+26 -0
Twice as horny as hell?
That's damn horny. Especially if it's a pun about the devil.
Twice as horny as hell?
That's damn horny. Especially if it's a pun about the devil.
+14 -0
J-Boy has a nakedness to horniness ratio of 1:2
J-Boy has a nakedness to horniness ratio of 1:2
+0 -0
Damn my zines had better arrive tomorrow
Damn my zines had better arrive tomorrow
+0 -0
A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Hipjiverobot, sharksarecoming, Njury, Creepwood)
A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Hipjiverobot, sharksarecoming, Njury, Creepwood)
+0 -0
A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, orvel, aquamuffin, mustconcentrate, goodgravy)
A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, orvel, aquamuffin, mustconcentrate, goodgravy)
+18 -2
I think it's obvious from reading this that you have never been stoned.
I think it's obvious from reading this that you have never been stoned.
+0 -1
I think it's obvious that you never met me at 23.
I think it's obvious that you never met me at 23.
+2 -0
Ed Haskell is Roast Beef's penname, so...
Ed Haskell is Roast Beef's penname, so...
+0 -0
beef obviously models j-boy after ray. but, he gives him the last name Handler, which is very close to Haskell.
beef obviously models j-boy after ray. but, he gives him the last name Handler, which is very close to Haskell.
+2 -0
Eddie Haskell. Leave it to Beaver.
Eddie Haskell. Leave it to Beaver.
+21 -0
J-Boy got no sense of eggs.
J-Boy got no sense of eggs.
+3 -0
That is some crazy clip art! I wish I had it on my Microsoft Word.
That is some crazy clip art! I wish I had it on my Microsoft Word.
+1 -0
Naked as hell, which is more than just really naked.
Naked as hell, which is more than just really naked.
+1 -1
Even more than being SO naked?
Even more than being SO naked?
+8 -0
Yet not quite as a naked as nudest you are ever being.
Yet not quite as a naked as nudest you are ever being.
+1 -2
Until you are SO nude.
Until you are SO nude.
+2 -0
"nudest you are ever being?"
I'll swap you this "k" for that "g". Seriously.
"nudest you are ever being?"
I'll swap you this "k" for that "g". Seriously.
+0 -0
You must really need that "g".
You must really need that "g".
+0 -0
Only way I can get nude anymore.
Showers are an effort.
Only way I can get nude anymore.
Showers are an effort.
+1 -0
this seems like it would have been really fun to write.
this seems like it would have been really fun to write.
+3 -0
Love the R. Crumb-style babe in stereo - eo - eo
Love the R. Crumb-style babe in stereo - eo - eo
+1 -0
I hope the first page is what Roast Beef wishes his life was like and the second page is what it really is. J-Boy and Maria aren't too far off from R. Beef and Molly.
I hope the first page is what Roast Beef wishes his life was like and the second page is what it really is. J-Boy and Maria aren't too far off from R. Beef and Molly.
+0 -0
Roast Beef wishes he was an ass man
Roast Beef wishes he was an ass man
+3 -0
This reminded me to read my grandmothers novel.
This reminded me to read my grandmothers novel.
+1 -0
Brilliant - including the use of crappy clip-art at the end. Only thing missing is that one or the other should be squished disproportionately to an extreme.
Brilliant - including the use of crappy clip-art at the end. Only thing missing is that one or the other should be squished disproportionately to an extreme.
+1 -0
HINT - "Naked as hell and twice as horny" does not work as sexy-speak on the ladies.
HINT - "Naked as hell and twice as horny" does not work as sexy-speak on the ladies.
+1 -0
I'm suprised no one mentioned "insane with ass". Anybody know what Miami claps are?
I'm suprised no one mentioned "insane with ass". Anybody know what Miami claps are?
+5 -0
Allow me to hazard a guess that a Miami clap is where the lady repeatedly jiggle-bounces her buttocks such that the two buttocks strike each other and make a clapping noise.
awww yeah.
Allow me to hazard a guess that a Miami clap is where the lady repeatedly jiggle-bounces her buttocks such that the two buttocks strike each other and make a clapping noise.
awww yeah.
+0 -0
A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, orvel, Vondicus, UndyingSong)
A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, orvel, Vondicus, UndyingSong)
+1 -1
I saw Radiohead in West Palm Beach, about an hour north of Miami. Thom Yorke said, "We were just at Miami Beach. I've never been so proud to be pale, white, and English."
In other words, yes. The worst thing ever.
I saw Radiohead in West Palm Beach, about an hour north of Miami. Thom Yorke said, "We were just at Miami Beach. I've never been so proud to be pale, white, and English."
In other words, yes. The worst thing ever.
+0 -0
Yeah, and the "Miami" part is probably from thong bikini bottoms along Southe Beach, the buns slapping together as the wimmin they walks on by.
Yeah, and the "Miami" part is probably from thong bikini bottoms along Southe Beach, the buns slapping together as the wimmin they walks on by.
+0 -0
For energy. For fun.
For energy. For fun.
+0 -0
dang seriously there are people on Earth who've not heard of making that ass clap? I don't know if that is good or bad.
dang seriously there are people on Earth who've not heard of making that ass clap? I don't know if that is good or bad.
+0 -0
I am addicted to girls who are insane with ass.
I am addicted to girls who are insane with ass.
+0 -0
Wasn't this the opening scene in Death Proof?
Wasn't this the opening scene in Death Proof?
+0 -0
J-Boy Handler. So wrong. So right.
J-Boy Handler. So wrong. So right.
+0 -0
insane with ass is my all time favorite description of a woman ever
insane with ass is my all time favorite description of a woman ever
+0 -0
dammit, I'm at work! thank goodness the text is in image format...
dammit, I'm at work! thank goodness the text is in image format...
+0 -0
i sometimes add 'for energy, for fun' at the end of things i say.
thanks, Ed E. Haskell.
i sometimes add 'for energy, for fun' at the end of things i say.
thanks, Ed E. Haskell.
+0 -0
+0 -0
This is the sexiest story about two people unable to perceive the passage of time I have ever read.
This is the sexiest story about two people unable to perceive the passage of time I have ever read.
How can you read something like that and not feel dirty? Wait till the PTA sees this!