're a good person with what it honestly a pretty shitty job or they're a power-hungry fuck-bag who wants to be treated like a big man. It works for either case.

Oh, and do not call state troopers "officer". As far as I have been made aware the correct form of address is "trooper". Apparently being a state trooper is considered a superior position.

They are the fucker, and you are the fuckee.

No, I'm a guy with long hair, a scraggly beard, Birkenstocks, and an old field jacket driving around in an old '89 DeVille at 3AM listening to reggae.

I have never, ever received a ticket.

I have never, ever received my driving license.

As a corollary to that I've never got a ticket. I dunno... am I really missing out on much? I can listen to reggae without the gas costs.

You just described every third guy in SF, no?

I just moved into Haight-Ashbury and no. Here you actually see a lot of people with Mercedes, BMWs, Audis, and oh so trendy Minis and SmartCars (which make sense because they're small, but it was also hard to get one I'm told). They have dogs and less often baby strollers. They own houses. Gentrified to hell yo. Lots of expensive boutiques next to smoke shops and t-shirt places aimed at the tourists. Tons of fairly aggressive or at least loud homeless kids living on the street many of whom seem to be doing so more as a lifestyle choice.

We're becoming increasingly gentrified as a city and the middle class is leaving in droves because they can't afford it here.

Still, I saw a guy on the train with my exact coat last night so that's something.

I rarely receive tickets anymore. This is largely because I decided some time ago that traffic tickets aren't worth the money, and so now I drive within five miles of the posted speed limit.

I always observe all traffic laws. I try to never, ever drive even a single mile over the limit. This is why I avoid tickets. I am astoundingly concerned with following the law.

I have not gotten a ticket in almost 20 years.

It's a plan. Well constructed and thoughtfully completed.

Carrying a shotgun on the passenger seat and a change of license plates is not really much of a plan. Even if it works.

I'd say it's more of a system.

My rule is to avoid, if at all possible, committing more than one felony at a time.

In my area you don't get many staties. At least I don't think there are.

My girlfriend was helpfully rammed on the side freeway by a CHiP. She keeps telling me how satisfied she was with it.

Dum-dum-da-DA-DA! *awesome synth effect*

The intros with Ponch dancing are by far the best.

A CHP officer pushed Belgand's girlfriend's car gently off the exit ramp of the freeway when it stalled out once a few months back.

It's a double entendre so subtle I didn't notice it until you did the recap with the same meaning as I originally saw in the statement.

Better than explaining the joke is when someone comments on the explanation.

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, Belgand, goldenhog, nerdinexile, Lumus, SomeDarkHoller)

There's also something called a "parody", but that's not something that can be understood by someone who is retarded.

It's ok, desert_donkey is actually Clement Clarke Moore and I broke copyright laws. :(

Yes yes yes YES!

Merry Crimmus, Assetbar.


I actually received the 'God DAMMIT what am I going to do about my problems' shirt I asked for for christmas, however now that I own the shirt I no longer have any problems.

...Am I still allowed to wear it?

Oh, just put it away for a week or so. More will come along. Don't you worry about that.

Also, I just received the full set of MAN WHY YOU EVEN GOT TO DO A THING. That means that I don't have any problems right now, either.

well you were right about more problems coming along, I just received a package that was supposed to contain 2 achewood shirts, but it only had one shirt and one piece of paper that said 'Ass/Pants tank top out of stock, refund issued' :(

Yeah, my problems came back, too. I finished the zines.

Catch 22's are always problematic. So yes you can, but you'd better not, but sure okay, don't!

It could be a feather in your cap or a black eye.

If your only problem was not having that shirt, you shouldn't have bought that shirt.

God DAMMIT, what am I going to do about my problem s

Send to:
PO Box 1
111 1st Street
Onetown, New York 11111

That's the wrong zip code, dude.

That's actually a valid zip code if I lived in Manhattan but I don't, but let's just say my PO box is in Manhattan.

The joke would have worked better if it was Onetown, Delaware (Delaware being the First State).





Look it's the 3 most talkative Assetbarians, who knew.


"Au rally" is french for "to the meeting."

Are you sure that is what you want to be saying.

Oral et anal au rally. OUI


Yes, Orly is a French airport.

That's not the one where Lindbergh landed on his New York to Paris flight though. That was Le Bourget.

That never happened. It was staged in an Arizona desert.

He took off from Salt Lake City.


My point was that it didn't happen at Orly.

I wasn't challenging your point, I was making a joke.

Gol dangit!!

I caught your joke, and was trying to joke back.

Sometimes I really suck at making jokes.

You're the Lindbergh of making jokes.

He really Hindenburged that one.

It's ok, not everyone can be as funny as moi.

Youre a nice guy, Nice, but if you don't wan't me to change my opinion on you, i would ask you to talk only english or only french

Fun fact you didn't want to know about me: I revert to Spanish or German in texts when it's easier to type because I have principles and never abbreviate. So like "last night" is "anoche" and "thanks" is "danke" which only saves one letter but still.

Or you can make your own language in which the words you want are only like two letters long.

Nope. If I were to make my own language, which I have several times since childhood, it would be an amalgam of English, Spanish, pseudo-German, inside jokes, silly noises, and phonetic spellings of words I find entertaining to say in English. No grammar system other than "same as English." Esperanto, eat yer heart out.

Everytime I've tried to make a language I tried to make it more logical than Esperanto, which I've never learned.

The most logical language is every language used by all people at one time so there is no confusion. Of course that will cause confusion.

I'm inclined to disagree. These day you can speak english almost everywhere, most foreign language book are traducted to english, etc. Yet there's quite a few lacks in english

I wish English had declensions. It would be a lot more logical.

I was kidding, but yes, English is very prevalent and not without its share of flaws.

Let me at least state how completely fucked-up tonal languages are. I mean, seriously, that shit is not cool.

Yeah seriously. And what is up with Japanese people using kanji? Make your own system! And don't make it so you have to learn each one individually because you can't sound them out! You guys have such simple grammar, and then you had to eff the language up by borrowing from the chinese. God.

As a guy who's left himself a fortnight to revise a term's worth of kanji (About 200) I heartily agree with this sentiment. I always have the hardest time explaining why in the hell they use kanji when I'm telling people about Japanese.

I get the impression that it's because the Japanese associate difficulty with elegance. All of the words that kanji is used for can actually be written in hiragana, but that's only done in children's books and such.

I suppose the question could also be applied to the English language. Why don't we just spell everything phonetically? We used to, then all these young people turned up and stopped pronouncing the "K" in "Knife".

I thought the reason a lot of things in English aren't spelled phonetically is because of the language mashup that happened after the Norman conquest.

No, it has to do mostly with the GRRRREAT VOWEL SHIFT! in fabulous LINGUOVISION .

We said shit phonetically until around Shakespeare's time, or just before, and then everyone started fucking going crazy, pronouncing kiniggit as nite and cowg as coff.

I don't think we said knight like that. I think we had a sound that disapeared which was represented by "gh".

That was a half joke but what you say is valid, I'll go with that. The main thing I was getting across was we said words differently but in ways that employed the use of all the letters in the word, probably few silent syllables/consonants, etc. I'm not a linguist but that's what I gather from Various Sources.

It's that German "ch" sound again. Tochhhhhhhter.

Ich kann KOCCCCCHEN gut.

Nice Vyvyan capture!


i live somewhat near edina, mn, one of the most obscenely wealthy areas of the world, below perhaps only beverly hills and dubai. also, a strikingly conservative community, if one tries to asses that on a community wide level, not the sort where one would assume a branch manager of a reputable bank would be giving out business cards to car living folk. not that there couldn't be extenuating factors, or that conservatives or people from edina have never been said to have "done good things for many people."

so, i decides to punch in the address on google maps to find the happenstance and maybe figure out where this whole plot arc (is this a plot arc?) is headed. (especially about the post with the newspaper clipping).

and whadya know, 2512 s walker is in minneappolis. not edina. it's close, it's sorta right on the border between the city and it's suburb, and having never been to the address myself i can't confirm (also i have no idea what zoning was like in south mpls metro), but i'm pretty sure that's a bona fide fictitious address

Could be that address gets its mail delivered from a post office in Edina, if it's that close.

Very true. As a child my address was very firmly in Overland Park, but we would often be shown by the post office or such to be living in Shawnee Mission when we most definitely did not really live or get our mail delivered from anywhere near there. Both are suburbs of Kansas City, but it was a quirk that it showed up as such.

It could also be an 80s thing. Boundaries may have changed.

Most of my childhood, we were poor. I realize that now, having encountered a fair number of people who are not. But when I was a kid, I never thought my family was poor, no matter how bad things got, because I always knew another kid who was starkly poorer.

Roast Beef was one of those kids who define poverty for the lower-middle class kids.

Kids who came home from school and made themselves a mustard sandwich. Kids whose first car was a 1973 AMC Hornet, affectionately known as the Hernet . A car I could start by turn the ignition sans keys.

I lived in La Serena, Chile. Coquimbo was across the bay and we frequently purchased fresh seafood from that port. Those people are poor.

When I was in Korea I bought produce from farmers who drove their single-cylinder diesel tractors (with seats made out of old engine belts stretched between rusty pieces of re-bar) into town. Hunch-backed old women (it was usually the women who went to market) maybe 4 1/2 feet tall, with leathery brown skin, 5 or 6 brown teeth in their purple gums, and their fingernails hanging off their gnarled fingers almost by the roots with dirt buried under the nail almost all the way down.

The worst part of the experience for the shopper, though, was there would be a dozen or so people set up in the same market, all selling exactly the same vegetables, or nearly so. And if you bought from one, you'd get dirty looks from the others around them.

The traditional East Asian ideal of feminine beauty tends towards wanting skin to be as white as possible. Many people mistake that for a desire to be like caucasians, but they're wrong. It goes back much farther than that. White skin means you aren't out in the sun doing back-breaking labor. South Korea is one of the places you can still see what it is against which people wished to contrast themselves.

And about the tractors...you'd see them rolling down the highway at maybe 10 miles per hour. Cars would be backed up behind them, honking their horns, passing when they could, their drivers gesturing angrily. The elderly farmers on the tractors pay no mind. That's the part that made me smile.

Anyhow, those people are poor.

They are rich in spirit.

And quite likely beloved by the animals of farm and forest.

It was on TV the other day, but for me the poor family was the one who didn't have cable (actually, that's probably a lie, I think the poor people in my old subdivision were the ones without HBO).

Saved By the Bell knows the score.

Hello Assetbar!

Tonight I went to a bar for karaoke and drinkin' with some friends. I am now slowly sobering up at home and I just took a dump. After releasing my load, I stood to see what I had wrought, and it was beautiful; one of the smoothest turds I ever did see. I named it Randy before flushing. Then I looked at the wall and noticed that a tear in the wallpaper totally looked like a penguin.

It's a good night.

No blogging about what you did on a holiday night while drinking, please.

why would you do that

lol heccibiggs

Seriously though Tekende, that sounds like a good night.

I think the Assetbar elite-imposed no blogging restrictions have been officially lifted from the board for this strip.

It's the holidays, dude. Let a man talk. We can resume goose-stepping on January 2nd.

I think we're all allowed to do this every once in a while.

I know, I'm the one who started it above.

I thought tekende might actually be poking a little fun at it all (was he against assetbar "blogging?" I don't remember).

Yeah, I forgot that you got the ball rolling up there, fineoak. Here's my new Assetblog entry:

"I missed an obvious joke. I feel kind of silly about it, but life goes on."

At least it is your birthday tomorrow!

Everybody buy a gift for Rowboat!

I was too drunk for the idea of making fun of something to really formulate. I just thought it would be a funny thing to post at the time.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with the occasional blog-esque post, as long as it's at least somewhat amusing, or relevant or whatever. But we should avoid doing it all the time.

The report also states that you declared yourself "All punked up on Jupiter oil" and claimed to "roll fifty deep".

I will be shocked if that information turns out to be actual.

So would I.

I would be vaguely interested to know what "roll fifty deep" means. Was that ever parsed?

Lyle travels with an entourage for safety.

Oh dang.
You should initially roll deep only on inanimate objects such as street signs, a jammed or locked door, or a soda machine that shorted your coin. From that point you should work your way up to blind people or alley cats, but only when you feel comfortable. Progression will naturally lead you to flexin' on old ladies and infants.

Tekende: He is the consummate 24/7 performance artist whose stream of consciousness has taken Randy to the watery beyond. A better place. Let us pray.

Bye, Randy!

I've just finished version 0.8 of Assetbarista, my GreaseMonkey script for Firefox that enhances the Assetbar user interface.

New in this release is an improvement to the code that cleans up the display of non-ASCII characters (non-Western-European languages, special symbol characters, etc). In earlier releases, if you posted a comment containing special characters, you'd have to reload the page to see the Unicode characters displayed properly. In v0.8, Assetbarista attempts to fix up the formatting of any Unicode in your message as soon as you post it.

If you're interested in such things, please download this new release from the Assetbarista home page and give it a try.


Do we get a plus sign?!

Let's see...
Plus/minus sign: ±
Superscript plus sign: %u207A
Plus sign that has fallen over: %u2A2F
Plus sign with a hat: %u2A24
Plus sign with pretensions: %u2295
Overachieving cousin of plus sign: %u2211
Plus sign's arch-nemesis: -
Simple, hard-working, classic plus sign:

So, no, we don't get a plus sign.

alt/299 still nuttin

All hail featurelessvoid and his Assetbarista! Being able to figure out who is saying what to whom is genius. I downloaded Firefox, Greasemonkey, and the aforementioned Barista in about five minutes. I will never view Assetbar through MS Explorer again. At least not at home.

Welcome to the 21st Century, pogo

I was slow on the uptake as well pogo. Firefox still causes me problems here and there, but they're all worth the speedy surfing.

Oh, I'm not going to use Firefox for anything but Achewood, so I'm not a total convert.

There are a number of other sites that Firefox makes so much easier. Especially, if like myself, your computer has a bit of a cough and a gammy hammy.

There are a couple of sites I like to visit that give Firefox trouble with graphics, but work fine with IE. Those are the only sites I use IE for.

What did everyone get for Giftmas?

I got an xbox 360, a new tv, a shit ton of DVDs (including Pulp Fiction and the second and third seasons of The Office) AND Steve Martin's memoir, a 007 book and a huge Leonard Maltin movie guide.

Oh and I also got a Rusty shirt JUST LIKE RAY'S. Except it's white-on-black and not black-on-white.

My sister raided her boyfrien's iTunes and gave me a jump drive of bitchin' tunes. My father gave my sister a bunch of money to by some hella sexy shirts for this guy *points at chest*. My mother presented me with various culinary supplies.

Fuck Yes.

goddammit. you people and your gifts. the only actual "gift" i got was a package of 250 lisa frank stickers and temporary tattoos from a chick that does way too many psychedelics. and i think even that was for my birthday. everyone else in my family prefers the "go get yourself something" tactic. my parents are all "happy birthday, happy christmas, go get yourself something". my grandparents called and both sides were all "get lots of rest over the break and go get yourself something, on our behalf".

but it's kind of unsatisfying when you've had access to your parents' credit card account ever since you were in middle school and they've always told you "our money is your money" so basically it's like uh, why would i want to spend my own money? so i didn't buy myself anything. basically asians are the worst thing that can happen to the economy, ever.

I'm not going to hit on you today.

daedala_x's christmas is the Saddest Thing.

For New Year's she will fly across the globe and shame her family forever by consorting with Japanese men.

(the sex will be awkward and without pleasure)

But Lisa Frank is awesome! You don't like this?
It's sooo cute!
Tell you what. I'll trade ya. I'll give you this laptop I got for those stickers. I already have a computer, silly parents.
*rolls eyes*

*hugs for bad christmas*

Oh man, this picture reminds me of my elementary school's yearly Scholastic book fair. The erasers, the erasers!

That bear looks a bit too cute in a slightly more human way than you would normally see with cute cartoon animals. He's got that coy innocent anime girl look, which leads me to suspect that the artist was a secret furry trying to subconsciously convert the younger generation. Burn him!

Theguitarhero is a rich kid! Pass it on!

Oh, and, as mentioned above, I got the full set of Beef's zines (best gift, easy), some nice house slippers, a French press and some good beans to go with it. I won at Christmas.

I'm definitely not rich, it took a lot of convincing just to get my dad to get me a new tv and he basically got me the cheapest flat screen possible, not that I am complaining. But they (my dad and stepmom) won't send down sunglasses I left up there because they are "too busy" but could send a tv down? wtf.

Yes. You are terribly hard done by.

I am from Mild Circumstances.

I still use a CRT monitor, and I also did not have any sort of gaming system between the time I sold my Genesis in 1998 and the time I got a used PS2 for my birthday last year. This is not what I would consider Circumstances.

I am from Circumstances.

They are fairly decent circumstances and lean heavily in my favor.

Check it: I bought Altered Beast for Genesis, then never bought another game until a few months ago when I bought Rock Band 2 for Xbox 360. I haven't owned my own console since NES. Believe it.

The only game I ever played ever was fuckin' Stick-and-Hoop SO FUCK YOU GUYS.

You really should try Stick-and-Hoop: San Andreas for the 360, so much better than the original

I haven't owned a console since my aunt bought me one of those 20-segment display handhelds made in taiwan. I think the batteries died or something. It could show you weaving through traffic (as represented by black car shaped segments) or shooting goals. It also counted them.

That seems middle class where I'm from.

I got this and the newest Terry Pratchett :)

ha, ranch flavor.


click "The Devil" in blue, in the t-shirt design.


I got a food processor and oven dish (2009 is curry year) and the full collection of A bit of Fry and Laurie on DVD. And the new Snow Patrol album, which is passable. Ooh, and the Bender's Game DVD! And I'm waiting on The World Ends With You for the DS. I have no idea what that is, but it sounds awesome.

It is a game which actually utilizes the dual screen technology.

I hope you are ready for a seizure.

It's actually pretty damn good. It's also about being trendy and conspicuous consumption in accordance with keeping up with Japanese youth fashion. The plot, however, is fairly obvious from basically the very beginning.

I still need to finish it. I'm only still in the first week.

So many games to play... and I just got a free copy of Final Fantasy Chronicles from some dude on GAF. Yay! I can finally play Chrono Trigger and now I don't have to plug in the SNES to play Final Fantasy II (IV).

I bought Bender's Game for my girlfriend!

I thought that's what you guys played every night . . . in bed!!!!!!

I feel like I should lame you for this serious lack of necessary cultural knowledge.

Don't worry. Mattylite knows who Bender is. I promise.

He thought Bender's Game was a game, Rowboat! *shakes bodily* HOW CAN HE BE ALLOWED TO EXIST

I wish it was a game.

Wait, what the hell IS Bender's Game? God damnit you two do NOT make me open up another tab and google this, it's my fucking birthday.

Also, to clarify, in my original comment I implied that Rowboat's member was the bender, and thus that he may have to "stuff it" in "bed" with his "girlfriend."

Quiet, I'm a static sobbing heap in the corner.

futurama isn't even that good

and the movies are worse



I kind of have to agree with zapatos here; Futurama is pretty good and I like it alright, but when people try to talk up Futurama over (the first 9 years of) the Simpsons, I just want to piss in their mouths and make them gargle the wrongness of it all.

I haven't seen any of the movies, but two friends of mine who are big Futurama fans hated the first one.

It's probably stupid to bring up a Simpsons vs. Futurama argument here; that's probably pretty big elsewhere on the internet, right? Sorry, I don't get around on the internet as much these days, mostly due to apathy.

I will stab you.
You hear me?
I will stab you.

[No one tell him I like Simpsons better than Futurama, please. Thanks :)]

sje tries to stab me.
signs me up for so much spam.

The first season of the Simpsons was horrible. The second season had a few high points, but it was still struggling to get good. It wasn't really until season three that it was great.

I love them both equally and for different reasons.

Let us also not forget that both The Critic and Mission Hill were also great. Proof that ex-Simpsons show runners can go on to make other great animated series that will be canceled before their time.

John Schwartzwelder's books are... hmm, I urge you to find them at your local library while you're looking up more information on Grand Funk

In the interests of full disclosure Belgand just finished watching "Marge Vs. the Monorail" as he rapidly consumes the season four set he picked up the other day... now I only need season five to have the classic era completed.

I remember liking The Critic for the most part, though I haven't seen it in years. Definitely not down with Mission Hill, though.

Bah! I liked Mission Hill rather a lot. Much like Futurama it allowed them to work with a different age group and dynamic that doesn't fit into the Simpsons

I like the one episode of Mission Hill they always play on [adult swim].

and to me at least, Futurama>The Simpsons.

I think Futurama is better than The Simpsons too. It was funny as hell, and actually had a plot, and characters and relationships that changed over the course of the show.

Also it didn't keep going for 20-plus years.

There were less than a dozen episodes total so yeah, it seems like they keep playing the same one because there isn't enough.

I like Mission Hill quite a bit. Shame it didn't last longer, I think it had a lot of potential.

Is it bad that I feel uncomfortable calling things bad?

Incredibly bad.

I, though it may not seem like it, have no problem loving things deeply. I just also have no problem with loathing things that are absolutely terrible and calling them on it. Let someone else be nice and try to say something positive. If it sucks it sucks.

I just feel bad if people put a lot of work into things, and they have no talent. If a work is just offensive or insulting then I can loathe it. But if it is honest work, I feel guilty.

That means you did not play the Futurama game.

Did my wish come true?!

It came out a while ago. The animations they made for the game was actually on the Beast with a Billion Backs DVD.

I got Making Money (ie it finally came out in paperback), bowls (made in Japan), shirts, and some movie. And a flashlight and a cheap camera. (useful for taking pictures of blurry things!)

"...some movie..."

Whoever got you that didn't even know you as well as we do.

I got Making Money when it came out because the library, y'know, they give you books for free. I felt it was vastly inferior to Going Postal yet also highly derivative.

We need a new Rincewind novel.

I disagree. I dislike Rincewind as a character. I did enjoy the newest of his novels, which was not set in Discworld but instead an alternate universe not too far from ours.

Nation? Nation rocked. Classic Pratchett through and through, and a pleasant ending that made me all sad and happy.

I liked Making Money , but Going Postal was really good and would have been very difficult to top. Probably Pratchett's best book since The Last Continent .

I would love a new Rincewind novel as well. But I don't think Pratchett has plans to write any more; he doesn't feel there's much more he can do with the character. The Last Hero was pretty good though, and I liked its use of Rincewind.

Oh, how can you not include Night Watch in a list of good recent ones. Sam Vimes is essentially the Best Character.

Night Watch was excellent as well. But [i]Going Postal was just so...fresh. It was nice to see Pratchett introducing some new characters.

Also, as great as Night Watch was, it wasn't all that funny.

Oh dear. I messed up my tags.

I gotta give props to Thud! for having a werewolf wrestle a vampire naked in the mud. Classy.

I hated that book. Pratchett's worst by far.

Esh, I unpreferred Making Money, personally. And you're quite right about Night Watch being somewhat lacking in the larf department.

Feet of Clay might well be my favourite, although Small Gods is good and Mort will always be wonderful. Maskerade is quite the classic, too, mainly because I don't want to leave the witches out.

I need to read less more Pratchett.

I generally dislike the witches. Frankly my bigger problem with the recent books is how much he keeps advancing the technology level. I mean, yes, I realize he's doing it in order to be able to parody and satirize various aspects of our modern world, but it's gotten to the point that you need to read each book as they come out to be up on what's happening in the world.

Feet of Clay was a classic. It was also my first Pratchett book.

Reaper Man is probably my overall favorite, with Hogfather and Eric following close behind.

Mort was my first. I disliked Hogfather quite a bit actually. It just... it felt very lacking. I seem to recall not getting into Thief of Time either and thinking that was a weak period for him.

I was disappointed by Thief of Time as well. It was pretty lame.

As an aside, the TV movie/miniseries that was made based on Hogfather was pretty sweet.

I don't remember if I read Small Gods or Maskerade first, I got the pair from my uncle and ended up reading the rest from the library (with the exception of a couple they didn't have)

Soul Music has some awesome puns in it. It's hard to choose a favourite, I like Men at Arms and Maskerade for different reasons.

Eric? Really? That one always really underwhelmed me for some reasons. Thinking about it, I can kind of see why some people aren't fans of Rincewind. He's entertaining, and pretty out-there as far as protagonists go, but he hasn't got as much depth as some other characters and he tends to end up playing second fiddle to someone who actually has the required personality to advance the storyline.

Yes to Reaper Man, though.

See I like Rincewind because I am all about wizards. And academia. Also running away from dangerous things rather than some bullshit idea of being noble. It's really the ideal for what I want out of Discworld.

I identify strongly with Rincewind. Except I can spell.

Eric wasn't as deep as most of Pratchett's other work, sure, but it was freaking hilarious, man.

Chubbied for "unpreferred."

That's doubleplusgood of you.

Oh no, Making Money was worse than Thud! I didn't really like any of the spin-off picture book things, or the comic they made out of the first two. I think maybe Pratchett should try writing a play or something.

Represeeeeent. There have been loads of stage adaptations for the Discworld books, but as far as I'm aware he hasn't written any himself. They were all adapted by *runs to Discworld shelf* Stephen Briggs. I hear some of them actually lend themselves quite well to the stage, but I don't see how myself. Can you have footnotes in a play?

Oh, that's another thing I have against the new books! No footnotes. And, to a lesser extent, chapters.

(p.s. What is your avatar?)

the avi reminds me of a miner's head lamp.

I think it's some sort of watch. I just did a Google image search for "steampunk" and this was one of the results.


I cannot abide by your opinion. Thud! was so bad by Pratchett standards it actually made me angry.

Cologne, Drakkar Noir.
Books: Huffington on Blogging; No Country for Old Men.
DVD Set, some Carnivale thing from HBO I never heard of.
Nookie: Oh yeah.

Are we still doing the What I got for holiday gifts thingy? OK, here goes:

I had a wonderful time with my family, both on the Eve, and on the day. Good food, good beer, good company.

I got -
the latest Tom Tomorrow book, The Future's So Bright, I Can't Bear To Look
Our Dumb World , The Onion's atlas
a baseball related mystery novel
the latest CD from David Byrne and Brian Eno
a freshly-baked loaf of beer bread
a Houston Astros knit cap
an Office Depot gift card

new computer monitor (old one was wobbly), blanket, luggage, pants, Arrested Development, John Oliver DVD, Dr. Katz DVD, two mousepads, walmart giftcard, Blink, I Am America and So Can You, ps2 mem card, headphones, new speakers.

And these awesome binoculars.

I got my little sister The Tales of Beetle the Bard/i], the new J.K. Rowling moneycow. I got my little brother [i]Kingdom Hearts, Re:Chain of Memories , and I got my older brother the Limited Collector's Edition of Call of Duty: World at War.

I got a box of towels from JC Penney and a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card.

"The love you take is equal to the love you make."

Oh and BBCode got me a punch in the balls.

Chub for Beatles.
I gave my dad America , by Alistair Cooke, and he loves it, my mom two seasons of Weeds , my brother a $40 gift card for Home Depot, my twin sister season two of The Office , my younger sister a bottle of perfume and a $25 Simon's card (Simon's owns all the malls nearby), and my cousin Hellboy and Gramma's Boy. I spent $40 on everyone except my cousin.

Because fuck that guy.

I mean seriously. What a douche.

dude, sje, your family is HUGE. i mean, your immediate family. four kids is insane! it must be like a ZOO over there! (no offense, i love zoos)

getting into the holiday (buying things) spirit, i decided to buy myself a PSP in order to play God of War Chains of Olympus. so i did. on ebay. then i get this message:


when i messaged back NO THATS NOT OK he had already sent it so now i have to ship it back for a refund. *throws arms up in defeat* people who have not graduated high school should not be allowed to sell things on ebay. or have children. or eat meals. yea.

Haha. Well, I also have a half sister, but she is much older and never lived with us.
I don't think it's a zoo. My brother moved out, and I go to college, so it's not that bad. But my cousin (he is 20) moved in with us because his father kicked him out (and his mother died).
I'm sure it must have been more of a zoo when he were a lot younger, but four kids isn't exactly huge. Just a little bigger than average.
Also, my mother did not graduate high school. But she is smart, so, you know.

hahha azn chik tels u yr famile is to biggz lol of all peepl

Nice to see you expand your horizons, glad.

Daedala_X betrays vaguely plainly fascist ideas regarding the academic statistical realities of our country's underprivileged masses - PASS IT ON!

Some people have standards.
Thorough, thoughtful standards.
Iron standards.

Daedala_x isn't used to family systems that don't involve dragging any children born after the second out into the jungle and leaving them for the raccoon dogs.

I spent $40 on everyone, total.

I'd use the "poor college student" excuse, 'cept sje's a poor college student too, so.

I'll say it one more time:

If you are in college, you are not poor.

Umm. My family is so poor that my financial aid is $1,500 more than the bill asked for.

You are very wrong, sir.

Granted it's a lot better now.

Sje, yo family SO POOR they can't afford to pay attention!

Also, they can't pay for their son's schooling.

But lo, they do not have to.

It's not so much about the state of living as the solvent currency. I may be spending $12000 a year to attend this place, but I only have a couple hundo in the bank.

What stereo said. I'm not actually poor, per se, but cash on hand? Hah. Particularly when my school doesn't have, for instance, a meal plan, or fully subsidized housing.

Lies. Loansaplenny supportive parents = college beyond your financial means. Get with the program row.

I have a lot of money, actually, due to reasons that I have discussed before.

(Sex favors)

Toy boy.

Oh Larry!

There used to be a comic book called Toy Boy . I never read it but from the ads it appeared to be about a child with some sort of robotic exoskeleton. It was published by the same company that published the awesome Bucky O'Hare comic.

Bucky O'Hare? Is that the one with the one-eyed four armed duck, and a spaceship called the Righteous Indignation ? I think I read that like a million years ago.

Yep. I actually have only read a few of the comics, but I think I saw pretty much all of the cartoon show. Lots of fun, that was.

Blu-Ray : The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Dark Knight
CD : Cream - Those Were the Days (box set including all the studio albums plus Live 1 and 2), Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain: L.A.'s Desert Origins
PS3 : Valkyria Chronicles (great fucking game, go buy it now), Dualshock 3

Cash from everyone else basically.

It's nice that I have an Amazon list because it means that people get me stuff I want, but at the same time a bit anticlimactic because there are no surprises. Even with this a lot of people still just get me cash. Maybe because they know I need it.

I got a good friend a flask and a copy of Modern Drunkard. I was going to go with a subscription to the magazine, but it seems like a bit of a rip-off.

My son almost got me some weed, but he and his friend smoked it all.

Pre-smoked weed is a terrible gift.

"It happened just the other day...."

I hope you thrashed them both, severely.

I got my sister 5 movies plus two shirts and she got me one DVD (Louis CK "Chewed Up") and a book ("Watt") and got mad at me for getting her so much because she would "never get [me] that much."

There's a new collaboration between Byrne and Eno? Oh, snap! I gotta get me some. My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is one of my all time favorites.

It's called Everything That Happens Will Happen Today .

It just came out in August, but I just heard of it a month or so ago.

It is very good.

I must acquire this.

Pogo, Carvinale is extremely awesome. But be warned; after the second season it abruptly disappears into thin air with no kind of closure whatsoever. It's kind of heartbreaking if you've gotten into the story. I would still argue that the first (and only) two seasons are worth watching, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. It died without an ending.

Thanks for the warning. Rome kind of did the same thing. My fiancee and I watched the first episode of Carnivale and we're very impressed.

Watch and enjoy. I just don't want what happend to me to happen to anyone else. I watched the entire first season before finding out. It was like a punch in the gut.

I remember hearing about it when it happened. Deadwood too. Which sucks because I've wanted to watch both, but don't get HBO and thus haven't had the chance to watch them before they fucked them over.


I have watched Deadwood twice through on DVD (final season only once). And I plan to watch it through again at least once more.

I liked Rome , even though they sort of just stuck a ribbon on it at the end and said "There, it's finished!!"

What I am saying so ineptly is that I found the TV shows worth watching on DVD, even if they sort of just end off into space.

There are so few good TV shows out there that I will put up with unresolved plot points to get to watch one.

The thing about Rome is, well, there is only one way it could possibly end.

I haven't seen it yet, or any of those cancelled HBO shows because I'm still sore about Veronica Mars getting the boot (FOR GOSSIP GIRLS !! WHAT THE FUCK!) so I wanna get and watch that.

Yeah well the Titanic sinks, so why watch that?

I don't like Titanic anyway, so your point is invalid.

I wasn't trying to say that this Rome show was BAD, because I've never seen it. It's just, that's probably why historically based shows probably don't last as more than miniseries, we know how the story ends and most serialized television stays on the air because people want to be drawn in and, ultimately, to find out how it ends.

They have more than just a few year's history of the city to work from.

And no, the series didn't end with the fall of Rome. There were glory years left after the point where the last episode ended.

The Titanic only had one episode it its existence, so it doesn't really apply even if theguitarhero liked it.

I kinda figured that the series wouldn't end with Rome's fall, from the way you guys made it sound.

It's actually not about the history, really, but about the people involved in the history, and the two most interesting characters are legionnaires mentioned in Ceasar's journals, and brought to life by the writers. Their adventures weave through the stuff about Ceasar and Celopartra, etc., in a most entertaining way. Lots of good fighting, too.

You hoople headed cocksucker, Deadwood got three seasons!

I don't count Deadwood as a historical show anyway, it takes place in History but it wasn't a definite story, it was just a show in the West.

It is probably the most realistic depiction of post-Civil War life in the West ever made for the movies or TV.

I can't say that authoritatively, but I am a fairly well-informed amateur. It is certainly more realistic than 97% of TV Westerns, at least.

I've noticed this seems to be a trend with HBO, cancelling popular shows. I have a hypothesis that they do it on purpose in order to drum up DVD sales.

You're right, each one of the Rome episodes was better than just about any other TV show, or some movies, and the characters are very memorable.

Pogo: The Playboy Advisor rates him as a Solid Guy .

I used to know the guy who wrote "The Playboy Advisor" when I worked in Chicagp aeons ago. He made stuff up, and sometimes I helped.

I was given cash by just about everyone except my girlfriend. I will now use that money to live for the next year as it is basically my only income.

You sound like my soon-to-be-step-son, I had to front him money so he could by me a present!

When you opened the gift did you thank yourself out loud?

Shame is the only way he'll learn

Actually, he got me a great book, and I was surprised and pleased, all money issues forgotten.

I once retunred a calculator to a merchant banker.

I to recived a piece of paper like young Beef here.

What am i suppose to do with it?

Mail bomb!

I am not an mailbomb playboy.

I live very near okmulgee oklahoma... hmmm...

The hell, another Okie up ins?!

I'm telling you, we are a core Achewood demographic.

And yet Chris Onstad did not take my advice to do a signing here.

I know. I even promised I would be there, any time, any place.

Cultural wastelands suck!

Just pretend it's Orcland or something.

I guess it says too much about me that I identify with every single thing in this strip except Beef's fro & the '71 Carlo. I actually had that pang of self-consciousness reading it the first time. May be my favorite Christmas-themed thing ever .

the phone number strips removed from the mary kay poster were done so in the shapes of a stair case, a sine wave, and a diagonal line.

this means something ..

Maybe it explains why I initially thought Beef's "that would be so awesome" was in response to "Do What You Love Make Money".


Hidden within this strip is a scathing political commentary on the origins of the subprime lending crisis. Can you spot it?

Beef's interlocutor is actually Christopher Dodd.

Is it in the lines of Eugene's hat?

I've noticed something about Achewood...

the greatest product-placement comic of all time.

He was placing Apples up in way before it was cool (ie. in every freakin' movie)

It's not funny, it's character development.

And it's also funny

I work for a similar man out of Edina, Minnesota.
He too has done good things for many people.
I bet he knows Stephen.

Do you...do you know Stephen

I can't say I do. Maybe you should ask Belgand.

The joke is that sometimes people accidentally post the same thing a few times, and Belgand (a user on this site) makes fun of them for it.

Actually, I was hoping that Belgand would reply to the second instance of this post in a similar fashion to my own, but replacing his own name with the name of some other Assetbarista, so that the cycle could repeat itself. Thanks for ruining it, I guess.

Yeah, way to go. Because I totally would have done that.

I think elbox is more prone to responding amusingly to multiples. I do so less often.

Sarcasm! There's one for the books.

Do you...do you know Stephen

Do you know Todd

Do you...do you know Stephen

Do you know Todd

Do you...do you know Stephen

Do you know Todd

Do you...do you know what you've done?

(hands you a piece of driftwood with "the cure" written on it)
Here you go man. Sorry about all that.

No problem. We can go play soccer. You like soccer?

You play soccer with a piece of driftwood? Damn, man, You're from Circumstances.

All having no shoes, all broken glass on the ground, all driftwood with "The Cure" written on it, all ye olde footballe helmet on...

all not playing soccer anymore, all climbing up some tree and watching other children have fun.

All in the family, all in good time, all's well that ends well, all good things must pass...

All quiet on the western front, all the king's men, all in all is all we are....

All my sons, all things considered, all about eve...

All Free and Clear, All the News That's Fit to Print, All Dogs Go to Heaven, ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER.

All's fair in love and war.


Suddenly stereo realizes that everything mentioned in this thread has begun with "all".

You really should have started that with "All of a sudden" instead of "Suddenly".

All in all, a disappointment of a post, no?

All's well that's edwell?

No, I play baseball with a soccer ball and piece of driftwood. I play soccer with my dead brother's lower right leg because I lost my own right leg because I'm from Circumstances.

"Patient shows signs of intense melancholy and an overdose of Dickens syndrome."
"What's the diagnosis, doctor?"
" Circumstances , nurse."
::dramatic organ chord of the minor persuasion::

Guess you can't really overdose on a syndrome. FUCK.

You can, however, have a syndrome called Overdose of Dickens .

There you go. High five and chubby for saving face...MY FACE.

I useta loves me some indoor soccer year-round.

I useta wake up in the mornin'
I useta feel so baaad
I got so sick of havin' sleepless nights
I went and told my daaad...

Help me out here.

What do pictures of Lily Langtry have to do with indoor soccer?

My feelings on this asset are: Clueless.

My lips say BOO TO THAT and my tongue is saying WHY FIND OUT.

My tonsils on the other hand would like to know.

Your mouth is rude but also interesting.


Nothing, it was the "I useta" that reminded me of it. Ingrained in my head since childhood. I regret nothing.

Oh, of course.\

I should have been able to figure that out for myself.

Goddamn, I just got Sparta kicked into the SAR-CHASM.

Go ahead, Google it. I just coined that phrase, you won't find shit.

I will find this post.

Nice newly-coined word and all, but I wasn't being sarcastic. I noticed the repetition of "useta" in the two posts. I even thought at one point (after I had posted my question).

So I genuinely believe I should have figured that out.

Oh, sorry. Re-reading it in NONSARCASMVISION(c) I can see the seriousness.

Thanks for the apology, but it wasn't necessary. I just wanted you know that I wasn't ragging on you.

This time.




SHIT sorry about this

I know we aren't supposed to do the blog thing up ins Assetbar, but my christmas gift to myself, the Scott Pilgrim books, just came in the mail.

I Am Excited.

I will clap for you.


Can you not just hide it?

Yes. YES. You will love those books. You will. And if you don't, I will sic hedonismbot on you. He lives right next to me, don't think I can't or won't do it.

I miss hedonismbot.
He used to tell me what a special boy I am.

oh gosh sje

you are a special boy! you are so special, you fly!

i miss hedonismbot too. he used to tell me what a special lady locked in his basement i am.

Wait, he's gone?

Oh yeah now I feel it.

Like crap he is. He was just telling us about the senselessness of sous-vide prime rib three strips ago.

Three strips is practically half a lifetime ago.

2 generations of rabbits; 3 of mice.

Shhh, wait just a little longer, they are almost ready...

Whoa. Back to your old school avatar.

I notice things.

So he was here 12 hours ago, eh? Better get the bloodhounds out.

It's 1 day now, Larry, you have to let things go.

I had to go look up what this Scott Pilgrim was all about. From what I saw, let me say this: the writing had better be fucking stellar to make up for how that art makes me feel. It's like my eyes got raped by gum drops, or something.

rowboat... please scroll to the top of the page and look at Onstad's handy work... on first impression it did not inspire me with confidence in the writing.

But Onstad's worst crime is Minimalism, which is no crime at all. O'Malley's stuff is garish-ass fake anime. That's a felony in the court of my eyes.

"felony in the court of my eyes" -- Mixing metaphor with syncedoche is a misdemeanor in the tribunal of my head.

What part of that sentence would qualify as synecdoche?

P.S. I been familiar with this figure of speech for less than three minutes. I had to look it up and your misspelling did not help.

Google gets 1 hit on AssetBar and suggests a misspelling of an obscure linguistic term.

"in the court of my eyes" qualifies, I believe.

Not a synechhfuidsah. Until you explain the metaphor, i guess.

Well, my understanding of the definition of synecdoche is that it basically refers to the fact that everything we experience is (unavoidably) filtered through the bias of our own experiences and mindset. It is subconscious propaganda performed on ourselves by our own mind.

So "in the court of my eyes" would actually fit perfectly with synecdoche.

Also, Synecdoche, New York is a fantastically brilliant film.

Synecdoche is when you use a word that is a part of something else to refer to that something else.

An example is saying "the throne" or "the crown" when you're talking about the King. Like "This is a severe insult to the crown!" (In that case it could even mean the entire concept of regal dignity, not just the one king.)

Or when you say "I just got my wheels back from the shop." When you say "wheels" you're talking about your car.

A just-the-tip-of-a-semi-erect-penis to you for this clarification.

Floating over their heads. Those eyes staring at me. Chasing skirts.

I still don't even understand what "in the court of my eyes" even means . The metaphor is, clearly, the court. Is "my eyes" supposed to represent the whole, i.e. rowboat? Or is "in my eyes" supposed to be "in my opinion", in which case it is a metaphor? .. .I don't know. I'm confused.

Really? Huh. I was, uh, way off.

And, of course, Synecdouche is transitive douchery.

Thanks for your great example. I had been puzzled by the crappy definition on Wikipee (can't wait to see the Greek letters in Assetgrode:

Synecdoche (pronounced "si-NEK-duh-kee", IPA: /s%u026A%u02C8n%u025Bkd%u0259%u02CCki/; from Greek sinekdohi (%u03C3%u03C5%u03BD%u03B5%u03BA%u03B4%u03BF%u03C7%u03AE), meaning "simultaneous understanding") is a figure of speech in which:

* a term denoting a part of something is used to refer to the whole thing (Pars pro toto), or
* a term denoting a thing (a "whole") is used to refer to part of it (Totum pro parte), or
* a term denoting a specific class of thing is used to refer to a larger, more general class, or
* a term denoting a general class of thing is used to refer to a smaller, more specific class.

Is racism synecdoche?

And . . . I don't think that is the definition. At all.

I had to see that comic art with my eyes. I used them for that. The "court" is where things got complicated.

And this has been a test. I actually have my PhD in synecdocheolgy from Butte Community College. For further reading on the subject, along with hilarious pictures of my late-'70s prom night, let me direct you to my dissertation, In the Corpse-Strewn Candyland of My Waking Consciousness .

Dude. That was deep .

Not sure I can agree it was brilliant. It was... ambitious, but I'm not entirely certain it lived up to it. It just became far too self-reflexive and lost the tentative strains of the plot it had originally. At a certain point it felt way too much like it looped back on itself and its own creation one too many times. I mean, eventually it felt like he was just adding to the script each day as he went along.

I think all of that was intentional.

Belgand is just a pretentious jerk.

I'm a pretentious jerk because I'm uncertain about how I feel regarding a film and am discussing it with others? Please explain to me how that works. I didn't just go "Pshaw! Plebian nonsense!" and brush it off. It's a film I saw and had mixed feelings about.

This computer doesn't have assetbarrista . .. sorry.
Do you see Belgand's comment talking about the dissertation? And how I replied to it saying it was deep? I thought that your "not sure if i can agree . . ."comment was responding to that. >_< So I was just kidding and I am stupid.

tl;dr: I was calling you pretentious for criticizing a picture of a dog licking a cake, which you actually didn't do.

Sje is just kind trying out a new persona, here. Don't take it personal.

Wow. I didn't see it that way. But reading it again - this time imagining that Belgand and Tekende are discussing my dissertation - it is totally hilarious.

Ach. Typefail. " Rowboat's dissertation."
I should just stay off of Assetbar for a while. I'll come back in a few days.
(But yeah. I thought it was pretty funny.)

It makes the discussion a lot more interesting, actually. That dog is totally pomo.

Don't tell Lloyd Dobler. He'll have my ass.

Sorry about the misspelling; I was a science major (although I am not unfamiliar with some arcane terms [e.g., litotes]).

The scary part of this one, for me at least, is that I live in a town called Placerville, and a homeless guy asked me for postage at a laundromat not even a month ago.

He already has postage, he just can't read what the denomination is.

Holy shit, he fixed the pants AND the ands! Wow! Neat!

You must a spot Chris. right after beef gets the business card.


He muft fix it.

He reads us.

I have finished reading Achewood, first to last, and having done so, I have made an account, put my Lame limit to 300, and intend to read all those dicky asherdan comments that people seemed to get deep and abiding personal satisfaction from laming into the great beyond.

My life is so fulfilled.

Aw dang, now you gotta read them all over to get your strip count up to 1508 :(:(:(

Nobody cares about strip counts, do they? If so, why?

You'd be surprised. Or maybe I would be. Who knows. I care because I like to quantify my fun.

If you can't quantify your level of enjoyment, you're not really having fun.

How else can you know?

He doesn't even say anything bad.


because of a problem

some even got on the mayor.

*sigh* "not the mayor!"

::punches self in head, rubs eyes, sighs, scratches side of nose, deep breath, slowly lifts head, says softly, resignedly:: This drum machine utterly confounds me. ::hangs self::

:stabs self in chest, utters with final breath: Look! I am from...HISTORY.

::from grave:: Coptic I tell you!

:from crematoria: Philippe is standing on it.

::Escalator down into hell:: Did you know that I want to commit suicide?

Well, it's a bit late for that now, isn't it?

Hyuk yuk!

Dicky Asherdan and the Hardy Boys Solve the Mystery Lamers

by Lyle Garble

For the same reason I couldn't simply make an account in the first place. My mind works in certain ways, and those ways make it Necessary to see the comments I was barred from before.

(so far, it seems i missed a lot of "'Stad"s and Dr. Manflesh's fanfics. the search must now resume.)

You can just find one of their comments, and find all of them from there.

So uh the Onstads are like moving that is cool dogg that is just the tops I guess

Yeah it is hell of tite.

Anyone have any idea where they're going? Hopefully closer to the eastern seaboard so I can expect a) earlier comics and b) packages earlier.

I thought he said on Facebook they were moving North?

I am Facebook Friends with Chris Onstad.

If that means they're staying in the Bay Area that means either the slightly closer suburbs, the city itself, or Marin. I doubt he's making enough money to be moving to Marin though although it's certainly possible as I believe there are some cheaper places up there.

Still, Marin is for assholes. Or people who don't mind having to get dicked hard for driving on the Golden Gate Bridge which has no public transit. Yeah, it's pretty, but since only rich assholes tend to live in Marin I could do without it.

This has been Bay Area Stereotypes with BELGAND!

Hey Howard Beach, Gotti's dead already, let it go ya buncha guidos!

New York stereotypes with NICE-ON-WATER

Join in everyone!

Tourist suck and Disney World is overrated yet still better than Disney Land! We are so far south yet most people are not true Southerners here yet we will pretend in order to be liked! We are the southern equivalent of Connecticut because it's so boring here the only thing worth doing is fucking, drugs, and alcohol! And our music scene sucks and there is too high a level of overweight goth chicks here!

This has been Floridan Stereotypes with THEGUITARHERO!

Yes we were the Reddest State in the past election.

Yes, we are the Buckle on the Bible Belt.

Yes, we had prohibition in our state constitution from statehood in 1907 until 1959. You couldn't legally just walk into a bar in Tulsa and buy a drink until 1984. Yet it was always everywhere.

Yes, the people in the small towns are pig-ignorant.

People dance with snakes in church in Oklahoma.

Biology teachers aren't allowed to teach evolution in Okmulgee.

I can't go on. This is just too god damned depressing.

This has been Some Lesser Oklahoma Stereotypes with biff.

We get excited about the primary!
This has been New Hampshirite Stereotypes with sje46 .

That-that's really all you guys have, isn't it?

Since the fall of the great stone face, yes.

At least your license plates don't say "America's Dairyland."

"Live free or die"
Best motto in the nation!

"EXCELSIOR!" is waaay better guy.

No wai guy.
It's Live free or die.
Live free or die.
That is hardcore.

Ex celllllll sior! EVER UPWARD! We got high expectations.

I will do a wild guess, that you know another nice webcomic
Does Statcowski ring any bells ?

If you're asking me, no. If you're not asking me, disregard.

Nah, California still has you guys beat with "Eureka!" referring both to the discovery of gold and the fact that this is indeed the place (and well it better be because you aren't going much further west unless you swim). Also, we have a nice, simple flag that totally works. It has a bear on it (a bear, that I am told, which is now extinct), it says "California" it looks like the sort of thing you could maybe draw. If I remembered my heraldry better I could even describe the damn thing properly without too much effort. A good, solid flag. Maybe the bear maul and eat you for disagreeing, yes?

And yet we are not talking about flags. We are talking about mottos.
Live free or die is a testament to martyrdom for a greater cause. Or something.

My motto is much more like "Live Free or Maybe Move Away or Just Do Whatever the Scary, Dangerous People Tell You To Do. Let's Just All Be Cool Here."

Sort of like the oft-quoted line from Catcher in the Rye I don't respect someone who dies for a cause. Dying for a cause? Very stupid thing to do.

Perhaps a slight example? In AP US History we ran some sort of simulation where we were in small groups as the various colonies just prior to the revolution. Allegedly (though this turned out not to be true) our score was going to be related to the points we were allocated in the simulation and when the British started invading you lost your points when they beat your ass down. I, for whatever reason, was in charge of the military for whatever colony I was in. Seeing others get their asses thoroughly and being unable to work anything else out with the others in my group or the British I went to the teacher and offered the proposal that as the commander of the military I might be able to convince a large enough portion of my troops to either go rogue or otherwise be in the wrong place at the right time in order to reach a deal with the British where I would be allowed to keep my points and gain asylum in Britain. It worked, I kept my points, and in the end the points had nothing to do with your grade. I still view my outside-the-box ideas to be worthy of a better grade alone. Plus, I still consider it winning since I got out alive with my amassed wealth.

Then there was the time I used various aspects of the rules in an earlier year's Treaty of Versailles simulation (when I controlled Russia and had a do-nothing partner) to offer land and resources to other countries in exchange for their militaries (thus creating protectorates under the pretense that we'd be much stronger that way), then backstabbed them and with my superior military and their complete lack of one outright conquered them. The US vaguely caught on late in the game (and could have crushed me being the only stronger power at that point), but never managed to impose any real sanctions against me in the actual treaty because I largely ignored their Western European allies.

Once again history class is enhanced by being a devious bastard out to win at any costs and applying actual historical knowledge. Sometimes I feel that by working outside or barely within the confines of what was intended I was able to provide a more realistic scenario than what was originally intended.

*clap clap clap*

I find I have gained greater "military tactics" from playing countless hours of tactic RPGs, RTS, and reading so many damn fantasy novels.

I find honor exploitable and a quick dagger preferable to a mighty axe. Hmmm.

Martyrdom is only stupid if it accomplishes nothing, silly.
Live Free or Die isn't necessarily pointless martyrdom. .. its saying that you would die in order that freedom would reign. Not just in the state, but in general. Giving your life in order to ensure that others besides yourself are free is a very noble and not "stupid" at all, a priori.

The most noble thing I can do is to stay alive. I live for myself, not others. I do not find any form of sacrifice to be noble.

Then you're a selfish bastard.
Are you saying you wouldn't give your life to save ten innocent children?

Who would want to save innocent children? I'd rather save the conniving bastards who were trying to kill your misguided youths.

No, well, yes. But what I'm really saying is that I'd kill 1,000 children (or adults, I'm not picky at all) if it was necessary to save my own life. Any sensible creature would do the same.

Self-preservation is the most basic of all instincts.

I would not give my life to save anyone. I am of the "spare me and take my family" school on this.

The selfish wimp school.

The School of Hard Knocks.

Are you what passes for a man in your family?

You guys really make me feel like a normal human being.

I say fuck this argument and everyone in it. Let's go get a frozen banana.

1. Humans don't have instincts. Trust me, they don't.
2. Humans do sacrifice themselves. There have been many examples of this, and you know it.
3. Even if a lot of humans do aim for self-preservation above everything else, that does not make it noble. Sacrifice is noble. Do the opposite of human nature to save others in moble.

So stop saying that sacrifice is stupid You sound like a moron, no offense.

Humans do have instincts. It is asinine to suggest otherwise. You know your sex drive? And that pain you get in your stomach when you're hungry? And the fight-or-flight reflex that activates when you perceive yourself to be in danger? Those are all instincts. The latter two examples are manifestations of the instinct for self-preservation.

Sacrifice is not inherently noble. And noble is a subjective term anyhow, so it's all in the eye of the beholder.

So I wouldn't say belgand sounds like a moron. But I would say you sound naive.

Those are drives, not instincts, and there is a difference.

Spider building a web: instinct

Desire to chase fine ladies: drive

Birds migrating: instinct

Desire to kick ass over fine ladies: drive

Generally speaking, instinct and sentience are mutually exclusive.

Desire to chase fine ladies: drive

Desire to reproduce: instinct

Desire to eat tasty foods: drive

Desire to remain alive: instinct

Instinct and sentience are not mutually exclusive. Sentient beings just have more ability to control the behaviors their instincts inspire, or ignore their instincts altogether.

No offense tekende, but you are wrong.
An instinct is specific behavior that is not learned and can not be unlearned. It is the capacity to learn, and to therefore adapt one's behavior to changes in environment, which intelligence is the measure of.

Thank you! Exactly. Humans have too much free will to have instincts.

Of course humans have instincts, just looks what happens when someone acts as if they're gonna knee you in the crotch. Even if they tell you they're just gonna pretend, you still flinch.

No Stereo, that is God's shielding hand.

I believe that's a reflex, which is different from an instinct. Reflexes are the nervous system, while instincts are more the brain, but this is Wikipedia talking.

That is, in fact, a reflex. It may actually be a learned one, at that.

Didn't any of you people take a psych or biology course in high school?

I'm currently majoring in psych, but I don't know too much yet. I haven't taking anything neuroscientific or anything yet.

I didn't say sacrifice is not inherently noble. That is when it is stupid. But I would not say it is inherently stupid either.
Yes, they are subjective terms. I feel most people would agree with me though. There is nothing inherently stupid or unnoble about sacrifice. Self-sacrifice can often be very smart if it accomplishes what you want, and it is very noble if what you are trying to accomplish is for a good cause, such as the lives of others.

Letting yourself go to jail because you think that the income tax is against our basic human rights can be very noble to some people. However, it is not smart because chances are that it won't make a difference.

This is a silly argument. I am not an objectivist in the least, but my basic problem with self-sacrifice is this: how do you know that your sacrifice will accomplish anything if you are not alive to make sure that the right results were achieved? Let's say you throw yourself onto a grenade to save the rest of your platoon, and two minutes later, a bomb is dropped on all of them?

When I die, for all intents and purposes, the world ends. Any belief otherwise requires some level of self-deception.

And regardless, sacrificing your life to save specific people from certain death in a given situation is a very, very different thing from sacrificing your life for some abstract idea on a national and political level. It strikes me as a very odd idea that the color of a flag or even taxation without representation are things that are worth even one person's life, and I think people who believe this are slightly insane.

I'm not sure if the level of abstractness matters as long as the martyrdom is practical. If I allow myself to starve to death to prevent war, that is very noble and all .. .but dumb because I am a nobody and war can not be stopped by one person dying.
The Nobleness is a factor too, of course. Dying for your country does not seem inherently noble. If your die, however, fighting to free slaves or something, that is noble. So I agree with you with this.

You can't know anything for sure. You could donate money to a respected charity, and it could end up at the hands of neonazi pornographers. That doesn't make your charity any less noble. Yes, a bomb could be dropped on all of them, but wouldn't you die with them? You have to make calculations to make sure that your noble act results in the most happiness. This is what makes self-sacrifice stupid or not.

You say that for all intents and purposes the world ends. Intents for what, however? Purposes for what? For you. Only for you. Other people still live. If you don't care if they die after you die, you are a selfish person.

Yes, but there are two different levels of being selfish. I would wager that most people who act in unselfish ways do so because it improves their relations with others and makes their world a better place. I don't mean this in the Objectivist sense that all unselfish are ultimately calculated to achieve particular selfish ends, but more in the Kantian sense that benevolence helps to create a better world which you would want to live in. But when you die, you cannot live in this world, you cannot experience it, and you cannot even continue knowing that it is there. Your own consciousness is the foundation for all your knowledge of the world, all your ethical judgments, and all your concepts of value. Once it ends, all those things end too.

Dued, where's my consciousness?

Ok this argument is getting fucking ridiculous.

Elbox, I don't think that belgand was talking about sacrificing his life for some abstract idea, he was talking about killing his family to save himself.

Belgand is a douchebag who values himself over others. That kind of sacrifice is different from the abstract maryrdom you guys are talking about.

That's not being a douche. That's being rational. Quite honestly, I don't believe that people who say they would sacrifice their life for their family or loved one have given the matter much thought. For one thing, if the love is reciprocal, wouldn't the other person want to do the same thing for you? Or, if they were in the endangered situation, wouldn't they NOT want you to sacrifice your life for them, for the same reason that you would want to? Whose preference is more valuable in that case?

If the love is reciprocal, yes, this would happen. Boy offers to die to save girl, and girl gets mad and wants to die for the boy. Boy wants the girl to be happer, and the only way she could be happy is not to die a painful death. And the only way Boy could be happy is if he doesn't die a painful death. It doesn't really matter who is the one to die, or whose preference is more valuable. The are equally noble. So boy will tell girl to shut up and he is the one to die, because he doesn't want the girl to choose to be unhappy.

Also, love isn't always reciprocal. In fact, love shouldn't need to be reciprocal.

So in a situation where you are definitely going to die, but you have two options to die:
1. You die and so do ten other people
2. You die and the ten people are saved
you would just flip a coin? Because, you know, since you're not going to live it doesn't matter whether the others live or not.
Also, I'm not a Kantian or an expert on Kantianism, but I get the feeling that you don't understand. A better would that you would want to live in. If everyone is willing to have self-sacrifice to save others, wouldn't that be a world you'd want to live in? No one said that you have to be the one who self-sacrifices.

But if you hadn't thrown yourself on the grenade, the bomb still would have dropped and everyone would still have died anyway.

Yes, and you would be dead anyway.

I intend offense in saying this: anyway who says that risking/sacrificing your life to save others is "stupid" is an asshole and should be permanently removed from this mortal coil.


As opposed to...?

Resuscitation and reincarnation.

Permanently as opposed to temporarily, like getting sent to Mars to fight the Molluscs along side John Carter and Gullivar.

No offense taken. Sorry.

I am an asshole and I am not going anywhere. Well maybe I will go to the store and watch a kid have his lunch money taken by a bully, and not care.


Seriously though, if your family or someone you love very much was in danger and the only way of saving them would be to potentially risk your life, would you do that thing to save them?

You can speculate all you want. But you never know how you will react until the time comes.

I guess if you spent years training yourself for a certain reaction, you could have some idea. But for most of us, there is no way to know until the time comes. And many of us would be surprised by how we react. You don't stand around thinking and analyzing. You just do what your inner self tells you to do.

So, really, talk about it all you want. It doesn't mean anything though.

Very true. The thing that most people are missing is that it is very unlikely that the situation will manifest itself in such clear terms, like Dr. Evil suspending you and your girlfriend over a shark tank and telling you to choose. Much more likely, it will be something like trying to pull someone out of a burning building. And in that case, the analogy is not apt, because there will still be a chance, however small, that you will also survive. So unless you have the consequences and choices laid out clearly in front of you, which you probably won't, it will be a matter of your compassionate instinct versus your self-preservation or fear instinct, the result of which may have very little to do with what you logically believe.

Except humans don't have instincts.

Refer to Stereo's ball-punching example above.

Do you like being wrong or something?

It's a reflex .

I don't think there is some clear dividing line. I was standing in line at a pizza shop once and when the girl in front of me dropped the plate with her slice on it, I immediately reached to catch it. It was not a conscious decision on my part, nor was it a very good one, since it fell anyway and I just ended up getting pizza sauce on my sleeve. But it's not like it was falling on me or had anything to do with my immediate self-preservation.

It's a learned reflex.

This splitting hairs over psych terminology doesn't interest me. My point is that all of these things (reflexes, learned reflexes, instincts) are not rational and conscious decisions, and neither is diving to push someone out of the way of an oncoming car, or on the other hand, running out of a burning building instead of staying to look for a family member. You can make all sorts of claims about what should be done in those situations, but that says very little about the way you would actually act.

look who's being a dick about terms.

What's the reason for the reflex? Self-preservation instinct.

A sneeze is not a disease, but it is often a symptom of a disease or virus, much like a reflex is often an extension of an instinct.

You're splitting hairs here and being desperate. I'm curious as to why it means so much to you to believe that humans, unlike every other living organism on the planet , do not have instincts.

Whether I'm being desperate is irrelevant to the discussion.
There are things called words and things called concepts, and words represent concepts. We need to make sure we agree on a definition in order to discuss concepts intelligently.
A reflex is an automatic, unconscious reaction to a stimulous, and is different from an instinct because an instinct is not conscious and not automatic. An instinct is thought out, like birds building a nest. A reflex is more . ..mechanical than that.
An instinct is "complex pattern of behavior present in every specimen of a particular species, that is innate, and that cannot be overridden." I don't know of any complex set of behaviors human do that can't be overridden. Humans, for example, commit suicide, while every other species--that I know of--do not. Humans have free will, self-reflection, and intelligence.
Because humans can decide to die, we know that it is not an instinct, and certainly not a more mechanical reflex, that humans have that make them not want death. It is more of a drive.
So what does this have to do with anything? You claim that a person is stupid for not following an instinct? Or are you saying that a person won't decide to let himself die? The first is confused, and the second is false.

so let's change the first one. It is stupid for a person to die, but not because it is an intinct. Because it's a drive then? I don't see what makes it stupid to deny a drive.
Now let's see Elbox's explanation. Sure, you have no idea what is going to happen. And kant does not concern himself with consequences, only with following his teleological set of ethics. If you are saying that Suicide goes against the categorical imperative (which I believe it does) then don't commit suicide and let others die. But would you do this, Elbox? Are you a Kantian? I get the feeling that most people are not strict Kantians.
Also, it is true that people don't know what they are going to do until the situation arises. I fail to see how this is relevant. We know that both is possible; a person can self-sacrificing or not. What we are discussing is the morality and intelligence of each option, and you know what I said about nobleness and rationality.

Yea, but then you get into meta-ethics - on what criteria are we justified in proclaiming something to be moral or immoral? I am of the opinion that to some extent, ethical statements can't really apply to extreme situations where a person probably wouldn't use their normal rational decision-making process.

Furthermore, I would say that if most people would act in a certain way on a fundamental level, then any theory that condemns it as immoral is somewhat meaningless, and I do believe that most people would actually not sacrifice themselves, regardless of what they say.

Finally, (and this is related to the previous point), I would be inclined to say that it does not even matter whether one's decision to save oneself would be approved or disapproved of. Existence is a necessary condition for even being subject to any sort of judgment, and not existing is worse than any imaginable scorn, shame, or disapproval you would suffer as a result of saving yourself. So even in the rational calculus, self-preservation wins out.

Well, if you're a gutless coward and scoundrel.

For you existing is worse than the scorn and shame. That is, for you, your personal feelings, so you would most likely act in a self-preserving way. And everyone else would mock you because, in their opinion, you acted in an immoral way. It doesn't matter if you can hear them or not.
But yes, in the rational calculus self-preservation does win out .. . for you. And you only.

I think I'm an emotivist, by the way. I think all moral statements are basically "Boo to that" and "Yay to that".

I'm not claiming anyone is stupid for following or not following an instinct. I'm just saying, we have instincts. I didn't say they can't be overridden; in fact, I said in a post somewhere in this thread that we have a level of sentience that allows us, to some extent or another, to not follow our instincts or at least have great control over what actions our instincts cause.

Since arguing against this misconception that drives and reflexes are instincts in the English language has obviously failed to make any progress I will therefore instead pull an ace from my sleeve and respond with this instead.

Instincts are generally considered to be inborn. Unlearned and unlearnable.

That concept is innate in the discussion of instincts.

Explanations offered for why humans have no instincts are many and varied. But they mainly focus on our cognitive abilities, our learning potential, and our self-awareness.

I think "instinct" can be used to describe many different things. If you touch something hot, you pull away. That could be considered instinctive .

It is also something that can be overridden by someone with the proper training, or the proper exigent conditions. So if I take that view, I am saying that instinct can be overridden by humans.

So I guess I am saying that humans have instincts, actions and behaviors that are inborn and thoughtless. I am also saying that instincts can be overridden, by thoughtful action.

But that definition of instinct seems the same as the definition of drive.

Well, I guess you have a different definition of instinct than the scientific community, because, by definition, instincts can't be overridden. However, drives can be. Perhaps since the common definition of drive is equivalent to your definition of instinct, perhaps life will prove easier to you if you used the word "drive" instead?

Being wrong is not a reflex. Man, you are wrong about that too. You are just wrong at life , sje.

And yet no one has actually proven me wrong on any of the things I've said in this thread yet. They just say I'm wrong.

Maybe I just don't belong in this world . .. .

Some sociobiologists and ethologists have attempted to comprehend human and animal social behavior in terms of instincts. Psychoanalysts have stated that instinct refers to human motivational forces (such as sex and aggression), sometimes represented as life instinct and death instinct. This use of the term motivational forces has mainly been replaced by the term instinctual drives.

Instincts in humans can also be seen in what are called instinctive reflexes. Reflexes, such as the Babinski Reflex (fanning of the toes when the foot is stroked), are seen in babies and are indicative of stages of development. These reflexes can truly be considered instinctive because they are generally free of environmental influences or conditioning.

Additional human traits that have been looked at as instincts are: sleeping, altruism, disgust, face perception, language acquisitions, "fight or flight" and "subjugate or be subjugated". Some experiments in human and primate societies have also come to the conclusion that a sense of fairness could be considered instinctual, with humans and apes willing to harm their own interests in protesting unfair treatment of self or others.[1][2]

Other sociologists argue that humans have no instincts, defining them as a "complex pattern of behavior present in every specimen of a particular species, that is innate, and that cannot be overridden." Said sociologists argue that drives such as sex and hunger cannot be considered instincts, as they can be overridden. This definitory argument is present in many introductory sociology and biology textbooks,[3] but is still hotly debated.

Far from the universal agreement you were claiming.

There are geologists who believe the Earth is 6000 years old. Plus I don't think I said "universal" agreement anyway. The main belief is that using the definition in the last paragraph, which I think is the most accepted definition, humans don't have instincts. I can't think of any at least, using that definition. Can you?

It's only a definition used by one discipline. The last time I checked, sociology didn't have a monopoly on the discussion.

You mean psychology?
I don't care if you use a different definitions to different words, but since this is a psychological discussion, we should use the official psychological terms.
But whatever; I don't really care that much about the semantics right now. I just wanted to prove that New Hampshire has the best state motto.

I do not think there are geologists who believe the earth is 6000 years old. I'm not trying to turn this into a debate forum but links plz?

Before they discovered radioactivity, they figured a fire the size of the sun could have only been burning a few thousand yeras.

Well, by definition, a geologist is a scientist. And scientists go by evidence. (That's what science is.) And there is no evidence that would lead any scientist to believe the earth is only 6000 years old.

So, I am not sure where you are getting this, but there are no rational geologists who believe the earth is a mere 6000 years old. Or even a mere 6 million.

I apologize for posting essentially the same thing above. With a geologist in the family, I'm quick to the draw.

True, but when you're dealing with Young Earth Creationist fundamentalists they have some who have somehow managed to gain degrees, but have no other right to be calling themselves scientists.

Also the dude who developed PCR is apparently a complete crackpot who is largely considered entirely unemployable. He is still one of the people who denies that HIV causes AIDS.

Kind of a shame because PCR is so astoundingly useful. I must have run them almost every other day or so in my old lab.

For the non-biology types it is the very simple process by which a small amount of DNA is amplified into a much larger quantity of DNA by the use of an enzyme and a heat cycling device. It is very clever and works very well and can be misused in clever ways to do even more interesting things.

That's because it's actually SATAN.

Kary Mullis is a total douche.

He got lucky once and came up with PCR. Now he uses that as an excuse to act as if he is the Fount of All Knowledge .

I am sure that there are some things he pontificates about that are correct. After all, even Rush Limbaugh isn't wrong all the time.

Right, there are no rational geologists who believe that.
And yes. scientists tend to go by evidence. But not always.

If it's not empirical then it's logically constructed ideas and not faith, like creationists. So it's safe to say real scientists use evidence.

Right. Real scietists do.

I was just saying that as an examplke. I assumed that there were certified geologiest who believe that whether you think they are "real scientists" or not.
Anyway, about the Young Earth geologists . .. I just said that because I was reminded of a story in The God Delusion about a talented geology student at Harvard who had a huge internal conflict because he knew that hecouldn't reconcile his religious beliefs with his scientific knowledge, and he ended cutting up his Bible, ridding it of anything that contradicts his scientific knowledge. And then he chose the Bible anyway and threw away his future.

I'll change it to psychologists who believe in teh Oedipus Complex.

Not real, actual "scientist" geologists (my dad is one, I should know).

Babies. Nurse. When. They. Are. Born.

Babies instinctually suckle when nursed. From birth. It's not learned, it's not taught. It's an instinct. I'm sorry, sje, but you're just flat wrong.

As far as I recall, yes. Poke a baby in the cheek or such and it will instinctively turn its head and try to suck. There's also some sort of very interesting reflex to be had by spraying (such as with a syringe) very, very, astoundingly ice cold water deep into someone's ear. It is apparently a test for brain death and as I was told is NOT to be done as a prank.

Sounds like it could cause brain death. What's the reflex supposed to be?

Please for the love of God, don't say orgasm.

That part was not specified. Apparently the body will respond, however even if the person is comatose or such. If the brain is working there will be some response. Apparently it it just astoundingly unpleasant at basically the deepest of levels.

Google tells me vertigo, nausea, and nystigma. Plus "unpleasant feelings" which apparently only happen if you do it in the left ear.

Are we talking about Johnny Yen???

Aw hell. Here comes Johnny Yen... again *eyeroll*

And you just know he's gonna do another striptease...

What with all the liquor and drugs no doubt.

Oh man, that reminds me. Where'd you get that lotion?

The proper term would be a caloric test it appears.

Then humans have one instinct that lasts for a few months, does it really matter?

Yes because it means you are basically wrong.

Welcome to the plight of the Christian,s sje. Fuck up on ONE DETAIL and you can't be trusted ever again.

When you're being a dick about terms, expect people to respond in kind.

I don't even care if it an instinct anymore.

Hey, how about we knock it off with the personal attacks, OK?

I'm not agreeing either way, but you can't say what you would and wouldn't do unless you were in the situation. Now I respectfully withdraw myself from the rest of this argument.

Are you an objectivist, belgand?

You will most likely re-evaluate this position, if, for some reason, you ever have children. As it stands, I hope you don't have any.

He's already stated he doesn't want kids, but I agree with you here.

I also hope you never love anyone, belgand.

As do I, that shit is terrible.

Hmm. I kind of zoned out about a quarter of the way through all that. Who won?

sje46 did.

Good job!

We all lost.

Whoever wins, we lose.

Your "out of the box" ideas have been exploited by scumbags for centuries. Not exactly what I would call visionary.

No, I meant "out of the box" in terms of the class. I acknowledge that these are very typical tactics from history. Something that these other kids seemed to need to be reminded of. They need a solid lesson in how the real world works by people dicking one another over.

You're dangerous. Please work for us, not them.

People dance with snakes in church in Oklahoma.

As long as it ain't same-sex dancing. Caint have it.

The State Motto is "Yeehaw!"

No, actually the State Motto is Arbeit Macht Frei.

Seriously. And there's NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!

We live in igloo's or log cabin, ride polar bears, and are only good to play hockey. We say Eh alot.

On the other hand, since we speak french, we also only drink wine, eat baguette. 90% of our population are mime or some other kind of artist. The only singer ever to get out of here is Celine Dion, never mind Cohen, or The Arcade Fire.

oh yeah, Canada and Quebec Stereotypes with Wolfensti

You mean... the same thing that was written above Auchwitz's gates? Or was it Buchenwald? Dachau? Blues? Dachau Blues? Those poor Jews? Still cryin bout de burnin back in World War Twos?

This has been Stream of Consciousness with nice-on-water in spectacular RANT-O-VISION

According to one of the last major political candidates, we cling to our guns and religion. We are also Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Kentucky in the middle. And we have a Grand Canyon, which is as stirring as seeing a sign for "Intercourse: 5 Miles".
Pennsylvania stereotypes with the Smilin' Buddha. Virtue, Liberty, Independence ...and the Amish .

I always heard it was Alabama in the middle. At least Kentucky's pretty and has Louisville. There ain't nothin' in Bama.

East Kentucky is hardcore Appalachia, even more poor and white than the parts of Alabama you're most likely referring to.

But even then, it's pretty, and the people tend to be a lot nicer than the people in Alabama. Having (unfortunately) spent time in both places, I'd still pick good ol' Kentuck.

Yer ole Kintokky home?

East Kentucky vs. West Virginia in the hillbilly-off.

West Virginia by a explosion-enduced-coal-moutain-landslide.

Oh yeah, WV totally wins that contest. I got lost there once for four hours trying to find a damn head shop... Worst. Drive. Ever.

Actually it's something like labor vincit omnia which is basically the same thing. Or maybe it was Vincent.

I will go to Facebook and I will find him on Facebook and I will Facebook Friend him

And you will slit his throat?


I really wish I remember the full quote from Watchmen , the thing that Rorschach says in the trailer (and in one of the early scenes in the book) where it ends with "and I will whisper, ' No. '"

That shit is raw. And this made me think of that.

(A quick aside, I just got the first two League of Extraordinary Gentleman TPB.)

Wait wait I just saw that somewhere, shit, hang on:

"The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save Us!"...and I'll look down, and whisper, "No"

YES. The line from the trailer is better than the book.

I cannot wait for the movie.

I need to read the book then see the movie.

You may have a long wait if the court case isn't settled soon! Heh heh.

shut up or i will KILL you.


(i am laughing at you, tgh)

I just got that for Christmas! My sister is a good present-giver.

Presently, a presentable present-giver.

Did you get Watchmen or League?

Watchmen is absolutely genius by the way, I actually enjoy it way more than V For Vendetta, which got me interested in Moore's work and comics in general.

Watchmen satisfies my insane attention to detail. Every little thing means something, just like I think it does.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is much the same except almost every background character is a reference or character from 19th century literature. Even with the guide online it's tough to get absolutely everything.

From Hell was also very good. Do not trust how terrible the movie was. The book was excellent. It was not a mystery either. You know who the Ripper is from the very beginning and follow him along the way.

Look, I know we're supposed to automatically think that every movie adaptation of a graphic novel is awful and terrible and the book was so much better, but I actually didn't see much wrong with the movie, and the scene towards the end where the extent of the doctor's insanity is revealed gave me chills. Do you ever get tired of not liking things?

I totally believed that Heather Graham was a whore. Does that count for something? Saying Johnny Depp was pretty cool in it practically goes without saying as well.

I just didn't feel that it adapted the novel at all really. It took the idea that it was about Jack the Ripper and the proposed identity of him that it uses (though that it a common one) and kind of made a basic sort of film about it much like many others. It wasn't life-threateningly bad, but it just wasn't very good.

I do get tired of not liking things actually. I feel that there is a lot of product coming out that shows how terrible our culture is. Like "Bride Wars". That makes us all, as a people, worse just for existing. The creators should be beaten with pipes. Proper lead ones like you don't find so often these days.

I would prefer it if there were more things around that I did like, but sadly Sturgeon's Law is largely correct.

Seriously though, read the comic, it was great. I liked it very much. While on the subject though I rather liked both versions of V for Vendetta even though the film was clearly at odds with the book in many cases (e.g. the fundamental concepts of anarchy), but it did a fair job of adapting it and trying, roughly, to translate it into a modern viewpoint that would work more for an American audience (as well as, I hope, a British one) that is likely less familiar with the Thatcher government. Not that it's excusable for Americans to not be familiar with the Iron Bitch, but still.

That is weird, because I actually thought V for Vendetta suffered from logically implausible plot developments and just felt kind of stilted and rushed. Style-wise it was great, of course, but I thought the same about From Hell, especially the cinematography and the tastefully exaggerated reddish smog covering London. I mean if you compare the movies to each other rather than to their respective sources, I think From Hell fares better.

I'll be okay with Americans not being familiar with Thatcher's regime as long as they don't mind me not knowing what Taft did and ate.


Some of that might be wrong but it's what I remember from various kid's history books and schooldays of yore.


John McLaughlin claimed on the Group that Warren G. Harding was our first black president based on mudslinging political attacks when he was running for president, if anyone remembers that tasty little nugget. Also you reminded me that we will have a black president in less than two weeks and I got all proud and hopeful again. Happens every so often since Election Day.

Barack Obama is black? I didn't know.

Why oh why didn't the news media make a bigger statement about this?

Also why didn't they warn us that Sarah Palin was such a gigantic cunt at that John McCain unleashing her on the American public was akin to Gotham City's crime syndicate making a deal with the Joker?

(Actually they really aren't talking about that enough.)



5 points for funny idea.
-6 demerits for stealing from another thread.


10000 points for it also being my idea in the other thread
1 point for it actually being in the combined comments being in the rhythm of the song parodied




also I added an extra 90000 there because I am awesome.

That no one will get on board with. Take it up with the Department of Assetpoints, down the hall from the Federal Bureau of Yes.

-10 for me for not realizing it

Math is hard! :(:(:(


The McLaughlin Report is an endless source of amusement for me. Perhaps having watched it during my young, formative years has played a role in making me the person I am today. How else to learn about being judgmental except from the master?

One of my favorite moments was on a Christmas episode where Pat Buchanan jokingly admitted that he just looks at the prompter so he can agree with John.

Taft was the first and so far only president to get stuck in the White House bathtub! He is the reason why the White House now has a tub big enough to fit four men. That is pretty much all I know about Taft.

All the other countries were like, America, yo president so fat he took a bath and got STUCK .

And America was like Oh god it is true our president is that fat a bloo bloo a bloo bloo bloo.

Barack Obama will be the second when he gains 450 pounds in his first hundred days of office, and will be the first black president to do so.

Taft was awesome on the good Tick show, not the crappy live-action one that wasn't very good or really at all like either other version.

He was also unique in having served on the Supreme Court (the only president to do so) after his presidential term making him one of the only presidents to go on to serve in a high-level government capacity after his term.

He was the last president to have facial hair. A true shame there.

He was the last president to have facial hair. A true shame there

Unless you count Eleanor Roosevelt.

Not knowing at least a cursory amount about Thatcher is like not knowing that Bush was a colossal ultra-mega dick and Blair a whiny little suck-up and one of the least popular Labour leaders since the War. Bloody Tory.

Watchmen. I've never read V, but I read his run of swamp thing and of course The Killing Joke, and I am very much a fan. Cannot *wait* to see if the movie is anywhere near as good.

I shockingly enough have faith in Zack Snyder that he won't fuck it up horribly. Excluding his remake of Dawn of the Dead (which was actually pretty good up to the zombie baby part then it just kinda fell apart) he has made it fairly evident that, with adaptations, he knows how to handle the source material well. Granted, 300 was more a picture book with very little depth and not so much a comic book, but from the trailers of Watchmen it looks like he's doing a fairly faithful recreation.

The only difference I've heard of so far is the obvious (the crimefighting group being called the Watchmen and not Minutemen) and one fairly big change (the ending will be different because apparently the original ending didn't translate well to film without being too comical) but even then I still have faith in the movie.

From what I hear, he's trying hard to do a pretty faithful frame-by-frame adaptation. Yesterday my friend told me that the movie's something like 2 hours and 47 minutes in the theatrical version.

I heard he also had to cut alot of stuff out, like the Tales of the Black Freighter stuff, but it's all going to be in DVD release.

The Black Freighter is being released as its own DVD prior to the release of the movie, I was told.

I heard it was coming out at the same time as the movie, but that Snyder also wanted to release a extended version with it still in.

This extended cut is rumored to be up to 4 hours long, which is why the studio asked Snyder to cut the Freighter stuff in the first place.

OHHHHH GOD. The only thing I wanted from this adaptation was for it to be faithful to the original ending. To my mind, if you change the ending you alter the plot in its entirety.

Nite Owl convinces him to change his mind, but it's too late so Rorschach gets Dr. Manhattan to shift time backwards and change the future. Everybody realizes who the real villain is and they reform the Minutemen and go on to fight crime.

I agree, it might come across as a bit silly, but you simply can't change the ending. They'll probably just make it terrorists or something else stupid. Which, of course, ignores the entire point.

Wait... what? Are you serious about that being the new ending? Cause that's bullshit. It manages to go directly against how at least 3 of the main characters would behave.

I have absolutely no idea how the new ending is. I just created something that seemed like a terrible new Hollywood happy ending that would directly contradict just about everything and vastly change the entire story, the original ending, and everything the work was trying to say and accomplish with the ending.

When I said "him" I did not mean Rorschach, but, well, I think you know who I mean. I'm trying to keep it spoiler-free. Sort of why I didn't bring up why making it terrorists or such would be completely wrong. How if you try to make it less "silly" you will completely fail because while it is a bit silly it's crucial to making the plan work.

Basically how they could most fuck it up and create the most crowd-pleasing ending.

About the only things I've seen of it so far are widely-known. The new costume publicity photos that went out a long time ago, the trailer that screened in front of Dark Knight, and some of the posters that I saw at the theater the other day. I'm avoiding prior knowledge because, well, I read the comic. What more do I need until reviews come in?

Ok, The real new ending is:


Instead of a giant alien monster that Ozymandias teleports into New York he creates a machine that replicates Dr. Manhattan's power and uses it to blow up New York. Instead of the Earth rallying against an alien force they rally against Dr. Manhattan.

I'm fairly certain that the whole bit with Rorshach's Journal is still in.


See now, I just read the last few pages of The Watchmen in Borders (didn't buy it; they only had hardcovers and jacked up the price), so it's obvious I'm not a huge diehard expert but even I know that's bullshit. It is supposed to be some allegory for terrorism and responsibility? Man, fuck that noise.


Yeah, and Snyder thought it would be to awkward to present on screen.

Well, it also lets him cut out a ton of other stuff that was in there because it led to the plan and related to how it was accomplished and such.

That's crazy for every possible reason I can imagine.


Uniting against an outside threat, not a super-powered hero now totally disinterested in Earthly affairs, was essential. There's no way you can disturb that delicate peace by pointing out that it was all just a massive hoax designed to create peace.

Plus, well, rallying against Dr. Manhattan was already going on and the issue with heroes place in society is weirdly shifted into that ending in a strange new way. It's beyond stupid.

Plus, why even create the machine? I mean, he controls matter on a sub-atomic level. There is no need to replicate anything along those lines. It just doesn't work. Even worse, if he had the machine he could have used it to quietly eliminate his enemies instead of doing it normally. It negates the entire narrative.

It didn't replicate all of his powers, just the blowing-shit-up power, which is shown in full effect in the trailer.

I'm going to wait till after the movie is over and the morons are done doing the slow clap to form an opinion on how it all worked out.

At least the post-movie reception will be warmer than that of The Spirit where, to a packed theater, some douche in the very back yelled "THAT SUCKED I WANT MY MONEY BACK."

And that's why I don't talk about my hometown.

But he just has one power: he controls matter at a sub-molecular level. It would have been just as easy to just use a huge bomb and blame him. The machine makes no sense.

I dunno ok, I haven't actually SEEN the movie yet.

No one has, so lets all agree that the sex scene better be hot.

What, between Hooded Justice and Captain Metropolis?

You better believe it'll be hot.

"You like this, uh? This is what gets you hot?"
"Da. Now stop talking."

(Wait, was Hooded Justice Russian or German? I am such a bad rememberer.)

"The inference of the article was that Muller, whose family was East German, had gone on the run for fear of being uncovered while the Communist witch hunts were at their most everish."

That's assuming he actually was Rolf Muller (excuse the lack of umlaut on the u, I don't trust assetbar)

I believe the accepted wisdom is that he was, but that he was really killed by the Comedian in vengeance and Communism was just a red herring. Albeit one that certainly made the problem seem to go away.

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard. I really hope your source is wrong.

*sticks fingers in ears* lalalalalalala

Yeah, I was kind of on board with the movie until I heard about the ending change. I don't see any other way they can make it work. So now I don't care whether the movie gets released or not and am just getting kicks out of watching people freak out because they think Fox will actually manage to keep the movie from being released.

I don't know about any of this, but I'm waiting with bated breath for the adaptation of World War Z. I realize the likelihood that someone will come along and fuck it up like crazy. But if they do manage to get it right - mark my words - it will be the best zombie movie of all time.

Again, they almost certainly won't get it right. But I can dream.

If you want a decent adaptation of WWZ just get the audiobook.

It's abridged but still.

That would be the proper way to do it. I just don't see how you can do it well as a film. It's a fucking oral history . Sure, it'll probably feature him trekking around to interview the people and then using flashbacks to show their stories with narration, but I'm not really behind that. It was a book. That was the chosen medium for the project because that is what suited it.

An audiobook would work, but it would be best done in the style of the notes and actual recordings of the stories that would be used to compile the book. In that context it still works.

Like how House Of Leaves would be if it wasn't meant to make you feel like you were schizophrenic.

That is the book I am reading next. I haven't yet read it. San Francisco libraries are terrible. Branches are like bad school libraries. I mean, the sci-fi section for the Haight branch is a single side of a four or five shelf bookcase such as you probably have in your home. I have friends with larger and better personal collections of sci-fi.

You basically have to order everything from another branch or the main library and wait for them to ship it to your branch. It's rare that you'll find something good at a branch and they generally have very small collections.

I suspect it's a mixture of the lack of space, terrible use of the space they have, and massive budget problems. I mean, in the suburbs you have people more willing to pump money into libraries, greater ability to just drive there, and more space. Plus you don't need to spend most of your budget on other crucial services so things like libraries aren't relegated to being cut to the bone all the damn time. But it does pale horribly to the libraries in the suburbs where I grew up. In some ways the college town I used to live in with a single library and a largely poor student population did a better job and had a better collection.

It's just so random too. I mean, there was a Tomb Raider paperback there. The video section had stuff like single VHS copies of mid-series episodes of Lain and Evangelion next to Season 3 (and only Season 3) of The West Wing on DVD and Lord of the Rings on VHS. It feels like a lot of it is just poorly planned or randomly donated. They often don't have books and some stuff that you'd expect more of just isn't there or is in really small quantities (e.g. three copies of Burning Chrome for the entire city one is missing, one is library use only, and all are at Main).

For a major city and one with a population that seems to, by and large, care about such things it's pretty apalling. I guess a lot of people just buy books more often. I can certainly see why you'd be driven to.

Just buy the book, it's totally worth the 20 bucks.

And you really have to read it more than once to enjoy it.

Oh, they'll fuck it up for sure. But you're right, the whole time I read it I kept thinking, "Man, this could be such an amazing movie." That was an incredible book.

As long as they observe some of the basic physical rules of the zeds (slow moving, intelligence basically equivalent to an insect's, etc.) I'll be pretty forgiving. The world needs a new solid zombie movie director. Romero lost his way quite a while ago and all the kids today want these crazy sprinting ghouls. I understand that they're scarier that way, but I just can't get behind it.

Oh, damn - my nerd is showing.... Gotta go...watch some football! Yeah! That's what I like to do!


Seriously though, the only "fast zombie" movie I've seen that does it well is 28 Days/Weeks Later.

28 Days Later was awesome, but I almost don't count it as a true zombie movie. I mean, "rage?" They're infected with "rage?" A monkey watched too much cable and so his body developed this stuff? What the fuck is that?

And let me say that the remake of Dawn of the Dead would have been perfect if not for that one glaring flaw which, in my eyes, almost tore the whole thing down. Still it came a lot closer to getting it right than many others. Just slow those fuckers down to a shuffle and you got yourself an epic.

"Social commentary"

I didn't care for it and I'll agree it's not zombies. It's rabies. I felt the second half lost the thread way too much for me to enjoy it and, well, I just wasn't there to begin with.

I didn't even bother with the remake. I don't ever bother with remakes.

If you want the best current slow-moving zombie director today you want to go out and pick up the collections of The Walking Dead . I was lucky enough to subscribe since #1 (and when I accidentally got a double of the fairly rare #2 I was able to sell the completely unopened copy online a few years ago for a nice profit that I sorely needed) and it's exactly what you want.

It's in black-and-white as a stylistic choice and it follows the survivors more than the zombies. The author is not afraid to change things up and kill off major characters and unlike a lot of other comics here they're staying dead. He also chose not to disclose the reasons for the zombies because, well, does it ever make things better that way? You just get bogged down in reasoning and such and you never concentrate on the actual day-to-day stuff that matters. It just gives you a reason to say how it breaks the invisible rules.

Seriously though, Robert Kirkman is the best zombie director working today. He's just working in comics instead of film.

LOVE WALKING DEAD! I started reading it when Heart's Desire came out. Started at the beginning and read everything up till that point and have somehow forgot to keep up with it since then. A quick search reveals that I have a lot to catch up on. It's pay day. The comic shop may be in my future.

Anyway, yes - that is everything a zombie story should be.

I have no idea what the trades are called so that doesn't entirely mean anything to me.

(looks it up)

Wow. You're not kidding. The prison is now over. It's been, like, years (in real-time, not in-world) since then. The story just went through a massive upheaval after a couple of overly long arcs and a few issues that tried to raise tension in order to build to a big finish and some world-changing (or at least, group-changing) events, but it felt a little slow and stalling when you're reading it monthly.

Man, I've been so busy with moving and some other stuff that I've fallen even further behind with my comics than usual. I really need to devote some solid time to getting in some reading. Stupid novels taking up all my damn time.

Oh and I have to recommend to everyone to read Stray Bullets . It went on a lengthy hiatus with just one issue left to finish up the current arc which had been going on for, well, years and years because David Lapham would sometimes take a year and a half between issues, but now he's working on a new series and says he doesn't have the time or money to work on it for the near future. Still, it's a great, great amazingly wonderful series. I cannot foist enough love onto it.

Reasons for the zombie outbreak should be accepted as Macguffins anyway- you're watching it for the dead-eating-things, not for the chemistry and biology involved. Or at least most people aren't. Killjoy scientists like to ruin fun with "plausibility" and "reality."

Was it the zombie baby? Because that ruined it for me.

I bought the original Dawn to watch this weekend, also got Dance of the Dead, which is no the adaptation of the Richard Matheson short story but a movie about zombies at a prom.

The baby was a part of it (I forgot about that when I said it was otherwise perfect), but the running was the real killer.

I'm not an expert of zombies, but I know "Left 4 Dead" is hypersupermega inaccurate and yet it's more fun than a game with slow-moving zombies (take your pick).

I didn't mind the social commentary. WWZ was packed with that, too. I mean, in any good story about global infestation there's got to be some of it. It would be sterile without it.

As for Left 4 Dead, I was really excited when I first heard about it (not that I have a compatible console on which to play it, or anything). Even after I found out that the zombies were fast I wanted to take a look. Then I did and found out that its offenses ran much, much deeper: super zombie bosses. NO.

Dead Rising seems pretty solid, though. Not that I've played it, either. But I've always thought that a game like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon would be an excellent model for a zombie game. Huge levels, small party of playable characters (preferably without all the radars and night vision - probably using only, like, civilian hunting rifles, etc.) and just, like, thousands of shuffling zombies per level. No super zombies. No mutant bunny rabbits or any of that shit. I realize it'll never get made 'cause most people would find that extremely boring. Maybe for the PC? I hear those people like boring games.

I thinking something closer to Stalker would be ideal for zombies. Large, open-world gameplay with the sort of shooter/RPG hybrid you get from games like System Shock and Deus Ex (not the watered-down crap we got with Bioshock). You wander around in the post-zombie world.

And yeah. PC is often the way to go. Far less pandering to the twitchy masses than the consoles. Sadly the 360 is often killing the PC and getting studios and sequels to PC games watered-down and remade as console games that are merely ported to PC. It's a real problem.

L4D is fun, but there's way too many creative liberties. Smokers, Boomers, zombies that claw at you and don't actually eat you and you don't actually turn into one. Still it's fun.

But if they do manage to get it right - mark my words - it will be the best zombie movie of all time.

Dear Diary: Today, a memorable quote.

Ha, you totally did literally mark his words! I don't think I've ever done that.

i for one would be quite happy with an extended detour through roast beef's childhood.

theguitardooshbag .. he seems like the kind of person that takes a shit in a public toilet and doesn't flush.


No plans for New Year's Eve? No wonder you're talking sh*t.

fucking nye is amateur's night. dooshbag night. it's when all the dooshbag amateurs of the world finally decide to go out and get fucked up and stay up 'til midnite and watch year increment by one.


i have plans, but they don't have a damn thing to do with seeing the calendar flip. i am grateful for the day off and will tilt a few cold ones back. but yeah.. not in any sort of nye celebration.

I can't reply to the donkey, someone ask him if he celebrates the May 24th weekend.

I can't respond to desert_douchebag personally, but no, I wouldn't flush in a public toilet and not flush because I work on a grocery store and am frequently asked to clean restrooms. I end the night dry heaving with tears streaming down my face at least once a week.

Long story short, fuck you desert_donkey.

Happy New Year's, I guess.

Hope no one dies of drunk driving, that'll suck.

yea i was just driving and thinking oh my god please don't let a drunk driver kill me please don't let a drunk driver kill me. but i'm ok. so yay. so gay? no way! let's play! all day! in a land far far away! where there is no pain, and there is no rain, and the sun shines bright, and the unicorns fly, and i sit gallantly on their winnnngggggs!

my tattoo artist smoked me out and gave me awesome hugs heehee oh heeheehee LUFS HIM

I think that same line of thinking driving back from Tampa late at night on Thursdays/on the weekend.

Wait, you do drugs?! INSANE I DIDn'T KNOW!!!! ;)


That's ok phillipe, Daedala did not really sniff all that cocaine

Happy birthday SJE.

Of course not, because Daedala is my friend, and my friends would never snort cocaines!

Your friends have all snorted cocaine.
In your own bathroom.
At your own party.
On your own birthday.
Off your own girlfriend.
Without you.

It's almost like a haiku of misery

the seppu-hai-ku
of the loneliest party
it's the saddest thing

Or, a text adventure written to teach children of the 80's about the cruelty and unfairness of life.

That was a good night, thanks for the cake SJE.

I had just repressed that memory too!

Happy new year, assholes.

Happy new year, Radchilies.

Quit talking to yourself.

Happy New Year, talking to yourself in stereo.

hey zapatos did you score last night?

Yeah, a little bit. I got some make outs and such, but I was out with my dude friends and I didn't want to waste too much time doing sex.


wait you didn't make out with your dude friends did you?

man i bet he was making out all over his dude friends like a totally gay dude lol

That is a bet you would lose.

I bet, big guy ;)

Like I said, a losing bet.

As in I didn't kiss any men last night. This is just something that did not occur.

Here he comes. Here comes John Wayne. "I'm not gonna kiss boys. I'm gonna build an airport. Put m'name on it." Why, zapatos? So you can fly away from your feelings? Sooner or later, they're going to reveal themselves, in the most unexpec-- hey, who took my FUCKING HARD BOILED EGGS?

Once I started, I couldn't stop. I regret nothing. Enough people will forgive me.

Enough you two; now why don't you just kiss and make- up out

No, we have to wait like 3 seasons, come on.


(Will Arnett is the luckiest dude in the world, I totally want to impregnate a drunk Amy Pohler on the back of a dune buggy in the Sahara desert.)

Arrested Development and The Office are the greatest series of the 2000s. For comedy, at least.

I'm getting hooked on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia . Mean spirited comedy always makes me smile. And let's not forget Curb Your Enthusiasm . Larry David's been making me laugh since the early '80s. Anybody remember "Fridays", the short-lived ABC challenge to SNL?

From what I hear, Fridays was better than SNL, especially since it was during the 80s SNL debacle years. But also, I've been trying to watch more It's Always Sunny but I never find the time to Hulu it, between 30 Rock and The Office.

Curb probably belongs on the top five list, but I haven't watched more than six episodes, so I felt uncomfortable mentioning it.

I haven't seen much at all.

30 Rock and Always Sunny are both much better than The Office. It has its moment, but it's still inferior to the original and over-praised.

Whasshisname is a lot better as Dwight, but that's just about the only part. Steve Carell... just doesn't do it for me. I simply do not care for him or his take on the character.

Hell, The Venture Brothers is better too.

I agree with you on almost everything except The US Office not being funny. I own the full UK box set and find it funny, but British funny. I rarely laugh out loud at it but I love watching it.

Yet The US Office almost always produces one or two good belly laughs an episode.

The very opposite opinion of my old dormmate, who thought the British version had belly laughs, while the US version just has a constant level of low humor that is still pretty good.

Teh reason why I said that the Office is one of the greatest series for comedies isn't because it is the funnies .. .although it is very funny .. .but because it has a lot of pathos, too . ..but subtle pathos. The more you know the characters, the more you identify with them, and the more you love them. It never cheats pathos by having A Very Special Episode, or cheat comedy by making cheap pop culture references like Family Guy and The Simpsons. It keeps it real. And while the humor isn't often outrageous, it's genuine.
Arrested Development is different. It has a lot less sympathy in it, and a lot more outrageous humor. But this humor is well written, and challeges the viewer, and doesn't follow a formula either.

AD has a lot of themes running through it that you never really think about, like loyalty, business ethics, social mores (Les Cousins anyone?), spirituality, the war, etc.

If you overthink it, that is.

And I will!

Why would you like the British Office.

Why would you like that.

Honestly, on my list it ranks not much higher than Little Britain or the Catherine Tate Show.

Catherine Tate is a Saint !

Stereo thinks the british deserve to be made fun of

Catherine Sate is a taint?

They are funny in their own separate ways and I love both but know the US version better for obvious reasons: I am American and have easier access to American television.

I actually find the US version almost punishingly dark and bleak at times, but the thing is it almost always relents.

The most grueling thirty minutes ever has to be "Quiz Show" from the UK Office.

I'm still waiting for the rumored UK/US Office crossover.

That would never work. I like the US version better because Michael Scott is much more goodhearted, it seems to me, than David Brent, who just seems like a cad. Also, yes to your dark comment, and I think it's because as an American sitcom subject to the strict desires of the American viewing public, deeper plots and more complex personal relationships etc are needed, so it lends itself to that kind of whatever BLAHBLAHBLAH like the episode where Michael sleeps with the concierge (Clemmy from "Reno") in Toronto and then gets mad at the CEO guy (forget his name) for sending his girlfriend Holly away (non-Office viewers will be a bit confused; if so fuck you).


Actually, that episode was one of the few where the bleakness never leaves.

Andy finds out Angela is cheating on him...but doesn't know.

Michael, in all his naivety, gets it on with a pretty chick and just wants to spend the night with her...but doesn't, and takes it out on his boss.

Even the exceptionally fucked up Christmas episode of this year (the Office's Christmas specials are especially sick and twisted) had a few glimmers of hope, but Andy, as always, drags everything to the "Dark Comedy" side.

I think a cross-over probably wouldn't work but it'd still be cool to me.

ShutupShutupShutup I haven't watch it yet, I'm going to now.

So I just watched it and yeah, it's darkish. But I laughed my proverbial ass off (proverbially laughed my ass off?) when he closed his song with his signature "Rit-dit-dit-dit-doo."

Yeah but that's what made it so sad. If Andy walked in a few seconds earlier he would have found out that Dwight and Angela were having an affair.

I think I know how the series is going to end. Carrell is apparently on board for another 3 seasons.

I find the deeper personal relationships to be more of a turn-off on the American version. It's too much of a drama in that regard and not really a comedy anymore. It's like the relationships are the plot and not in service to setting up comedy as they typically are on Arrested Development.

Of course. Is there something wrong with this? It makes for a better show for me.

I realize some people like that, but I want a comedy and instead I get a drama that's only occasionally funny in places. That sort of drama, by which I mean what little I've seen of the ones on the show, just don't interest me.

Arrested Development and The Office (both branches) are both in the same style of occasionally deadpan, occasionally bizarre humor, but they work in different ways.

Arrested Development is more like a traditional sitcom, but I can understand how it got canceled so soon (I almost feel like if Ron Howard didn't spend all of Season 3 poking fun at non-watchers and the network by kind of saying "Look how fucking stupid you are for not watching this show from the beginning!" and actually kept the tone constant from the early episode with Charlize Theron it would have gotten picked up for a 4th season). That show just works better on DVD it seems like, whereas The Office allows for more emotional involvement that keeps you coming back week by week.

That's the only concern I have with an AD movie, which we've all discussed before: will a 1.5 hour, or even 2 hour movie serve to tie up the loose ends of a story that, by hours, was more like 24 hours long? Some plots, especially the overarching Iraq plot, were seasons-long. The Office could resolve issues neatly in movie form, but AD lends itself to seasons of storytelling.

And now that I think about it, that just tells how the shows are different in their own way. I feel The Office is more of a traditional sitcom as opposed to AD, because stories start and end more often and are more realistic, or traditional.

I think AD is more a twist on the traditional sitcom, similar to It's Always Sunny and, to a greater extent, How I Met Your Mother than The Office.

I think that The Office COULD wrap up the series' plot in a special (similar to the UK version) but it wouldn't be satisfying. They have been setting up a lot of things from even season 1 that will start the end of that show. Andy's wedding will get the ball rolling, I believe.

AD has potential to work in movie form it just won't work very good and everyone will hate it. AD is not Firefly , it didn't get cut down in its prime. It got to wrap up all of the plot it the final season, so there is no need to make a movie. I agree with Micheal Cera on that.




I think that's what Scott Pilgrim is, I actually have no clue. I know it's a comic.

No, you are wrong.

I had to wikipedia it. I'm not sure if it is manga (from what I understand, manga is the japanese style of drawing things, while anime is the japanese style of animation).

The way I explained it to a friend is "it's manga drawn by a Canadian dude who's obsessed with video games and indie rock".

It's manga in style only. You read it how you would read a normal book and it doesn't have any of the conventions of a regular manga.

Oh well I won't be reading it then. Sounds like Questionable Content.

Scott Pilgrim is absolutely nothing like Questionable Content.

Just...fuckin' find the first Scott Pilgrim book and read it. If you don't like it, fine, but give it a chance.

FINE I probably will at some point anyway.

Not trying to start shit here, but QC and Scott Pilgrim are similar in at least one aspect: they both look as though they were drawn by 12-year-old girls.

Oh, fuck it. You know I'm trying to start shit.

QC reads like it was written by 12 year old girls.

ALSO: I ctrl F-ed "12 year old" to get back to this comment, and there are way too many instances of the phrase "12 year old" on this page.

12 year old


It is an awesome comic by a dude from Canada and everyone should read it and love it.

What tekende said. I've never read QC but this is nothing like what I've heard about QC

I read QC. Scott Pilgrim is in a different genre entirely.

It's a sitcom. There's got to be elements of drama as well as comedy and character development through tumultuous kinds of situations . Characters aren't developed through the little jokes; that just enhances.

Why would I build an airport? There are already enough airports in the world, I don't need to add anymore. Well maybe it would be nice if there was one closer to the cabin... but that would attract unwanted attention to the area. I prefer my time at the lake without hearing about city folk being mauled by bears.


Do you want to make out?

zapatos has gotten so much sex he considers it a waste of time.

Truly, I have better things to do.

Dogs? Horses?

You sicken me.

Playing with a dog may be better than sex with a human female, depending on the dog and what we are doing. Fetch is okay for like... ten minutes.

I don't like horses, so I would rather have sex with a human female than be around a horse.

So for New Years my most bosom of buddies was dragged to his brother's fiance's friend's party where a Philippine mail-order bride politely stared at him with rescue-me eyes as a means of initiating conversation whenever her man was absent.

They left before his people-alienating-rantings stage of drunkenness set in, though, which is a shame.

They call them "Filipinos".

That's like saying "Russia mail-order bride".

No, it isn't. "Philippine" is also a legitimate adjective. I didn't want to use "Filipino", because it might been interpreted as indicating she had a little something extra under her skirt, and "Filipina" would have sounded redundant.

...and the original comment was supposed to be in reply to a conversation somewhere above, not dangling around down here all blog-like.

are you sure? That just doesn't look right or sound right when I say it.


Man, the USSR used to be longer than longcat.

I know what the island is called, jackass, but calling someone from the Philippines "Philippine" sounds like calling someone from America "America".

Nevertheless, it is correct.

Jesus FUCK, why do you kids have to be constantly saying the stupidest thing possible at every moment possible?



Do you call people American Samoa? Do you call people Scotland?

You call people British because they are from Great Britain.

I call you a douchebag because you are acting like one.

(I'm leaning towards your side now about this whole Philipine argument but until I find conclusive evidence I'm gong to continue arguing because you are being an asshole and making yourself look like one.

It looks like we are both right.


It is an adjective but the way you used it is so rarely used that of course it didn't make sense.

You would still call them filipino/a or philipino/a and you are still being a jackass.

So it's okay for you to call me a jackass, but not okay for me to respond in kind when you remain obstinate in your COMPLETE IGNORANCE OF THE NATURE OF ADJECTIVES .




It's still retarded the way you did it.

. . ..
. . . .
This was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Philippine and Filipina would have both been acceptable. I like Filipina better tho.

Hey kids, go outside and play catch.

Gentleman, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!

I had a chubby left, I had one left for you, Doctor!

I'm starting to understand the niche that you're carving out for yourself here, Wozzeck. The Constant Contrarian. That's cool. There needs to be one. I previously would've said that Belgand was already filling that role, but he's rounding himself out a little, lately.

Anyway, I wasn't thrilled about it initially, but now that you've officially been completely correct in one of your relentless assertions (unlike the Raven Riley debacle up there) it lends you some cred.

Refute on, my son.


Crass colloquialism.







You're 19 and you can only jerk it once a day?

Am I special?

No, I can jerk it like 50 times a day if I wanted, but I'd rather not do it more than like twice a day anymore.

I was a lonely 13 year old.

Is ... is it bad if sometimes you jerk it four or five times a day?

Not at all.


Only if having eight streaming videos open simultaneously makes your roommate's World of Warcraft lag so that he has to pound on your door and tell you to close them.

In one day? No. In one hour? Eehhhh... that might be pushing it a bit. That is, unless you're multi-orgasmic.

Ladies are like the advanced mode of sex. Harder to make it work correctly, but often with a better payoff when it does.



Performance art is hot.

Trench-warfare leather sluts were all the rage at Ypres this fall.

Trench mud and no-man's-land chic were hits at the gas masquerade ball.

What the hell?

Rule 34

That's like the opposite of masturbatable material.

I didn't realize The Poughkeepsie Tapes was a fetish now.

I love it whenever that word appears in my life.

If that don't give you a boner, you don't have a dick.

i just wanna say, i still love this comic so much.

We all love the little cat Roast Beef.

Roast Beef, the middle cat!
Not Ray, not Pat!

He's always been my favorite character.

Hello all! I just got back from vacation without internet, so now I have about 1443 comments to read. Anyway, Happy Belated New Year and Non-Religion-Specific Winter Holiday Or Maybe Religious If That's Your Thing!

(but not up yours if it's not)

You shouldn't put it up hers, you might go to jail.

Nice to have you back. I've been over at my fiancee's condo for a few days, and although she tolerates me talking to strangers about cartoon cats, I don't push my luck with her computer.

My girlfriend thinks I'm a supreme nerd. I often fail at relating a hilarious comment I've read on here.

My wife now knows enough about Achewood to believe it's full of degenerates. She thought the strip of Nice Pete driving Philippe in the van looked like me and her. She has a phobia of driving over bridges, and she thought Pete was looking very reassuringly at Philippe, while driving over a bridge.
(That's the arc where Philippe runs down a deer in his escape-panic and Pete shoots it to put it out of its misery.) A great back arc, that one.

I had to provide some background on Nice Pete at that point....

RAY shoots it to put it out of it's misery, after Philippe escapes from Nice Pete.

My girlfriend has supposedly read through most of the archive (I introduced her to Achewood when we first met, that's how I knew I would keep her) but she still thinks I'm a supreme nerd.

She's always showing me xkcd strips though and I just found out last night that she likes Perry Bible Fellowship.

ITS. fuck.

PETE shoots it. He got a bad rap in that strip.

Dude, Ray shoots it .

Seriously s_n, it's like you aren't even reading the same comic the rest of us are.

It's like, we're reading Achewood and you are reading Mallard Fillmore or something.

Black people need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!

I mean, what's the deal with them? How dare they be black.

God dad!

I have never actually seen Mallard Fillmore. The only time I've even been made aware of it was in America: The Book.

Of course, I don't read newspapers in print and even if I did I doubt I'd bother with the comics in them. Once Calvin and Hobbes ended... well, why bother going on?

I never read Mallard Fillmore either, in fact when I read about it in A: TB I thought it was supposed to be a joke on Opus and not an actual comic.

Dude, Ray is left-handed. Pete shoots it.

You're all wrong unless Onstad himself said Ray shot it.

The new Han or Greedo argument?

Click to the next strip, dude.


Where is wozzeck when you REALLY need him?

The silhouette is deliberately ambiguous in order to create a cliff hanger between that strip and the next one. That gets lost in translation in the archives.

Exactly. Phillipe thinks that Nice Pete is there, with a gun, and he points it at him with the intent to shoot him. *Cliffhanger!* Next strip the silhouette is shown to be more obviously Ray (the hood has caused him to look more like Nice Pete) and then Ray actually appears and shoots not Phillipe, but the deer to put it out of its misery.

It is Ray. Nice Pete is not there at any time. That was an illusion in the mind of a scared little otter. The narrator in the previous panel (Phillipe) is unreliable due to fear. We are seeing things from his perspective. In the second strip Beef is there and is providing an outside perspective that confirms the scenario as it actually occurs.

I'm not disputing that Ray shows up seconds after the shoot. I'm saying Ray did not do the shoot. Onstad would not have screwed that up.
You did.
Twice he makes it obvious that Ray is left-handed, but in the previous panel the shooter is right-handed. He doesn't even put comic smoke issuing from Ray's gun barrel. Also the barrel is different.

Look at the goddamned ears in the panel that shows the gunshot.

Those are NOT goddamned American Curl ears.

Nice Pete took that shot. NICE PETE!!!


It's quite possible that Chris made a mistake, you realize that right?

The silhouette was obviously designed to throw readers off the scent that it was Ray who shot the deer. If not, why would Ray appear and not Nice Pete? It does not make sense.

As for right-hand versus left-hand, this goes to the "Onstad made a mistake and tried to correct it" argument. Notice how in the next strip Ray is clutching the gun with both hands, making it possibly ambiguous as to what hand he was shooting from in retrospect. Why else would one strip end in silhouette and the other BEGIN with one that is supposed to be the same one.

This is ridiculous, I seriously can't believe I'm having an argument on the internet over which cartoon cat shot a cartoon deer.

Ray is the cartoon cat that shot the cartoon deer.

I never realized what a force of wisdom wozzeck is. Be glad we have him, because he knows .

Well, you are the one who is making it into an argument.

An argument that seems to be saying, we can't go by what we are seeing. We can only get the correct answer when we go against what we are seeing.

Yeah, that makes tons of sense.


So you are saying we have suddenly been shifted to Philippe's POV just for that one panel? And the fact that the silhouette is Nice Pete's silhouette is just Philippe's panic distorting the image?

OK, I guess there is some continuity to that argument. And I don't have time right now to take a trip through the archives to see if Onstad has used that POV technique earlier.

But it doesn't seem likely to me. I will gladly retract my statement if such can be shown to be the case.

But going by the evidence, Nice Pete took the shot. You can even see his sideburns in the silhouette.

God Fucking Damnit!!!


I just don't think it makes any sense from a story-telling point of view that Nice Pete is standing there, pointing a gun, and then Ray is there holding a gun. What happened? Pete is going to kill Philippe, and then Ray magically takes his place, and happens to be holding a gun too? Did ray knock out Pete and take his gun away from him? And if so, why didn't Onstad make that a little more clear? that would be some good storytelling we missed out there.
The biggest concession I'll make is that Onstad changed his mind between strips. However I doubt even that is likely. Scared, unreliable Philippe is the best answer to this problem.



Take that, /asb/.

The entire strip is from Phillipe's point of view, he is talking to himself, we hear his thoughts, he is alone and he is scared and then he sees what looks a lot like Nice Pete pointing a gun at him.

It was a fake-out for storytelling purposes. The second strip completely reveals the truth and the arc ends. It was the dramatic, penultimate cliffhanger where we think that Phillipe is going to be shot.

In all likelihood Nice Pete was really just taking him to a super-secret ice cream parlor and the whole scenario seemed pretty scary to the little otter (and, well, Nice Pete is pretty creepy and scary) and everyone else freaked out over it because of Pete being, well, Pete. He likely never intended to harm Phillipe. I mean, look at the place, it is obviously just an old, creepy, run-down ice cream shop.

Nice Pete was trying to be nice, but the little otter was so scared that he assumed he was out to kill him thus causing the mistaken identity.

I am not saying you are wrong. Not at all.

But out of the nine panels in the strip, we see Philippe from the outside in five. So, yeah, you can say it is his point of view, but not the same point of view inside his head as in the final panel. Especially since what we are seeing is a distorted view of reality.

Again, I am not arguing against your position. I am merely pointing out how Onstad has caught me by surprise with this. I want it to be presented much more clearly when I am seeing distorted reality through a character's eyes, and not seeing actual reality from the narrator's godlike POV.

I see your point, but the final panel was literally from Phillipe's POV. That was implicit in the staging of the shot.

I'm certain I've seen this technique in film many times before without it leading to any confusion, but then again they rarely have the option of providing greater, misleading detail there and then changing it in the next shot. It's usually just more obviously ambiguous.

I think it's pretty obvious that pointy ears is what Philippe sees the shooter as. That explains why he is right handed too. The second strip shows reality, which is Ray. That is why Ray is still holding the gun. That is what makes the most sense. Onstad was trying to create the most suspense.

You guys kidding, or are you autistic or something?

You're just trying to ruffle our feathers now, yeah?

No. I can appreciate the ambiguity, if that's the way Onstad intended it.
If he's not dotting 'i's and crossing 't's to everyone's complete satisfaction, my version has the well-intentioned serial killer taking the boy out to a special place for a Halloween icecream and nothing more. The ensuing circumstances were all Philippe's doing.

Yeah, I don't think Nice Pete ever meant to hurt Philippe.

And as for the "shooter" controversy, I think it was just an artistic device to make us think it was Nice Pete. We're all, like, "Oh, no! He caught up with him! What'll happen now?" but then we realize that it was just Ray. Onstad did a really good job of conveying that Philippe also thought this, even though he couldn't make out the shooter's features at first. His terrified little mind just filled in the blanks and that's what we saw at first, too.

Everybody happy? I'm gonna guess no.

Well, crap. If I accept that we had Philippe's POV, it is going to change the way I look at this comic.

Crap. I don't want to do that. I have been doing it this one way for years, and over 1500 strips.

No resolution of this is going to make me happy. Unless Onstad himself comes and makes a clarification.

And that wouldn't automatically make me happy.


Say, biff, on a semi-sequitur, you remember reading about this guy? https://www.normantranscript.com/localnews/local_story_234001553.html

I remember hearing about the execution. No details, just that it had happened.

I was living in Houston at the time of the murders, and they didn't make much news down there.

I came home from work one day in 1987 and my wife was climbing the walls, hysterical about a guy wearing a Cox outfit with a ladder who came to the door. She had looked out at him coming up and saw these dead eyes, and locked the door.
He jiggles the handle after ringing the bell and knocking a couple times. Goes around to the side, which she has locked, then finally leaves. He'd probably seen my 2 yr old daughter waving at him.
My wife was literally babbling. Something wrong about this guy, his van didn't have the sign painted on it, all her alarms were going off.
The next day or 2 later we read about Jo Talley Cooper, who lived about 2-3 blocks away from us. My wife again goes apeshit babbling. I asked her if she wanted to talk to the cops about it. I forget why she said no.

When we read about the guy getting DNA I.D.'d for it years later, she was sure it was the same guy.

I never have cable people show up in company vans or wearing uniforms. They all seem to be independent contractors or something. Frankly the last time I didn't even want the guy here. All I needed was my service transferred. I can plug it in myself.

The time before that they tried to charge me for coming out to fix a problem that happened on the line (on the pole, it's not even like I have a yard or something where I could have conceivably done anything to it) and was clearly their fault and not in any possible way mine. Actually, they automatically put "service protection" on my account and then pro-rated it and charged me from that date. There is no fucking way I'm paying for a service call when it's your half-assed equipment that goes down and I have to be the one to let you know and wait for the guy to come fix it.

I've seen some dumb stuff here on assetbar, but by god, this argument takes the fucking cake and refuses to give it back.

Good lord.



NEVER be a cock to a cake.


Is the surprise that he didn't really put the condom on or it more of an unexpected (and likely not entirely willing) facial sort of thing? This cake just raises more questions!

Hey, what can I say.

The holiday rush is over, the semester hasn't started yet, I don't have a target for my merciless pedantry.

A pointless argument on the message board of a comic about anthropomorphic cats and stuffed animals and robots is just the place for a bunch of inane ramblings.

Yeah, I'd say that conversations like that are one of about a thousand things which this place is pretty much exactly for.

That sentence hurt my brain, but I think it works in the end.

I find it amusing that it didn't even occur under the strips it was about, but here under an unrelated strip where it will never serve any future purpose. I mean, I understand why, but it is still... it is a thing.

No, Ray shoots it. Pete got a bad rap because he abducted a five year old for what he would probably describe as Reasons.

In 1981 I received some kind of strange model of an insect-like alien space ship for Christmas. I can not remember for the life of me what it was, or if it was from a popular cartoon. I have fond memories of that and the release of Rock It.

the only thing I remember from 1981 is going down a big water slide at (tr)Action Park with my dead uncle.

My uncle who is dead now, I mean. My parents did not send me down an aquatic amusement with a corpse, or anything.

Although I guess that would be a pretty happening send-off, just kind of going sploosh! into the grave (along with a child sacrifice).

Dag, yo, 1981.

Space Shuttle launch, high school graduation, buying beer legally.

Going off to college, ingesting all forms of natural hallucinogens, quitting smoking the first time...


Dang, 1981. I was... negative 13 years old. :D In fact, it was 5 years before my parents even met. I'm kind of jealous, I'm too young to have any anecdotes :(

That can't be right, unless you fudged the numbers.


oh ok, I thought you were saying that it was five years till your parents met and another 13 till you were born.

Dang, 1981. An egg in my mother's loins.

Good times, good times.

Nothin' but good-times in mother's loins , noted sje46, as he carefully carved off another hot slice from the night manager's buttock.

Ah yes, I remember her loins well.

Gotta crash. Bye kids. Love ya.


You can have some.....implanted if you'd like.

You may have some initial distaste for the current recycled music and fashion trends... it will fade once the Nostalgium (TM) kicks in.

Weirdly, most of the concrete memories I have of 1981 were all major events of the time. I remember hearing that some non-American country was letting some American people go after keeping them for a while. Didn't care about that. I remember hearing that the president got shot. Didn't care about that. I remember with crystal clarity when the baseball season was temporarily suspended because of a strike. I didn't know what a strike was, but it broke my heart.

My only vivid personal memories of the time revolve around the enormous wall next to our house in Jefferson City, MO. I remember the guys with guns sitting in little houses up on top of that wall at all times. They would wave to me sometimes. My dad lived on the other side of the wall. We would go see him sometimes.

You knew Aeon Flux?!

Liquid TV-Chubby for you my good sir.

I remember Aeon Flux, but I have no idea what the connection is.

Her city used to be divided by a very large wall. It was a tenuous connection but by god I attempted it none the less.

Met my wife in 1981. I still think of her (then) 17 year-old body when we do it.


Please do not pretend that a 17 yo female body can be one of the most intoxicating spectacles in the world.

(I knew you were being sarcastic).

(And we prefer Pederast thankyou).

your age divided by two plus seven.
He can't date anyone under 61.

Fuck that noise.

Well... what's the frequency of it? It might not be within your allowed range.

81 / (2 7) = 9

She's well in his range.

Fuck you assetbar, I had a plus sign in there.

That's what we call a rookie mistake, 'round here.

Pederast refers to man-on-boy.

But not even pedophile is appropriate to this story.

A seventeen-year-old is not a child by the definitions of the various [i]ped-]/i] prefixed words.

While you are correct, the real perfix is paed-. Ped- is "of the foot."

In America, the prefix is "ped-" for both .

Really you guys suck.

Hmm... so we could be using the classier term of pedophile for foot fetishism and paedophile for child-sexing? I knew these prefixes before, but never bothered to think of this before now. I foresee some amusing, Three's Company -esque misunderstandings that would result.

The pedo-paedo specifically requested that she wear the saddle shoes.

Reeeeeally? Well shit. I learnt something today. Thanks biff!

Wow, cool, got some teaching in during the off-season.

Don't feel bad, jeffspaulding. She no doubt still thinks of you as the svelte 81 year-old who could walk from room to room without assistance.

How she got in your pajamas, I'll never know.

Hooray for Captain Spaulding!

The African explorer!

'Mon to fuck with the new strip.


I'm glad we have a genius here to set us straight.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

unless its digital.

No, then it still is because it flashes 12:00, right?

If it's broken it might not flash anything at all. Or maybe 84:66 or something.

A lot of cheap digital clocks skip a segment in the far number (since it only needs to display 1 or 2) so it could only flash 1, 2, 3, or 7 correctly.

Basically if your clock breaks, you should get a new one.

... and for once I'm inclined to believe Withnail is right. We are indeed drifting into the arena of the unwell.

i'm inclined to agree with octafish.




I have no other reason for posting this other than to record that I have been through the archives and am now caught up with Achewood.

What will I do with my spare time now?

Wait, argue, hit on daedala_x.

NIGHTMARE MODE: hit on loneal

Just look for the one with the shortiest skirt and one eye.

Pirate Loneal?

(for those of you playing at home, I've been reading a ton of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in preparation for the new series, which is going to have Pirate Jenny in it. I am such a loser.)

When's it coming out, praytell? Black Dossier was nice, but it was more of a sourcebook than anything.

April 2009 is when the first book comes. I'm hoping that he finishes it by the end of the year so we can get a TPB out BEFORE the end of 2010.

It was supposed to start by the end of last year but it was delayed.

I just got Black Dossier the other day but I haven't started really reading it yet, I want to re-read the first two volumes again.

But yeah, not only is it a sourcebook but you have to do a lot of research just to get some of the deeper references, like who Big Brother REALLY is and why it's so funny Moore used that character.

But I giggled a little when Mina mentioned that Bond didn't bat an eye at a female character named Oodles O'Quimm, as if he's encountered someone with such a weird name before .

Vol. 2 actually left me rather cold.

Me too. Seemed to lack substance compared to the first volume.

Haven't read Black Dossier yet.

Yeah, for the most part it just seemed weird and almost heartless. Plus, and I haven't read 20,000 Leagues yet so it might be from there, but why does Nemo get so damn pissed about the bio weapons, seeing as it was the only legitimate way to stop the Tripods?

Also, for the love of god Alan Moore, get off whatever drug you are doing and stop drawing sex scenes.

Well, one, he doesn't draw them and two, no. Go read Lost Girls instead.

I'm kinda on the fence with Lost Girls . I've heard from some people that Moore is basically insane now, and I am not sure I want to see the pornographic version of Dorothy's past.

I will look into League of Extraordinary Gentlemen though. Could definitely go well.

It's a bit more psycho-sexual than just that though. All looking at how the stories are shaped by young girl's sexual awakenings and such.

I mean, yeah, there is hell of just out-and-out porno fucking going on, but it does have a point to it and the characters are actually thought out and such.

I would call it decidedly less insane than latter-period Heinlein's sex obsessed writings. Of course, his frequent divergences into incest and paedophilia there were... well, kinda creepy really.


I dunno, the Quatermain/Murray sex scenes kind of gave me a chubby. Perverse, yeah, a bit, but still.


Ok first impressions... I wish the invisible man's powers were more clearly defined. You'd think in a city as grimy as late 19th century London, he would end up covered in dirt, and it's impressive how easily paint washes off him. It's all very well to say he imbued his body with the refractive/reflective properties of air, but how does he stop stuff from sticking to him? And does that apply to sweat or other excretions?

The Invisible Man's powers are that he defies all laws, both man made an natural.

Hence raping Pollyanna.

It's not rape if she enjoys it. And she will enjoy it. There is no other way.

I think his excretions are invisible until death, as evidenced in the second volume.

Ok I'm just going to spoil this one for you guys: At the end of the second volume half the league is dead or angry.

Or, in the case of Miss Harker, both.


Haven't read Dracula yet, so she's a vampire I'm guessing?


If you were a vampire, wouldn't you make up a bunch of ridiculous stuff that "kills you"? I know if I was some kind of crazy invulnerable monster I would. Just for fun. "Oh yeah if you can get a 7 legged dog, paint it blue... that's what kills me."

I think Dracula didn't do the venom properly so she's only part vampire but don't quote me on that.

Most of the methods of killing vmapries simply involve decapitation, destruction of the heart (both filled with plenty of symbolism as well as a pretty good way to be sure most things are dead), and many things that are common symbols of purity, e.g. sunlight, running water, silver, garlic, fire, and holy water. Not being capture in a mirror speaks to the idea that they are supposedly without a soul.

This is all really basic sort of stuff and pretty typical of most folklore. The vampire is a creature of evil that preys on the essence of the living to sustain itself. The symbolism is almost as strong as werewolves which are basically just a huge metaphor about "the uncontrollable beast inside" matched up with the idea of "full moon madness".

Yeah, it might be something like that, because I thought in the first book they were trying to imply she was a vampire, but she was out in the sun alot.

Nah... when you go to that level (as much as we often desire to do so) you end up making rules that will then inhibit future storytelling. You have to find clever ways to explain it away with nonsense and such and you have fanboys like me buying the TNG Tech Manual and talking about how they failed to follow proper procedure for a core breach (i.e. eject the core into space) in Generations .

Defining powers rigidly almost always gets you into trouble eventually.

Just remember, up the bum and no babies, ay?

Your lack of interest in boning screeching, one-eyed harpies is only a further sign of your collaboration in The Oppression of Bitches.

I imagine that, if stereo was a dude stereo would be all about boning harpies.

Now you have to go read the complete archives of Garfield and Marmaduke. Sorry, them's the rules. We all had to do it, too, when we got to the present.

Go read the complete archive of Family Circus and if you come back sane you are allowed to stay.

Ya but you gotta read it all in a weird round-about order like when Billy goes home.

Fun fact: none of us are actually allowed to stay here (but we do anyway).


here. some comic relief. 'cuz everyone likes monkeys...




Rough chuckles, lads! Rough chuckles!

I'll see your lame and raise you:

There are kids around!

Well, kid.

Well, SJE.


Do you want to get me grounded?

And people at work. Not that I think you should care.


'tony's got hot nuts' is the most underrated track on that album, easily

The sad thing is that the track listing is at this point indistinguishable from that of any contemporary rap/hip-hop album.

Also, that girl's relationship with her daddy.

"Ladie's Still Got The Bag On"

I'd try to think up a clever quip, but there's just no more amazing song title for an album like this.

I think it says "Sadie's"

I think it says "the rag on".

Those are my favorite type of tits.

How dare you look at a picture of tits! NOW YOU'RE RUINED FOREVER!

K-k-kan I go on the Ferris Wheel Grand Dragon, p-p-p-please?

This sounds like something Todd would say.

Got up today, clicked on this newfangled RSS feed thing I just got, saw the latest comic was "Christmas 1981," and I chuckled the way I do when I'm annoyed and whispered " ohh, you son of a bitch. "

I was heard to sigh and say "C'mon, Chris....damn it...." at least four times last night.

Now going on 10 days without achewood....I feel like I need water. Here is our OverComic tribute...just to pass time...


The Creator promised a noon Pacific strip, so I'm lurking.

There must be at least 300,000 better ways to pass the time than that.

Nothing personal.

He did them already,

Sure did.

Jeezus frikkin christ---his mom left him unattended at the laundromat ?!?!? I foresee many hours of painful psychotherapy in his sad,twisted little future.

Woah - you got some reading to do. Those were the good times.

Here's Onstad's description of his real-life experience the day before this strip was posted, from an interview VICE . I know I posted this quote on a later strip, but I thought it would be most appropriate to have it here.

This last Christmas my family and I were in the middle of moving out of Silicon Valley, and our dryer broke. We had to hit a laundromat on the 23rd of December, with our little three-year-old girl, in this wealthy town where we lived. Our life was in a big state of flux and uncertainty, and I was hugely depressed, and it was a %u201Cthere but for the grace of God go I%u201D moment. All my daughter wanted to do was dance and look at herself in the big reflective front windows on the darkened street, and I felt like an utter failure as a father, standing there among the machines, even though this beautiful child saw nothing other than the big expanse of white tiles where she could dance in her new red shoes.

My heart. It is warmed.

good non post